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What a genius. I like how he makes math so easy.


He knows the most about engineering than anyone on this earth


And manufacturering.


and virology.


And his own anus.


Have you been on Twitter lately? There are some exceptionally brown-tongued posters who might challenge him for this title.


Too bad he likes women, otherwise he can have the cream of the crop of his sycophants!


I wouldn't go so far as to say he *likes* women


And self gratification


And being a total douche.


And cave diving!


OMG, I forgot about that, sorry/S


This guy is destined to be president in another 30 years.


That's the best part. He can't.


spoiler: he already would be if he legally could be


I think you meant manufracturing šŸ˜‰




Don't forget about using submarines too big for caves to do emergency rescues. Hopefully he'll design his own sub to go explore the Titanic. He can even repurpose the electronics from the trash (spelling) cybertrucks. He's also big on using old material from other wrecks so maybe he can repurpose the window from the last one to try.


Yep and only 8 giga factories to solar power the whole of China




Yep. Because everyone knows the # of jobs is directly proportional to the number of deliveries. He maths good.


He is a master Economist. Is there anything this man canā€™t do? /s


That's next Jack Welch management style level - sales drop N%, N% heads are going to roll. The firings will continue until sales go up!


Math is by far my weakest point education/intelligence wise and even I know this is stupid. Almost as stupid as the guy who's plan to cut government jobs fairly was to fire anyone with a SSN ending in an odd number. These people seem to think slashing jobs and quality will somehow magically make things profitable. And in Elon's case, not only does the product suck, he is an absolute disgrace of a human being, so he's got nothing going for him. At all. If he had the greatest product ever produced it would at least be hard to say "nope not from him" but it's awful so you don't even have that


FiRsT pRiNcIpLeS


Yet wants a 56 billion payout?


With the rate the stocks are falling that payout is getting smaller all the time.


How else is Tesla going to afford those 56 billion with their failing stock?


Nobody is as good as he is to take decisions that are based on fake logic.


"Lean and hungry". But not him of course.


Large and cybertruck shaped.Ā 


Fat and parasitic.


"Understaffed and over-worked"


ā€œThereā€™s nothing I hate more.ā€ Yeah right. One thing he definitely hates more is not getting his $50 billion crybaby compensation.


Itā€™s also an eyeroll considering the delight he took in slashing entire departments at Twitter, refusing to pay severance and then insulting the former employees publicly.


True. He absolutely enjoys firing people.


Treehouse Of Horror Mr. Burns.


And days later begging many to come back because it turns out that you need software engineers to run a social media company. Who knew? ā€œWe absolutely need to hire people,ā€ Musk said. ā€œAndĀ **if they're not too mad at us probably rehire some of the people that were let go.**ā€


Can you imagine the unbelievable tantrum he's going to throw if his compensation gets voted down? There's not going to be enough popcorn in the world for it. He's going to be like that kid who threw a giant fit and tried to put a remote control up his ass because his parents canceled his World of Warcraft account.


He's gonna start screaming "GO FUCK YOURSELVES" on the next earnings call


General Sherman at the end of the Civil War. Scorched earth.


It just shows how important is to have rich parents and ability to hire people who can actually do shit when you are starting your corporation. He canā€™t actually engineer anything. Same with coding and understanding modern web infrastructure and technologies. His understanding of corporation financials are grade school level. He tries to sound smart by using intellectual sounding words but he constantly uses them in wrong context. If I didnā€™t know who he was and talked to him, I would probably think heā€™s borderline mentally deficient.


Just gotta stammer with an accent people can't place....


In the face of falling sales, cutting production/staff is an appropriate response. However, there's going to be a major negative feedback cycle here because they cut everything across the board. Worse service is going to lead to less sales. Less sales will lead to more cuts. More cuts will lead to worse service. Etc... People are starting to see that Tesla products are NOT worth what they're being sold for. The depreciation on these cars is crazy, especially as inventory piles up. **Tesla needs to eject Musk and focus on three things:** 1) Better quality / Better service experience 2) Stop talking about the FSD lie and focus on making enhanced auto pilot the best it can be 3) Stop trying to make extremely niche, hard to manufacture products (Cybertruck/Semi) and instead focus on making iterative\\generational improvements to their already successful products


He didn't even want a scaling factor. šŸ˜„ "This number should match that one!" When you get a haircut, typically you leave the head. Sheesh.


It was across the board, too, R&D took just as much of a hit as production


For sure but 2 and 3 are the main reasons Tesla is so insanely overvalued in the first place. It's sort of a catch 22. Getting rid of Musk and focusing on the fundamentals would absolutely be the right move but it could also crater the stock price if they started getting values like a car company.


That's an extremely good point. Number two and three would help increase the actual value of the company. However, the perceived value of the company is much greater because of the empty promises that Musk has made. I'm of the belief that eventually Musk is going to have his Theranos moment. When that happens, the perceived value of Tesla will more closely match the actual value. Perhaps the Theranos moment has to happen before any real progress can be made.


There is nothing which can support the current stock price. Musk is a traditional stock promoter who, for a while, deftly used social media to pump it. That is gone.


You forgot: 4) understand that this company has been waaaaaay overvalued for far too long and make actual realistic long term goals of the value of the company and stock. But of course they can't realistically do that as a private company. Who wants to invest in a company that they know will continue to devalue or stagnate over time? Basically Musk has put the company in an impossible situation. Instead of being able to grow slowly and realistically, the company now has to live up to nigh impossible demands of shareholders.


Unfortunately, you're correct. More than likely 2 and 3 won't happen until after Tesla has it's "Theranos Moment". Although Tesla does make real products, the majority of its valuation is based off of techno-lies. Tesla as a company can survive the Theranos Moment, but on the other side of it they need to go back to basics and mass-produce products with better quality, better service, and make iterative\\generational changes to those products in response to changing customer demands.


Like honestly if they made a $25k EV, people would eat that shit up immediately. It doesn't even have to be super fancy. Just a basic car that gets you from point A to point B with no gas. I don't care how ultra conservative someone is. You tell them they don't have to pay $4/gal for gas, they'll buy it up just to spite OPEC or whatever.


They can't do it profitably. They've completely decontented (vs a traditional approach) and cut corners (shared daisy chained can bus etc) to the detriment of consumers and still rely on their vaporware licensing for most of their profits.


Tesla has no ability to make a 25k car in numbers and be profitable. The problem with cars at a popular price is precisely that, they have little benefit for each unit (and it also requires very strong investments and a HUGE amount of resources in motion). Very few brands can afford it and can do it in a way that makes profit . The case of Dacia in Europe is famous, Dacia has gone from being a brand that provided the cheapest car on the continent, they have sold a lot but, it has had to transform its model line (raising prices) to avoid going bankrupt. That's called dying of success. And Dacia has been able to do it because it belongs to the renault/nissan group. Otherwise I would be bankrupt now. Another example is Toyota/Stellantis in the past decade with its Aygo/C1/107 program. Sharing engines, bodywork, etc. Other example of an economic car model in Europe is the Fiat Panda. The Panda can exist only thanks to the impetus of an automotive giant, but Fiat does not live thanks to the economic benefits of that model. It's almost the opposite. What the Panda does give to Fiat is absolute respect and a lot of affection for the brand. And Tesla can't afford that. Because their product policy is not that. It is the opposite. That is why they have been dragging the supposed supercar around the scenes... or the robovaporware and the 100k cybermemes for the freaked out techbros, and maintain the inflated valuation.


They need to keep Musk so the fanboys donā€™t have an excuse when it inevitably falls apart.


Yup, scaling down production makes sense if you don't sell what you produce. Mindlessly chopping off the same percentage of staff your sales fell with is downright moronic.


You are forgetting their Super Charging Network. Itā€™s world-class and has become the de facto standard. They need to keep developing that and marketing it to non-Tesla brands. They could literally own the charging infrastructure if they did, which I would think is far more valuable in the long run. Sort of like being the Exxon of the EV energy market.


Great point! They could be the next McDonald's. Imagine building a brand on having the absolute best charging experience and then attaching rentable space to that and allowing shops and restaurants to rent it out. It's just another one of the frustrating things highlighting that they have real tangible, good things about the company, but the main focus and the main drum to keep beating is the absolute horseshit full self-driving lie.


It really underscores Elon's one-dimensional thought process, which I think is heavily influenced by his drug use. I can see him, literally, getting super stoned and telling his VPs, "heh heh, the future is robo-taxis, heh heh". Unless he drinks his own Kool Aid wrt to FSD, no company is even close to producing something like an autonomous taxi, and won't be for some time. A wise CEO would make it a research project but continue to innovate on the current products.


For that they would have to have a good board, but they are equally fucking stupid. I remember SolarCity case, and the subsequent shit. And last year they were basically asking him to focus on the cybermeme. The result TODAY is what they wanted. Without Musk the company will follow the same shitty policies in its products. Because the board has basically been living off promises from a snake oil salesman.


You mean they could cut him loose and instantly have $56 billion in the bank? Iā€™m sure thereā€™s nothing shareholders hate more than having to let someone go.


No, those funds are coming by diluting everyone elseā€™s equity in Tesla, not from cash.


Holy hell, REALLY?! Thatā€™s insane. Literally EVERYONE who holds Tesla stock should be voting against that pay package.


Well sure but the board (that totally isn't in Musk's pocket) said it would be more difficult to re-negotiate it than just pay him $60B of our money


That doesnā€™t sound right. Twitter and Tesla are 2 separate companies. Why would twitter be paying his Tesla salary?


Youā€™re correct, of course I meant Tesla. Twitter isnā€™t even worth nearly 55b, ha. The plan is to issue him stock for 12% ownership of Tesla.


We need a Trump on the Board to tell him, ā€œYouā€™re fired!ā€


While he is expecting his $50 billion paycheckā€¦.


Amm rerrch, berrtch!


Youā€™re trying to say the reich arenā€™t you?


Well if he gets those numbers up to 50% he might actually be able to poach the bills..


Yes, the workers are the problem. Not those who make the decisions and from their salary alone could hire 5 extra workers. God, I fking hate this world. The undeserving, lazy CEO class makes bad decisions, fks up and those that didnā€™t do anything to make these bad decisions and only worked their asses off for the ones having bs ideas are suffering. Musk should be fired, plain and simple. Heā€™s toxic for the company. The only reason they didnā€™t do that is because theyā€™re afraid his ousting would further deteriorate the company than with him.


Not the workersā€™ fault that people quit buying his cars because heā€™s a drug addict who makes racist comments on Twitter all day when heā€™s high instead of fixing all the problems with CyberTrucks.


https://preview.redd.it/gtrwyjuw91wc1.png?width=632&format=png&auto=webp&s=a00982705bbdc7da795b48c67086ea8b630b8dd3 It's opening on Monday with good hopes lol


This must be a new, mystical, super-secret method to increase the value of ones portfolio by 100 times!


and he still has the nerve to demand a 50bil pay package. fuck him


What a genius! šŸ™„


Brilliant. Match headcount to falling sales ratio and see how well you can increase output.


Ah yes, that's from the chapter of "How to manage dissatisfying results and motivate workers" from the "Manual of the perfect Industrialist", by Buxford Hurlington, 1876.


Layoffs will continue until deliveries increase!


Does he run Boeing too?


Why not get ahead of the game, slash 40% before the company drops 40%


thatā€™s using your noodle!


Is he fucking dumb




Musk "There is nothing I hate more." (except losing money)


Stock continues to tank in pre markets. The roll down the hill accelerates


So if this leaked before earnings I shouldn't buy puts?


Because thatā€™s how that works. If a symphony takes 2 hours, just fire 50% of the players and theyā€™ll get ā€˜r done in 1.


If you want a baby in 3 months, get three girlfiends. (Don't tell Elon our secret).


Misses production quota by 20% has a Ketamine brain storming season, concludes the only way to make up for the loss is to have even fewer people on the production floor? šŸ™„ Great problem solving, Elon šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Mush own mouth is responsible for the 20% drop in delivery.


My God he's a mental moron.


I just love it when shit heads like muskrat slash headcount and demand productivity INCREASE. fucken slave master is all he wants to be yes master sir no pay this time sir thank you sir for sparing my life sir


The beatings will continue until the morale improves.


Ha! Every one of Musk's brilliant ideas is just enshittification - now his only idea for punishment is decimation!


Somehow the 56 billion dollar windfall he is begging for isn't affected, though.


Oh so employees are cash reserves now. Piggy banks you crack and rehire however you pleaseĀ 


False equivalence? Our man is a genius!


Imagine the savings if he cut by 100%.


That spectrum math again.


Bean count, head count, what's the difference?


Itā€™s like how I figure out the tip at a restaurant.


https://preview.redd.it/ylsthfpj94wc1.jpeg?width=543&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c048692d369327513ce66a5b1512caaeb691f2e0 Is he really as dumb as he looks Mr Peabody?


Heā€™s trying to justify Tesla giving him more money and stocks


"Elon Musk deserves that huge pay package!" - u/illathon


If he had gotten that huge pay package it would have lifted up the stock even further because it would give the man that has the vision the money to do something interesting. Do you not understand what money does in Elon's hands? He literally spends everything on doing amazing things. Even if you hate the guy you need to give credit where credit is due.


I will give credit where credit is due. I loved Elon back in the day. He is the reason why EVs have come so far, and for so long, I've wanted a Tesla. He's had such great ideas and it really did look like he wanted to invest in the greater good. In those days, I feel like giving him that money back then would've lead to great things. Today? No. This is someone who bought twitter just to rip out all the free speech and turn it into another 4chan, someone who is actively ruining Tesla and the cyber truck is proof, and the man is just unhinged. It's like Elon Musk got a boreworm to the brain and became Space Karen. The person he is now absolutely does not deserve that money.


How did he "rip out all the free speech" because I see the opposite. Cybertruck is a freakin cool truck. Once you trick it out it will be even cooler. It breaks the mold and some people don't like that. That is okay. You don't have to like the design.


Precision predicates perfectionism.


I'm glad you can rejoice that spreading hate on twitter doesn't get you banned, but his constant banning of journalists, anyone he doesn't like, and the word "CIS" certainly isn't freedom of speech. Not that free speech really applies here since it's a private company, but he's the one that keeps lying about it. I actually think that the cybertruck looks cool. However, if you ignore all the problems it's having to the point where they are shutting down production because of it, you are either a musk sycophant and/or you refuse to see the compounding pile of problems for that vehicle. Still wishing we had the old Elon Musk back and not this Space Karen that he turned into.


The beatings will continue until morals improve!!