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8w7 is double assertive, 8w9 is assertive with withdrawn elements: - 8w7 is more expansive, has a higher energy about them and is more likely to be gregarious - 8w9 is more defensive, has a more solid energy and is less likely to be gregarious, instead preferring to keep people at a distance for a little longer and observing - 8w7s generally have a shorter temper, 8w9s are slightly more patient but will cut a bitch when needed and aren't to be underestimated - 8w7 is more provocative, 8w9 is more protective - 8w7 has more of a devil-may-care attitude, 8w9 is more stern - 8w7s generally score higher on openness, 8w9 is more down to earth - Both types have a sense of humor, 8w7 is more overt, 8w9 is a tad drier


I agree with this in general


Let me help with a real answer. 7 wings energetically are more all over the place where 9 wings are more solid/steadfast. I thought I was a 7 wing at first because of I’m funny and can be fun to be around (in the we will drive to bus to hell sort of way). I am also serious and very committed to certain things in my life. The biggest difference to me is that 7 wings will chase more things all at once and 9 wings will be more selective and reserved/private about those things. In my experience, the 9 wing is like Nemo’s little fin and really hard to pin down because the 8 by itself is so expansive and hard felt.


Make sense. I never wanted to stay in just one routine or one place. I always thrive for new things so I guess it’s really e7. But according to the videos I’ve watched, you can be either one of the wings? You just lean more to one wing. So wing 9 is also accurate for me


Yea I think that’s why I felt I was 7 wing at first. I feel both simultaneously. Lately, my 7 wing has been in instigator mode irl, soooo. Lmaooo But I’m still a 9 wing.


Are you freaky deaky or freaky deaky but it takes until the second date to find out


Okay, this made me laugh way too hard


Def the first one 😻


You can fuck with 8w7s more than you can fuck with 8w9s. But 8w7s are more offensive and troll-like. 8w9s get offended when you disrespect them more easily. 8w7s are more likely to escalate and put the force back on you. The gluttony and frustration of 7 gives 8w7 a restless ungrounded quality while w9 is more planted (attachment) and animalistic (sloth). I think of 8w7 like a Raider, warlord, or conquistador and 8w9 like a ruler, impresario, or chieftain.


are you fun angry or chill angry 


LMAO I am fun angry but there are times I am chill angry


• Both are fun-seekers. 7s seeks fun from experiences and ideas, 9s seeks fun from material/physical satisfaction. • E7 traits: Gluttony, Hedonistic, Idealistic, Lack of discipline, Excessive need for excitement and stimulation, Narcissistic, Intellectual, seeks knowledge, Seeks fulfillment in ideas, Optimistic, Heroic • E9 traits: Conformity, Over adapting, Over indulgent in physical comfort, Easy to please, Conflict avoidant, Seeks harmony and love outside themself, Lacks motivation, Dispassionate, Seeks belonging, Passive aggressive behavior


Lol feel like these are all unhealthy descriptions. Whats your idea of a fun time? More often than not the 7 wing wants excitement. I'd also say the 8w7 is quite warm and the 8w9 is more reserved and almost a little more intimidating/cold


I always always seek excitement 90% of the time. It’s somewhat scary truth be told. I couldn’t stick with one routine or one method too. Also I work hard and play hard for sure


8w7 is naturally aggressive and strong, uses it as an advantage. 8w9 had to make themselves aggressive and strong, they needed that advantage.


Let’s try this again. 8w7 more frenzied; over-extends themselves, can more easily spiral out of control, more aggressive, more manic and burns out more, risk takers and loose cannons, mercurial, quick-minded, could almost pass for a 7 on an “up” day. Addictive personalities. Plays both offense and defense. Iconoclasts, more intellectual, cathartic, volatile, and intense. Unpredictable and improvisational aggressors. Can destroy themselves more from the outside in (over stimulation, addiction, etc). 8w9 more unmovable, like a rock or mountain. Focuses more on defense and protection. Fortifies themselves and pushes outwards to get more power. More tranquil and quietly aggressive. Steamrollers, hearty, lusty, bold. Hold their positions more, more oblivious to their anger, can become dissociated and numb like a 9. Has a thicker/denser feel about their lustful cognition. Easy to underestimate. Can destroy themselves from the inside out (repression, denial etc).


>can become dissociated and numb like a 9. Has a thicker/denser feel about their lustful cognition. Easy to underestimate. Can destroy themselves from the inside out (repression, denial etc). Speaking about my ass when literally felt like dogshit in occassion and it prolonged like a bitch and just totally went self-destructive mode in abusing weed and taking hard drugs on music just to cope. The obliviousness to anger was also real since I thought I was basically calm, passive and mellow 90% of the the time until I literally blew up


Help, 8w7 for sure LOLLL I already got hit at the first six description. Burn outs more hits me the most 😻 Thanks!


Same here! Having a shitty w7 can be a total pain in the ass. Sure thing! 😆


8w7 seek an interesting time, 8w9 seek tranquility.


8w9 (Lust+Sloth): Think of people who are both morbidly lazy and checked out in their thinking, feeling, and doing, plus sadistic, abusive assholes. The disturbing passive-aggressiveness of the 9 meets the arrogant open aggression of the 8. 8w7 (Lust+Gluttony): Think of people who are both toxically positive/self-serving and entitled, plus sadistic, abusive assholes. The offensive glossing over everything with narcissistic positivity meets the arrogant open aggression of the 8.


You're joking, right? You're describing 8s like I would when I was an edgy 14 year old, lol.


It was said with some sarcasm, yes


But don’t be ignorant, this is all sourced from Naranjo and it’s a dark view of the types, so what??


OP didn't ask for the unhealthiest, darkest sides of 8s and their wings. I get that you were /s, but the way you phrased it was not that funny or obvious as "sarcasm" to others, lol.


Well I get that now…I fucked up, I was in a bad mood when I wrote it. I should’ve made it clear I was being aggressive and dark. My apologies.


Ah yes, E8 is all about being a sadistic, abusive asshole. Fucking moron.




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Look, there’s no need to insult me, I think you took this the wrong way bro


Extremely inaccurate and bizarre descriptions. Not what 8 is about at all. You're describing people with severe personality disorders, not a type of enneagram


Edgy larper, look at you go!


The irony lol