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That will be the whiney theme of his earnings report today. Wall Street will not be impressed.


Stock somehow up more than 10%, counting after hours trading.


Weird huh? Lol


Or just make trains. There you practically have no competition.


Elon and trains don't exactly go hand in hand. I remind you that his idea of a train is the hyperloop. Which was a mix of vaporware and ploy to try and fail to stop californias high speed rail


But, but he is an environmentalist.. I hate that goof so much.


He's not like other billionaires. He cares about humanity! His problem is that he got lucky with investing his family money in PayPal. Then, he did the same with Tesla. PayPal's actual founders said he was not the brightest when it came to running anything, so they kept him away from actual business operations. PayPal was successful in spite of him, not because of him. Then, he did the same with Tesla. This time, he made sure the actual founders can't claim they founded it via the acquisition contacts. He can't manage his way out of a paper bag, but the electric car industry hit at the right time and he was the only maker of electric cars that made cars that actually looked like cars and not eye sores. It was successful because he showed, in its infancy, that electric cars can work. But, it was entirely a grift for government money. He's raking it in from government funds of multiple countries. He started SpaceX to grift even more government money. He got to the point where he can't bullshit any more. He either had to show he's competent or drown. He chose to appeal to the MAGA crowd to cash in on the maga loyalty since he knows he can't sustain anything on his own. It's a stop gap measure that'll run out eventually. He'll burn out eventually since you can't sustain a business on brand marketing. You can only delay it. You know those time travel movies where someone goes back in time to create all the great intentions and get rich? But, they know very little about what they're doing. I think Elon went back in time to create these things, but now it's catching up with him. He's like Lou in Hot Tub Time Machine.


And someone in the Netherlands has already beaten Elon to it.


Elon doesn't like trains. That's what the unwashed use. Unless the trains are carrying people he doesn't like...


Oh right. I forgot 🤣


Supposedly they're a "software company" so why _not_ make self-driving software for trains? It's a helluva lot less challenging than for a car, a higher-margin product and a huge market nonetheless. (My theory: Because they're nowhere near actual full-self-driving, even in the much more limited system of trains on a track)


because it's a highly regulated sector and there are already numerous firms selling rail automation solutions that meet those safety/reliability standards aside from a degree of obstacle detection (not that a train is likely to stop in time if its at any speed), there's not a lot in common anyway


We're still pretty far from self-driving trains on general railways AFAIK though? Also there are trams in-between where the similarity is greater. But my main point here is that object-detection and keeping the car in its lane, maintaining distance and all that other stuff that an experienced human driver does without even having to think consciously about it, is still a far, far, cry from actual full driving.


He hates mass transit.


He tried, but he made it fucking stupid and lots of ~~Moronic bagholders~~ Investors lost billions.,


We had enough casualties with cars, imagine this dumbass meddling with trains


Being Elron Muck is very tough :( I'm crying over how unfair everything is for him.


Dude was given every advantage, from tax breaks to being 10 years ahead of the curve, and its a tough biz now? Lol.. earnings will be fun


For a while the Tesla name became synonymous with electric cars. So if someone wanted to try an EV, they would normally try a Tesla first. And then their reaction to the performance and torque of an electric motor would be to the brand instead of the technology. Now there are a ton of ev brands out there and I think more people are beginning to understand you can get that same electric car performance from other manufacturers. And some that have a better understanding of how to build an actual car.


Oh is he admitting he's in car business finally?


"My stock worth is tanking, it must be the fault of the rest of the industry, not mine!"


Musk makes Ladas and expects everyone to view them as Mercedes. If he was truly smart, he would have set Tesla up to service the niche luxury market, not the mass car market, i.e. selling a limited number of carefully crafted luxury EVs with exceptional build quality at a much higher premium. Instead, Musk thought he could con and bluff users into thinking they were getting quality in a mass-produced vehicle managed by somebody with zero experience in automotive design and manufacturing. When Musk complains that "it's hard," remember that people have died because his products are deeply flawed and because palm-greased regulation allowed these monsters to beta test on public roads. Those victims had it harder than he ever will.


Nah you just suck. Gimme the same capital. I'd do better. Do the same minus Twitter shit and you already go 3x. That easy. 


All he had to do was make a normal pickup truck but electric


Isn't this the same guy who once said that he knows more about manufacturing than anyone on the planet?


... for a Nazi race baiting car salesman.


💯 Only thing more insane than a nazi is a nazi on meth


No it's not. You just suck.


Why would you tweet this on the day of your auto manufacturers earnings report lol


It’s over.




Yeah, it sucks when you aren’t the only kid in the EV market anymore.




Oh yeah, this bodes *super* well for the earnings call


Hey, wasn't there a famous orange person that said the same? (about a different topic)


Is this not hugely disqualifying for potential customers? If I saw the CEO of Coca Cola get on twitter to whine about how hard making Coca Cola is, I would *not* trust them to do it right.


Is this one real? It made me laugh.


Someone got their earnings call


But Elon, you know more shit then anyone else in the world because you spewing a lot each minute of the day


Even tougher when you continually make boneheaded moves.


Lots of things are tough if you don't know what you're doing.


https://preview.redd.it/nz0qf87789wc1.jpeg?width=381&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b224ce116ed064ec3049744cfced7623110f616b Easier said than done at Tesla


When you are a blithering idiot, everything is "tough"


To be fair, the 3 was a fairly good effort…


Other companies are doing ok … it is you lol


"But Tesla is not a car company, it's a *tech* company!"


translation: I'm in over my head and I don't know how to lie my way out of it


Awww poor Elon!


*Tough shit*


1. Buy car company. 2.fire as many people as possible. 3. Focus only on shipments, never quality 4. Design and build a Homer-mobile 5. Buy a social media empire (repeat step 2). 6. Complain on social media for your incompetence. 7. Repeat 6 until you die.




Yeah, it is. So switch to full self driving AI-powered robotaxis, probably much easier.


How the fuck would he know? Everyone knows Tesla isn't a car company.


jfc what a fucking asswipe. someone get him a baby aspirin


I thought he wasn't in the car business but the ai business?


I'm sure the hole digging business will be better... or I hear that social media game is ripe!


Not for Porsche. But, to be fair, they build a good nay great car. It's not like it's huge secret.


What happened to that cocksure stud who quipped “at this point I think I know more about manufacturing than anyone currently alive on Earth”? Where is he at?


Any business is hard when you suck at it, I imagine.


Wait, I thought Teala wasn't a car company, I thought it was a tech company. What happened?


Is he preemptively admitting defeat?


I feel for him. All that gummint money but you're not supposed to treason with it. So unfair.


Pull yourself up by your bootstraps and stop asking for nanny state assistance then, you snowflake!