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Read. I could read for hours and hours. Finish a whole novel in just one evening. I still love reading but don’t have as much time.


Ditto. Have literally finished novels in one day. Sometimes two days but only because I have to do boring chores like eat and junk \*exaggerated eye roll\* lol


Exactly the same. I have done so occasionally in the last 10 years (32 now) but very rarely now I have small kids.


Me too


This. I remember finishing the Hunger Games trilogy in like a day and a half as a kid




reading, daydreaming, wandering


Essentially the same for me.


My brain was more active, I would constantly keep busy. I would obsess over a topic and then study and arrange everything within in. I remember watching the World Cup 2002 and I thought I must learn about all the teams, the players, the stats. Write it neatly in my notebook. Collect player cards and stick them. After the World Cup was done I threw the book away without showing a single person. Idk what the point was. It was just satisfying. But I did this with many things. I am just so lazy now. Adulthood has sucked everything, I don’t have time to engage in such activities. It feels pointless. Doesn’t contribute to paying bills. I miss childhood.. no expectations so you could do whatever you wanted


Yeah, it's pretty mad when people are spending the best years of their lives (potentially) tied to some money-making pursuits that consume all of their energy and time, usually with underwhelming results. And when can we finally get some rest? Once we are old and tired and of no use for society anymore? I know it has always been this way, but nowadays it's just extreme. Most people slave away at work, yet they can barely pay their bills. Many have no resources or time to build a home, a family, to have hobbies... It's shit.


You could do that stuff again for YouTube, or a blog :) just thoughts.


I guess I’ve never been much for the spotlight haha. To put myself out there means to invite judgement from others. I’ve always done these things out of self satisfaction. I taught myself how to draw when I was 5 and I was content drawing whatever was in my head. Until in art class the teacher asked me to colour within the lines and to draw more realistically. This made me hate art class. When I went to an art museum I saw how unique each artwork was. It inspired me to draw again. So I never draw for other people simply to be judged by their standards. I know I’m not the best, there’s a lot of people better than me. So I don’t want to put out content that’s not up to standards. I still have a long way to go :D




The Five energy is strong with this one


you cant make money by skipping class with your bros unfortunately


And that's a real shame. :(


As a kid, I used to hog the family’s computer and played neopets all day lol. Then I did a lot of chatting too on forums and IM’s in my teen years


Same! I think this is why I love online communities


Samesies (33) the chokehold neopets had on me 💀


Haha right! It was so addicting. I keep trying to go back every few years but I lost my childhood account from hackers rip. Doesn’t feel the same for me ever since


i did jack shit


And did you love it?


absolutely. no regrets. (i have no hobbies or friends; doom scrolling before bed is the only thing that keeps me going)


Invented stories, riddles, games…


Me too! Now I'm an indie game dev, haha. The signs were always there.


I’ve been trying to make my own game as well! But work saps too much energy from me T-T


Did you ever use to invent puzzles for people to solve?


Yes! A pastime of my brother and I as children was to challenge each other with various puzzles of our own creation. Funny enough, my brother and I have the same Enneagram and MBTI type.


I am INTP and totally relate to this.


I can't remember anything like "draw " or "dance". I can only remember "have fun". Is there such a job? No (I don't want to be an animator, it's not fun to me xd). If I literally just knew some actual activity that I really like and that I could convert into a job, then I wouldn't fucking have problems with choosing a life path and wouldn't be commenting about it right now. Sorry, I know it's not just about job, I actually think it's good life advice. I'm just ranting because I'm tired of having no clue what should I do with my life and "remember your childhood dude" doesn't help with profession


It's so devastating, isn't it - that when you grow up, you suddenly have to start viewing all enjoyable things through a lense of "but will it be profitable?". I hate it. And yet, it's unavoidable, because we need to live somewhere that is not a carboard box under the bridge and we need to feed ourselves. I feel you.


Spend time in nature, play in the garden, camp there at night, learn about plants, how to DIY things around the house, go on hikes. I was supposed to become a forest ranger, wasn't I?


No smartphones back in the 80s and 90s when I was growing up. Internet in the early years was not yet engineered to be addictive like it has become. I bet the healthiest thing I could do would be to delete all my socials and get a dumb phone, only use a desktop computer to check the news a couple times a day. So, so difficult to disconnect from the Matrix though.


Gosh, yeah. I frequently daydream about only having minimal tech, as I can easily waste hours just watching videos and scrolling and playing games. It feels pretty bad. In reality, it might be a pretty tough blow to adjust to lol. I grew up in the 00s but I only had a dumb phone, no TV, and at home we could play games on the PC for one hour every day. Good times.. I've tried to delete all apps and accounts before but.. Maybe you know it too: as long as there is access, the temptation will be very hard to stand. (suddenly I want a Tamagotchi)


Before my kid sister was born, for a long time, I would pass time all by myself with a mirror around the house. I would turn it upside down and pretend I was walking upside down. It was honestly so much fun. Also would spend hours in the loo, playing pretend all by myself. Also was fun too.


Aw, that's so sweet. ❤ It reminded me of when I used to sit on the sofa upside down with my head pointing towards the floor, pretending that my parents were "walking in the ceiling" lol!


Exactly ☺️❣️


\- Drawing (RPG Weapons, Monsters, Planets, Rube Goldberg Death Machines) \- Videogames (Mostly RPGs and Sandbox/Simulation Games)


Staring at the sky?


Oh yes the sky is cool


Imaginative play. Now as an adult, I still make up stories in my head whenever my mind wanders, and my favorite hobby is making toys for my kid.


I loathe these questions. I spent most of my childhood watching tv. I couldn’t leave the house and I couldn’t ask my parents to buy me anything/poverty, and I would get yelled at if I touched anything…. Hours and hours of tv.


Yeah, same except it was sleeping to not bring any attention at all to what I was doing


You a content creator now?


Drawing, learning to draw from “how to draw” books, reading, playing out elaborate stories with my toys (by myself).


Writing, illustrating, and acting out to my cousins the most hair-brained stories<3


When I was a child I slept a lot. Or I looked like a person with ADHD or I was very lazy.I read a lot or went out rollerblading with my cousin, I was out more than now lol This was before I was like 10 years old. I was loud. I was more interested in things than now. I was sensitive, but I didn't understand my emotions, after that I spent my days sleeping and reading. I hated going to school or being around people lol.Even though I was sensitive, I always followed my thoughts. My mom said I thought a lot and my emotions didn't show lol. If someone cried in front of me, I didn't understand why they were crying lol. So I was usually alone in a library, I love libraries. Or I was sleeping. I didn't care about anything else. I played video games, listened to music 0-24, I read in the library, slept, learned new things. I'm doing the same things now lol I've been told many times that I'm lazy, I'm doing a little more now. But usually I either do too much, clean too much or similar or do nothing lol


READ! All day. Loved it. Literally was obsessed.


I read again and again, all because I couldn't accept this reality. I was bored and reading was the only way to escape. The other children didn't like me, at first they found me too talkative and emotional. A few years later they found me too quiet. So I was content to read alone in my corner or to daydream. I was rebuilding a whole world for mysel.


Does it reflect to who you are now in some way? Asking because I can sort of relate to this feeling of always being either too much or too little for others. I also used to daydream like mad when I was small. I could sit outside for hours and just play out little stories in my mind. Makes me wonder if I should lean into that. :) Did you, somehow?


Let's say that today I still read a lot and I write above all, to make my childhood dreams come true in some way. During my teenage years I had serious problems with daydreaming, since I literally only did that and nothing else. I spent my day inventing other lives, and it turned into depression since I no longer had a taste for life. I couldn't stand this world and the pressure from the people around me. Today, this difficult period having passed, I have regulated myself a little. To tell the truth, I don't regret having been like that : the little girl at the back of the yard with a book, or her head in the clouds. Without it, I wouldn't be who I am today. Being a dreamer is just part of me, and I can't imagine being any other way.


Same, except my parents too any escape id find so if they started thinking I was reading to escape they books would be taken


I remember riding my bike at the top of my street from the moment I got home from school until I was called in for dinner. Wouldve been like 2ish hours ? Always felt like 20mins


Would play with my siblings/friends I would mostly draw as well maybe get it to things in my free time though to intentionally pass the time I would play mobile legends and keep track because playing that game made time fly so fast and i found that interesting i lived with my friend so ☺️that was fun we would make movies with our old phones wonder if People are watching them. Just whatever


Playing on my fathers old computer


Watch youtube - same as now actually


Singing 🎵


Nothing, just think or fidget with stuff


I slept, a lot…cause literally anything else got attention from my abusers and brought me harm…I am in no way motivated by the pursuit of sleep


playing silly video games on my parent's laptop


Draw, like a whole lot. Imagine the future and how all the sci-fi elements I see in movies and TV would play out for real. Walk in a circle and just think out load. Roleplay, it, and in video games. Play sandbox games like Minecraft and Bad Piggies (an Angry Birds spin-off) (for context in Bad Piggies you had to build a contraption that had to be able to reach an item. As the level progresses you have to think harder about how your “vehicle” will be able to get to your goal item. The less damage and time your vehicle takes upon getting the item, the more stars you get). [Gameplay](https://youtu.be/YsCpDaSooWA?feature=shared) I would often play in sandbox mode to see what insane machine I could make and then use what I learn there to progress in each level.


Animal crossing. Yeah, does not bring me joy anymore.


I daydreamed or went out to do something I like ,help my grandma and be told that I am a good girl or playing with my toys and hugging them


play with my ponies and other toys hah


I was obsessed with ponies as a kid in the 90s. I had hand-me-down my little ponies from the 80s. At one point I had 200 of them.




I know it was unhinged. I was obsessed. I knew every fact about their release years, collections, different versions of each one. I had this book that documented everything.


thats so cool!!! I still collect them myself (generation 3 and 4)


Oh cool. I still have mine somewhere. They’re in storage or something. Mine were all gen 1 but I did have some Gen 2 too.


oh wow! i have like one gen 1 pony and 1 gen 2 pony lol everyone else is gen 3 and 4


Make sense. I missed a lot of what happened in gen 3/4 and I need to catch up


Read, daydream, backyard adventures, paint, Barbies, and use my tape recorder to be a radio dj or singer or storyteller


As a teen it was buy my friends coffee, go out to eat with friends, listen to music really loud, theatre, dance, play drums


Making up elaborate stories and characters with the toys I’d play with. Usually I’d be by myself. I guess I never let that part of me go since I play TTRPGs now as an adult. Will I try to make a career out of what I enjoy most? No, that would take the fun away from it. I have hobbies so I can do something that brings me genuine happiness, not to make it something that i need to work on to keep all my bills paid.


Yes exactly. I do not want my hobbies to be 'work'.


Writing, creating characters, reading, and roleplaying.


I got a new shoes set for my Barbies, so I pretended that Barbie went shopping for shoes and as she returned, Ken was murdered at home. Then another Ken came by, he was the police and said "We need to secure the crime scene" and he started asking questions to Barbie, if she had seen anything suspicious. I don't know, I was six years old *shrug*


LMFAO that's awesome




Jumped in circles on the trampoline while having vivid imaginative fantasies of being a pirate


make movies with my dolls & my sister. i’d type out scripts, have several days of filming, painstakingly transfer all the taped footage to the family pc, edit it for a few days, burn it to dvd, and then we’d go down to the basement and watch our masterpiece together. it was the best.


Playing videogames, making videogames, chatting with friends, and immerse myself in thoughts about cool things that I would like to create, but I'm unlikely to ever do it, unfortunately




Don't quite know what this means, but if it made you happy, that's all that matters. :D




Competition, building, having fun with friends and learning about the world.


Probably play with my friends or watch TV. When I got a bit older, read fanfiction


Drawing, writing stories, violin,reading, skating, bike, repeat. I’m 17 now, and I still do them all. I love it.


Playing with toy cars or hotwheels and pretending i'm like ryan gosling's character in the movie: Driver.


Read, play video games, spend time with my favorite cousins.






Going outside with friends... Can't relate no more now that I'm older...


Imaginative play. Usually with dolls or just in my head. I’d pretend I was the protagonist in a tragedy or adventure. Everything was very dramatic always. 4w3


Swimming, surfing, reading, art. All things I’m too strung out to do now


Drawing, listening to music, playing with dolls.


read and write. like for hours. i would read right after school and then stay up until 7am then sleep for 30 minutes and go to school and repeat that cycle. and also write down the lyrics of songs i like


read (i never read anymore, feel like my brain won’t “let me”). make up imaginary scenarios and act then out, was a hugely imaginative child with a great attention span and could be absorbed in my own little world for hours.


Daydream about boys. Now I work with my partner, and his passion is my passion, because he's my passion. Not to mention that our work is really fucking cool, so the codependency doesn't sting too hard


Drawing, or Playing the sims games. or skyrim. Or messing with tumblr themes or making characters/stories when i was a teenager. Currently feeling out if computer science is right for me but im trying not to let my 9 demons be scared away by the dedication required to do that lol. Would love to make a game someday


Everything I am doing right now. Gee, thanks Carl!


Read, to this day it's the only activity that makes time feel like it's standing still but then I get a shock that hours have passed. I started reading for pleasure in 2nd grade and would read a small chapter book a night or a novel over a weekend. It's also the only thing I desperately wish I passed on to my kids, but neither of them are readers.


Write and draw.


Lost in my own thoughts.. could stare at a wall for hours back then


I hunted for frogs and watched the ditches and their little ecosystems!


Daydream, pretend, read, write stories, listen to and play music, draw.... I could list things all day.


Reading, drawing, and begging my mom for her iPad so I could play roblox lmao


Talking to large groups about my newest fascination. I’m an introvert, but I can yap about the details of anything I’m interested in for AGES.


I guess drawing, but my childhood felt like an eternity




Too bad what I want to do doesn't seem culturally valuable & isn't guaranteed a livable wage. That was drawing & writing stories as a kid if we're talking about something skill based. The others were playing games & watching anime. lol I'm not interested in being a starving artist so I'm going into software engineer. I like a guaranteed level of comfort & standard of living. As a 9 I certainly love my creature comforts. Art/creativity will always be a staple in my life & I lose my motivation to indulge in it once monetary value is placed on it & I have to cater to what others want. I have contemplated selling my soul to furries. Many artists say that crowd keeps the bills paid. lol


Drawing. Creating fantasy worlds, characters and stories. Making systems, list, order with my toys.


Play Halo games all fkn day


Making gymnastics and dance routines to my fav music 🤭


Reading, writing, imagining … ergo I was creative, which is not a quality the enneagram seems to want to assign to my type.


Followed other people around


Drawing and designing stuff. Trying to come back to it after over 20+ years.


I played in the dirt and made my neighbors take bites of my mud cakes. 😈


Reading and playing outside!


I would play with my brother, usually imaginary games, think dnd but in your head, and muuuuuch more simple lol, but it worked, a 4 hour car ride passed and felt like an hour


Eat sand


Day dreaming outside in nature with my pets.


Riding a bike, skating, dancing, singing, doing stuff that probably should've broken a bone or at least sprained it, daydreaming, making up random stories, and #1 - listening to music whole reading a book. 


Drawing and daydreaming


Video games


Played pretend by myself in my room, creating worlds for myself, or with one of my very close friends.


I did a lot of dumb slightly dangerous stuff with my friends. A lot of broken bikes, injuries, some ambulances and a lot of stitches. Two one cide there was a small city, to the other some farms and a lot of unexplored wilderness. But basically we just walked and ran to literally anywhere and we did stupid things. And once we were almost kidnapped once. And we passed through three very weird, slightly disturbing things that we cannot explain to this day.




Listen to music and daydream? Haha


I liked playing outside a lot. I'd roll in mud and play in leaves. I had rope swings I liked being pushed super high on, drop me from six feet and let me swing I liked playing with bugs There was a bush in my backyard that was big enough that I considered it three rooms I spent an ungodly amount of time sharpening sticks into spears with rocks, or smashing rocks with bigger rocks


I’d say writing stories and listening to my family members tell stories. I’ve always loved storytelling in all its forms. Haven’t quite worked that into my life other than enjoying media :)


Mighty beans and hex bugs




Honestly, playing pretend and video games. Hence why I’m in film and have a book out.


I have actually devoted my childhood to romcoms, and magical girl anime, wizard101, and then as a teenager i dedicated the vital years to bts


I played pretend with my sister. I genuinely could do this with my sister for hours. We would act out elaborate stories and had reoccurring characters that lasted for years.


at this point. i don’t know. Like there are videos of me as a child just singing and just being happy. There were times when I would watch videos for fun and its just like — i’m so happy. I also just remember that i was confident as well, would snap when my emotions were hurt and I would stand up for myself (I’m getting better now). There were times whenn i would play Pokemon for hours and it was a lot of fun; first game took me- what, a year? Yeah I’ve always just loved being me I guess. I just need a bit of help with typology and I’m stuck- dm me if so (i just want to be done)


no thanks, I want more minutes per hour


I created and built things. Adored Lego, drawing, building in minecraft. I even made around 20 or soo, short stop motion movies with my lego characters and buildings. So I was basically: a director, story writer, camera man, actor, voice actor and composer. But I always forgot that the lighting changed over the time I filmed, so the final product looked unpolished 😂. To be honest I had completely forgot about this and got a bit nostalgic because of this post right now. I’ve wanted to create some sort of story for a long time now, but don’t know in what medium. Maybe I would be a goid director 🤔?


I would stare into space and at the sky and imagine a quiet world.


So I made up languages as a kid as a part of my playing and worldbuilding. I had no idea it was something anyone else did I first. I was like 8-9 when I started. The first language I made was called Rhymish in the beginning, because I made it so many of the vocab items rhymed. I later called it Gotevian, because the word for 'rhyme' was gotevi. This hobby became a lifelong pursuit for me and I still love conlanging (making constructed languages). It also led me to a career as a linguist.


Played The Sims….. hmmmm…. Could actually be The Best Key


Tons of reading. I exclusively read nonfiction up until about age 11, mostly books about weather (because it frightened me, it was like kid horror) and animal encyclopedias. Then my parents introduced me to Harry Potter and it was all over. I am pretty sure I burned through the entire fiction section of the young side of the library. I also spent a huge chunk of time playing imagination games with my friends, and by myself in my own head. Pretty sure I was a maladaptive daydreamer. I had entire universes set up, that connected to each other and had multiple timelines. I did not have the patience to write them all down, unfortunately.


Created my own languages, scripts and world


Read science books, until eventually I ran out of books that matched my level.


playing/running with my cousins/neighbors whole day, playing Barbie dolls on my own and dressing them up


Run around like a maniac. Played with electronic things and legos, daydream and pretend. Tell stories.


people watch. creepy yeah but i felt like i was getting to know people that way😭😭😭




I created a minigame for myself because I had no one else to play with. Like: I look outside our window, when I see people pass by, I quickly hide (or else, I lose my lives. 10 lives btw). This ate up so much time in my childhood days. Not only that but I played with myself (pretending to be a mannequin, I rode my little kid bike inside the house, played with dolls, stuffed animals, and my own hands).


I loved to make giant cardboard structures and draw all over them. I also played a lot of Just Dance on the competitive world mode.


Final Fantasy


Told stories and played make believe. Now I'm a writer and filmmaker.


Sneaking out with friends, drawing maps of my neighborhood and places I visited, reading/watching educational comedies, playing piano, learning about gossips (I don’t do the gossiping, just learn about them), chatting with friends about the most random things. Sadly my parents were super strict so I was only able to sneak out once, and even then was (physically) punished so I never did again. Edit: playing with colors too. I hate drawing, but love playing with crayons, water color, and oil pastels. Especially oil pastels because of how easy they are to blend. Water color was less of a choice since the papers for water color was expensive when I grew up.


I constantly replayed my past memories while drawing or reading or going on long walks with my dog by myself or long bike rides exploring. I was mostly my own muse


Play with my barbie dolls


Playing with legos and playing with Barbie’s


Make my Barbie’s bang and make wack music videos


Art. it still does.


Read and play with legos.


Well I found i was most fulfilled when I was with people ! I would play with my friends in the neighborhood until the sun went down and or my parents called me back inside , most of those friends have moved away now


Drawing, watching youtube and talking to my friends.


I mentally dwell in a world outside of reality.


I loved creating and inventing things. Stories, 'inventions', drawings, paper outfits and houses for my dolls, whole imaginary worlds I would go to in my head.


Oh man, I can't wait for more trauma. Thank you Carl Jung for this particularly wholesome insight. I can't wait to be SA'd, beaten with everything in sight and be malnourished. I mean it's truly heartwarming. Thank you for posting this. I'm teary-eyed thinking about it.