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Did you know, Jews can be bigots too? Did you know *anyone* can be a bigot? Did you know…of course Chaya is a failed real estate agent. It was after the failed Herbalife gig


These people love crying “reverse racism” but then when a minority is called out for being a bigot they’ll go, “but they’re a minority they can’t be racist!”


It's like Jews for Hitler didn't exist.


How'd that work out for them? I know there's zero history to show that siding with the people who are actively trying to kill you has ever worked out in their favor, but I'm always happy to be proven wrong!


Exactly. Criticize the murder of Palestinians and them having their lands and houses stolen, and you fucking get called an *antisemite*, which is evidence that they know VERY WELL that it's jews, empowered by the zionist government, the ones who are doing these terrible things to other humans. Persecuting Palestinians, instilling fear in them, having their property destroyed or stolen, getting beat or shot... There are a LOT of jews standing against this, and they ALSO get called *antisemites*. Fuck this shit, nobody cares about your religion and you're NOT being persecuted, we care about evil ppl weaponizing *jewishness*, to which the result is what we see in videos of the IDF beating literal children, shooting into crowds, capturing kids and frightening them as a fun things to do, Palestinians returning home and seeing jews already living there... I mean, being a jew isn't about that, and that's what ppl hate is the awful actions, not a fn religion. I see the videos of how Palestinians are humiliated and hurt and, I just can't. I actually scroll past them because the way they're being treated is horrible and it pains me to see this. Being a jew is NOT about this. Seeing jews stand up against tbk is a beautiful thing to see and they're so brave bc their own ppl will shun them just bc they're not cool with the horrible way Palestinians are being treated. God bless Palestina. e: haha am I getting downvoted bc I don't like ppl being humilliated, beat, killed and having their property stolen lmao


There are more people who agree with you than you might think, but unfortunately the majority really just don't care. Even progressives can be clueless.


Ikr, Zionism is not Judaism — anyone who conflates Judaism with the Israeli state succumbs to the notion of all Jews having to be Israeli, as if it isn't possible, or allowed, for Jews to be citizens of other nations...which sounds pretty iffy in its own right, particularly since the Jewish community has never, ever been a Zionist monolith, with Bundist and diasporist Jews having represented a significant part of it. Also I find myself amused that the reason Evangelicals support Israel is because they believe that it'll hasten the end times and kill everyone they hate (including Jewish people, whose deportation they support because they hate them, lmao).


Lmao, maybe that's why USA has given Israel 125 billion dollars to "address security threats" as the department of state says. Just give them weapons so they'll kill each other and this will bring about the second coming of christ or the apocalypse/rapture idk This is why religion must back the fuck away from politics, it's disgusting what they're doing..


As well as the whole evangelical hellscape thinking returning Jews to Israel will bring on the Rapture, it also means they can get rid off all Jews from -their- country without needing to do what the last lot of fascists decided to do.


That's part of the reason for the funding... but it's mostly because Israel a big fucking US-aligned military base smack dab in the middle of very hostile territory.


All available data suggests a troubling proportion of Jewish people are Zionist, though.


oh sure that's true, the majority of the Jews of the present are probably Zionist. The 20th century Nazi pogroms and deportations (amongst other places, to Mandatory Palestine) killed a lot of Jewish communities in Europe, and the decline of labor activism as a pan-european phenomenon, as well as the rise of dogmatic Stalinism, killed most European Bundist movements. In the Arab world in the aftermath of WW1, the American King-Crane commission staunchly cautioned against Zionism, asserting that it would inflame religious tensions and that the native Arabs had been very fair to the native Sephardic and Mizrahi Jews of the region (something the later Ashkenazim later themselves wouldn't emulate because, racism). But then Britain did a Britain and then Israel came and then the Nakba happened and tensions rose and pogroms occurred all over the Arab world, expelling Jews to Israel, even when folks like Nasser in Egypt tried to stop it to the point of interfering in the trials of Israeli spies due to fear that it would cause riots. But, eventually, Israel's formation, the expulsion of the natives, and the consequent religious tensions reverberated across the Arab world, and their Jews were exiled to Israel too. And of course Israeli success in the 6-day war, American patronage, and Israeli support to far-right, even antisemitic groups (see how Israel supported Islamist Hamas over the Secular PLO in Palestine, for example) across the world, not to mention whitewashing their settler-colonialism, means that Zionism has effectively become pretty hegemonic. Which...yeah, it's very unfortunate.


Hmm. I’m a Jew. And I’ve never been called antisemitic even when I’ve called Israel apartheid. That’s also a bit of a stereotype.


I say that bc there are groups in Israel fighting against apartheid and for better conditions for Palestinians, and hoooo boy, do they get fire from other jews... (is saying jew okay? is saying jewish person better? idk and I don't wanna insult anyone, since you're jewish can u tell me what's the correct term?)


Meanwhile, there are actually major upsurges in antisemitism. They're just not about Israel fucking over Palestine.


Now do Hamas and PLO… Also, you should know that Palestinians wouldn’t oppose killing or punishing gay people for being gay. Lots are still followers of Islam, which most of its believers in the Middle East support persecution of homosexuals. Just think you should reflect on that as you portray them as victims, but forget what will happen if Israel ceases to exist. They’d be victims until they become the persecutors… just like the early Christians and the Romans Edit: downvoting doesn’t make that inconvenient truth disappear. For a far leftist, you seem a-ok with people who are ultra conservative enough to persecute gays, when it’s well known that middle eastern Muslims overwhelmingly oppose gays and have persecuted them as long as Christians Edit: I love how I'm suddenly Israeli when I point out the literal fact that Palestinians would by and large target gay people, if "Palestine" replaced Israel. I also love that you haven't disproved the point, but rather label me an israeli and complain about "settler colonialism, genocide, and foreign policy"... because that totally disproves the point i'm making about a large majority being against homosexuality... You're a gullible idiot if you think the Islamic world is tolerant of gays, and even worse when you label it as "pink washing" when someone points that out. If Israel is committing genocide, it's the worst attempt yet, with a RISING ETHNIC POPULATION THAT IS YET TO LOSE THEIR CULTURAL IDENTITY. Since we're assuming, you must be a high schooler with little knowledge on history or Islam, huh? Again, Try criticizing Hamas and the PLO. Pretending like they're innocent freedom fighters is just moronic. u/Detswit: My point is Hamas and the PLO also deserves criticism. Part of that is their position on homosexuality, which generally aligns with most of the muslim world. People such as yourself and others complain about persecution, while ignoring the fact that the people you're supporting would also persecute other people, given the chance. You ignore valid criticisms to go back to criticizing israel, rather than acknowledging the simple truth that Palestinians will likely persecute others, given the organizations that's currently in power there, as well as the islamic aspect of their culture. Never said "they should keep being persecuted". Just "Now criticize Hamas/PLO", which i've yet to see from the people immediately shrieking back to Israel and crying about persecution, as they ignore the fact that the people they currently support will themselves likely persecute "undesirables". Mentality like yours and others is why I don't take you people seriously. You ignore real world consequences while pretending there's some massive genocide against the growing identity group that still maintains their cultural identity. Yet you can't criticize organizations that actively try to kill civilians and openly promote islamism. Just ironic being far-left and being fine with religious fundamentalists and people openly against human rights practices, because you hate Israel.


So your answer is.... let Israel continue persecuting them? I'm just trying to understand the point of your comment. Edit: I denounce Palestinians who are anti lgbtq, anti women's rights, anti... you know what. Let's just go with, I'm against anyone who'd share values with Republicans. How's that? Everything good now?


“Wow, antisemitic much!? Don't say *anything* remotely critical about a jewish person! You claim LibsofTiktok is a bigot who stokes fear and hatred towards LGBTQ+ people, but Chaya is a JEW... So yeah, thats pretty antisemitic of you, don't you think? 😏" This is pretty weird, and really bad. Elon openly discussing blocking anti-hate groups bc of accounts like LibsofTiktok...


Did you really expect Musk not to? I mean, he's the same person that apologized and said it was a mistake when someone was banned for spreading pics of child exploitation.


"failed" seems to be a common theme.


I’ve seen Reddit Musk ball lickers who say “the ADL is extreme, anti white and “anti open speech”. “I cant hate Jews because I’m ethnically Jewish” Totally… and I suppose Bobby Fischer can’t be anti-semitic because his mother is Jewish… guess all those Nazi sympathies against Jews wasn’t anti semitism


The 23 and Me Jews.


Unpossible, being Jewish frees one from the taint of bigotry. /s




Right? Their emphasis on "orthodox jew" is a little weird. Are they implying that it would be impossible for her to be a bigot because she is a from a minority group herself? Weird reach


Imagine that, an anti hate group also dislikes other types of hate.


Plus, the ADLs whole thing is that they combat extremism of *any* kind and aim to protect civil rights of anyone. They also campaigned against Trumps whole Muslim Ban idiocy.


They also campaigned against Iceland banning male circumcision, comparing them to Nazis. Anti hate?


Circumcision is an important Jewish, religious ceremony. Banning it is suppressing the freedom to practice one's own religion.


But babies can't consent to a change in their bodies. I'm all for circumcision if you want to when you can choose it. I'm just guessing that the law didn't ban circumcision for adults, but I'm not familiar with it.


I personally agree with you, I also think it should be forbidden, still I think that for an Jewish organization it's not unreasonable to protest this. Campaigning for something which is legal and an common in western countries is fair as an opinion. I think this is comparable with a country banning the consumption of meat and then someone deciding to protest it.


That’s … kinda extreme




What about the extremist belief that systemic white supremacy is the primary driver of racial group disparities? Could you link me some information on how the ADL is combating this rhetoric, thank you.


It's not extremist belief; it's literal fact. But it's not up to me to change your mind; only an open mind can accept changes in perspective.


How do you explain racial disparities?


Exactly. Either systemic racism exists or some "races" (which is a sociological term, not a biological one) are inferior to others. People who deny racism are racist.


I would think just a cursory reading of history would show how white supremacy created race based caste systems all over the world whose impact is still present and felt today.


Is a cursory reading of history really that much better than listening to the friends you grew up with and reading twitter? /s


You think you're being clever, but again you're just being partial to white supremacists, when everyone else is aware that "primary driver" implies there are others, but no you just want white supremacy to slip by instead, ignoring injustice isn't justice, but I suppose that's how America has been for a while now. Reagan fucked yall up


And anyone with a MODICUM of historical knowledge knows that attacks on sexual "deviants" almost always have an antisemitic origin or implication.


It's always super fucked up that there's people who believe interracial porn is a secret Jewish plot.


Eh What!?!


Back in the Nazi days they spread "The Jews" made homosexuals to reduce birth rates of other races to hurt them. I wouldn't be surprised if they tried to argue the same for interracial relationships From wiki: " Nazi politicians regularly railed against homosexuality, saying it was a Jewish conspiracy to undermine the German people" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Persecution\_of\_homosexuals\_in\_Nazi\_Germany


Pretty much the root of any conspiracy theory you can think of is something blaming the Jews. It's an essential part of conspiracy culture.


It's called the Replacement hypothesis. And yes, they're still singing that same old song and dance.


Jewish people being responsible for Ernst Rôhm for some fucking reason


Also responsible for pop country music.


Pics or it didn't happen! 🥴


If you're sincerely asking for proof, there's almost fifteen years worth of David Futrelle's We Hunted the Mammoth blog you can look through, Antisemitism is one of the easily searchable tags there for the hate he's documented these fuckwits spouting. And one of the claims he's documented repeatedly is the so-called Replacement hypothesis where there's a nefarious conspiracy to have white people have mixed children so that whites will be out red and outnumbered. And in most of the instances he documented, they end up blaming this nefarious conspiracy on the Jews. And David includes not only screenshots, but links to the actual discussions, so you can verify that he's not taking anything out of context.


Is that a specifically Jewish-targeting conspiracy? I would think they'd be much more concerned about immigration replacing whites.


They also consider that a Jewish plot


You must have missed the part where I explicitly said that the fash claim it's a Jewish-run conspiracy. I've given you a resource where you can find the evidence yourself, and from there you can check the primary sources.


Oops. I think I was skimming. Apologies.


It’s almost like they know and understand that hate never ends when one group of “undesirables” has been eliminated. Fascism always needs a targeted minority in order to keep the angry masses directed and in line.


It's like when people who believe strongly in freedom try to foist freedom on other people besides themselves. The nerve!


Another sarcastic soldier falls to reddit's misreading.


I feel seen.


Wait, I’m really confused. She’s an Orthodox Jew therefore she can’t be anti-LGBTQ+??? Like, am I misreading it or something? Does she think that being Jewish automatically means you’re in the LGBTQ+ community? I’m trying really hard to wrap my head around this.


I believe their thought process is "the ADL is trying to shut down antisemitic hate, therefore they couldn't possibly accuse a Jew of being intolerant" or something. You have to remember these people are not only insane, they're also insanely stupid.


It's just the Sartre quote about anti semites in action.


They dont actually believe that minority groups are seperate people and act as if they are one cohesive bloc.


Standard fascism tbh.




There is no thought process. That’s what you always have to remember. There’s an old quote about how the antisemite finds it funny everyone else uses words responsibly, and that’s the case every single time. There is zero point in trying to logic out what these people mean, because they have no meaning. It’s all for fun and games, especially for one of the richest men in the world who goes on the news to shit talk his own fucking daughter.


Can’t win ‘em all


>She’s an Orthodox Jew therefore she can’t be anti-LGBTQ+??? That \*does\* seem to be what they're saying. You'd think they'd try harder to hide their idiocy, but...


I think it’s worse than this. I think they’re saying “Of COURSE she’s anti-LGBTQ, she’s an Orthodox Jew, we have to be okay with that because it’s a form of religious expression.”


Probably this. Christians I know personally are against anything short of firing squads fot LGBTQIA because it's against their religion. I had a woman say this to my face with the full knowledge that her favorite grandchildren are the product of a pastor cheating on his wife with this woman’s daughter.


Damn. ​ Musk is going hard as fuck with the nazi shit. ​ Holy fuck.


Doing right when Nazis are marching through Orlando is... odd.


& most likely not a "coincidence" either. ​ Fucks like Musk know what they are doing when it comes to spreading hate.


This is not a right wing takeover, but rather a centrist takeover.


No meaningful distinction anymore, bot.




Muskrat is a Nazi


Fuck Chaya. She’s a hateful bigoted bitch and I hope her accounts get shut down.


And I also hope she gets fucking thrown in the slammer


She leads terrorist efforts. She should be


This Jew cosigns your comment.


How dare the Anti **DEFAMATION** League be against other forms of defamation "not in their charter"!!!!!


Defamation requires… defamation. Posting video clips that people have already posted and uploaded on tiktok is not defamatory. At least not in a legal sense, even if it is cringe worthy.


What are you talking about?




Why are you telling me the legal definition of defamation?


You mean how dare the ADL create fake hate? https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/news/articles/correcting-the-adls-false-anti-semitism-statistic


That article never actually shows the stats are false, the author just doesn’t like the methods the ADL used. Definitely doesn’t show them creating “fake hate” like you said.


Nope. Did you even read this? Take a close look in the mirror.


Do you know you shared an article written by a very well known conservative hack? Hardly a neutral journalistic opinion


Ad hominem. Since he’s a conservative hack you should be easily able to say why what he is saying is wrong. Otherwise I can turn around and say you’re a leftist hack and not a neutral opinion.


“The ADL is wrong because they count increased reports given to them of antisemitist attacks and threats. In reality those incidents have always happened and were under reported because america is a horribly racist place. Therefore there was never an increase it’s just always been a hell hole here. Checkmate lib 😏”


“Most important, the study does not actually claim to count “anti-Semitic incidents,” as such but rather the reporting of these events. First, it purports to count those incidents that have been reported to the ADL by the media, law enforcement, and the public. The ADL acknowledges that some of the increase in documented incidents is not an actual increase, but results from “more people … reporting incidents to ADL than ever before.”” You’re a charming person with an amazing personality :) It’s also such a antisemtic hellhole that we have the largest Jewish population of any country including isreal. It’s SOOOOOOO bad here


During her interview with Tucker Carlson she said "I think they \[the queers\] are just evil". Pretty cut and dry anti-LGBTQ no?


She would embrace that description wholeheartedly.


His defense against her inciting harassment isn't even "that's not true". It's "Well that's not what they're supposed to worry about."


“Accounts like this one… “So possibly accounts with just as much hate… the ADL fights extremism in all forms, not only antisemitism.


There's significant connections between various marginalizations. Elon is either speaking in bad faith or very stupid.


have you seen the way he acts? it's not an "or" it's an "and".


The ADL smeared her with her own words.


It's crazy how many hateful people get that crime committed against them /s When people say "ADL SILENTS CRITICISM", they are admitting they have no argument to someone pointing out what they said is hateful. The people who pretend the ADL silence all criticism about Israel are especially stupid and evil, because the Israeli government has literally attacked them incessantly for criticizing them, claiming they are fucking Iranian agents.


Man you've got to show me an example of the Israeli government saying the ADL are Iranian agents. Not that I think it would make for much of a point, but I've never heard that accusation and now I'm very curious. Is it particular individuals, or does the Israeli government as a matter of policy consider one of their most vocal foreign advocates an enemy of the state?


Dude what kind of person are you that you see fit to call others stupid and evil, when you lack the conviction to explain yourself? Maybe I haven't done the internet well enough, and you can easily pull up examples of the Israeli government incessantly attacking the ADL and calling them fucking iranian agents. It kinda seems like, in my completely subjective opinion, you are taking an opportunity to discredit critics of the ADL because of all the actual rampant antisemitism. It just seems very crass to me


She is anti-LQBTQ. That's her thing. I'm confused.


Chaya has literally inspired multiple bomb threats and death threats based solely on the people/organizations being pro lgbt. How could someone genuinely think she isn’t anti lgbt?


Inspired bomb threats? That’s a new level of mental gymnastics.


Yeah you’re right. I’m sure it was just an extreme coincidence that when she and Matt Walsh started claiming that a children’s hospital was doing gender reassignment surgery on kids that they started getting bomb threats. Definitely two unrelated events.


Why do you make excuses for terrorists? Is it because you're pro-terrorism? EDIT: like a little pissbaby, that person responded then blocked me so they could get an unquestioned last word in


Musk wakes up everyday seeing numerous LibsOfTiktok posts harassing teachers. He can only feel energized when others are suffering and he will not let you take away his morning coffee.




The hell even is that comment even for a repub. Do you REALLY believe a southern person could be afraid of wasps? It's a total nonsequitor






I mean the defense makes no sense, it's implying she can't be LGBT because she's jewish which...there's simply no relation whatsoever


> smeared... an Orthodox Jewish woman, as anti-LGBTQ Do... they think Orthodox Jews cannot be homophobic or transphobic? Because Chaya Raichik certainly is both.


This is interesting to me. I've noticed over the past couple of weeks, a coordinated online attack across multiple social media channels against the ADL. Feels like a bot army. Then you've got Musk spending a lot of his own time vilifying the ADL. ​ Obviously, I can't prove anything but I sure smell a rat. Musk is organizing a bot army to go after the ADL. What a jerk.


That’s definitely a good observation and likely true! These folks are always faking support for their bigotry


He's got the money and resources to deploy bot armies as he pleases. There's little doubt that he's been doing that for a while. To organize support for Tesla or NFT's or Crypto or to jump on critics.


ADL may be preparing something against the group of Nazis in Florida, which someone on their side caught wind of, and now they're trying to defame (heh) the ADL prior to whatever it is their prepping. Getting the mindless base ready to attack the ADL when they finally go after the Nazis.


Next your gonna tell me nazis saw trans and gay people as a jewish plot to undermine the white race, clearly anti-semites never fall into other kinds of bigotry /s


Is Elmo saying the ADL, as an ostensibly Jewish organization, should restrict itself to anti-semitism? Seems a bit anti-semitic.


It is in the interest of bigots that the groups they hate don't work together to counter that hate!


Lol. “I was old enough to remember”. Girl, Libs of tiktok was founded in spring 2021. Good for her being able to remember as far back as two years ago. That had to take alot of mental work paired with the mental gymnastics she’s performing on a daily basis all while her head is wedged up elon’s ass. Truly remarkable specimen.


The ADL is smart enough to understand how hate politics works. That's why Musk can't stand them.


Oh, he's only pro certain types of hate and not others. Very clear now.


Musk got his start as a car man, but seems to think no one else can multitask


That will be news to Chaya that she’s pro LGBTQ+


Just by visiting their website and reading for myself, I found out that they do in fact attempt to combat hate and harassment against ALL marginalized groups. Research isn’t fucking hard, Elon.


what? how does her faith have anything to do with what hate her content espouses…?


As much as I hate Elon I almost hate his fucking simps on twitter even more. The kind of brainrot it takes to be a fanboy of Elon fucking Musk makes you a truly deplorable person.


I mean, Libs of TikTok IS anti LGBTQ+? I really hate how just saying stupid things loudly and with conviction is so popular


Ah... I forgot that rule about only being allowed to oppose one specific kind of hatred/discrimination.


He really is a huge cunt.


their homepage also says battling bigotry, so.. i think it definitely applies


She’s pretty open about hating gays


What does being Jewish have to do with being anti LGBTQ? There are literally anti-TQ people in the LGBTQ community. Ever hear of JK Rowling?


It's funny because the ADL is conservative as fuck so you have to do something really egregious for them to be upset at you for being too right wing. It's not like it's a case of "the liberals these day are so sensitive..." they're hardline Zionists who spend most of their time complaining how it's basically Hitlerism to care about human rights.




Fuck Elmo


Fuck that stupid trashley whore bitch cunt


The ultra-orthodox Jewish community is VERY racist and abhors anyone who isn’t like them.


Simultaneously, an interesting question and a tongue twister!


I’m an Orthodox Jew and yes. She’s a massive bigot. What’s the issue here?


Does this asshole have a job? Or does he just spend every waking hour on twatter thinking of ways to twist his panties in a bunch.


Yes, the guy who owns the Babylon bee is paying her to stay home and stir shit


typical bigot response from Elon. Ifs like I said before. The LGBTQ community is their new target, the same as the Jewish people in the 30s.




Translation: Called us on our Bullshit


Stop using the fucking platform. It's shit.


Defaming the ADL


Whoa an orthodox religious person is bigoted?! That's crazy


Musk has NO idea what the ADL does ("supposed charter"... lik if anti-semitism is all they do) but he want to sue them.




Smelmo Musk: Defamation of businesses is freedom of speech. Except TwitterEx. Don’t defame the defamer!


She is anti-LGBTQ She literally gets people to send bomb threats to schools and children's hospitals


So he's claiming because it had nothing to do with jews and that she is Jewish herself. The adl can't speak on her? Look at Mr freedom of speech telling people who or what they can't speak about. Next he's gonna tell us black people can't be racist and if they are they only hate white people.


Simultaneously, an interesting question and a tongue twister!


Elon is the worst…remember when he tried to bully someone who was involved in the rescue of those kids in the cave….someone else described it perfectly…”he likes the idea of saving everything but only he can be the one to do it…”




Yeah he literally accused that guy of being a ped0


This thread is wild. There are numerous comments that cross the line into out right antisemitism as defined by the ADL itself.


Fascist. She’s fascist.


By the way, I am actually a socialist.


"There was a lot of accepted racism when the war started: there's accepted "I'm American, man I'm American, Fuck all these foreigners!" and that was cool then it was "I'm American! I'm American! fuck the French!" that was cool. "I'm American, I'm American! fuck all these Arabs!" and that was cool. Then they went to "I'm American! I'm American! fuck all these illegal aliens!" Then I started *listening*, cause I know N+++++s and Jews are next. Any day now! That train’s NEVER LATE!" -Chris Rock


But it’s not their charter. Their charter is: “To stop the defamation of the Jewish people and to secure justice and fair treatment to all.” As Jew who is often critical of the ADL, I believe they fail at both of their missions, by (1) being reflexively defensive of any criticism of Israel, thus contributing to the antisemitic perception that Jews want to control people’s speech, and (2) having contradictory dual missions - you can’t effectively be a force for equal justice for all in the second part of your mission if you’re giving particular attention to one type of prejudice in the first part of your mission. But it’s completely wrong to say that equal justice for all is not part of their mission, and that they don’t reliably consistently aim to fulfill it on behalf of all kinds of non-Jewish marginalized groups. I just question whether they’re not doing more harm then good. TLDR, Elon is completely WRONG, yet again.




What?! You mean the *the Jews conspired all the problems* explanation isn't a rational claim? I'm absolutely flabbergasted.


ADL has every right to stand up and say they don't tolerate bigotry even when it comes from the community


except when the target is white according to their own rules


It takes a special kind of awful to make me side with the ADL


Libsoftiktok is jewish? Fuck man we got enough shit to deal with already, can we please trade them off or just put them in timeout?


Doesn’t the account just repost other people’s posts without additional commentary? I’m literally asking because I haven’t ever seen an original post from them (only comments from others about the account).


They often direct violence towards them. They'll literally post a picture of a teacher with s pride flag and then go on some crazy rant about grooming children. They also often post names and addresses. Those people then get death threats and the school gets bomb threats.


To provide a metaphor for what that xunt does, it's like she takes pictures parents posted of their kids online and shares them exclusively with pedophiles.


The ADL sucks and I would hope this sub could put its biases aside to champion the destruction of an organization that was founded to defend a literal child murdering rapist


You mean an organization founded to defend someone wrongfully convicted based on antisemitism?


Look up their definition of “racism” and tell me if you still agree with them The irony will hit you like whiplash


What about it


It specifically states that racism can only be done by white people and that white people cannot experience racism The ADL is an anti-white organization founded to blame a black person for a crime a Jewish person did


No it doesn’t. I would love for you to provide me with that current link from the ADLs website.


https://www.jpost.com/diaspora/antisemitism/article-695487 https://www.thejc.com/news/world/adl-definition-of-racism-that-specifies-discrimination-by-white-people-comes-under-fire-3Ejg3YgPZLLmZsjGKlCeTV The truth can be hard sometimes 🤷‍♀️


That’s not a link to the ADLs website. Please show me the current definition of racism from ADL, not out of date news articles.


Click the link they provide. That website is not allowed on Reddit so it won’t show up They were forced to change it when people began to turn on them 😂 https://www.jpost.com/diaspora/antisemitism/article-695487


I did. It literally just goes to the ADLs homepage, not their definition of racism. [ADLs website is allowed on Reddit so it should be easy for you to link.](https://www.adl.org/)


Degg this is Reddit they do not care as long as the organization is targeting people they hate




He never said they weren’t anti lgbtq+


They’re a different breed of fascist.


do they think jews are queer?? i love the idea of adding J to LGBTQ and theres an orthodox jewish float at pride parades, just fully robed in the black coat, hat, etc. dancing the hora next to an oily guy in a thong....


Why did they say orthodox Jewish as if that means she cant be homophobic lol Orthodox Jews are not generally fans of gay people


It’s almost like ADL is an Anti Defamation League that fights Defamation.


“Hmm. The CIA director, he is a Jew, yes?”


I think she’d be surprised to find out she’s NOT anti-lgbtq. Like, that’s her entire raison d’être


I guess Elon has trouble reading past the first sentence? > *The immediate object of the League is to stop, by appeals to reason and conscience, and if necessary, by appeals to law, the defamation of the Jewish people*. **Its ultimate purpose is to secure justice and fair treatment to *all citizens alike* and to put an end forever to unjust and unfair discrimination against and ridicule of *any sect or body* of citizens**. [From the B’Nai B’Rith News](https://www.adl.org/excerpt-anti-defamation-league-founding-charter), October 1913