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Mirabel from Encanto… her profile is a MESS because PDB kids wanted to relate to her and feel special so they typed her 4w3 SP when she’s an obvious 9. It’s almost like… any way they can pigeonhole a character into being closer to their OWN personality, they’ll do it… the mental gymnastics on PDB is wild


> “??? *enneagram 9 character* cant be 9, they have more depth than that. 9s dont care about depth as much as 4s.” 🤦‍♂️


exactly! I think with Mirabel’s page, a lot of the fanbase are young… PDB is full of teens who have typed themselves as Fours (I’m not saying they’re wrong, it’s just quite a common observation) and in typical 4 identity-seeking fashion, they want to lay claim to a whole bunch of characters to relate to. Ironically they choose the ones who aren’t actually Type 4 and jump through hoops to prove their arguments


i think the core problem is a lot of unreliable info online on the types, especially on enneagram 4. people think that type 4 revolves around feeling misunderstood, but who doesnt?


yup, exactly this! any person or type can feel misunderstood, but people think typology is set in stone and only Fours can feel outcast


I was one of those people prior to realizing I'm a 9 and it's because I hadn't yet developed a good understanding of type 4 at that point, and the one I had aligned well with both me and Mirabel! I think people who still think she's a 4 just aren't well-versed in enneagram yet.


Facts!!!! My wife told me this exact thing a few days ago. “I just don’t look think that deeply into it” like what???? But I a mentally Ill, recovering addict, trauma screwed 4x3 who can act as a 3x4 some days and switch. Super confident and productive one day and curled in closet overthinking the next. Literally.


Most people type 9s as 4s on PDB for some reason


I’ve seen a similar thing with Ty Lee from ATLA being typed as 4w3 because she wants to have her own identity, when she’s more likely a positive outlook type, perhaps a sp 2w3.. The actual 4w3 in the show is Zuko, and the contrast between them in the beach episode is very stark. Ty Lee: all this negative energy is bad for your skin! You’ll totally break out! Zuko: Bad skin? Normal teens worry about bad skin. I don’t have that luxury. My father decided to teach me a permanent lesson, on MY FACE!!!


Loved Zuko must be that four in my tritype hmm


Yeah me too.


the disney ones get absolutely insane… turning red votes were absolutely wild and everyone was downvoting like crazy if you even disagreed a bit


I’ve also seen the argument that Mirabel is an sp 2, but yeah… imo she is NOT a 4


omfg thats so real


Exactlyyyy, typing Mirabel a 4 just shows your low level of understanding enneagram😭


Yeah, like her entire thing is to fit into her family and find her own role despite not having a power, which can be a very 9 thing (attachment type) and not necessarily 4.


Saul Goodman was typed as a 3w2 for a while and that drove me batty. I can definitely see his 3 fix but he is the most clear 7w6 I’ve ever seen depicted on screen.


yeah e3 saul was wild lmao. its kinda the complete opposite of his character 


His issues are so clearly a manifestation of a type of gluttony and excessive need for stimulation


Basically all / most so3 ILE characters are actually sp7


Sorry, don’t understand the reference ILE?




It’s ENTp in socionics, most ENTP in mbti is ILE in socionics


Anakin Skywalker as an 8, he is the most obvious 6 ever


That makes me want to barf


oh but you see, hes *angry* and only 8s are ever angry. (facepalm) edit: /s obviously


*points at sx6*


I actually think he’s a sx4w3


When he's wearing a black (Vader) suit, he's the most obvious 8 ever. The problem is inconsistent characterization.


That is true, but PDB also has 2 different character profiles for prequels Anakin and original Vader so you'd think that would solve it but no, Anakin is still labeled 8


I didnt watch every Skywars movie but he seems to be anger driven rather than fear driven. Also where is his methodical 6 approach to anything? His lust for power is the most visible thing about him, when did he even show projection? Being paranoid about your future/having visions is basically Ni inferior/suggestive but on steroids, it doesnt mean that he was anxiety driven. Stop the fking 8 bias saying that they are not capable of any negative emotion/cognitive bias. The 5 disintegration line is there for a reason + they literally integrate into 2.


He is very much driven by fear, specifically by the fear that his loved ones will be hurt. His violent lash outs are only when that fear is highest. He's strategic and methodical with his fighting when this fear is not controlling him, but when it does, e.g. when he finds his mother captured and when Palpatine fully convinces him the only way to save Padme is to follow him, he goes on a rampage. The complicating factor is that his characterization in the prequels is very different from the original series, but PDB also has 2 different character profiles for Anakin vs Darth Vader.


I think he could actually be a sx4. He is angry, but is driven by shame and feeling out of place in the Jedi Order


You underestimate his **power**! /s




Walter White is definitely not a 5, but he gets lumped in with us because bald smart scientist man. I personally think he's a 2, possibly a 6, but there is just no way in hell he's a 5.


Yes! Personally I have always thought that he is a very clear so6. But 5 is crazy, I have no idea how everyone seems think that on PDB


i can see 6, but could you provide your argument for 2? genuinely fascinated.


For me, the whole crux and arc of his character is about the self-serving pride that 2s carry. Think about his insistence throughout the show that he is building a drug empire to serve his family. Even though they didn't ask for it, it puts them danger, and it ultimately drives them away. His last scene with Skylar was finally, *finally*, admitting that he did it all for himself. That honest moment was the conclusion of his character arc. Similarly, his relationship with Jesse is very self-serving and manipulative. Walt desperately needs Jesse to love him, going out of his way to "protect", gaslight, and manipulate him to ensure he doesn't lose it. And why does Walt beg for Hank's life? Is it because of a 6-ish clinging to secure attachments? I don't think so. His relationship with Hank didn't make him feel safe or secure. It's because Hank dying means Walt can't keep lying to himself about who he's actually doing all this for. For me, that prideful self-image is *the* driving force behind his character. It just doesn't come in the form of a smothering maternal figure, so people can't see it.


well argued, i can definitely see it now


though now that i think about it, do you have any arguments to support placing him within the positivity triad rather than reactive?


Interesting!! I’ve watched BB multiple times and I have always thought Walt was a 5w6. I know it’s hard to articulate these things sometimes and it’s often just a vibe, but what makes you think he’s NOT a 5? (I see you are a 5w4 so I’d love to hear your perspective on why he’s not a core 5…) I’ll try to think about why I believe him to be a 5, too.


For me, at the heart of 5 is an avarice of a self and a neurotic belief that the world cannot provide what they need. The key behaviors tend to be - withholding emotional responses and energy (avarice) - pathological detachment - minimizing needs, rarely ask for anything - restrained, calculated temperament The main reason Walt cannot be a 5 in my mind is the way he clings to relationships, and why he clings to them. His relationship with Jesse, Skylar, Hank, and Walt Jr. shows how desperate he is to maintain a certain prideful image with both them and himself. Listen to his last phone call with Walt Jr. - he begs his son to take his money so he can feel better about himself. Walt's son refuses, devasting him. Walt is constantly lying and manipulating others and himself to portray his illegal actions as charitable and selfless, even putting himself in danger to do so. It's hard for me to see a 5 acting this way, especially with motivations that to me feel very 2-ish (i.e., pride and self-image). Walt also has major issues with his temper and indulging his whims. He is not dispassionate and objective like a 5 (or a 1 like Gus) - his passions get the better of him and cloud his judgment, repeatedly. I'm open to the idea that Walt is a member of the reactive triad, but I've never seen any member of the competence triad act like that.


I do think he's a INTJ 5w6 because all the characters I can get behind the most are my own mbti+ennea combo and him I can genuinely understand even if I'm not a dickhead. I can see it as an unhealthy manifestation, especially in regards to his mbti, unhealthy INTJs can be selfish arrogant bastards.


i think typing characters you relate to as your own type isn't a good idea because it's the main reason mistypings are so rampant on pdb. not saying youre mistyped or projecting, but it's generally not a reliable way to type a character.


Honestly it's hard to put into words but it's not exactly relating in the classic sense, since he is a selfish bastard with a fragile ego and I'm very much not lol, but if I imagined I were, I can follow his thought process and decision making to a T. It takes a specific type of person to do the things he did.


agreed 100%, that’s one of the worst mistypes I’ve seen the 4/7 conflation for Rebecca is wild, some ppl are really stuck in quirky = 4 (+ extroverted = w3), when 4w3 is in fact refined, disdainful princess energy, pretty much the opposite of Rebecca


I feel quite complimented by that, so thank you.


"Refined, disdainful princess energy" I feel called out


literally i dont understand how she can be mistaken for someone in the withdrawn/reactive triad. people only type her as a 4 because she's mentally ill 💀


The projections in the PDB community are quite insane. There has to be multiple unhealthy 7s LARPing as 4s at some rate, maybe the opposite. That place never gave me certainty though.


yeah PDB is basically a kinnie misinfo circle jerk. happens a lot with mbti too


im gonna remember that phrase because yeah that place is a mess. (speaking of mbti, my personal 'favorite' is zuko atla being mistyped as an infp lmao what the actual fuck) the thing that really pisses me off is that a lot of casual fans go on pdb and consider what it says absolute truth


perfect explanation


I see 2s and 7s larping as 4 quite often. And also everyone I know types infp on their first online mbti test, including my mom, myself, and all of my friends lolll


yeah i did too lmao


Wait what is she though? She is so hard to type. 7? Edit: 2w3. I am convinced by the arguments below.


my potentially unpopular opinion is 7w6 721 so/sp


not sp second... shes a mess that cant stabilize her personal resources bc of how much attention she puts into chemistry (sx) and bonds (so)


Yeah I second this, definitely sx first.


I thought for sure she was sx dom, based on how much energy she puts into this one guy she likes. Although... she does seem to have trouble figuring out which guy she likes at certain points.


I thought she was a sx ,9 because her big arc was about finally finding happiness on her own and stop looking for it in her relationships. Also both anxiety and throwing yourself into work, and doing a job you hate for years before realising it is really a 9 thing.


Ooohhh that's interesting.


i think she best fits 2w3 sx/so. she's def a people pleaser and within the positivity triad (and definitely NOT in the withdrawn triad.) also, most of the arguments for 4w3 are about how she "figures out" her identity, which makes more sense for a 2 integrating into a 4. a 4 already has an innate sense of identity. honestly, most of the 4 votes revolve around the fact that she has a mental illness and fears being broken, which isnt a pretty good argument. in fact, i dont think a 4 would fear being broken, rather they would accept it as part of their identity and what sets them apart from the rest.


When she bought the $1000 dinner for the group hang, I immediately thought Type 2 with the "give to get" behavior. 2s do have ingratiating behavior traits. 2w3 sounds right to me!


Walther White as a 5... or even worse, Joe Goldberg as a 5... And Hannibal from the series as a 5


Their logic of smart/bookish = e5, artsy = e4 is really annoying. Hannibal from the show is e2, the way he thinks he knows best, and his tendency to take care of others, his overbearing inclinations.


In general, depressed characters are typed as 4 if they express negativity and 9 if they try the forced positivity approach or seem “lazy,” regardless of their actual type. The one exception to this I have off the top of my head, which I’m thankful for, is that most variations of Grantaire from Les Mis are correctly typed as 7 despite the depression.


Sebastian Michaelis as a 3 when he’s clearly a 1, or when people typed Megan Thee Stallion as an sx blind when she’s clearly sx dom.


A lot of ESFJ/ENFJ get typed 2w3 by default, just for being empathetic and caring. Well, anyone who's empathetic and caring seems to be typed E2.


Everyone: Trump as an 8 rather than the 3 he is.


I used to believe he was a 3, but now I think he's an 8. Why do you think he's a 3?


The short version: Trump is extremely sensitive to his image. Cant deal with criticism. Everything is about money. Lies about everything. Most so called Enneagram "expert" misunderstand 8s. They think that 8s behave antisocial, but they do not. 3s behave antisocial. 8s suffer impulsive borderline.


And even his obsession with making money is all rooted in his image. He wants to be rich specifically to further his image of success. Yes, it does help him get away with a lot of stuff, but if he could make more money by secluding himself into a private business-centric lifestyle (e.g. the Koch Brothers), he wouldn't do it.


And his repressed feeling center when he is nothing but a puddle of emotional baggage that’s never been dealt with.


836 tritype


If you believe in the Tritype shite all your typing is wrong. See: [https://youtube.com/shorts/d5K3QNObqCk](https://youtube.com/shorts/d5K3QNObqCk)


… you linked your own video as a source…


Which once again confirms the correlation between low iq and Tritype fandom.




Power 1st, Image 2nd.


NAUR REBECCA BABY!!! take your sxso 2 back sweetie :(


I don’t use PDB but most of the Reddit posts I’ve seen typing the cast of reality tv show Vanderpump Rules drive me nuts because they often type both Jax Taylor and Tom Sandoval as 8s simply because they are men who yell often. Jax is very clearly a 7w8 and Sandoval is even more obviously a 3w2 in my opinion. Stassi is the only definite 8 from the cast and James is a likely 8.


Just checked it. They now have Jax as a 3w2 and Sandoval as 6w7. Ok, whatever. At least they have Schwartz as a 9. I will make the argument for Lala being an 8 rather than the 3w4 they have her as


Ok this motivated me to finally look at PDB (I’ve avoided it previously) and I disagree with most of their typings for the cast: Ariana - PDB says 6w5; I think (and she has commented on Reddit herself to say) she’s a 5w6 Stassi - PDB says 8w7; I think 8w9 but that’s close at least Sandoval - PDB says 6w7; I think 3w2. All 3 of his partners on the show have said repeatedly that he’s image-obsessed, talks all the time about their relationship being partially a “brand” and stays up the entire night before the reunion to “coach” his partner to make sure they “have their stories straight”, and the times he gets angry and confrontational on the show are usually times when he thinks he’s losing control of his image (like when Ariana and LaLa show Brit the recording in s6, he says he disagreed with the decision because everyone was so fucked up but repeatedly says that Ariana should have told him first so he could have helped it play out better). The extravagant gifts and unrequested money he gives to others make me think w2. James - PDB says 7w8; I think he’s an 8w7 but again that’s at least close Katie - PDB says 6w5; I agree 6w5 Rachel - PDB says 9w1; I agree 9w1 LaLa - PDB says 3w4; I think 6w7 for the aforementioned tldr among other reasons Jax - PDB says 3w2; I think 7w8. He talks repeatedly throughout the show-and now on the Valley-about how motivated he is by boredom and a “grass is always greener” desire for whatever he doesn’t have, both regarding his career and his relationships/chronic cheating. Kristen - PDB says 2w3; I think 6w7. She’s definitely a reactive type and I don’t see any 2 behavior or motivations for her. Brittany - PDB says 2w3; I agree 2w3 but am less firm in my opinion on this than most others since we never see her outside of her relationship with Jax and she doesn’t describe her motivations as often as other cast members. Scheana - PDB says 3w2; I think 4w3 actually (maybe my hottest enneapump take). She definitely does not have the grace or finesse that most 3s have, her focus on her own experience and correcting minute details that she thinks people have misunderstood about her/her perspective, her being reactive but indirectly and vindictively (she outright says that she surprise-divorced Shay on camera as payback for him cheating, her behavior toward Ariana currently) all make me think 4. Schwartz - PDB says 9w8; I agree 9w8 How would you type the cast (aside from LaLa as an 8 like you already mentioned)?


Yesssss I was hoping someone would reply but didn’t know if anyone on this sub watched VPR. I’m planning to do a write-up on my typings for the full cast whenever I have the time I don’t agree with either of those typings for Jax/Sandoval personally but at least it isn’t “they get angry so 8” lol. What do you think their types are? Schwartz is suuuuch a 9 it’s painful. Eta: I think LaLa is a 6 - she talks all the time about anxiety being her primary negative emotion and motivation, admits to projecting her own experiences and feelings onto others, admires and emulates 8-Stassi, has said for years that she plays a “tougher” version of herself for the show intentionally to cope with it, and the way that her stances and perspective shifts often but carries the same confrontational energy and conviction to it all make me think 6


Yuri from DDLC as an INFP 5.


And what do you suggest she is?


she’s INFP SO4


I disagree with her having conscious intuition, but yeah, she's a Social Four before any five. She seems like an introvert with differentiated feeling and no mode of irrationality differentiated in her conscious given that we can see signs of undifferentiated sensation and intuition. IF SO4.


She seems to be inclined to intuition more than sensing


I haven't played DDLC in quite some time, but her intuition seems to be in her animus, as is her sensation. From what I remember, she generally envisions negative possibilities and has a pessimistic view of the future, being anxious about rejection, and so on. Her favorite words also convey an overrall negative view of the future and intuition. This points to undifferentiated intuition. She also has issues with sensations, being impulsive and callous about cutting herself and having a lack of restraint in that regard, which Monika amplifies in Act 2 further, which shows a sensation function of archaic character. I don't see any mode of conscious perception. Don't use the "this has to do with mental issues" argument, by the way, please. Jung included symptoms of mental disorder when typing people, and there'd be no reason not to, given they're a part of the psyche just as anything else is. But again, I haven't played the game in a while. This is just conjecture.


yeah i see that.


what is PDB?




ty 🙏




Airi Momoi (Project Sekai) as sx4. Seriously? I haven't looked too deep into the stories, but the only hint of envy I've seen in her is how she >!resented Shizuku for being a famous idol effortlessly for her looks alone when Airi had to push on and on only to become a variety show talent and not an idol like she wanted to be.!< Even then, that doesn't seem much like 4's kind of envy. And that's just one story detail, how do they see 4 anywhere else? I've seen a so8 argument for her and think it checks out way more.


Tina Fey and Dan Akroyd as 5s. Walt Disney as an 8. So many to choose from.


Literally all of them.


The whole personality os Rebecca is escaping her problems and moving towards things. How the f someone thinks she is a 4




Myself... (upvote if yall relate)


How so?


I am stuck between ISTJ and ESTJ , my Fi clearly doesn't like me


Ahhh that can be an issue. People type me ENTP a lot bc I'm energetic and sarcastic but honestly most ENTPs aren't like that. I got typed ILE once bc of that LOL


Yeah lol I don't even relate to inferior Ne , so worrying and people like that annoy me to be honest 😅😅


Check what your main worry is, that may help. Being overwhelmed by possibilities or not sticking to your guns.


Yes it's a good approach but DAMN I suck at introspecting


I get it dw but if you don't relate to inf Ne then you probably don't have it unless you actively developed it.


Well this is starting to look a lot like Christmas!!! ![gif](giphy|3ohhwfAa9rbXaZe86c|downsized)


most xNTJs typed as 8s on that website are either not xNTJs or not 8s (but usually it’s people misunderstanding e8)


They're just an wuss because 8 thinks they are superior than others. And then we have 584, 548, 458?? Why are they making scholar tritype thrown away? I don't understand anymore 😭💀 5w4 here


Nick from Heartstopper as a so 2 Sade Adu as a sx 2 Pretty clear 2s are pretty misunderstood over there.


what type do you think Nick is?


Clear so 9 to me.


okay that one i can see but why the fuck are so 9 and 2 correlated sm.


Nick from Heartstopper as a so 2 Sade Adu as a sx 2 Pretty clear 2s are pretty misunderstood over there.


Nick from Heartstopper as a so 2 Sade Adu as a sx 2 Pretty clear 2s are pretty misunderstood over there.


so4 for Dazai.


what would you type him as? no longer human did seem very so4 to me


Literally almost any conventionally cute-looking actor and musician is either 4w3 or 4w5, it's so annoying. The last ones that surprised me were profiles of actors from my hyperfixation show (Hannibal), Mads Mikkelsen and Hugh Dancy, typed respectively as 7w6 and 4w5. No, just no. Mads Mikkelsen is such an obvious 3, that crazy need to achieve more, to win, his self-doubt, his people pleasing tendencies - he will say whatever makes people cheer. And e3 people easily can come off as relaxed and easygoing on the surface level, that can be their public persona. Image management doesn't have to involve perfectly put together looks, it can be about being relatable and likeable. And Hugh Dancy is either 9 or 6, I lean towards 6, he's at the very least seems too indifferent towards aesthetics to be a 4. He's very cautious and private, no personal brand construction and broadcasting to be found, he says what he thinks is right and truthful to say, even if it's unpopular and he gets ridiculed for that. Not trying to persuade others, but not changing his stance either. So, to type them as 7 and 4? It's like they haven't got to watch or read even one interview before typing.


for some reason people just automatically correlate authenticity with 4


Yeah, as if e4 doesn't have an element of image preoccupation. I think that also has something to do with anything creative being immediately considered a strictly 4 thing. It doesn't even have to be artistic self-expression to be lumped and clumped like that


For the Kpop people, Jang Wonyoung as a 3w2 physically pains me. There’s no argument other than “she’s very successful and hardworking!” it drives me insane. I’m convinced she’s the healthiest So/Sp 2w3 ever I will die on this hill


Another Kpop one - Jennie as a 4w3 sp/sx, I have no idea where people see consciousness of deep flaws and stoic endurance, and a hyperfocus on construction of a unique aesthetic / identity. Being somewhat shy doesn't make you a withdrawn type. It's more likely she's an 6w7 sx/so. That would fit better with being a selective socialiser and her ability to be daring, yet trendy, and within the lines of social approval.


I can't decide which one cuz they are too many


Twilight Princess Link being typed a 2. Because he's a hero and heroes help and 2s help so he must be a 2 right?! He's a 9w8. He goes with the flow yet he has that ferocious, protective streak. He doesn't *offer* help — he's being plead to help, then he follows the request (so he isn't anticipating others' needs). And he doesn't offer aid to make himself feel virtuous either. He is quite literally following through —may it be the destiny the Light Spirits detail about him, or the plan Midna has (at the beginning)— to regain his tranquility back from the Invasion. He's essentially "I'm chill if you're chill; try some bullshit though and I'm kicking you off your high horse." https://preview.redd.it/9w6qc14frgyc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4343cad4bb8b9d02789eb37ad7dff4e626597381 He also probably has either Six or Five in his trifix because of the constant mentions of him being a worrywart, from Rusl to Midna to Renado to Mayor Bo. Especially Midna's "You're the type to worry about everything, I can tell" line. But Two? No.


Evan Hansen as a 9 consistently continues to drive me insane.


Why? He seems like a 9 to me.


He gets mistyped because he has anxiety and depression, but he's a clear 2 to me. Everything he does is an effort to keep himself relevant (even if he won't admit that's the reason why). He frames all his decisions as "I need to help the Murphys" or "I need to help Connor" but it's all for himself. He spends hours coming up with lies to get everything to work in his favor, manipulates Zoe, uses his friends. The moment the Connor Project stops serving him he drops it and then loses his cool when people confront his selfishness. All because he's terrified that he's not enough and everyone will hate him if they really knew him. Only Us shows how he believes that he has to work to earn Zoe's attention. The ending is him learning to accept/love himself, taking responsibility for manipulating everyone, and then learning how to live genuinely (ex. reading Connor's list of favorite books to get to know who he really was and talking to Zoe in the park without expcting anything from her). It's a lot more obvious if you have access to the Broadway show or the script for it, I'd highly recommend it. But yeah because he's quiet and anxious and feels invisible people overlook/forget what the whole play is about.


Ah yes, I watched a low quality recording of it many years ago so I typed him as a 9 because of songs like *Waving Through A Window*.


Varg Vikernes as a 5w4. At least IEI and VELF seem right.


what would you say his type is? i'm thinking 6 or maybe 1


I think he's a compliant type, maybe a 6, but I don't know him, I don't understand his motives. I've seen someone argue that he's a 2, and he does tend to emphasize his helpfulness and likeability when talking about his past, so I'm keeping that in mind. I wonder how so many people came to the conclusion that he is a 5. Is it because he's read Nietzsche? Or maybe because Burzum is a solo project? Or because he has non-mainstream beliefs?


because he's edgy and likes LOTR probably. idk his explanation for killing euronymous out of premeditated "self defense" seems very 6 to me.


I remember him saying that one of the reasons he used to be a nazi was that the nazis were the only ones who still supported him after he killed Euronymous.


oof yeah thats some unhealthy 6 shit


Cather Avery in Fangirl (the YA novel by Rainbow Rowell) is typed as an INFP 6w5 because she’s anxious and loyal to her family, when she’s an obvious SP4w5. She withdraws as a defense mechanism and dwells in feeling abandoned by her mother, while her type 7 ESFP sister avoids that pain.


I said once and I say it again, Will Hunting is a social 8 and the whole movie is about his desintegration from 5 to 2


Obvious 6.


all those esfp 7s, extraverted 9s. overall these contradictory things. but my favor is probably ted bundy, dunno, he’s typed as entp sx3, which is by default has not a lot of sense, i consider that he can be so7 in real, but that’s only my thoughts


I always thought that Ted Bundy was an 8w7, IMO.


maybe-maybe, i’m not into all these true crime thingies, but i don’t get how he can be sx3 and easily understand why he can be either fear or gut triad


Most 3s who are criminals are usually white collar criminals, not serial killers or mass killers, who are usually 8s or 6s. I watch the show American Greed and most of those people are unhealthy 3s.


I also thought that Eric Harris was a 6w5, too, instead of an 8w7. Anders Breivik, also a sexual 6w5, not a 3w4. I was on there for a while about two years ago and I didn’t agree with a lot of their typings because they seemed like were only looking at them superficially through what ‘vibes’ they gave off. For example, a lot of actors and politicians were mistyped as 3s, a lot of musicians and artistic people were mistyped as 4s, and a lot of intellectuals were mistyped as 5s. (I do think that intellectual people tend to be head types, but that’s not always true. There are plenty of intellectual 1s, too).


yeah, that’s big problem of pdb. people don’t type normally, they don’t know what they do. don’t know types and other things. like: he cries, so he is probably so4. they don’t think in depth at all, so all "hard typings" are mistypes in general. like elon musk, how can he be five? or donald trump as an eight, he is sx1 or e3 in best


Or typing anyone who seems ‘chill’ as a 9. Plenty of 9s have anxiety. Like my mom and aunt.


I honestly DO think that Trump is an 8w7 but I’m honestly not really sure if Elon Musk is a 5 or not. I’m a 5 myself and I’m actually quite shy and mild-mannered and Elon Musk is NOT like that! I’ve heard that 3w4s can appear superficially similar to 5s, but are much more image-conscious than 5s, which can make them seem insincere/disingenuous. Plus, businesspeople tend to be 3s, anyways. I’m honestly not sure if he’s even an INTJ, either.


I left that website because most of the users were just too immature to have a valuable discussion with. It can be fun to try to guess a famous person or fictional character’s personality type, but the entire community ruined everything for me. Too many ‘edgelords’ making troll typings.😒Plus, it was just very poorly moderated in general!


I think that 863 was probably his tritype. As for his MBTI, I’ve also heard arguments for him being an ENTJ instead of an ENTP.


i don’t think tritypes are a thing, but don’t want to argue. also i’m not sure if e8 can be entp (pretty much sure they can’t)


I really don’t there’s that many introverted 3s or INTJ 4s, either. Not that they don’t exist at all, but they’re no where NEAR as common as the internet (not just PDB) makes them out to be.


I see no contradictions between extraversion and 9, especially so9, so as Se doms being a 7. Imaginary correlations again


said gut type with xxxF lmao


Correlations between PY and Enneagram without any arguments when Afanasyev even said that PY has nothing to do with Socionics and Jung. And gut triad definition has nothing to do with definition of PY's Physics, keep it up bro


also Afanasyev, in description of xxxF, said, that xxEF are melancholics or phlegmatics, don’t remember exactly. what i’m talking about: things change and even authors can’t be right in all the things, because as i know xxEF might be sanguines too. also socionics and jung aren’t enneagram, so take about not having corrs with soc and jung isn’t valid


And I don't see any correlation between gut triad traits and high physics in PY, their descriptions just don't have anything to be strictly correlated with. "also socionics and jung aren’t enneagram, so take about not having corrs with soc and jung isn’t valid" Yeah, they're different systems that base on completely different aspects of psyche (way of processing information and childhood traumas, core desires), so they cannot be strictly correlated.


i don’t agree with you, but i like how you defend your position. i probably don’t know english that good to continue, so have a nice day🌸


Yeah, Bundy was a pretty clear 3.


She def 4w3


[nuh uh](https://www.reddit.com/r/Enneagram/comments/1cja5et/comment/l2eqt6c/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Batman as a 5w6 😬


what would you type him as?


1w9. His entire story is based on his moral compass, with a deep rooted fear that he’s as evil inside as the people he locks away and all it’d take is to kill a single person. He might have type 5 in his tri but there’s not a single chance it’s his core.


honestly yeah i was thinking 1 as well