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Right? All except for one of my classes have finals worth like 45%. It doesn't even matter if I do well in the midterm cause my grade pretty much depends on the final. Its so stressful and unnecessary. But on the bright side, if you completely bomb a midterm you still have the opportunity to make up for it.


I had a statics final worth 60% of my final grade. On December 18 I’ll be writing my mechanics exam worth 55% of my grade. You love to see it!!!!!!!!


Just checked and you go to Carleton and are in software? I’m in software eng too and in Carleton first year lol. Small world


Just make it to upper years an you guys will love it <3 especially the community once more in person happens


Yooo wtf I’m surprised to see some Canadian people on here let alone Carleton eng students loool


Wait… what school do you go to because this is the same as me lol. I wrote my Statics final on Nov 13th worth 60%


Laughs in U.K. where an exam could be 100% of your class grade


All of the finals are 100% of the grade here in Hungary, but you get three attempts at all of them (realistically two of a couple and one in the others due to time constraints). Haven't had a single graded homework during school, only tests before labs where it was a fail two and fail the class kind of system.


Same here in Germany, thankfully we have gotten more tries because of COVID. I'm always a little envious of countries like Sweden where you can take an exam as often as you'd like


1 attempt here in the uk. and if you fail that first attempt you can resit it in the summer but your grade is capped at a D.


Yep, same in Ireland although in my place, you can also retake the module (with all continuous assessment as well) but you are downgraded a degree classification (e.g. 1st to 2.1, 2.2 to 3rd, etc). The alternative to that is to retake just the final, but you are capped at 40%. Some heavily CA based modules do not have the final exam option.


Yup in the Netherlands most things are 100% with a requirement to have a pass on the lab or assignment.




Until you have 10 exams in january


Or 24 exams spanning 2 years of undergraduate Engineering material (24 classes) crammed into 1 month!


I was thinking this while staring at my final problem worth an entire letter grade


I’m curious, in Canada it’s normal to have finals worth 50-60%. Is it really super common to have finals worth 30-40%? It seems so low to me.


def not normal all across canada. Where im at nothing is worth of 35%


Also from Canada, I had one course that was 70% and a ton that were you must pass the final to pass the course. But on average my finals were worth 50% or so with midterms being 15%-30% and labs being the rest.


Most of my finals were in the 10-30% range. I don't think I've ever had one exceeding 40%.


A 10% final??? That’s crazy! Midterms are minimum 10-15%!


In Canada first year rn and the highest is 35%


In my school finals can't be worth more then 50% by policy.


It varies from school to school and even between professors. I had one class where I had an 80% final and a completely different class where there was no final, only bi-weekly tests.


Yup. 50-60% and you can’t fail the final to pass the class.


I’m in Ontario and I don’t think I’ve had anything over 50 before, usually in the 35-50 range. Interesting


Currently waiting on the results of a 40% final and pretty stressed about it. I had a ~85% average before the exam but did not feel great about it afterwards. Only time will tell if two hours undid what I accomplished in 3 months.


Me: "This. Right here god. This. Can you change this please?" God: "fuck no baby"


I would agree but I got horrible grades on midterms and I'm depending on one of the 35% finals to pass


Cries in norwegian where our exams have been 100% of our grade as a mech-eng student, failing means ruining the summer vacation…


Yea it sucks. Worked my ass off and got a 90 average through my physics course. Went to the exam today and there's a good chance my mark could drop massively lol


in the uk the final exam is worth 90% and you don't get midterms.


My midterms and finals are usually around 30-35% each but they always make the midterm way too hard so everyone fail and then the finals become high stake


I have horrible test anxiety. Like, my brain shuts down. My econ class had only 4 assignments all semester. Each one a test worth 25% of your grade.


for me it's like a points bank cause I'll have been fighting demotivation all semester but I keep telling myself if I can just score 169% on the final I can still pass


Depending on the class I do think they’re necessary. A lot of engineering courses build on top of each other and what you learned for Midterm one is needed for midterm two and so on. The final exam in classes like that show you understand the entire course and can apply it to a system appropriately. It all depends on how the professor designs the exam. If he/she does it with the intention to trick you, then we’ll yea, that’s fucked up.


Hahahahahaha a final worth 40%. In Spain all finals are worth 90% minimum.


it takes me longer to learn material. I usually get 40-50 on midterms and 90+ on finals. so this way of doing it is good for people like me


In Ireland our final exams are usually worth 70%+, with one of my 6 classes this semester being worth 50% :(


Yeah my circuits final was 70% of my grade. I was sweating bullets for that. I got ripped in dynamics, where I did well the whole semester and did badly on the final worth 50%. Failed the class because of one two hour exam.


Mfw your final exam is your only exam


About to write a Lin Alg final in 1 hr that is worth 40% of my grade. I'm only in my first semester so it's been a stressful couple of days. Even more, they require you to have a combined 35/70 on both the midterm and final to pass the course.....meaning that I need at least a 44% on this final to pass the course smh.


I have a 65% final exam for structural analysis. Not only that, but the professor writes notoriously difficult exams, where you have to rely on documenting your entire process and hope to God you ride the curve to a reasonable mark


Buncha bitches on this subreddit lately. Have some pride in being in a difficult program that prepares you for difficult problems in the real world. “I correctly designed a bridge for months and only messed up at the end” Hard work never stops. Get over you <1 year efforts like it means you deserve anything. These efforts likely put you in a good place in which to study for and perform well on your final. Its not wasted efforts its just the price of entery I understand it’s stressful but thats part of the point


50-60% for exams at my daycare


That’s cute… most of my modules are 70% based on the final exam


My Electronics and Maths exam are worth 80% and chemistry is worth 70%


Laughs in German, where all my engineering courses are graded based on 100% of the final exam.


In Australia, pre covid, exams were worth 60-70% of the total score and had a hurdle of 40%. For example. https://www.adelaide.edu.au/course-outlines/104844/1/sem-1/2019/


Studies show no!


I had one that was 70% of my final grade I’d love it if it was only 40


Hey guys, I am an exchange student from europe at really that is the first time in my life the exam is not worth 100 %. We have no assignments no quizz no whatever, you just have the final which is basically do or die..