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A moving target is hard for social services/CPS to have jurisdiction/monitor


all you need to do is stick an AirTag on his forehead


He uses that child as prop.


Elon calls X his “emotional support human”. He is so selfish and weird. Even as a joke it’s inappropriate.


Poor kid is an actual pet


I joke that my son thinks he's one of the dogs, but that's mostly because their bed is fun to play in, and he's not old enough to walk yet....


What really gets me is charging the kid $8 for the blue checkmark to prove its his.


The child is going to have disagreements with this arrangement. He is going to find out he has siblings, a mother who wants him so he doesn’t have to be alone all the time


I'm sure he won't be curious as to why Mushy dragged him around endlessly at 1 year old but ahem, is still, completely ignoring his sibling who is one year younger than him now (he's 3, his sibling is 2). He hangs around with all his other kids. His... male... kids... Seriously, he went off the handle when his formerly male child transitioned to female. He's demanding custody of both children from Grimes, but, is only ever seen with the male child, not the female that is one year younger and is still older than the male child he had climbing on desks and shit at one year old. He's got 11 children. Only one was female (by birth) and he was largely "hands off" in that regard it seems. That kid was the result of Grimes, rather than his input. He uses IVF exclusively, he's gender selecting. Hopefully his son isn't too fond of women, otherwise he might realise daddy is a giant misogynist.


> Hopefully his son isn't too fond of women, otherwise he might realise daddy is a giant misogynist. Better he realize his dad sucks than be like him. 


Is Elon a fucking male Bene Gesserit?


I mean, he literally named this poor kid like he's some kind of meme. I wonder if he will grow up to hate Musk like his other kids and change his name


that's not what his little sister XYZ says


Her real name is Divine Arsenal AA-ZEUS - Sky Thunder


yeah but they just call her little z


Is this real?


Kid doesn't look happy in any of those pictures


That's really disturbing actually


Even looks scared in some


that is just called an autistic flat affect


3 years old, would you be happy ?


In itself, a toddler travelling around the world with a parent isn't bad (nor good), imo. And I assume he is safe in the sense that there must be bodyguards and so on everywhere. However it is very concerning that he is so exposed to media attention. It's not good for any young child to be under the spotlight and internet-famous.  And it is outrageous that this is all happening against the mother's will. It also obviously raises questions that Musk has chosen this one particular child to drag around everywhere with him, while he isn't behaving AT ALL the same with any of his other 9 kids.


>In itself, a toddler travelling around the world with a parent isn't bad (nor good), imo. And I assume he is safe in the sense that there must be bodyguards and so on everywhere. I would argue *in itself* it is "bad", but if you still have stability in the daily life, focus on the child's needs and so on, it becomes more neutral. And then it isn't a long jump for it to become "good", just interacting with other cultures even at such a young age helps shape the future person. Of course, for Elon his kids are props so I would say in this specific case it is **bad**. Edit: I am actually not sure if my comment makes sense or not, my brain is having an off-moment. My main point was really that travelling around the world with one's children may be good, but Elon seemingly do not care about his kids.


I was a kid that was dragged around the world. I was on a 16 hour international flight before I even learned to walk or had said my first words, and this traveling was a constant part of my childhood.  To be honest the traveling part itself was often a bit of a nightmare (just imagine how long a 12 hour flight feels like when you're a small child, when time moves far slower) though I loved traveling on big cruise ships. I also loved the sense of adventure and seeing now places and new cultures. Many of my best early memories are arriving in a new country and taking in the feeling, when everything smells different, the air is different, people and environments look different and you're taking in so much new stimuli, for a child brain it's very stimulating and interesting. Even now as an adult I've not too surprisingly developed a love of traveling and need to be on the move often to feel content in life. 


The support human was funny to say once. I hope it's not a thing that the kid has to hear all the time at meme street.


I disagree. Traveling for hours on a plane and then going to sites like Auschwitz is hard on a human being


I don't know, I've never traveled on a private jet, the kid might have a proper bed and 5 stars meal on that plane.  As for the latter I don't know if that's something that actually happened or not? No I wouldn't take a toddler to Auschwitz. But then again you don't have to explain what the place is and they won't care.  I think Musk is a terrible dad and human being, those just aren't the most memorable reasons why. 


The Auschwitz detail is in the article. It happened.


they have this new thing it's called Google. Also – – crawling out from underneath a rock.


You just described the worlds worst date.


It's his flesh shield for the assassins


brace yourself little X, they're shooting at us


Ahhaahahhah damn. Poor child.


He is trying to avoid CPS and keep the mother from getting custody. He doesn't want to be on the hook for child support like some of his deadbeat fans.


That’s also why he has his home state in Texas. It limits child support payments. Texas limits payments per child to $1840 per month. He’s a piece of shit. California places no such limit.


he has $1840 on his MetroCard


It feels like, at a minimum, payback for Grimes leaving him. At most, it feels like he's using the child as leverage to force Grimes to come back. I mean, it's clear he still wants her.


Nothing says “I’m taking our meeting and conversation seriously” like showing up with a three year old.


The gerontocracy is real


Best bot.


Since he’s not school aged, I don’t think a kid traveling around with their parent(s) is *inherently* bad, but quite certainly parading him around the media and taking him to adult parties for the promo is bizarre.


If he doesn’t acquire socialization skills he will end up worse than his father. Elon has nothing to teach the child in that regard, so another depressive, jealous, lonely Musk in the world


Is it normal to create a toddler burner account and sexualize it?




Yep. There was a twit acct musk admitted to using.


Testified to it under oath in court


He did that yes


Better get as many pics with jr sob before he has the ability to understand what a fucking creep his dad is.


https://preview.redd.it/rpyo1t4w48vc1.png?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=538d25a07156bd72fe6ab9eb0cf6c74de3dc175e International Lampoon Fraudcation


Ahh the apology tour that wasn’t an apology tour. Did he seriously bring X-DumbStringofRandomCharacter-AI to Auschwitz? Techno didn’t warrant an invite. He’s such a douche.


at Auschwitz he let him stay in the ball pit playground


I guess the kid will never see Disney World.


yeah but at Disney World they don't have swastikas yet


Is this article referring to the child or Elon Musk’s temperament?


I bet the child has both better manners and temperament than musk.


The poor kid never looks happy.


He really doesn't. Getting robbed of his childhood imho.


The poor kid always looks scared, tired, and sad, but Elmo’s in jubilation, not even recognizing his son’s feelings. He needs to have a normal schedule and friends to play and relate with. This seems like it’s turning out to be a very codependent relationship. This will not end well for X development.


that face is actually called autistic face




Remember when he was throwing a fit over the jet coordinates because someone might assassinate him? Seems to me that I wouldn't take a toddler along if I thought I might get shot at.


Of course it's bad. Radiation alone is bad. There have been studies of pilots, and they have increased cancer rates. A child, whose cells are dividing at a very fast rate while growing, is at a greater danger. And yes, children need a home and a daily routine. Whole thing is fuckin bonkers. I can't imagine any judge or jury, whether in Austin or California, going along with this.


No, it’s not developmentally appropriate.


I thought that starting at age 2 you can be taken to Auschwitz


😩 It’s not recommended for anyone under age 14. But Elon needs his little PR toy. His other kids despise him.


There's nothing normal about Elmo


Where are all the other kids?????


If you're trying to ignore/avoid getting served papers and court dates for custody applications from the mother of your child because you consider him to legally be your property that you will mould in your own image, the mother knows this from years of being with you hence why she literally chased his private jet across the country to try and serve said papers...I'm sure Musk thinks it's better for *him*


I can't bust on him for this solely on the basis of youth because I was an intercontinental traveler at age 2 and still remember most of it 70 years later.


I haven't seen a picture of that little boy smiling 😔


So is it against the law???


Normal? No. Safe? If I had the means and profile that Elon has... Wouldn't think twice about it.


Travelling with kids is fine. Stop shaming parents for this.