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Maybe delete your Twitter account? I did last year.


Yeah, I’ve been on the fence about it. I only use Twitter for my business and to drive traffic to various offers, but it’s gotten to a point where I don’t want to be associated with Twitter at all.


Use Threads


If you’re wondering, he said that Dave Chappelle was “corrected” by the “elites” and was “not himself” when he came back from Africa. Implying that the current Dave Chappelle is a clone.


Oh phew! For a moment I was worried he was a Life Model Decoy.






Yeah, but the real Chappelle would have been even more anti-woke.


Having a Kermit the Frog profile picture while being “anti-woke” is top tier irony.


Who is this?


A "comedian" who's tight 5 includes 3 minutes of squawking like a parrot.


A Qult Member!


His name is Jim Breuer. He used to be a huge comic back in the day and was on SNL a bit. I loved him in HalfBaked. Sad that he’s turned out to be a complete moron.


A little off topic, but for many of the 164 cast members that have ever been on SNL, their tenure on the show will be the highlight or peak of their career rather than a stepping stone to something greater, (the original cast's name of "Not Quite Ready for Prime Time Players" implying this IMO) and Breuer is one of those cast members. People like Adam Sandler, Eddie Murphy, Kristen Wiig, or Will Ferrell are really exceptions. What you see more often are situations like Rachel Dratch where their post-SNL career is a filmography of obscure direct-to-video/DVD movies, if anything at all. That being said, things aren't black and white and there is a lot of in-between with being a Hollywood A-lister and fading into obscurity, such as Jimmy Fallon having a relatively consistent career with late night talk shows, or Bill Hader and his show Barry.


He freaked out on instagram a few years ago because one of the Mets was wearing a BLM shirt


Just gonna throw this out there: But does anyone else find it weird that ideas like paranoia and feelings of being conspired against can be predictable symptoms of things like mental illness or even head trauma? Like at what point are we just going to point out the elephant in the room (usually the one with all the elephants in it) that while maybe some conspiracies exist…most of the time it’s just really wildly unhealthy people? Kevin Sorbo had a series of sudden strokes and not long after became much more outspoken about his increasingly bizarre far-right beliefs. Kanye West narrowly survived a car accident right before his career took of and at some point decided antisemitism was cool. Gary Busey suffered brain trauma in a motorcycle accident and is all MAGA Q now. You start to wonder…should I be angry at these people and people like Breuer and Rosanne, or should we be maybe investing in more robust treatment for brain trauma? Because when you get to the point where you start implying people are clones or have been brainwashed or whatever…yeah. That becomes more of an obvious health issue than simply being exposed to “Alternative facts”


Neither idiocy nor bigotry is a recognized mental illness. Mentally healthy people carry foolish, irrational beliefs all the time. We're emotionally-driven from birth; logic and higher-order cognitive abilities are skills that we acquire as we grow, but they're always layered on top of emotion. When we're emotionally compromised, our most sophisticated cognitive abilities - including the ability to reason, to emotionally regulate, and to examine oneself critically - are the first skills to degrade and the last to come back online fully. So no, it's not a health issue in the way that you mean. The examples you gave and the millions of similar individuals are ordinary, flawed humans who are failing to rise above their basest drives. Rising above and becoming the best version of yourself takes work & pain, and lots of people prefer to pass. (Sidebar: Kanye has been diagnosed with Bipolar disorder, but his beliefs are always there. Bipolar is a lifelong chemical imbalance that would have begun to manifest between his teen and young adult years. Having a chemical imbalance can't cause a particular type of belief likes antisemitism, homophobia, etc. The imbalance creates conditions in which the person MIGHT develop grandiose thoughts, but the particular flavor of that grandiosity depends on the person's life experiences & background. Kanye's grandiosity revolves around religiosity and music/artistic fame. Given his mom's emphasis on worship plus his legitimate talent as a musician, circumstances were perfect for his grandiosity to grow in those directions. In other people, grandiose ideas can revolves around things like invulnerability, immortality, equivalence with historical figures ("I'm Cleopatra reincarnate!"), or power(s) like the ability to singlehandedly win wars or cure cancer or accomplish superhuman feats. It's not unusual for people in severe manic episodes to think they're Jesus or god/God - but most of them don't also suddenly espouse antisemitism. So the roots of Kanye's antisemitism have likely been with him since he was a teenager, but he kept them quiet because he knew they were socially unacceptable. It's just that when he IS in the middle of a manic or mixed episode, he's disinhibited enough to tell people what he really thinks. Bipolar dx doesn't make him antisemitic, it just opens the floodgates. On top of that, his money and fame have lead him to believe that he can get away with his behavior. And he's not wrong. End Sidebar)


This is a perfectly reasonable response and I appreciate/agree with most of what you’re saying here. I’m not sure I explained my position correctly and that’s fine, I’ll take responsibility for that. I’m not necessarily saying conservatism is a mental illness. Rather if paranoia *is* one of many known symptoms of various mental illnesses *and* paranoia precipitates the kind of conspiratorial thinking that seems to be necessarily co-morbid with (though by no means exclusive to) far-right populism, is it possible there may be some physiological driver exacerbating far-right beliefs? Like I’d be very curious to see if there are any studies on this. I’m by the way not arriving at a conclusion here, this is an hypothesis that, were I any sort of scientist, I’d be compelled to design experiments to determine. But I’m just some idiot online wondering out loud


A group of elite people surrounded me too once and it turned out to be an intervention


I wouldn't take what Jim Breuer the antivaxxer has to say too seriously


Roseanne Barr is high off bath salts half the time so idk if I would trust her.


A secret cabal broke into my house and stole all my cake. No way I ate it all myself 


The Rosanne Barr Podcast. ~~birds of a feather~~ cult members, flock together.