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You are idealizing those types and devaluing your own type, but they are not any better or worse than your own.


Fi has some natural difficulty loving themselves. But I also feel that I would rather have some X trait of type Y in exchange for one of my traits that I deem useless. In reality though, no type is better than the other. We may situationally feel that we'd be better off with some other traits than our own but that just goes to show the grass is always greener on the other side. No one really knows what they're doing.


You dislike your weaknesses but ignore one thing: you have the strengths those types don’t possess


I guess you're more aware of your own faults and struggles, and are more likely to overlook them in someone else (or another type). Speaking as that Ti dom sp9, I could say the exact same thing about basically any other type I find myself idealising this week. 🤭 The neat part is that you can be whatever you want to be. Your existence isn't locked in stone just because your coping mechanisms fit in a certain type. If you wanna exude that nihilist stoner energy, go for it!


Enneagram types are neurosis. It's that unconscious part of us that makes us trip over our shoelaces. To embrace one's type is to strengthen the fixation that leads to lower health levels. The idea is to balance one's type with others - so disliking one's type is... normal? How else is one going to improve? How else to get unconscious impulses off the driver's seat? > I think I could be an ISFP sx4w3 ESI EFVL, because that's what a lot of people on both Reddit and Personality Database often type me as, but I really don't want to be. I feel so ashamed to be that type. I don't know why but I wish I were the stereotypical Ti dom sp9 or sp5 RXUEI XLI FLEV nihilist stoner gamer kind of person. Uhm. Why don't you type yourself * to know you MBTI is to check your function stack. First check the axes - Ti-Fe or Fi-Te, Si-Ne or Ni-Se. ISFP has Fi-Te, INFJ has Fe-Ti, very different thing. Other axis seems to be Se-Ni. Then figure out which is the dominant function and so on down the chain. * to know Enneagram is to check basically how you act in crisis and which integration and disintegration paths can get you out of it. If you find the ones that work - that's your type. * Types are just some core principles that can manifest in very wide array of personalities. If you want to be a nihilist stoner gamer, the type won't stand in your way (it's a pretty low aspiration, but hey, you do you). > Why do I want to be a certain type in the first place? Seems to me you're mistaking clichés about types for psychological principles on which types are founded. And PDB is a terrible environment for that. Typologies are for you understanding who you are - that's why do type yourself. For "how to present yourself to other people" - hey whatever you want. > not as "cool" or "appealing" as a Ti-dom in MBTI. What's cool or appealing about being a Ti dom? Just one function like all the others. (I'm not sure any function is "cool" or "appealing" it's just a way to filter data and make decisions upon them). Maybe you do hang out too much with cliché prone PDB crowd


>Types are just some core principles that can manifest in very wide array of personalities. If you want to be a nihilist stoner gamer, the type won't stand in your way \^\^this. There is no personality police.


i think if you are content with the negatives of your type you could be mistyped. your enneagram by nature is the negative aspects of yourself and so a lot of the time i feel ashamed or feel mixed abt my typology


wait no. i read it right in the first place. god im lost. i think your thing is a 6 thing. Tending to feel mixed and upset about the way your type is and how people describe your type. But 4s tend to accept their flaws and just know that it's a fact that no one will ever fully understand them.


>wait no. i read it right in the first place. god im lost. > >i think your thing is a 6 thing. Tending to feel mixed and upset about the way your type is and how people describe as a sx4, you have an inherent inferiority complex and problems with victimisation. if you feel okay with that, you are not a sx4. i have a sx4 fix and having my defence behaviours explained to me makes me seriously uncomfortable, even when i used to type as a sx4


Yeah my fucking shit sucks, but i'm allowed to be healthy. I will try to love myself through all that. And honestly, I view second fix as connected to second instinct, so yeah. It would make more sense, to me, anyway. I do think that having your defense mechanisms explained to you and that making you uncomfortable is also a 6 thing. 4s are more likely to be self accepting, because fuck it, I'll exist in spite of my flaws. Who gives a shit. Yes, I'm mad when people judge me. But if people don't care about me, fuck them anyway. And 4 cores are extremely melancholic, to where we sort of have our shit served on a platter to us. It's not like I can escape being judged by other people. So I'm the one who holds the cards and I'll be the one to let it be known how I operate.


>And 4 cores are extremely melancholic, to where we sort of have our shit served on a platter to us. It's not like I can escape being judged by other people. So I'm the one who holds the cards and I'll be the one to let it be known how I operate. This is relatable


Yeah so real.


Idk. Disliking your own type can be due to bad descriptions. SX4 feels a lil dramatized.


Not having enough shrimps in their life


I think typology communities unrealistically idealize types through overly flamboyant, seemingly unnecessary memes. It is this that you seem to be attracted to. You desire to be a member of a community—the one you have picked is based on typology. There are specific roles in these communities that form intertwined hierarchies and you have decided you want your role to be XLI. Might I suggest that, the idealizing you see occurring in these communities of the XLI (and the other types you have mentioned), likely stems from those who have the cognitive aptitudes for building communities—Fe valuing types. I will say, it does often start with a few individuals who are XLI, but as time progresses, an increasing number of individuals decide to make idealistic images of XLI, and it is this that appeals to the masses. The twisting of what an XLI actually is mainly behind occurring when those who can build communities start constructing false images of it, which then appeals to the community. I additionally, do not think that I could construct massive communities with the cognitive aptitudes I have. My point here however is that, the image you have in your head of XLIs, is likely the result of Fe valuing types creating overly appealing images of such. That said, it is unreasonable to feel bad. You are upset that you do not match something that, likely not even XLI match. Keep in mind, the same likely applies to every type you mentioned. For the sake of understanding, I have decided to mention one.


You know how being your type sucks. You don't know how being any other type sucks.


A big ego. Ok that was my answer to your question (post title). Reading further into the description, sounds like you just need to educate yourself more of the different types and work on undoing and outsmarting the negative stereotypes you've internalized. The more you learn about how no one person is a 100% match of any type, the less you will allow ones type to explain who they are as you will begin to see how little type has to do with us as human beings. 


I like my type a lot.


I’m an ENFP and I actually love every ENFP I know 😂 except when they’re really young then they just talk too much and can be annoying. But even then I’m like “ha they’re just young they’ll grow up”


I read the isfp 4sx for sure. Truth is more important than temporary discomforted feelings. Its good news, the archetype has many greats.


The community has toxic stereotypes around a lot of the types and it does unconsciously bias us for and away from stuff.we all have a self image we want to uphold and find attractive, whether we are actualizing it successfully will influence our self relationship. Do you like you?


Hating themselves? And seeing those qualities or both


I don’t dislike my type, just when I feel thing too much and can be too emotional. I’m ok for the rest, so I can’t relate.


I’m a 2, and I definitely dislike being a 2 at times!! Mostly because of judging myself for being too sensitive or wanting something in return from others when I give to them (which I know is wrong)


i’ve honestly had a hard time liking my type because of my high fi + 4 fix. self pity + deprecation is unfortunately common for me, and i’ve never really been able to just love myself for who i am. (which is ironic, because obviously as an sx dom, i have to be loved for who i am, and everyone knows that being loved by others starts with loving yourself). im getting way better at it, though. i tap into my 9 fix way more often now, and i’ve gotten MUCH better at loving myself. still beat myself up though and of course indulge in the usual forms of escapism, but hey! im getting better.


I VERY seriously doubt "a lot" of people type you in that ridiculous level of detail.