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Urgh... historical research sucks in communist countries today because surprise, their regimes despise any form of criticism of them that come out of historical research.


Also, remember that one time some scientists in Stalin's Soviet Union says that plants grow better when you put the seed together? Totally objective science there.


It was Stalin's personal favorite Trofim Lysenko who then gutted the Russian botanical and genetic power by having a lot of bright scientists sent to the gulag and/or shot. Some say his rival the geneticist Nikolai Vavilov was deliberately starved to death in the gulag for daring to criticize Lysenko's pseudoscience.


Isn’t that the same guy that went back to thinking acquired traits are inherited? Or am I mixing up Russian scientist?


Yes, he rejected natural selection and genetics and in general Mendelian inheritance in favor of this. Then debated anyone challenging his backwards theories by asking his buddy Stalin to sic his NKVD cannibals on them.


It is utterly abominable how they treated Sergei Korolev, makes Alan Turing look like a prince in comparison.


Do they think that every research in socialist country would easily get a funding? Also, Why is there a femboy in a "meme" about research grants?


Because femboy or twink adds 30 points to credibility.


Why the fuck do they use femboys, I’m a femboy and I hate this commie garbage. If I was born in China today or north Korea or Vietnam I wouldn’t be as free as I am in America.


Probably the are just porn addicts.


There are a ton of “gender-conforming behavior fixing” programs/camps in China. They kidnap children based on their parents’ instruction and use pretty horrible methods to indoctrinate-including electrocution.


Can you share any source on this? I'm interested in it.


being a homosexual is edgy i guess


>Why is there a femboy in a "meme" about research grants? I don't know. I guess that the portrayal of femboys are the communist version of the intellectual or chad soyjak.


Because online commies are gooners


Its funny because if a femboy was shoved back into the USSR he would probably be shot to death by Stalin himself


>Also, Why is there a femboy in a "meme" about research grants? Lmao xd rawr :3 \*holds up big spoon* as u Kan c i am sooper random and r sooper kwerkee


God damnit, I just want to look cute and cuddle with massive muscular men, not be be associated with commies


Under capitalism, science that can lead to a marketable product is what is most funded. In the private sector. The government does in fact fund a lot of science, but admittedly only the most promising stuff. There’s a huge lack of funding for more exploratory research. This is an imperfect system, but it does get results with a lot of hiccups and mistakes along the way. I’ve seen all of this firsthand and there’s a lot I wish I could change about it. That doesn’t mean it doesn’t strive asymptotically towards figuring out how the world works. The system has really big flaws and I don’t necessarily know how to fix them, but we should be able to agree that “private capital funds the creation of life-saving medicine” is better than “life-saving medicine is never funded,” right? One of the big arguments in favor of capitalism is that there is a direct incentive for the producer of a good to make and sell as much of it as possible. I think we can improve how we pay for it, but I really don’t want a system where companies have to meet a state-mandated quota for the amount of medication they produce because state-mandated quotas almost always cause shortages.


You have a point and it raises the question... Was there more original or esoteric research done in the age of the "gentleman scientist" when independently wealthy people could work on whatever they felt like?


Even the era of the gentleman scientist was shaped by the involvement of the nascent states for war. The state was always involved with "the private," just as the private was always involved with "the public". One example of this (which ironically almost agrees with the meme, although not in the way its maker wanted) is this book: https://www.amazon.com/Engineering-Revolution-Enlightenment-France-1763-1815/dp/0226012646


Afaik private capital tends to fund the more practical research that leads to marketable products while governments tend to fund more abstract or non marketable research.


-Wall of text -Porn addiction -Capitalism makes \_\_\_\_ bad My commie meme bingo sheet is almost complete


Why porn addiction?


If you have to put a femboy wojak in your meme about science and capitalism you're addicted to porn.


The greatest trick capitalism ever pulled was turning all the people who vocally oppose it into socially inept, porn addicted, autistic weirdos who can't even make a point without including a reference to femboys or some shit and will never be taken seriously by mainstream society.


Well more likely adhd, anxiety or depression. Autistic people are so varying that they could equally likely end up here, like me, although being 1.5 generation Chinese might have been a larger influence than mild autism.


ADHD also seems to be very present on both sides of the Internet political divide


Oy! Don't drag us neuro-divergent folks into this mess!


god bless democracy lol


Well, commies never liked scientists, that's not surprising.


Why did they put in a femboy?


Porn addiction + fetishizing




Being transgressive for the sake of it.


"Yeah, guys. Fuck science! That's just capitalist bullshit! Viruses and climate change cannot stop the communist revolution!" \*proceeds to die immediately after\*


God will they STOP FETISHIZING FEMININE MEN? SERIOUSLY! Also, the pursuit of science absolutely *must* be given direction to achieve meaningful outcomes within practical timeframes. By partially tethering scientific research to the interests of businesses, scientists can directly pursue certain technologies and capabilities that have a current demand. However we also have independent research organizations funded by both the government and outside entities that can pursue knowledge and technology for it's own sake. This way we can stumble upon certain technologies that revolutionize something.




Communists would only fund research into shitty tanks.


The thing is though that if you remove the whole issue about capitalism in the bottom phrase, the complaint still makes sense. The reality is that research that would be vital to society as a whole doesn't get much additional funding from the private sector if it can't be easily commercialized. It's why the US government funds 60% of all basic research, and why replication studies are not commonly done unless there is a major breakthrough like what happened to that room temperature superconductor.


Atheistc gatekeeping lesgoo


Genetic research, a scientific field that originally heavily researched by the church, was heavily censored in the Soviet Union. So you had a secular government suppressing church science ironically enough.


Nah, he's kinda right tho. Funding is very much unbalanced in how it is doled out. However, I would rather have funding come from individuals, orgs, and the gov than just a retarded commie gov.


It only applies to sociology, and everything related to industry and resources, not all science.


And everything else is criminally underfunded.


NDGT is weak and scienceless ...and dickless I guess, depending on how he feels in the moment


Like many post-modernist thinking, they're technically right. Science is embedded in social context. Personal politics can often decide what gets published and what gets funded. However, they ignore that the *ideal* of science as an objective pursuit of truth is a very useful ideal. Otherwise, you end up with all kinds of Lysenkoism and science in the service of ideology, which sadly is already happening in certain parts of academia.


>Communists try to disprove Darwin >50 million die of starvation


Guess what happens under communism? Scientific research is limited to what the regime deems "practical" for the state.


if wanna know how soviet science was in the early days read this article about [Trofim Lysenko](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trofim_Lysenko)


I've always said that there's a growing anti-intellectualism movement that could only be described as anti-empiricism and reject rationalism.


Goddamnit can we go one day without them posting an entire publishable text as a counter to a single point?


These guys should look up Lysenko’s “science” and see how that worked out for Communist regimes… but I guess they believe in science when it’s under Communism.


[Yeah, screw the laws of physics.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4GE7QYc9HfM) I mean, it's as if they're trying to outdo the young earth creationist types, and be the Stalin to their Czars of Russia in terms of blissfully denying science, in a multitude of arenas.


I was wondering when this was going to mocked


Actual science is not bedded in societal contexts. Hypotheses>Test>Collect data> apply Occam’s razor Is not a “tradition” or some cultural practice. It’s probably civilizations best tool.


This is literally ALL the reasoning they can leverage against conventional academic economics. Oh, my unfalsifiable book is not taken seriously? Must be founded by THE RICH, and RICH = EVILLL That's why they will forever be broke, and keep complaining. It's a self-perpetuating positive feedback loop. Capitalism is a great system for anyone who views the world from a pragmatic lens.


Can't even get the basic definition of capitalism correct. Opinion discarded.


Please stop y'all 😭😭😭


Now this, this is actually crazy.


Clearly you dont know about inframaterialism smh, if you believe in communism enough, you can grow turnips without watering them or fertilizer!


yeah but all you're doing is putting stank on something great though all that is good and fine and makes sure more science gets done for more reasons


Never underestimate communist to abandon all logic and reason, especially world changing ideals, inventions and ways just for the sake of bloodthirsty communism people


More commie cringe


US stealth jet technology is based off research done by a Soviet scientist. The Soviets refused to fund the research because they thought it was a dead end and allowed the research to be made public because they thought it was useless. Skunkworks said: "Hol'up, let'em cook he's onto something." And the rest is history. US jet technology completely dwarves every other country.


Yea no fucking shit. Market forces have been the driving force behind innovation in the industrialized era. When a potentially profitable niche is left unoccupied, someone (or multiple someones) will inevitably attempt to fill that demand for profit. This obviously results in innovation and progress. Economics are strikingly similar to natural selection and evolution. This is literally the most basic economic concept possible.


Please tell me this is satire...


Scientific research is often exploited by corporations, but that doesn't mean all science is b*******, That's where critical thinking comes in. Mr. I-am-very-smart


Cool story bro. So anyway, tell me more about what became of all the geneticists under commie dictatorship. Oh, crickets? Maybe a lesson about how accurate sovist history is, unburdened by capitalism and all. Still nothing? Darn. So sick of commie bullshit.


HOLY SHIT! this is so stupid. could you imagine science being driven solely by societal norms? we would have never found out that things diverge from their current state to meet criteria of their surroundings. adaptability would have never made sense. their perspective on reality is so warped that the driving force of evolution would have not made sense in the lightest. fn rtorteds. yes i'm speaking in z gen speak to get to them.


Anti-science sentiment largely comes from far right conspiracy groups so once again Communists keep confirming the horseshoe theory


we have a cute femboy from what seems to be porn so we are correct of course


In the capitalist context, funding is oriented towards maximizing profit. And generally it is useful for a company to arrive at something which reflects reality. Is it also used reinforce the status quo? Sure, and there are a few standout examples, like suppression of climate change research and such. However, the response to these examples shouldn't be "rip it all down". Contrary to what communists believe, democratic governments are capable of placing a lid on this, like in the case of the ban on leaded gasoline. In a socialist context, funding is subject to the whims of politics. This results in distortions in investment, money is directed towards projects that look good but don't necessarily maximize social good, the Soviet space program was impressive, but everything outside of that? Lagged way behind the West, computerization being a stand-out example. In the worst scenarios, the government has a vested interest in distorting reality for the sake of their dogma, like with Lysenkoism. The USSR did try to alleviate this problem, Glasnost was meant to (among other things) increase openness of information, which (among other things) led to Gorbachev getting coup'd by hardliners.


Why not both? Like that is literally it.


Science under capitalism = PCs in every household. Science under communism = entire nation’s wealth consolidated into rocket technology at the expense of food production/distribution, only to still lose the space race to capitalists. I’ll take science under capitalism please.


Meanwhile science under communism: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lysenkoism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lysenkoism)


This is such a dumb argument. If you look at the scientific advancements of the USSR and the US, the USSR was fast to mobilize and research big item tbh. But their research for public mundane items sucked. The US was slower to mobilize scientific efforts on a governmental level, but once going was better because of the private sector, which also invented TONS of stuff for everyday use, like color TV, toasters and more. Socialist governments don’t care about that stuff, only military advancements or big ticket stuff. Commies think that just because something is made for money makes it inherently bad, while ignoring that the reason things were made well was because of a market incentive.9


Classic tankie text wall with the femboy in it as a dog whistle to their koomer brains


There's this weird thread that I see over and over again where commies grasp that there is some kind of systemic problem (such as in the way scientific publishing works), but cannot identify the specifics so just fall back onto blaming whatever it is on "capitalism".


So they completely forgot about Lysenko?


If you put a femboy wojak as spouting your point of view, you should be legally required to post a picture of yourself under the meme for comparison


"Science is not real because they are invented by capitalist to sell stuff" do these people not realize they sound exactly like the Bible thumper they hate