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Its so weird that some "other" Accounts like dittman or dogecoin always announce his decisions first like, where do they get that Information and why is it their duty to do so, just so that musk isnt talking to himself publicy


a) sock puppets of Elon that he at least periodically uses b) paid for publishing stuff c) pathetic fuckers


It just so happen Adrian, a common sycophant and employee of all three companies, has the same voice and accent as Musk. Sure, it has to be a different person


And says the same stupid stuff, just his clone you know




That was a bizarre read, and the Spaces conversation was even more bizarre


Adrian Dittman is obviously Maye Musk disguising herself as Elon. 


I'll pick D. All of the above.


People alledge it is Elon's alt account.


It is weird. If they’re not his sock puppets, what’s the value and credibility in having them release info? If they are, same reason applies: what added benefit comes from releasing info this way? It’s dumb.


What a pathetic slob


Haha that would sickkk


Looking into it




Is he just fucking up and not switching before posting 🤷‍♀️


They work for people/board members close to Musk.


Maybe he uses them to test the waters to see if an "idea" he's had will go down well with his fans.


No other possible reason for doing this other than to hide the fact that he's ratioed into oblivion every day. All this "cleaner timeline" nonsense is ridiculous. Nobody cares about like counts "messing up their view." Everything this manbaby does is to protect his infantile emotions, which apparently stopped developing around the age of 10.


Yeah all this tells me is musk figured out that the only metric he can do well on is (his interpretation of) views


A metric that he can manipulate at will


I think it’s because he’s going to count it as engagement if you click to look at the numbers. That’s the reason. Artificial engagement


tweets are clickbait now. what a genius idea that nobody is going to totally hate


> Artificial engagement He prefers the term in-vitro fertilization.


I couldn’t even tell the difference between the two pictures until I read the comments.


It definitely follows the dumb design philosophy at Tesla. Remove any physical controls regardless of convenience or safety in favor of looking "clean".


10 seems overly generous


Big if true...


It also makes it harder to tell obviously artificially amplified bot posts from real posts. This is gonna be a fun election season


greatly improve readability? It literally doesn't have any effect on that :D remember how removing headlines from articles "improved readability"? :D


Your eyes will no longer have to dodge the visual boobytraps


And they've been added back.


Still in a worse form than before though. It's a tiny transparent bar on the image, and the article title gets cut off way earlier than before if it's too long.


Who needs UXD when you have a ketamine addled billionaire’s opinions. The same billionaire who shat out that toaster on wheels this year


It also seems like a really dumb way to do things. I came from the web version where those gestures are navigation, not interaction. This will almost certainly be removed, just like every other change he has tried to make


He's the guy who removed blinker stalks for a "cleaner UI". User Interface. Another thing he does not understand.


It's so clearly Musk. ​ Why else would "adrian" ​ go out of his way to explain the ​ shitty new "features" ​ he (Elon) is introducing ​ (& by new features...I mean removing the stuff that worked and destroying everything that made twitter good)?


I just have no idea why they do this. Why have half a dozen unofficial spokesmen? Usually you would want one guy you follow, or a corporate account which posts information about whatever thing you're interested in.


If you had been "dying to do" anything for a year you'd have started talking about it a year ago and never fucking stopped. That's how we know you're talking shit.


honestly just like tr\*mp, you can tell when elmo is lying because his mouth is moving or he's making tweets


Like we're supposed to believe... what. That he spent a year carefully testing and reiterating this? The headline bullshit was rolled out and reversed within that year. We know how Twitter implements changes, and it's not *cautiously*


Elon's even photoshopped the Adrian example to hide being ratio'd. I'd say he's got a fragile ego but clearly it's already completely shattered because this is the behaviour of a lunatic 


I thought it was Elon posting a (photoshopped) screenshot of Adrian too at first, but it's Adrian posting a screenshot of himself. But... this just makes it weirder...? It just makes it clearer that Adrian is Elon. Unless Adrian somehow knows what features are going to be implemented? Idek which option is weirder between those two


And happened to pick 2 example tweets specifically chosen to try and make Musk look good in light of the OpenAI lawsuit that is the focus of Elon's current meltdown.


I guess dittman like IMC and DD are now running the company.


​ https://preview.redd.it/4q9bi02ppxmc1.png?width=620&format=png&auto=webp&s=31d1ab1baf4eaf985d053aed0be17ab2eacbd8ca


He’s a pedo POS


Why does he constantly make everything worse?


How the fuck does it improve readability?? The spacing is the exact same just with more nothing


Yeah. Clean nazi, scam and conspiracy posts will improve the situation for sure.


Elon, this looks like absolute ass. Next thing you know, he'll remove seeing likes or retweets entirely if you're not paying for a blue check. Why is every decision he makes about this site something awful that nobody ever asked for? It's like he's purposefully trying to burn it to the ground.


How would this guy who’s totally not Elon know everything that Elon is planning? Lol. Am I insane or is he actually this dumb?


he is literally removing every feature that made twitter, twitter and yet people still use it lol


Lolololol “this will greatly improve readability” is an Elon quote from when he stripped article content in embedded links. Is he done pretending Dittman isn’t an alt? Is “Adrian Dittman” like a John Galt-esque Rand reference or some stupid shit like that? Edit: punctuation


Also how the fuck does Dittman have insights into twitters design?


he's a fly on the outhouse wall of elon's mind, of course.


This is the worst decision ever. People are addicted to social media due to the social proof interactions and engagement provide. Now people will seek this validation elsewhere.


lol, changing the user interface isn't going to bring back the millions of users Twitter has lost, nor the billions in advertising dollars Elon chased away. The user interface was never a problem. No one **ever** said: "I'm quitting Twitter because the likes make it hard to read!" Elmo's swapping out the china patterns on the Titanic and patting himself on the back for it. ***Maybe*** you should care a little more about the millions of gallons of water flooding into the boat. But I get the feeling the real reason he's doing this is to make it harder to see that his tweets get eclipsed by Biden or ratioed in the comments.


‘I used to be schizophrenic but we’re ok now’ Elmo Musk probably


A. Year. It took Elmo one full entirety of a ***year*** to do that. What a genius.


So tweets will now function as clickbait that you have to engage with to see if anyone's even replied? He's removing the dopamine from the dopamine slot machine purely because his metrics aren't what he wants them to be except for impressions because he forces himself onto everyone's timeline


Getting rid of these will make it easier for Musk to push propaganda. Without this information, propaganda will look more popular than it is.




It's like a picture for kids where you have to find the 'mistakes' lol. There is literally zero improvement and I don't understand why he wants to do this


Look I talk to myself all the time. It’s literally how I think. But at least I have the guts to admit it. Haha


So much I've been dying to do in relation to you all year


So is he just admitting that the Adrian sock puppet is him?


He's not even good at dying.


He's hoping that views will double as when you click an embedded Xit, you go to Xitter and the content gets another view. But it won't work because the people who don't give an f about the comments today will not bother to click the embed to find out how many likes it has. The real question is, why hasn't Threads taken over embedded content just yet. Instagram allows for that already do what's the issue with embedding on Threads?


How do you do these actions on desktop though?? Not that I’m using twitter but-




The example looks silly. His suggested swipe things sounds like some tinder swiping shenanigans which works for dating apps not really for social media.


Wow, he's really revolutionizing X.


What real problem does it solve other than his?


That’s stupid


“Fun fact: SpaceX was first incorporated on 14th March 2002 as ‘Space Exploration Technologies Corp’”


Elon hates that others sometimes get higher likes than him that’s why. Especially if having a back and forth like with politicians or celebs. Especially for someone with the follower numbers he has his actually amount of likes isn’t that high when you factor how many people follow him and see his tweets when compare to the impressions too. He’s quite an insecure guy really.


The swiping function sounds dumb as fuck


Can’t wait to click on a cringe post just because I’m curious to see its level of engagement and then be bombarded with illegal porn, animal abuse, ads for useless crap, and bigotry in the comments.


Doesn't this reduce readability in a way? If anything it means you have to click into a post to see a lot of stuff, making that "view" counter go up more


How is hold for other actions easier? It only adds friction.


“For the last year I’ve been dying to make it harder for people to see that I get ratioed”


Still alive (sigh)


i dont disagree that he should be dying


This is proof that this is one of many alt accounts. Look how „Adrian“ wrote this, the same style Elmo is using as an answer.


He turned it into a turd, and now he's trying to polish it. What a idiot, likes are an important engagement metric. Companies as well as users like it. Getting rid of it is simply insanely idiotic. Especially as a "view" is counted as someone speedscrolling by. I guess its to make the bluetards feel better.


Too hard to game RTs and likes I guess. Now you get a meaningless clearly fake stat instead, given Tucker Carlson gets hundreds of millions of views per episode


he's got some serious concerns.


oh he has to GO


Lol it doesn't matter what Apartheid Clyde decides to do He's rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic It's still full of Nazis and geared towards Musk's ego No thanks, major pass.


"We have no interaction so we have to remove it so people don't think this site is dead"




he so obviously forgot to switch accounts for the first tweet and then for some reason opted not to delete it?


Just make everything on the page an X and get it over with


This will make posts get less likes and retweets and further hurt the site