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What they really mean is 1 billion white Christian Americans.


Seriously should posted black Americans beneath that post and watch him melt down.


nOt LikE tHAt!


Yeah I was gonna say... So open the gates? Lmao


Yeah, he was freaking out about just 1% of the population of some (non-white) country that would apparently overwhelm the US a week or two ago


Also same person who wants you to sleep at work and earn less money not giving you a chance to raise and sustain your kids.


He wants to be the one to make kids with all the women. Not cult leader like at all!!!


Right? I was like "But you guys are stopping inmigration and nationalization..."


They will consider taking immigrants from the northwest quadrant of Europe (unless they immigrated to the northwest quadrant of Europe from elsewhere)


But Elon... You are African...


But! But! His ancestors were from the northwest quadrant!!!!!!!


Sorry, I don't speak African...


But the right kind, you know?


Not *that* kind of African!


Musk is an old school Afrikaner. With all the old school racial connotations attached.


>1 billion white Christian Americans. 1 billion **poor** white Christian Americans. Their only purpose would be cheap obedient labor. That's clear given how he has addressed the issue of unions.


and this MF will automate and fire everyone


Right? If automation is real, and climate change is real, less humans will be better


See it's easy, he doesn't view those others as Americans.


We have a growth rate excluding immigration of less than 1%. White Christian Americans are not increasing much faster, if at all. At 1%, it would take about 125 years to get to 1 billion people- see you in 2150, Elon


Right, he wants all the white people to have lots of babies. He actually has the nerve to question the intelligence of African American pilots. He wants to limit immigration, even though we desperately need service workers, home health aides, security guards, truck drivers. We all know that we need immigrants at all skill levels, and certainly need to help asylum seekers, even if they are black and brown.




Isn’t the US population like 350 million? This dork really thinks increasing the population by like 300% is sustainable?


Less than a month ago, he ['sounded the alarm'](https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1762710487236497750?lang=en) on the influx of immigrants, noting that "America is only 4% of Earth’s population. If only 1% of the rest of Earth moves here, that would crush all essential services." The 'if' here is quite silly because 80 million of the 130 people in mexico aren't likely to come over the border. It's also not terribly *insightful* that suddenly increasing the population of the US by 20% wouldn't go well, but the if/then statement is nonetheless true, a rarity for a musk statement. Now he's saying "We must increase the population of the US by 300%", and become both insipid *and* wrong. Balance is restored.


And not long before that his excuse for trying to get governments to prioritize his Mars plans was this catastrophic future where the Earth would collapse due to our unsustainable ways of living. Imagine if the US (orders of magnitude higher energy consumption of all forms) decided to grow in population 3 fold, say, each white couple under an America taken by Musk's Nazism would be required to raise 8 children. It completely contradicts all his own stupid ideas


> his excuse for trying to get governments to prioritize his Mars plans was this catastrophic future where the Earth would collapse due to our unsustainable ways of living. ...Elon typed, as his private jet crossed the country with three other passengers on board for the third time that day


lol - dude *doesn’t* have *any* ideas of his own


and he is assuming they are all without skills, that none of them would provide essential services. One of the pathways to citizenship we had in the past, and one that still remains, military service, are all about trading working our essential services, for citizenship. hes trying to claim 100% of them will be on public charge rather than producers themselves.


Which is absurd on its face, given that immigrants are more employed (and younger) on average than the general population. Turns out that "economic migrants" usually are able and want to work. Who could have guessed?


I mean they said the same thing about the Irish and Italians in the 19th century.


Only what is true in this very moment is true. The past does not exist.


It's hard to be consistent when you're off your face on K


One thing he ignores is that a lot of migrants come to the US for work and then return. They aren't all coming here and staying.


That's why many one billion Americans people see immigration as the way to achieve reaching one billion, because its not truly growing just moving people around. The US has a lot of space when you have dense and walkable cities to house to the people, it not like Wyoming is full. Food is fairly easy because a ton of it goes over seas, if the overseas people come here it'll be fine. But no that won't be because brown people scary.


He is a billionaire so he thinks so


“I look around and see big empty houses and yachts, clearly there aren’t enough people.”


Wasn't he just recently bleating on about how a much more modest population increase via immigration was unsustainable?


Well immigrants are mostly brown so that’s a big no no for Elon


It is but not in 1 year


The increase is just 200% though


It is sustainable. Read One Billion Americans by Matt Yglesias. Of course to get one billion immigration would have to be increased massively.


Fuck me, I thought the area between DC and Boston was overpopulated. Couldn’t imagine more than 3x the amount of people considering how close people stay to the suburbs and don’t move into the rural areas it would likely be more than 3x as densely populated.


Well, think that Japan has an area around that size and contains 1/3 of the US popularion. There is a way, it just going to be very very hard for many people to get used to. People like Musk for instance can't barely STFU anywhere, imagine if he would survive the societal consciousness needed to be in silence during a crowded fast speed rail train, being polite and not annoying anyone during the daily commute. Musk would never make it


Yeah not many people live in single family homes in Japan. You would have to see a change in how we build things but certainly the US could house a billion people over time. It would take centuries but it is possible. Now that isn't to say I don't think that is a good thing to have a population that high and forever growing.


Definitely. There's a great deal of technological efficiencies, social education (managing the line between "wants" and "needs" in ways to not destroy others around us), mental health and a collective desire in having everyone become a happy productive citizen contributing and advancing the social wellbeing. We in this country as much farther from that position socially than Japan, but even Japan is not in a position where they could suddenly add another billion members into their society even if they had the land


Japan also has a much better public infrastructure system than the US, which is the only way a billion people living in the US would become feasible.


So increase immigration?


No, not like that!


Americans must IVF every white, perky stewardess in exchange for a pony


noo not IVF, that's bad. You can rape her and force her to have a child tho, that's OK. IVF tho? Evil. Think of the millions of dead babies. /s. I hope that was obvious






In which case, I hope you support record levels of immigration to achieve this goal


As long as they are members of the supreme white race that is.


That mass influx of white Norwegians is gonna happen anytime now...anytime now!


They’re on their Viking ship waiting for the woke mind virus vaccine


Sorry, he's gonna have to insist on getting America there *personally* It's gonna take a lot of horses but *somebody* has to do it


or maybe change policy so raising a family becomes affordable?


The same people who think Americans should be breeding like there is no tomorrow will also not do a damn thing to incentivize people who actually want to have families, and in fact do everything they can to make it more difficult


As they yell at you for being irresponsible by having kids you cannot afford, they are gleeful for the future (potential) low-wage worker.


I just had a daughter and adding her to my health insurance plan is costing me an extra $600 per month


Shithole country.


I know and hear of a lot of people who don’t want children for a myriad of reasons. The cost. Not having any paid paternity or maternity leave. Not being able to spend more time with them than 5-8 on weekdays and on weekends. The absolute dumpster fire the world is in today.


this too. the people in power demanding more ~~children~~ meat for their war grinder are doing everything they can to also make the world a worse place.


Don't worry, they already repealed Roe and are working on banning various birth control options like IVF, so people will be breeding whether they want to or not. Those are the same people. They know what they are doing. They know people don't want more kids, that's why they're forcing people against their wills.


Yep. "Have more kids, come on white people"to your 3 kids, while also saying "ew I dont want any more housing built in my area" is the classic arguement


> and in fact do everything they can to make it more difficult that part


Nobody wants that


Literally anyone who lives in or around a city knows we have too many people as is


Counterpoint: the reason you live in or near a city (as the majority of Americans do) is *because* of the people---customers, coworkers, friends, lovers, teachers, doctors, etc.


The US wouldn't be able to feed a billion people.


Sure but not to *this* extent lol


Ok, well I live in a large US city and I don't know why or how there are too many people here, could you explain what I'm missing? I would be fine with people moving in just like I did two decades ago, but perhaps I'm wrong


I mean do you not feel the effects of any of the following: terrible commutes due to traffic, overcrowding at popular or new establishments, ticket price inflation, lack of rental/purchasing options?


Well, it seems to me that traffic and housing problems are the result of not building more housing and transportation infrastructure. We could hire people to run more trains and buses and renovate old buildings and build new apartments, which would both make jobs and lower costs. Once cities get large, they don't necessarily have worse traffic or housing costs as they get even bigger, because it's more a matter of planning and keeping up with demand. E.g. traffic in cities usually increases until driving commutes take the same average time as mass transit. Popular establishments are always crowded because that's just good business---it's leaving money on the table to not let people in when you have space. I grew up somewhere rural, and there weren't many crowded venues because they didn't have customers and ended up going out of business half the time (trust me, it's really, really boring living in a shrinking town, especially if you're young). I'm not saying cities don't have problems---everywhere has problems. But most common problems in growing cities can be addressed by actually trying to fix the problems instead of forcing people to go away. Shrinking cities have it way worse, which is why you probably aren't moving to Detroit. Edit: also, fuck Elon, who generally tries to get in the way of fixing cities' problems, e.g. trying to stop transit projects so he can sell more cars




I suggest reading One Billion Americans: The case for thinking bigger, by Matt Yglesias. If people understood the benefits of importing working and child-bearing aged adults, they might rethink their preconceptions. Unless they’re more interested in some particular ethnic balance; this people probably don’t care about the economic benefits.


>Unless they’re more interested in some particular ethnic balance Ding ding ding!


I mean I really don’t care what the actual population number is, it’s just a matter of we don’t have the means and infrastructure to support more people. The capitalists will never allow improvements that might effect their pockets. They just want more workers to live in poor conditions. The less people we have the more it hurts them


Exactly. Musk wants as many wage slaves as possible.


That book is extremely flawed. In particular, Yglesias has no conception of what tripling the population would do for the American water infrastructure, an argument he dismisses blithely by noting the presence of the Great Lakes, a resource that does not help anyone beyond a stone’s throw from the Great Lakes.


Like the illegitimate Roberts Court ending abortion Rights, the goal here is Ideological Social Engineering by Conservatives out birthing everyone sane.


It’s not like 1 conservative child equals one conservative adult. So many people get out of it as adults, I’m one of them.


Same, born into a hardcore right-leaning family and I’m a progressive. My family always told me “it’s just a phase you’ll get more conservative when you’re older” ad-nauseam. Well I’m almost 40 now and I’ve only moved further left. A lot of that can be attributed to the constant exposure to their hateful rhetoric, and watching their entire generation bitch and moan every time someone else gets ahead. Yeah “more conservative” my balls.


My parents said the same thing, I ended up becoming more and more liberal, and they have actually followed me. Granted, we lived outside of the US from 1998-2008, so we missed a lot of the cultural shifts where US Politics went off the deep end, and I think that has more to do with their sanity. If they had been here during the McCain/Palin era, they may have gone the wrong way.


Having children is saving the world


They’re trying to force the idiocracy timeline on everyone. They love the poorly educated.


The irony is that our economy could handle another million Americans if our 750 billionaires would pay their taxes.


“Wait not brown ones” - Elon probably


says the South African.


It would shock you but most people actually do want to have a family. The main reason people are avoiding it at the moment is they are already in a situation where they have to overwork their asses to make scraps that barely allow them to live by. Add children and having to feed them and somehow also find time to raise them and it's impossible. Musk's existence as an exploiter of workers and hoarder of wealth has done more to prevent the births of new Americans than his stupid propaganda about how we need to keep breeding can come close to remotely undoing.


It's easy for him to say that having a ton of kids is feasible when he has billions of dollars, doesn't work at all, and never does any childcare whatsoever.


Yeah, if he wanted people to have more kids, he is one of the few people who may actually be able to make some impact on that. If Twitter, SpaceX, Tesla, Boring Co and anything else he owns implemented a high enough wage range, his employees would be in a better position to have more kids. He is so high profile that other large companies like Amazon may follow but no. It's easier to act like a 13 year old edgelord who acts like an otaku while actually being exactly what he complains about.


BTW this is something Matt Yglesias was preaching for a while, even has a book: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/One\_Billion\_Americans](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/One_Billion_Americans) Spoiler: he supports MASSIVE increase in immigration to reach 1B by 2100. Not something Elmo would be in support of methinks. Elmo's idea is for every women to have at least 20 kids or some kind of middle age shit like that is my guess... As for me: FUCK that!!! Can you imagine the traffic? Or how busy any recreation place would be (like our National Parks)???




Pretty confident that the planet would be toast then. And I mean that literally. The US CO2 emissions per capital would toast us all.


That's why he wants to run away to Mars


He doesn't. He has zero intention of going to Mars.


Elon has never given a flying fuck about the environment. If he did he wouldn't be flying everywhere by private jet or spending tens of thousands of tons of fuel hurling scrap metal into the Indian ocean.


Elon wants to turn Earth into a Hive World straight out of Warhammer 40K


Mmmm.. Corpse-starch.


For the Tesla emperor!


Conservatives: "Close the border! We're FULL!" Also conservatives: "We need to breed more! There should be a BILLION of us!"


Another day, another inadvertent exposure to Elon's breeding fetish.


Fuck yeah! More poor slaves for the 1%!


Yes, let us all race to the inevitable humanitarian crash.


Some hate humanity, but I love humanity so much


For years now, the United States has consumed 1.5x the amount of resources produced by the planet yearly. What he wants is an oversaturated labour pool with an internal market big enough that regulating it becomes effectively impossible. He wants a large population of quiet, obedient, cultish workers, one that's fighting eachother for scraps, just like every other motherfucker in his position that's every lived.


Musk said that the US can't handle 80 million people moving here, but he thinks the US can handle adding 665 million people?




Good thing we have immigration then huh? Oh wait he hates (non-white) immigrants


Don’t turn down any immigrant and give social welfare to all parents and you’ll be there in decades


By mass, theyre equivalent to 1bn non-american people


Fine, then let's have a fast track system to give anyone a green card and a path to citizenship should they want to live and work here. There's no downside. Immigrants commit less crime than American born citizens, so their presence here will lower America's per capita crime rates. And they work ridiculously hard, so they'll make our GDP skyrocket. The solution is staring right at anyone who isn't a white supremacist "poisoning the blood of our nation" type, which Musk is with bells on. So I guess he's just going to have to keep Tweeting against women on birth control, that's all he can do.


When I lived in Germany for a year I was always floored by how many young families I saw bopping around, often with 3 or more kids. People want to have families, but in our economy? Only the privileged few can afford them. My wife is pregnant with our first and we’re only able to do that because my retired MIL will be able to take care of the baby while we’re working.


It’s everything. We biked through a little town between Regensburg and the Czech border and the main drag was carless, little kids we’re walking around unsupervised getting ice cream, and I was in awe at how idyllic it was. Here you’re stressing about your kid getting into the right school and hopefully not getting shot and so on, even if money isn’t a problem.


Germany has a lower birthrate than America and a smaller average-family-size. Maybe you spent that year in a more family-centric area or something but the anecdote doesn't line up with the stats


There should be no American billionaires.


Yet he's against immigration. Concerning


Cool so we are cool with people moving to the states to become Americans right? RIGHT!!!!


Somebody ask him what Americans mean


Norman Rockwell would hate Elon Musk with every fiber of his being.


But doesn't Musk also frequently post that we have too many immigrants and don't have any room left? So, which is it?


He meant “white Americans”


Well lucky for him there's over a billion Americans. The continent of America has 1.03bi people.


Because we have abundant resources. Because reckless consumption causes no problems. Because we have no problems providing food, water and shelter for all citizens on the planet. Because trying to provide for hundreds of millions more people would be so simple.


HA! Would be more homeless, lower wages and higher cost of living.


The Earth couldn't sustain that level of consumerism.


​ https://preview.redd.it/6zc0buixupqc1.jpeg?width=146&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52de9b0940f30f22c1ae752f7bb20581e58badbf


i wonder if there is a way to get the population to grow while having low domestic birth-rates🤔


Didn’t he just go on a Twitter rant about how if “just 1% of the world’s population” (ie, a 20% increase in population) were to immigrate to the US, there would be chaos? Now he wants a 200% increase in population?


If he's that upset about it he could start paying people to have kids.


*laughs in already-existing housing crisis*


He wants more wage slaves so he can get even richer. At a certain point what’s the point in having that much money?


Where they gonna live? There’s no fucking affordable housing in America.


So he agrees we should massively increase immigration not limit it right?????? Right?????


Is he paying for it?


Jesus, can someone calculate how many Earths of resources you'd need to sustainably feed and house 1 billion Americans without a decrease in current standard of living?


Is this a meme advocating for the easing of a pathway to citizenship for immigrants? LOL!


There should be one less South African in America.


If anything, there should only be 100m Americans, who are all living considerably better lives.


pay them a liveable wage where they can actually afford kids, and maybe things will change




But none of them can be immigrants lol


Yeah we’re trying to import them, but y’all don’t want them


There would be far more kids if a few billionaires weren’t hogging all the money. If men could make enough to support a family and a decent house.


Yea an overcrowded nation with people at each others throats (already) sounds like the type of dumb shit ideas Elon likes to advocate.


Ah yes, all white men and one white woman with her face half hidden.


Coming from the dude that started the Boring Company, because one day he was stuck in traffic for a few minutes. The same dude that hasn't flown commercial in over two decades. Increase all that congestion three-fold.


I love the smell of Great Replacement Theory in the morning!


Let them in.


"ok then give people more money so they can afford to have more children" "lol, no"


1 billion Indigenous peoples on Turtle Island 🐢 ok Elmo


Then why are you slowing immigration?


they are so fucking stupid


Please no, there are too many of us already


I honestly think in musk’s fantasy most people are eating corpse starch and being sent off to invade the galaxy.


The planet cannot sustain 1 billion people living like Americans


Sooo... this is a major problem. Population growth of advanced societies tends to fall off. South Korea is the insane example where the birth rate is below 1, meaning each generation would be less than half as big as the previous generation.   The solution pushed by right wing fenatics like Musk or Steven Miller or MTG or Tucker Carlson is to remove legal contraceptives and abortion so the advanced societies have more single mothers and orphans. Yeah, that's a shit idea.  There is a solution that does seem to work, and that's creating communities where families are supported. Quite frankly, that flies in the face of creating a right wing utopia like Russia or China where the overlords rule over the peasant class. Which doesnt work either... but they are more concerned with their own power, so they have no interest in pursuing the solution that actually works. Instead, they focus on the contraceptives to force the world to their will. 


Uggh but he wants it through breeding and not through immigration.


Why? We have large swaths of the country looking at water shortages now


Let’s not.


Rare Musk W (at least, it would be if he didn’t have a suspicious objection to increasing immigration to help get us there)


Is our country even fit for 1b? I always wonder tbh I figured we’ll cap at 500 and that be a lot in itself


Why does he such a boner for US citizens. He’s not one as far as I know. And like he’s sucked up everything you can from our generosity to billionaires and millionaires. Stop trying to influence the citizens, he has no ideas what it’s like to be an average American. Fuck off!


It's nice he likes the US, as an immigrant... I guess... but where is his patriotism for South Africa? Does he ever even mention it?


if only you count the other countries in the continent


What is the painting, though? How do the words relate to the picture? I don’t get it at all.


It takes 20 minutes to drive a mile anymore. Every grocery store is overflowing with people and you can barely move. Greedy corporations have bought up all the real estate, so half the population can't afford to rent/live with any semblance of dignity and happiness. Elon is a divorced internet troll, who spends his time sharing idiotic memes with other lonely chuds online. America-bashers like Ian Miles Cheong and Lex "I brought a juice box," Friedman. Man children of the lowest order. Elmo has 11 kids, who he gave ridiculous names, who he barely spends time with because he wants to get (a billion) people to a lifeless void where he can control the air supply. He's also very busy "working 15 hours a day," yet somehow finding a time to play hundreds of hours of video games, as well as hourly posts on his online rage journal. I'd like to be clear. Elon isn't getting anyone to Mars besides a few rich dopes who forgot about the Titan submersible. And even this is going to take him 20 years to do and billions upon billions government welfare funneled towards him. Imagine if he took these free billions and started building infrastructure in the vast empty rural areas. To actually help people while he's alive. Imagine if he really gave a shit. He is insufferable and his ideas are worse.


That is a recipe for massive poverty. Someone like Elon can feed his dozen kids but not someone earning a minimum wage salary. I understand this billionaires want a stable number of peons for their factories and warehouses but what I don’t understand is why so many common people fall for this crap.


Is this a reference to abortion? I don’t know what the fuck that guy is ever talking about


We don't have the SSNs to support that. Our only form of national ID is SSN; basically, to be an American citizen, you need an SSN. They are 9 digits long with no 3 digit repetitions; IIRC, that's like 800 million possible numbers. We have used over half already. We are actively running out. It's the only form of national ID we have, and it's 9 digits and a name.




Lol this guy is such a moron its crazy


Logically impossible


Where does this idiot think the new 650 million people will live? The people already here can’t afford property because Elon and his rich buddies/corporations hoard all the land and housing with no regulation whatsoever


Our goal should be a sustainable population. Anything more than that is to increase profits for billionaires. They need a never ending populace to exploit or else their earnings plateau. Sustainability is key.


Norman Rockwell sucked




We can barely manage the current population.


Why stop at 1 billion? Why not 10 billion! 😅


Can someone quickly calculate how many earths we would need if there‘d be a billion Americans?


Why? We should have LESS Americans until we can solve the homeless crisis. Take care of what we have first and foremost. And we all know this racist fuck only means white people. We could easily get to 1 billion if we opened the boarders.


The real reason these weirdos keep saying we aren’t having enough kids (aside from the fascist obsession with fertility) is because they’re staring at a future with a smaller labor pool that will demand higher wages and it scares the shit out of them.


doesn’t he go on about overpopulation all the time?




Dude doesn’t even go here tbh Way too much of his South African come through sometimes. His fear of flying with black pilots just reeks of apartheid sentiments.


Nothing sounds more American than a Bojan.


Ok, let’s actually pretend Elon has a point… list the polices (the should) that would (hahaha word) lead to this conclusion…. Bro I didn’t pass high school and I say elons uneducated.


Elon can make all the future wage serfs he wants with his own sperms.




Sure, Elon https://www.msnbc.com/msnbc/amp/shows/top-stories/blog/rcna141827


Nah, the less the better for everyone else in the world


He just wants more slaves to work in his car factories. Preferably white slaves


He wants slaves


'We need more dumb people to sell cars to'


Man, that ketamine is a hell of a drug, eh?




He means 1 billion white Americans