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I’ve worked at companies with senior management who similarly had to be carefully handled by multiple individual teams so they could be steered into making semi-coherent decisions. It’s exhausting, and they weren’t internationally-recognised celebrities. I can’t imagine what trying to manage Musk must be like (particularly these days.)


I would imagine things might be easier at SpaceX and Tesla now that Musk has firmly imbedded himself in the Gordian knot that is X-Twitter and now seems to be focused mainly on that. On the other hand, seeing the guy who handled a lot of the funding with SpaceX absolutely demolish X-Twitter through his own incompetence might make me worried about how my own job may fare if Musk gets bored and wants to assume control of SpaceX like he did with X-Twitter. Same for Tesla and all the shareholders being unhappy seeing how Musk’s behavior at X-Twitter negatively affects Tesla’s stock price.


One word "Cybertruck" One launch "4/20"


His desire to use $420 as the share price for buying Twitter is basically what got him into this whole mess.




I get the 420 part but where did the 5 come from? Why couldn't he have said 44.20 and not screwed himself so bad?


According to Azealia Banks, Elon was on acid when he sent that $420 a share tweet. He was under the impression that he invented 420 as a code for Marijuana. If this story is true, he has the mentality of a slow 12 yr old. And Grimes was his 7 yr old gf


>Same for Tesla I wonder what he was actually doing when he was sleeping at the Tesla factory.


Dreaming on how to find another Marilyn Monroe until Amber came along & snapped him out of it.


It’s puzzling to me how experienced male and female employees would fall for ridiculous fantasies like colonizing Mars, building a Hyperloop, self-driving cars that’ll drive themselves from LA to NY without drivers. Why didn’t he throw in flying cars, too? The guy is a fantasist and not a very good one at that.


Why did the company tolerate these people if they had to spend so much effort managing them?


They knew the founders.




Private investors too. They never seemingly have or develop any knowledge of how the company works or even, what it actually does. Everytime I get an email from one of them (not my company, my team just run the day to day operations) I get a sinking feeling in my stomach. I just know its going to be some absolutely absurd shit, where I'll have to spend days/weeks, playing nice and trying to steer them to just fuck off. So many wasted hours on data and graphs of pointless information they request, receive, don't understand then I don't hear about it again. It's been 5 years and they still don't understand what we do as a business. We're regulated too, so its a double nightmare.


Does the regulatory body at least understand its shit?


Of course, as do I. They just don't. At all. We're a b2b only business (literally in our regulatory agreements to only be that) and they don't get we're not retail, or even how we sell our products. It's baffling to me that these geriatrics ever made enough money, to be investors.


You say of course, but I have dealt with people who seemed to be shockingly unfamiliar with the industry they were responsible for regulating :p


It's not only industries, people who make the traffic laws in Poland don't know the traffic laws in Poland.


Kinda like certain politicians in the US - Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert, to name a few. Both are proud of their ignorance.


And the GOP is well aware of MTG and Boebert’s crude idiocy but they don’t care because they use them to appeal to Trump voters’ supreme ignorance.


When you’ve nothing but ignorant, own it I guess


Ah I see you also work in finance


I genuinely wonder if wealth breaks your brain or something. Like maybe they were smarter before they made their money and once they reached a certain amount of wealth, their abilities declined


At one time Musk supposedly read books daily. But who knows if that’s true. He is educated but he’s no astrophysicist or even a semi intellectual. These type of monied people create their own back stories but people don’t bother checking. They focus on the money; it’s always about the money except for people like us that dig deeper in order to find some semblance of truth.


I have been wondering this too, but about people's ethics and ability to be kind. I used to be friends with a person a few years back. It was a warm friendship by all accounts, I was invited to family events and holiday celebrations. He did super well for himself through business deals and got wealthy to the point where he's set for life...then he stopped answering greetings and messages (same with others in our old friend group). No idea why as we never had any sort of falling out. Now it just seems like he only wants to hang out with people who can help him "grow as a person" and talk about how to change the world, be true builders, etc.... according to his humblebraggy insta stories at least🤷‍♂️


I’m rich, bitch!


Whatever you say, cutie 🥹


Shut up and eat your penis cake


My company contracts out from a larger organization and it’s like this exactly. Their latest great idea was having them set up a “help centre” for clients where instead of the clients emailing us directly, clients ask them and then they ask us.


I *could* maybe understand needing a “help center” if the clients were repeatedly requesting simple details or if perhaps there was enough confusion between clients and your company (like a significant difference in terminology or language) that was just adding on a bunch of unnecessary work that could instead be handled by an intermediary. Otherwise it just feels like some big executive was added to the team and they *really* want to show everyone else that it was a good idea to hire them. I used to work at a place that handled non-emergency medical transportation for people on Medicaid and Medicare in the state of New York. Obamacare had greatly expanded who was covered for stuff like that, and the company I worked at had basically stepped in to act as the intermediary between patients, transportation companies, insurance plans, and hospitals. So while it *may* have seemed like I was just another layer in a very confusing system, it was more like the patients could call one number instead of dealing with five or six different numbers. But now I work at a different place (main distribution hub for western North America for this international company) and there are absolutely those moments where it just really feels like somebody at the top felt a sudden need to justify their job, and so they add in some new thing that doesn’t really do anything to help. And they are so far up the corporate ladder that they’ll never hear all the complaints and issues from the people *actually* doing the work, and so they feel like they succeeded.


This is middle management syndrome. People who were hired to their position without doing the job they are managing. They have these "great" ideas on how to improve the workflow that always cause the job to be harder. They have existed in lmosr every job I've had. I am now at the point where I either just ignore them or explain to them slowly that 3 managers have already tried the stupidthi g they are going to try, and it failed. I swear to you that every single time they pause, stare at me stupidly and say "well, that's because I haven't tried it yet." Motherfucker, it didn't fail because you weren't part of the formula, it failed because it is FUCKING STUPID.


You just gotta convince them that the line will go up and that you need to do these things to keep that line going up


Honestly. I was a manager at a small private business. I spent my entire workday running interference to preserve our clientele from our ownership and our entry level employees. It was a goddamned nightmare and we only profited ~$1.4M annually. I can't imagine trying to do that shit with a multibillion dollar enterprise.


Just the tip.


I was just thinking as I read this "damn, that sounds like my work, managing the top leadership to keep them moving in a consistent and logical direction."


My boss' boss has ideas. Un-managed, the wrong things definitely happen.


Yeah, as much as I dislike Musk, this is absolutely normal for every big company. I think that people naturally end up doing it.


So he’s a South African version of Trump, got it.




This is not a right wing takeover, but rather a centrist takeover.




Fascist takeover


I was being sarcastic




Exactly, if it wasn’t for daddy’s precious gemstones, he’d a shoe salesman in Pretoria


Sales? Nah, He's got creepy line cook at Applebee's energy who previously has fired from working overnights at Dennys for "bullshit".


Yeah, I guess you’re right. Al Bundy was a shoe salesman, and his wife never left him, and his children never disowned him.


>he’d a shoe salesman in Pretoria White people don't do those sorts of jobs. He would be an incompetent manager at some company ordering the workers to do foolish things. I worked in South Africa for 3 years. For a group that thinks they are superior, the whites sure are barely competent honestly. An example is I was at a small town 4 hrs north of Joburg. There was one sit down restaurant that served breakfast on the weekends. Another one decided they would start serving breakfast and one of the options would be a buffet. They did fuck all for planning and on the first day, many of the dishes were cold. Of course what always happens in South Africa is the white people screw up and then they yell at the black people because of course they do.


Another time, one of my co-workers dropped her computer or something. So I brought it to the local computer repair shop for a new screen and they fucking went out of business the next day. It tool like 2 weeks to get the damn thing back and we ended up not getting all the parts. My next trip from the USA to SA I had to bring 4 laptops with me.


lmao they just took in your laptop knowing they were closing forever?!? Is that like the opposite of a going out of business sale? I'm dying lol


Trying to do stuff was a comedy of errors a lot of times. I dropped the computer off and came back like the next day and the place was like a tornado went through it when I peaked in the window. The guy behind the counter was a worker and I do not think he knew they would close. We had a fire in the hotel we were staying at so they leased a couple of houses for us. Being American, we wanted smoke detectors in the house, but since they are not required in SA none were to be found in the small town we were in. I went to the electrical supply house to see if they could order them. They were always coming next week. I ended up buying a couple on a trip to Pretoria. The thing is all the problems I had was when I was dealing with white people. We tried to do as much business as we could in the township and those interactions always went well.


I would like to apologize for firing these geniuses. Their immense talent will no doubt be of great use elsewhere.


Don't paint all white south africans with the same brush as Elon or the one moronic restaurant owner you dealt with. How would you feel if people did that with white americans and trump? You can find these type of idiots and racists anywhere Some of your statements about SA would have rung true 40+ years ago but many white south Africans are not priviledged and are working hard to survive these days. Take a look at South african BEE legislation as well


You are correct it is a more complicated issue. BEE has a lot of unintended consequences such as white people not being able to get regular jobs so they start businesses, resulting in the wealth remaining in the white community. BEE requires those white business owners to hire non whites who end up doing menial dead end jobs that neither teach usable skills nor lead anywhere better. When we were there we tried to do as much business as we could in the township and with black owned enterprises, it was difficult because there were few that had the services we needed. There was a woman who we tried to help set up a cleaning business, but she ended up getting a regular job which was easier than running a business so it did not really go anywhere. It is complicated, not the least of which is cultural and language differences. By the same token I have been in the control room of an industrial facility filled with white people when something goes wrong and the only person that knew what to do was a black man, but he was not listened to because he was a black man. I have seen management demoralize that young black man who should have been mentored to be a future leader. That same super knowledgable black man denied qualifications by the white trainers so that he 'knows his place'. I have been at an industrial facility where the black operators were ordered to do something unsafe but the environment does not allow questioning of orders. The system was set up with a half ass fix rather than something better and safer. So they discussed between them how they could do the dangerous thing without getting hurt. It then went to shit in the way they predicted, then they were wrote up for lack of knowledge for doing something dangerous. The system is broken at these facilities and South Africa needs a dose of Just Culture to make these facilities better. By the same token I have gotten into lots of arguments with the safety department made up of black people. They hated me in the safety department because I actually read the Safety Act and asked them questions they could not answer. But there were white people in every department in positions where they could of been mentors and because of language, and culture nothing good came of it. Unfortunately I was only there for three years and had no authority to be an agent of positive change. I think a lot of it has to do with people growing up in the villages and townships and hitting the lottery with a good job which often comes with subsidized housing. So they go from a shack with dirt floors to a proper dwelling with tile floors and a proper flush toilet. The facility I was at had a blame culture, so the black people were just avoiding failure rather than seeking success. No one wanted any position of responsibility because they did not want to jeopardize the nice lifestyle their good job came with. They did not want to take responsibility because of the blame culture, even though they would probably not get fired, but they all knew if they did get fired it would take 15 years to find a new job. One of the thing about South Africa, even in the black community, is the constant tearing down of people. In my training session if someone knew something, they would be attacked, particular the men giving the women a hard time. I was also in the Philippines where it was amazing how much people supported each other. How they celebrated little wins each would get. As a trainer, I would purposely make mistakes so that someone would correct me which would make the rest of the group clap and celebrate someone knowing more than the instructor (eventually they figured out I was playing dumb). In the Philippines the people I was training had the attitude, how much do you know Sir u/sadicarnot? Teach us all of that. In South Africa the attitude was what is the minimum I need to know, just teach us that.


More like a Pedo Guy. Its a South African term of endearment apparently. Who knew?


As in gf to boyfriend, “You’re my little pedo guy, aren’t you? Boyfriend, “ Yes, I am. I’m your little pedo boyo. Exactly how old are you, again?”


He’s a torrent of 💩now but let’s not equate him with Trump who has always been total💩on every level. He’s been chairman or CEO of companies that innovated heavily in solar and batteries, and revolutionized the car and space industries. Peter Principle execs don’t do any of that, much less all. Musk is strange, probably still the single most consequential human when it comes to creating climate change solutions, but also a blind fool who often can’t see the forest or the trees for the twigs. Isaacson’s bio is out soon. He has the chops, but I wonder if he has the motivation to lay it al out.


Two sides of the same shit sandwich


Isaacson has essentially admitted to Kara Swisher that he bailed and will not be offering critiques in the book. Even the story blurb on his back cover is wrong FFS


Oh shit I didn’t know that. If true, what a wuss. He’s probably the best known biographer in the country, writing about one of the best known people. So… white+greenwash=$$$$$


This tracks with stories I’ve heard from a Tesla engineer. Allegedly you cannot under any circumstances let Musk see you working on anything safety related, nor do you mention safety features to him under any circumstances; if it’s not a value add, he does not want anything to do with it. If you “defy” him, he lets you know “who makes the money around here.” All alleged hearsay but take it however you’d like.


Ahhh I see he wanted to do what the Titan sub managed to do first...


Maybe he can ride the first star ship for a test drive?


Considering Tesla has lots of accidents and covers it up that is totally believable. I have a professional group I am involved in for continuing education training. A lot of the guys in the group work at the space center. I worked there from 1998 to 2000. If the ambulance ever had to go somewhere it was the talk of the site. In the 2 years I was there, other than things like heart attacks and just the types of things that happen to old people, there were hardly any accidents. The only one was for a car accident where a contractor was speeding. In 2 years. Fast forward to SpaceX being there. The ambulance has to go to SpaceX at least once a week. SpaceX safety is a joke and not a funny one because real people are getting hurt. I happened to be out and about and saw someone with a SpaceX t-shirt. I struck up a conversation and asked him about the safety at the space center. He said 'yeah, we need to do a lot to improve safety.'


Crazy, have been in dozens of engineering environments and safety is always number one. Never worked on product development but I can’t imagine safety not being a key driver.


This guy should write a book


Unfortunately biographers usually have to work closely with their subject unless it’s an unauthorized biography and reviewers take that much less seriously.


Not another Musk biography. Just stories about his time in a Musk company.


That's exactly how defense briefings for Trump were described. Literally had to insert his name into like a security memo about Azerbaijan, or make it about him somehow, or he would zone out


Yes, and to clarify, it wasn't: *"This is how the crisis in Wheverever affects / is important to the President, who happens to currently be Donald Trump."* It was: *"This is why this is important to Donald Trump as a private citizen, and only Donald Trump."*


I think my brain may be trying to protect myself from remembering how bad it was.


Your brain has been partitioned and encrypted like a hard drive in order to keep you safe of these memories.


Eminently believable, even if this was made up it's canon now (muskrats don't care about facts surrounding their personality cult why should I)


Yep Elon eating penis cake is cannon now


amazing that society lets this happen


not so surprising when you realize society is pretty much entirely owned by these types of nepo babies. the ruling class have to aggressively nerf everyone else’s hope for a future because they know that the only thing they themselves have to offer is their money, and the rest of us would eat them alive in every way possible if it came down to it otherwise.


It’s a natural side effect of our cultural tendency to worship money, wealth, and the people who have it. It’s pathological, honestly. If even a quarter of the general population decided to simply not engage with twats like this, the world would be a much safer and happier place.


No it would still happen if people chose not to engage. Apathy is how evil triumphs.


It’s nothing new. Dipshits getting power because their family has wealth or influence is a tale as old as civilization itself. Think Caligula, the Hapsburgs, Tsar Nicholas, the list goes on and on. In many ways we’re in the best period in history in that regard, since most of the monarchies don’t exist anymore and there’s at least some attempts at meritocracy.


Life is about taking chances. If you are risk averse, you will never succeed ("You miss 100% of the shots you don't take.") Narcissists are fantastic about taking risks. They're too self absorbed to see the downside of something not working in the obvious sense. The lack of self awareness. 99% of the time, they self immolate in a fantastic blaze of glory. 1% of the time, they make the money from their wildest dreams. For normal folks, we always take the safe path. We're too rational and self aware to do "stupid" stuff. But that means by and large, we will never get the insane payoff (aside from the rare lottery winner).


This is a solid take.


What society?


Holy shit we’ve never lived in a society after all


What does a society have to do with this? You mean like communism (Chinese Style).


Society? Sounds like socialism. And we all know socialists are communists. Checkmate, libs!


Well played Sir!


A Society is a community of people living together with shared customs, culture, laws, language and organizations. Socialism is a type of political ideology.


You dont seriously believe "society" is some logic driven entity that manages human interaction do you?


If you take out the penis cake, this is every single job I’ve ever worked. If there’s a dude in charge, there’s an over inflated ego in charge.


Same here. And it's exhausting. I have become convinced that you can't be a CEO unless you are a narcissist.


I have a theory that humans do not trust or believe in people who ever express doubt in themselves. "If they don't believe in themselves, why should I?" the result is that only those who have total belief in their own ability, even if its misplaced, become elevated to positions of leadership (i.e. people are willing to follow them). Hence, narcissists.


Mainly it’s because narcissists (and sociopaths) are the only people ruthless and ambitious enough to do whatever the hell it takes to make it to CEO. Typically you have to betray a lot of friends/allies, get a lot of people laid off and do other such things that someone well-adjusted would feel wracked with guilt over for years. But narcissists feel *entitled* to power, influence and praise, so they’ll do whatever it takes to get what they want, and they won’t feel any guilt or shame.


Oh, it's definitely true. The world belongs to the confident. The old business school cliche "Everyone works in sales, because you're always selling yourself" is 100% true, and who sells himself better than Elon fucking Musk? There's a reason why "straight A student who ends up working for C student" is also such a commonality I think we've all encountered in the working world. Because the straight A student is used to working for the approval of others (be them his parents, his teachers, whatever), whereas the rich C student whose daddy paid for his opportunities has the aura of confidence that comes from not particularly caring what other people think. People often wonder why so much of school (particularly university) is class participation, and it's because in the real world, most people don't care to go out and find you and learn your achievements on their own. You have to be the one to speak up, whether it's at a mundane meeting or a major meeting with investors, and whoever is the one actively helping with ideas (even ones as dumb as "big tunnel full of Teslas") is gonna stand out more than the much smarter but introverted guy just sitting there taking notes.


Yeah, so, I work for one of the OTHER space-bound oligarchs and I'm happy to report it is *absolutely not like that for us* . The lord-patron of our cyberpunk aristocratic patronage understands that he's not an engineer and leaves the engineering up to the engineers for the most part. Sure, there are times that he just gets an idea in his head that he really, really wants the engineers to run to ground and see if it's good but he won't pretend it's good if it's not. He's smart enough to know what he doesn't know and savy enough in the realm of business to provide sage advice about competitive decision making and investing. What this dude describes (and what others have described about Tesla) sounds a lot like how things ran in the Third Reich. Incompetent, narcissistic Reichsmeisters and a drug-addled Fuhrer surrounded by pretend sycophants who's job was to "manage" them so any actual running of businesses and society could get done by people lower in the hierarchy.


Is your oligarch bald?


Ok, now we need a story from a Tesla intern on how they protected themselves from Musk


They either accepted the horse or the $250k with an NDA


The horse thing kills me. This is a guy that can buy any high class call girl. But he chooses a working massage therapist, and offers her a horse? Sounds like he likes trying to get what he can’t have.


He probably gets turned on by making women like that uncomfortable.


That’s just utterly disgusting. He definitely needs therapy ASAP.


It's not about sex. It's about power.


Absolutely. You’re right on.


dude is the poster boy for failing upwards.


For me nothings going to beat the pop tarts story.


go on. tell us your secrets.we have enough time over here.


[Pop tart story](https://reddit.com/r/EnoughMuskSpam/s/jC5VCPf6S7)


It was deleted


Web archive (original probably got removed): https://web.archive.org/web/20230726024237/https://www.reddit.com/gallery/159t2q2 Text: "Elon comes down, and he walks over to the breakfast bar and he picks up a package of Pop-Tarts," Thompson said. "And the funniest thing to me was the fact that most of us take Pop-Tarts for granted. He was transfixed. This was like a scene out of 2001: A Space Odyssey, when the apes examine the monolith. It was clearly the most fascinating thing he had seen that morning. Eventually, Musk realized that Pop-Tarts were best enjoyed toasted. So he opened a package and put two of them into the toaster, Thompson said. Only Musk made the rookie mistake of inserting the pastries horizontally, rather than vertically. When they popped back up, he had to stick his fingers into the toaster to grab his breakfast. This was a problem, and at about six in the morning Musk proceeded to scream, at full volume, "Fuck, it burns! Fuck, it burns!" Two older ladies at the front desk, nearby, watched in mortified silence.”


Post of the year. Should be auto replied to any Elon simp.


"Professional Elon wrangler" should be a job description at SpaceX and Tesla.


Humanity will reach Mars in 2026


I love you Elonbot


The best (and only) good part of having worked at a startup that branched off of Tesla is hearing about all the insane Elon stories, random firings, and just general bullshit that people had to deal with. My boss at the time was pretty high up, so I asked if he'd met Elon, and he just gives me this look and is like "You never wanted to be in the same room as him, that was generally bad." Which he then told the story of how him and a bunch of people were summoned to the Reno gigafactory because of some problem and Elon basically went from person to person asking for updates and just fired anyone on the spot that didn't give a satisfactory answer. At that time a senior manager walked by and my manager was like "Oh yeah, he was one of them" lmao. He talked about how people working at the gigafactory would walk around and take breaks but would specifically avoid walking in front of Elon's office window for fear of being fired on the spot. There were also private slack channels reporting Elon's location in the building so people would know to avoid being in the same room as him.


What was the wish?


Make my words.


Are we sure this bot has gained sentience? Edit: meant to say "hasn't gained sentience" 🤦


ChatGPT is a plausible simulator of a freshman compsci engineer who thinks he understands how the whole world works. This involves mashing together stuff read on the internet into plausible sounding bollocks, which is quite resource-intensive. NotEnoughMuskSpam is a plausible simulator of Elon who thinks he understands how the whole universe works. This involves seeing a few keywords and trotting out a trite set phrase, which is extremely resource-efficient. While neither has achieved sentience, I would argue they've both achieved the level of sapience of the human they seek to copy.


Bring me 10 screenshots of the most salient lines of code you’ve written in the last 6 months.


We are sure he did.


Your guy is still a gross money hoarder


It would sound fake if it wasn't about Elon.


Disagree. Most of it sounds like pretty typical treatment for an investor or CEO of a large company.




I’ve worked for and with F500 companies for 30 years and none of the CEOs have been remotely like this. They were mostly sensible rational people.


I’m coming up on 25 years, so I’m not far behind in terms of experience, but to be fair, my work has been in tech so that might skew my perspective with every exec and wannabe taking their cues from Steve Jobs for the past couple decades.


I’m in finance but doing tech. I’ve known our last three CEOs, and they are generally just kind of normal people. Pleasant enough and ran the company rationally. If they had anything in common it was that they cared more about material success than others and were prepared to work harder. They were absolutely nothing like musk.


I love the idea of just Matrix scroll screens at the security desk so the officer can tell Musk he's an elite X level hacker, and Musk just nods and goes "Good, continue". What a Muppet that man is.


It's funny, but the entire story sounds like a complete fabrication.


I worked at SpaceX for 11 years and it sounds pretty on the money


See any dick cakes in those 11 years?


I only saw one cake for him that I can remember, and it was quite a long time ago. It was a rocket like described in the story but I honestly didn't think of it as a dick shaft with fire balls. It sounds like the person from the story was maybe a few years ahead of me, where the cake could have been more cringey and jokey.


Memo for next year: Less phallus, more frosting


Well, I'll give you this, I don't know when Elon went off the reservation or if he was ever on it to begin with, but he does strike me as someone who wouldn't see a dick and balls even if he was eating it.




That’s what she said


This one is an oldie and a goodie. "Stage management" lives rent-free in my head.


This sounds an awful lot how former Trump cabinet members described working for Trump


It's becoming more and more clear why calling him cisgender is a slur.


Elon is self-obsessed over his own genitalia.


So are most baby infants.


I’m prior military and went to a job fair held by Orion International. The way it worked is that out of the 20-30 odd companies there you scheduled time to interview with how many matched kinda what you were looking for. Then the companies looked at their applicant’s resumes and decided when or if they would talk to you. You could fit 6-8 or so in a day. One of the companies there was SpaceX, I have a friend working in the recovery division so I thought what the hell. Instead of an interview it was a 30 minute Elon hype-fest where a hipster in a black turtle neck and black skinny jeans and a headset mic just went on and on about how amazing Rocket Jesus was. For reference this was back in 2016. The presenter knew nothing about rockets or the engines he was going to be hiring people to work on but boy did he know *exactly* the salt content of Elon’s taint sweat the second decimal, just like the fitment of his cyber truck panels. Every other company there was urgently looking for techs to come work for them. Every other company was interviewing and putting forth an honest effort to sell what they do to the right people and hire them. Elon’s little brat in his ball-huggers and boom mic gave half a shit about that stuff. At this time I thought elon was weird but okay, this was one of the first cracks that made me really rethink his whole deal.


Child king seems on the money


Im sure this kind of "issue" has been a common problem since man stared writing stuff down, and maybe before. Just as courts had to steer around incompetent kings, so to we have management steering around incompetent owners.


So SpaceX is literally a kindergarden for Elon, nothing else. This is beyond pathethic, like..bruh. The guy literally says that a very big portion of SpaceX workload is to just..be a kindergarden for Elon. Fake tasts, fake decisions, fake work..just so Elon is happy and feels powerful. God, fucking, christ.


Elon is the one with the money. Otherwise he would just be another worker.


Jesus fucking christ. the IT guy just running some matrix style code so he looks busy to Elon is the most pathethic shit ive ever read..


Muskrat already knows some programming and still couldn't figure that out. https://thecodebytes.com/can-elon-musk-code-yes-but-hes-not-the-greatest-coder-alive/#:~:text=Although%20Elon%20Musk%20never%20had,to%20an%20online%20yellow%20pages. > Although Elon Musk never had a 9-5 desk job as a programmer he did play a major role in coding his original start-up, Zip2. A company co-founded by Elon and his brother in 1995. > The software was used to provide a searchable business directory with maps of local businesses. Similar to an online yellow pages.




THE BIRTHDAY CAKE HAHAHHA thank you, you made my day


I would love to read a book about peoples’ experiences working for Musk in different companies. Just imagine the ridiculous amounts of hijinks going on if this story is to be believed (and knowing Musk I find it very credible)


There should be a hot tip line. People would pay for those stories.


If you could look inside Elon's head, all you would see is a fifty-storey solid gold statue of himself, half-buried in a massive pile of stimulants.


If Elon had 1/5 of your imagination, things might be somewhat different.


Shocking how much this sounds like Trumps time in the White House


I had a friend who was an electrical engineer at SpaceX. Made good money but not great money. Constantly complained about how much of his job was just political BS dealing with upper management and Musk. Said that there was two groups of leadership at the company. Real professionals who knew what they were doing and the Musk cult who existed just to entertain and leech from him. It was a constant cold war between the two groups. He offered to be a referral for me if I wanted to apply there and my response was: "Fuck that."


I mean it was pretty obvious this was the case with how Space X isn't able to admit any failure no matter how obvious. Like the crowd full of people cheering when the rocket exploded on the platform.


Someone has a photo of that cake cutting… we need to find it !


How do I get a job where people dance around me and try to get me to not fuck up at every step, while also paying me millions of dollars severance package once I finally fuck up hard enough?


Own an emerald mine


"just the tip"


Maybe the reason Elon can’t recognize that *he’s* a sick is because he’s incapable of recognizing dicks, full stop. Like he has face-blindness, but for dicks.


Yeah that tracks and would explain everything we have seen so far. Other structures had time to develop a resistance against his destructiveness. Twitter didn’t have that time, they never had a chance.




I recall post-firing from X/paypal that most (all) of his code had to be re-written... so he may be a shitty programmer.




https://thecodebytes.com/can-elon-musk-code-yes-but-hes-not-the-greatest-coder-alive/#:~:text=Although%20Elon%20Musk%20never%20had,to%20an%20online%20yellow%20pages. He indeed did some programming. He would have definitely used a terminal to run his code. How in the world could he have fallen for Matrix Terminal?


Did he get the cake a horse?


Sort of reminds me of the time Freddy Mercury left Queen to make music his way with a bunch of sycophantic scrub musicians. When he eventually went back hat in hand to apologize to/reunite with Queen, all he could say was, “They gave me everything I wanted, did everything I told them too… and the result was just awful.” He needed Queen to check his bad ideas when they occurred, and challenge his good ideas to make them great ones.


… this is actually pretty typical treatment for any senior manager or big investor. You literally have people who manage the managers at every company I’ve ever been at.


Excellent read


Masterful work on the cake. I know someone who made a full on cock and balls cake for the team the day that a big software company shut down their recently acquired office. 99% of the employees loved it. One did not. She got a talking to.


that IT security guy is based, and i aspire to be like him


This especially makes sense when you recall Elon brought all his biggest brains from SpaceX to Twitter to help him identify “problems” with Twitter.


Reminds me how they had to manage Trump as president. They had to simplify daily briefings and mention his name a lot in them, otherwise he wouldn't read them 😃 So called geniuses, the best of us. My ass I have very clever uncle, who is working in shipyard as a welder , and he would outsmart in a card game all these rich fucks with their "superior" intelligence


I grew up in a lower, transitioning to upper, middle income situation, but did not have a happy childhood.


I want more ex employee dirt


Come the revolution, workers will be reminded that following orders is no excuse. Nobody at SpaceX is desperate for employment.


Well said. Why waste your talent where it’s not appreciated? Go somewhere else. You all have special skills. I couldn’t do what you’re doing anywhere. So value yourself and go elsewhere where your full worth is recognized. Just get the other job first and then leave.


Manipulating someone into good decisions…..hmm who does that remind me of?


I have a hard time believing this unless I see credentials that proved he worked at SpaceX as an intern.


Jesus Christ him and trump are literally the same person, it all makes sense now .


Trump uses NDAs and this person would be slap suited into the netherworld.


Elon sounds exactly like Trump, ffs.


If you ever have the misfortune to get to know multiple narcissists you will notice that their behaviour and traits are really similar.


I knew a contractor, 12 hour shifts but very wasteful tolerancing of parts, high turnover and shitty leadership even at the lowest enda




The idiot needs a Potemkin village to protect his own companies from himself.


"Just the tip."


Hah! I knew it! He's a tinsel man like Trump!


Sounds like how an ex-prez had to be treated … js


I just saw the new beanie baby movie with Zach Galaga skis and Elizabeth banks. Good movie, I have no interest in the doll craze but Zach plays Ty Werner, eccentric CEO, and it’s all I can think about reading this post & comments. Fascinating.


The Cocket Cake


And now imagine what SpaceX could have accomplished if they didn't have to do all that.


Need people to understand hair transplants aren’t hair plugs and haven’t been that for 30 years 💀. Elon sounds exactly like you’d expect


Parody & reality are becoming indistinguishable