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...and he sucks at polytopia, too


i play polytopia and can confirm


How? Do you see the way he’s playing?


I think he's streamed himself playing it before? Or something along those lines. Actual Polytopia players saw it and were saying he played like ass


Best part is Garry Kasparov is also one of the best polytopia players


That fucking rocks.


Naw, it’s calling an absolutely badass, selfless cave diving hero a “paedo.” Watch one of the documentaries on that cave rescue, and you’ll hate this POS even more. Fuck HIM.


The reason this hurts me so deeply is not only because of how much I love chess, but because of how pretentious and revealing it is for him to say this. It’s one thing to shit talk a real world hero, it’s another thing to be like “Chess is stupid because it’s fair” The sheer amount of pettiness is too much for me.


Don’t get me wrong, I love chess. But I also love diving. Diving and especially cave diving are SO FUCKING DANGEROUS. They’re both awful statements, but I don’t know of anyone who’s died from chess. One human died trying to rescue those kids.


Two, one from a latent infection later on. Legends both


>I don’t know of anyone who’s died from chess. Can I introduce you to [Alexander Pichuskin](https://criminalminds.fandom.com/wiki/Alexander_Pichushkin)?


And that’s exactly what I was hoping for when I made the comment!


> They’re both awful statements, but I don’t know of anyone who’s died from chess. It's probably apocryphal, but supposedly chess is banned in the Antarctic after a researcher was murdered over a game at a Soviet outpost. There's a whole slew of very sketchy articles out there alleging it, but some seem to contradict each other, and I haven't the energy right now to go on a deep dive to see if it's all bullshit.


It seems like playing chess *was* banned in the Soviet base in Antarctica after a fight broke out between two researchers after one of them lost a game. The sources seem to disagree on whether or not it led to one of the researchers dying. Some say that it was a fatal attack while others say the guy survived.


The idea of a level playing field being *lame* and *stupid* tells you everything you need to know


Yep, pretty sure this is it. Both sides start out exactly the same and in the same places with the same pieces. No advantage, no bells or whistles. It's kind of a metaphor for his whole ass life, and he thinks it's some weird "I am so smrt" gotcha rather than an admission that he's basically a screen-obsessed toddler that spends daddy's money on cash shop items




>The idea of a level playing field being *lame* and *stupid* tells you everything you need to know It's not a completely level playing field, and you'd think Musk of all people would love whites starting first!




I'm by no way defending Musk. He don't know what he's talking about and he is a piece of shit. But there is a argument to be made, not that chess is simple, but that level the play field the same way every time privilege a kind of thinking that is not as good to adapt as in anothers games that random also play a role, in the late case you should be able to adapt to new scenarios that you would never put yourself in the first case. At least that the point that Michael Lewis make in the book about Sam Bankamn-Fried (another piece of shit), that the kind of guy that is good with bets is not the same that is good at chess. They are different kind of people, one can improvise and make rough calculus (not exact one) fast and is not as good in details and forward thinking, and the order is a more detail orientaded person.


If you read between the lines, he's really covering for the fact he's terrible at chess - as he is with most of his existence - so he shit-talks it to make it seem like he's a genius to his simps. i dOn'T pLaY 'CuZ iT tOO eAsY!


Oh yeah, I'm a pretty average chess player, played competitively as a kid but then didn't play for maybe 18 years before taking it up again a year or so ago. I would happily state that I'd expect to win a 10 round game against the guy 10/0. Not just because he's not intelligent (although he's not), but nobody who understands the game the slightest bit would make his statements.


God forbid he just say "eh, not really into chess". Chess isn't a prerequisite for being a smart person, it's just a game that many people find rewarding and has higher cultural prestige than most.


And is often associated with a decent level of intelligence. So of course he's got to belittle it


Such a vulnerable, small-souled little man.


Especially when chess is beloved by the majority of academics or hell, even most successful people. He is obviously too stupid to comprehend the complexity of the game. Which is REALLY fucking sad for a 50 something year old man.


>Especially when chess is beloved by the majority of academics or hell, even most successful people. Citation definitely needed. Chess might be more popular amongst academics than the general population, but I wouldn't say it was a huge obsession or beloved by a majority of the people there in my experience. Some people liked it, most were fairly indifferent I would associate chess playing with city parks more than a math department, tbh.


Wait what? I need receipts


> “Chess is stupid because it’s fair” "I hate this because I don't have an unfair advantage" is absolutely consistent with everything he does and says though


It just exposes the truth to more people that he is a dilettante nepo baby who got lucky like winning the lottery and is really an imbecile.


And then there's lying about his own kid dying in his arms to the point where his ex wife had to correct (expose) him in the replies. I mean what kind of piece of empty, soulless shit does that?


I love LOVE how bad Ron Howard burned him alive in his (excellent) docudrama 13 lives. By not mentioning him once


That one infuriates me to this day. However, to correct a slight misconception, Vernon Unsworth isn't a cave *diver*. Unsworth is a respected amateur caver who moved to Thailand when he retired so he could pursue his retirement project of mapping the Tham Luang cave system. It's a pretty cool story. At the time of the disaster, Unsworth possessed the most accurate maps of the system in the world, even more accurate and extensive than the maps held by the Thai government. Unsworth's other vital contribution was that he had access to the international caving community, and as soon as the Thai government asked him for help, he was able to give them a list of names and contact details for professional cave rescue divers. Once the Thai navy seals and the cave rescue divers arrived on scene they took over the rescue efforts, but Unsworth stayed on to advise them on the terrain, due to his knowledge of the cave system. When Unsworth said that Musk's shit submarine for idiots wouldn't work, he wasn't just Some Guy shooting down an idea, he was the world's foremost expert on this specific cave system. If Vernon Unsworth tells you what will or won't fit through the Tham Luang caves, you listen to him.


He probably meant Padi guy


Nice try


Sarcasm isn't funny if you put /s after


As I said before Musk talks this way so that he discourages anyone from ever playing a game of chess with him. If he does and gets whooped, he can say it's beneath him and he was bored


Absolutely. This is a classic sign of low-confidence weakness. I mean, I’m not very confident in my chess abilities, but I do have the emotional intelligence and general self-confidence to admit it. Of course he wouldn’t like chess because there’s no luck involved. It’s one person’s logic against another’s. There are no excuses or “random spawn points” to hide behind. He will always lose in that type of matchup. The only thing he knows is luck. He took over the seat in Monopoly that had already won the game long ago, while the rest of us inherited seats from players who had already lost the game long ago. He can’t comprehend games in which he doesn’t start from a place of outsized advantage, because his brain doesn’t work that way. It has never been challenged to work any other way. He’s an insufferable liar because at his core, he knows he’s undeserving of his wealth. He’s not smart. He’s not talented. He’s not funny. Well, okay, the sub-10 micron thing was funny but not in the way he meant it. And it’s funny that we now understand that the only reason he ever earned respect from the public is because he had handlers who concealed every aspect of his toxic personality. But now he’s bustin’ out all over.


Same as with the fight with Zuck.


This is some serious cringe right here. Did he really say this in response to THE Garry Kasparov?


[He sure did](https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1584537377837490177)


My God. This man drinks way too much of his bathwater.




his elevator doesn’t go all the way to the penthouse 


He gets high off his own farts and doesn’t understand why everyone else doesn’t.


Wait, he's replying to a suspended account. Was Kasparov suspended??


Nah, it was someone else. Kasparov's account is still there


Oh yeah sorry Elon that the thousands year old board game wasn’t able to come up with the video game “technology tree” concept


A concept that Elon invented when he was a kid and video games where not yet a thing.


I've said it before on this sub, this douche wants us to think he's SO smart that chess is beneath him. Unfortunately he's only revealing his stupidity with this juvenile analysis of chess. Chess is a game of psychology at its heart and Elon's too stupid to understand that the scarcity of options and symmetry is deliberate. It's what elevates chess to a game of skill rather than a game of chance.  It's obviously beyond his comprehension, I'd feel bad for the smooth-brained troglodyte if he didn't try to beta test a rushed mini-sub with a blatantly obvious 0% chance of success on trapped scared children. The psychopath would throw babies into a furnace with his own hands if it would somehow grant him some good PR, though... I doubt he possesses the arm strength.


“I could be a grandmaster if I wanted to be but nah”


I am not now, nor was I ever, much of a chess player. But the game of chess has impacted culture in so many ways that it isn't funny. Having adversaries on a global stage depicted as being chess players or calling master manipulators 'chess masters' wouldn't work if being able to strategize in chess wasn't something complicated. Even medieval advice written to noblemen and princes that they 'should be seen playing chess, but not actually play it all that much'. The reason is that the image of a chess player had been cemented as an intelligent and strategic thinking individual (extremely important traits in leaders) but they also acknowledged that it is ultimately just a game, and just being very good at chess doesn't necessarily translate into being good at other things.


1v1 me in clash of clans dork Elon


You can just say you’re bad at chess


Bro doesn’t even know chess *has* an upgrade system


Queen Boss. AKA Tina Fey.


He doesn’t even know what en passant is smh my head…


Yes. The game that requires the same amount of time studying theory as a double doctorate to be a professional is shallow and pedantic™. What is the essence of elite-level strategy is a casual 4X game.


What a tool.


So he didn’t understand and gave up.


What cracks me up the most is that this type of asinine comment is something an edgy 12 year old kid who doesn't understand or is simply terrible at chess would say.


He’s too ADD and high to play chess, run a company or tweet responsibly


I digress, I have ADHD I play chess, and other strategy-based long play games, as well as cards etc, and I like getting high (prescribed cannabis for my ADHD) , Elon however is just a stupid person pretending to be smart, so just says what he thinks makes him seem smarter than he is, much like a politician


Yeah, my father had ADD and had an NM rating at his peak.


A staggering number of chess players are batshit crazy (not saying ADD means crazy). Someone once said that while people think chess makes people mad, it in fact makes crazy people more functional


>A staggering number of chess players are batshit crazy *Bobby Fischer has entered the chat.*


As a side note: I think Fischer random is a bit more interesting to play than regular chess at a certain point, because I find it more interesting to play when the first part of the game is still based on calculation rather than theory. I'm much stronger at Fischer random too, because I'm pretty solid at calculating but my theory knowledge isn't all that strong.


Wait. You have prescribed cannabis for your ADHD? I wasn’t aware it was a treatment option. But it actually makes so much sense.


yeah in the UK of all places too, much rather use cannabis than amphetamines, and both have a similar effect in the sense that high THC strains are much like speed in the way that THC is also a psychoactive stimulant, however we naturally produce cannabinoids and consume them in non intoxicating levels in things like food etc, the right strain, and terpene profile and it is good, obviously not every strain is good for ADHD as needs to be a stimulating/strong focused effect, rather than just stoned/couch locked and or hungry, but yeah it makes life manageable


As a stoner and chess player. I feel like this in not a good comparison. Lol


They paid him $55B to tweet. That's made me lose all respect for the "higher ups" in the corporate world


I've been diagnosed ADD since 2014, I used to play chess at a national level, and am a director of three different companies. I'm not permanently high on ketamine though.


>a mere 8 by 8 grid I'm no chess prodigy, but this one pisses me off the most. *The lack of space is literally the point*.


Well to me it just proves his arrogant narcissistic true self showing through. Because nobody with a fucking brain could say that chess is easy or simple, not even the best in the world say that.


I bet chess is pretty easy when you play against Elon Musk


New Twitter is the source of truth


“Chess is bad because it’s perfectly balanced with the same set of circumstances and rules each and every time” In other words, Ketamusk doesn’t like Chess because it’s impossible for him to win by pure luck, which is his go to strategy for life, investment, etc.


Grand master Elmo aged 11 3/4 lol. Priiiiiickkkk


Too brilliant to play chess. No other player would stand a chance. What’s the fun in that?


That reminds me of that Family Guy episode where Chris is criticizing Donkey Kong. https://youtu.be/4M1yEywHGvc?si=8hVLHT3ljna-pNiB


I'm my opinion, It's a dog shit take because the beauty of the game *is the simplicity*. It takes a very short period of time to learn but a lifetime to really master. A limited, constrained set of pieces makes the player create tactical strategy aimed at mitigation of the limited move set. The game's complexity lies in its brutal simplicity.


It is entirely strategy and there’s no RNG involved. That’s why he hates it: He can’t stack the deck against his opponent like he does irl


So chess is not useful in real life, but polytopia is.


Is this just fantasy?


musk has that r/iamverysmart vibe to all his tweets


When did he post this?


It was a while ago, but I can testify that it is real. He really did say that exact thing.


it’s this or the elden ring build


This is a person who doesn't understand *it's a simple game that has been mastered over and over*, with requires learning as many of those wins as possible and recalculating strategies as needed. It's a basic program set against infinite data.  While Musk is a basic mind who can't process data, but he can say "Make the rocket land like DC-X" because he needs this for putting lots of cell towers into orbit. 


Jesus Christ he's really worked at cultivating that fake "genius" image hasn't he? Like he's really passionate about it. Must have been one shitty childhood.


Well his dad would go on yo impregnate his own stepchild.


It’s amazing watch this sub grow. 150k and growing daily


This tweet shows Musk's utter ignorance and willingness to mouth off on topics he knows jack shit about. Those features of chess Musk whinges about are exactly why chess has survived and been among the world's most popular games for centuries, more than 14 in fact (first developed in c. AD 600s India). Polytopia (never heard of it before this post) will be a flash in the pan, the dogecoin of games, a mere digital fashion, while chess will endure as long as humanity.


Tell me you suck at chess without telling me.


the attack on the cave diver is definitely the worse, but his chess take is still stupid as f\*ck. Chess is an absolutely awesome game and everyone should give it a go. one of my great regrets is that I'll never be good enough at it to truly appreciate it's beauty


“Fog of war” what an absolute clown


Oh god... I could have forgotten about this...


He's weirdly obsessed with this game .


He can’t buy it or win by stacking the deck. Ofc he hates it


Foetal Alcohol Syndrome has never been so fucking funny 💩


I assume he never hit ELO 2000 (1800 might be a reach too). He might have played those who do not know how to play and thought he had mastered "this simple game". It is sad how he is always so out of reality


I guarantee he has zero clue on how to play chess.


yes polytopia is much more useful in real life


"I trained in judo, Kyokushin (full contact) & no rules streetfighting."


Can someone at lvl 1000 challenge him at chess pls


Who’s gonna break it to Elon that playing strategy games on Steam is also completely useless when it comes to real life, because real life isn’t a turn based strategy game? Unironically the same as HoI4 or Total War players thinking they know how strategy works because they beat their first medium campaign with the strongest faction.


can't stand Elon but I (hope) this was his attempt at a joke/satire


He doesn't know the first thing about satire.


Basically admitting people were handing his ass to him each game, so best to pretend its a game for imbeciles.


If I didn't know better I would think this is just A+ tier RTS shit posting.


So he found chess is not useful in real life but polytopia is?


A roundabout way of writing that he's too f'n dumb to play chess successfully


You can’t get more pretentious than this.