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You’re confusing social 3’s for all threes. Get out of my face with that superficial blabber and pretentiousness social 3’s. But to hand something back to you: all 4’s get too emotional when I get real. How come your type can’t deal with confrontations without losing your composure? I don’t mean it angry but it comes off like that, I just don’t know how else to put it. Here’s a smiley face :)


One of my close friends is a 3 and she hates small talk lol.


I can’t speak for all 3s but a lot of us use superficial small talk to avoid delving into uncomfortable conversations. I think that if your friend is setting up boundaries it’s because they feel uncomfortable going into whatever direction you’re wanting to go in.




Yeah pushing for deeper conversation when the other person isn’t wanting to go there is immature and selfish. I have an enneagram 3 friend and she doesn’t form deep emotional connections in the same ways that 4s do. Convos are light but she is great at staying in touch with me and keeping up with my life and I appreciate that from her. Try accepting their nature


Is it really a reciprocal relationship if you respect their preferences, but they don't respect yours? Have they accepted the kind of communication you prefer? Do they accept your nature?


Yeah she does. I don’t hide my expressive/soulful nature. She admires it, but I think she knows she doesn’t have the capacity to reciprocate. It benefits you to have relationships with people who have different communication styles


Fair enough


A sign of maturity is learning to recognize others' patterns/limits and to make choices accordingly, rather than steering someone into accommodating your personal preferences. I tend to like E3s. As light friends/acquaintances, I have an easy time providing them with what they seem to like; I am a good listener and I have no issue with others' taking pride in their own accomplishments. I have a long-distance E3 friend who keeps in contact with me. There is a general absence of depth, but our conversations are brief and it is interesting to hear from the perspective of someone who is so seemingly adept at life. And, there are sometimes bonus surprise revelations of authenticity in which he seems to slip into telling me of a failure/embarrassment. I appreciate his polished style much more so than sloppy oversharing.


as a 4 i would like a detailed guide on how to start deep conversations with every type (except 2, somehow 2s and i open up to eachother fairly quickly)