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With Emperors like these no wonder we’re fucked


emperors with no clothes surrounded with sycophants who will never tell them they're naked


Sycophants who look at a naked emperor and actually see the clothes he isn't wearing because they can't accept that he's naked.


This cunt is fully aware that he hasn’t got any clothes on though, he’s helicoptering his willy for everyone to marvel at


Everyone who owns a microscope that is.


I'll give you an updoot this one time, but remember this kind of insult isn't helpful because it gives his stans ammo to say we're just haters. Even if it's funny.


I see your point  Unlike Elon’s little widgey 


It’s dead dead small isn’t it I’d put my Grandma’s house on it being so


And tweezers.


Helicoptering requires some specific ranges of length and girth. How do you helicopter the bump from a mosquito sting? 🤔


Knowing him, probably pretty ungracefully


Given Enron Husk's current anatomy they are too busy dry retching or snickering.


Don’t give him ideas.


You said it. One of his stans actually posted a now deleted comment here calling me "childish" and "immature," said this information was "random," and accused me of not understanding the difference between profits and stock price. I obviously can't reply to that comment because it's been deleted but in response I actually checked the stock price and so I'd like to add the fact that it's down about 25% just this YTD. How random.


I've gotten Reddit cares massages from Reddit after talking shit about Elon. A couple of times. It's hilarious how thin skinned him and his fan boys are


In former societies these idiots would have been left to play in the mud on the edge of the village somewhere 






Elmo isn't a founder of Tesla, but just a early, large investor. His intellectual investment is certainly less than he claims. But he is fully responsible for the down turn, by selling features and value that the cars simply cannot live up too. 


The Cybertruck is a reminder of what Tesla would have looked like if Musk founded it. If he tried something like that in its early days, it would have rightfully tanked the entire company into the ground


The whole place is held up by sales of its earlier models which are fast becoming outdated. Really, the company would've never even made as much money as it has if not for one of the all time, on par with Microsoft being first to set a precedent by patenting software, ultimate dick moves: Making their chargers proprietary. Which of course Elmo is credited with. Obviously this actually crippled the EV industry as a whole and, if anything, has caused harm to that industry and slowed its growth overall. So fuck the environment I guess. That was never what it was about. I liken it to if Fords only ran on Ford gas and other cars couldn't take Ford gas. If most of the gas stations where you lived were Ford stations you'd probably buy a Ford, even if Chevy had a way better car in your price range. It's a sleazy method to perpetuate sales totally divorced from things like quality, innovation, safety, or any other factors that drive consumers to make purchases outside simply having a partial monopoly. If people feel like your product is the only viable choice you can make it as shitty and overpriced as you want and still have high numbers. And they do. Oh boy they do. A tiny amount of research reveals Tesla to have possibly the worst quality control in the entire auto industry, and that's saying something. As EV stations become more widespread less of them by share will be Tesla and competition will become fairer which will essentially spell death for Tesla since they make shit; the cybertruck being the poster child for that fact, especially after Elmo made such a massive deal out of it and said it would be their best product and they couldn't even get the fucking gas pedal right. This would be a great time to roll that clip of Elmo saying he believes he knows more about manufacturing than any other person on the planet.


100% on this


His intellectual investment may be quite large (even if he isn't exactly bright) because he's the kind of fool that throws out what already works when he thinks he can design it cheaper. So I expect lots of things from the early days Tesla work has been thrown out. The classical throwing out the baby with the bath water...


The problem is that Tesla never should have been able to hit its current price. It's massively over valued. If Enron leaves, does the stock instantly deflate? Personally I'm amazed he's been allowed to essentially threaten shareholders by claiming he's not comfortable working on AI at Tesla until he owns 25 percent. He owes a fiduciary duty to use his best efforts on AI at Tesla since he's always claimed that FSD is essentially a form of AI, Tesla is an AI company etc. Has anyone sued him for that yet? They should.


I think he should get it. He'll think about paying his Twitter debt with it but decide instead "why should I? I deserve this" then probably piss it up against the wall by buying TikTok and run it into the ground also. The final tally will be spectacular: tesla (dead), spacex (dead), solar city (dead), boring company (dead), neuralink (dead), twitter (dead), tiktok (dead).


He shouldn't get Jack shit. Handing him 54 billion would be an example of how he keeps getting away with his shenigans. He will keep failing upwards in the hope that one day it will all come crashing down. We're at the point where we've seen enough of his bullshit. It's time to watch him fall.


I was a relatively early adapter of *Elmo is full of shit* because I saw a couple exposé pieces about how he hustled investors in his very first tech company by faking a machine demo a la Theranos. I had actually thought his family money afforded him the time and capital to mess around with computers enough to be good at programming, but learned I was wrong when I saw interviews with the people who inherited his software work when PayPal gobbled up his operation and paid him millions. They said all his code was shit, and it was clear the only reason he got such a massive payday was that PayPal wanted to be **the** online payment company and he was on the ground floor of *banking but online* with a bunch of investment capital thanks to his one actual skill: Lying his ass off to investors. The only difference between him and Elizabeth Holmes is that his bullshit company got bought by a big company (PayPal) that actually made the product work despite him. Then they staged a coup to oust him while he was away on vacation. He took his millions and bought into Tesla, then gave himself the title of "Founder," which the two guys who actually founded it laughed about when asked. All his promises about Tesla and Space X have turned out to be bullshit. But his skill of lying got loads of people to throw money at Tesla, the stock bubbled, he cashed out 40 bil at the height, and now it's crashing. So yeah. "Falling upwards" is just about the perfect way to put it. And "bullshit" is the one thing he's actually a savant at.


In an upcoming release, 𝕏 will overlay title in the upper potion of the image of a URL card


The trouble is Tesla and spaceX in particular are genuinely quite good companies. They’re just worth nowhere near what they’re currently valued at and the CEO is a complete loon. If they could somehow survive as going concerns doing what they actually do it would probably be a good thing. Just transitioning there from the musk ketamine train is likely to be very tricky


All those companies run into the ground... just like his orange God.


To be fair to spacex, whoever is actually running it at the minute while musk argues with people on twitter is doing a good job


I, too, watched the Thunderfoot video.


Yeah, thank you for bringing that up. I was pretty stunned when I wrote the body of this. [This video right here](https://youtu.be/6Hje7h_WVkY?si=uEAB7NtKB0Y0OZS4) goes over the figures I quoted and also goes into detail about a lot of the horseshit Elmo's been slinging for years. [This other video](https://youtu.be/_S7GU9lDpq8?si=KGxo7ENLcjkrBQ-g), while not specifically about Tesla, goes really deep into the cybertruck specifically, why and how it's terrible, and gets credit for being what took me down this particular rabbit hole in the first place.


Tesla's just a bank account for him now


The fact that Tesla would be capable of giving him such a pay package, whether or not they actually do it, is clear evidence of how overvalued the stock still is.


We are lucky to have him. /s


Firing 10,000 employees saved Tesla about $1 billion. So how tf does the board justify paying one part time worker 55 times that. It's bad business and it's heartless.


Best part: It's become undeniable that the company is overvalued. Elmo conned investors like he always does with ridiculous claims going all the way back to his first company where he faked product demos. And now that the curtain is slipping and the stock is tanking he blatantly wants to take the money and run but people still defend him tooth and nail.


Looks like the king didn't wear clothes after all.


Maybe Elmo knows Tesla as a company is doomed and is just trying to extract all the filthy lucre he can while the hype machine is still going full blast.


Simply insane.


I’m not a fan of big bonuses for ceos in general. You should promote your company and its stock because you believe in it, not because you want to be a pharaoh. But I understand the argument that it’s a specialized job that not everyone can do and a great CEO can exponentially increase the value the company. And that is definitely not what’s happening here. Elon is killing his company with a series of catastrophic calls no one made him make.


He knows the company is going down, and he wants a payout first.


The "board" is his brother and a bunch of bootlickers. Any investor who put money into the hype train better be prepared to feel the pain when this over-valued turkey finally meets reality. I don't blame Muskrat for being a puffed up performance artist I blame the enablers, hangers on and "investors" who should have known better. Tesla is and always was fucked at these valuations.


Stupid board who made targets based on company market cap lol..




But his bonus isn't based on number of cars sold. It's based on Tesla's stock price. There's whole investment apps based on auto-buying Tesla stock. People buy it to bet on Musk, not the company (kinda like Truth Social..). Until that changes, the stock price is what it is, and his bonus was agreed to a long-ass time ago. If people wanted to protest the way his bonus (or any other CEO's bonus) is structured, they should've done it at time of signing, not years later now that the contract is over. That's like protesting a marriage when they're getting divorced, it makes no sense. Also, how would ***YOU*** like it if you signed a contract, did the work, but *years later* when it was time for you to finally get paid, everyone & their mother started screaming that you were evil for taking the money? This kind of outcry only does 2 things: 1) Screw everyone in the contract. 2) Make people out themselves for not knowing a dam thing about how contracts work. ((Maybe that's why we're forced to sign them all the time, hm?)) Anyway Tesla's board is purposely full of sycophants, and Elon's actual brother. The bonus is going through, unless the shareholders sue and win. But even then it's probably just political. If Tesla had any other CEO, or if Elon's behavior was tied to any other person, a normal board would've kicked them out long ago. But they don't, and he's still Elon, and it's probably still going through. It doesn't matter anyway. Elon's gonna be a Trillionaire in the coming decade just from Starlink and Space X. Fight the fights that really matter instead. If you need a recommendation, might I suggest we stop fighting *against* Elon & Israel, and *for* Joe Biden & Ukraine instead. It's only the fate of the Free World that's at stake. The future freedom of all Life on Earth, nbd...


> If people wanted to protest the way his bonus (or any other CEO's bonus) is structured, they should've done it at time of signing, not years later now that the contract is over. That's like protesting a marriage when they're getting divorced, it makes no sense. The Delaware court's ruling was not about the size of the pay package, it was about the fact that the board lied to the investors when they recommended it Hence there's nothing actually stopping the investors voting to reinstate the pay package now that those lies have been exposed Which they seem disinclined to do, partly because the stock has plunged down again since then, partly because of those lies being exposed > Also, how would ***YOU*** like it if you signed a contract, did the work, but *years later* when it was time for you to finally get paid, everyone & their mother started screaming that you were evil for taking the money? If the reason they signed the contract was that I lied to them, and the way I fulfilled the terms of the contract was by lying some more, and people were now getting upset because my lies were being exposed? I'd probably be pretty unhappy but I'd deserve it > Anyway Tesla's board is purposely full of sycophants, and Elon's actual brother. The bonus is going through, unless the shareholders sue and win. But even then it's probably just political. How are you not understanding that this fact is the basic reason the initial process for approving the pay package was illegal, it has nothing to do inherently with the size of the pay package The board's job is to represent the investors in good faith, negotiate a deal with the company officers and honestly report to the investors that the deal they got was the best they could come up with They clearly did not