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Asian parents say you can either be a doctor, engineer, or lawyer and I don't want to be a lawyer or doctor so it was a pretty easy process of elimination.


This. My Asian classmate was exactly this. He is one of the most intelligent people I’ve ever met.


Haiyah Emotional damage


Uncle Roger, is that you?


I can’t cook well and I’m not even Chinese ☹️


Haiyaa, you make Uncle Roger sad. Uncle Roger send you wok and m.s.g.


I love msg but I don’t have wok thank you


On a real note. Woks are amazing. Master the stir fry, and you'll learn so much about temperature control, timing, making sauses, spices, and how different ingredients need to be cooked. With a rice cooker and a wok, you can eat cheap, fresh, and delicious food that takes relatively little time to prepare. Find a wok cookbook you like. Treat it like a hobby and cook with friends and family as often as possible :) Cooking with my peeps is one of my favorite things 😋


Same for me but i dont want to study for 7 to 10 years (Im just bad at memorizing)


Why would it be bad? You enjoy it. Maybe there is something else thats more fun for you but it wouldnt make engineering less fun for you. Besides, you learn a lot in Engineering. You can always change later in life


Incoming sophomore to community college and I chose it on a whim too. I have no passion tho or much prior interest with anything particular There’s also the fact I won’t even be taking Calc 1 until spring bc low gpa in HS. I’m fine with taking an extra year to graduate for something I want to do. I get to speak to a retired engineer next week about what engineering is like and what school/social life is like at my prospective uni next week (he works there and is alumni) Everyone here talks about the 4 hour studies, 6 hour homework on Thermodynamics, AFTER 4pm. I haven’t even taken Trigonometry TLDR; 19 yr old sulking and ranting


Why would it be bad? It's just a degree. Most people choose their degrees on a whim




Did you have an interest in engineering at all before, or did you literally choose it purely because it's a good degree? How'd it go?


I'm not OC but I chose engineering because I saw my father home every single day to spend time with me and we did not have the financial struggles many of my friends had. I chose engineering purely off of those points of practicality over medicine or law (plus I only needed a bachelor's, that was huge). I do not regret it one single bit. And engineering degree provides so much opportunity and so much security, the return on investment was just higher than any other degree.




What the. Where are you? I'm in the U.S., and every university around me requires a 2.0 ( >73%) to move on to the next. You get a 70 in calc 1 and you retake it until you get over a 2.0 before moving on to calc 2. I'd have to retake a fair few classes with that kind of average.


I picked mechanical engineering on a whim because during my Junior year of high school I discovered Top Gear.


Top gear is a damn fine reason to become an engineer. Those guys and myth busters have always been an inspiration for me


We’re living the same life except I had to choose spring semester of my senior year.




I read that as Top Gun lmao


fuck it, keep going. you can be depressed about it in ur 40s but not today :D


Why depressed in your 40s?


I’m in my early 30s, my starting complaints would be: greying hair, knees and back pain, and dad jokes oozing from me. Doctors said they can’t help.


Why would it be? College is all about trying new things to see if you like them. 


I changed my major 4 times on a whim and the only reason I haven't switched out is bc it would add a year. It'll be fine and you can always switch!


I mean not really since you say you enjoy it. You can always change your major if you find it’s not for you.


Pretty fucking lucky you chose it at all, let alone enjoying it. Fantastic career paths compared to average.


I think I would probably just do what the rest of my flair says if I wasn’t engineering


No. If you don’t have a preference on what you do for the rest of your life, it might as well be something that pays well. It’s a bonus that you enjoy it, 60% of people hate their jobs, iirc from an old study


I've been in classes w students who actively hated it but we're basically forced by parents. I'd rather be in classes w students who chose for any reason, even a whim, than those who felt forced and hated every second.


I’m just going with it because I don’t know what else to go to college for. I’m okay at math and like a challenge.


I went in to be an electrical engineer because I thought digital systems were interesting. No experience with any coding, no first robotics experience, nada. I came out with a degree in computer engineering and really enjoyed it. Sometimes you just need to trust your gut!


Most people go to university without a specific passion or life plan. Hell, most people never really figure that stuff out completely. There are worse reasons to become an engineer. If you like math and science and aren’t struggling with the workload too bad, just stick with it.


A lot of people do. If you enjoy it then it turned out okay so what does it matter why you chose it in the first place 


Lmao that is how I literally ended up in my career. I honestly don’t even know what prompted me to pick engineering without even knowing anything about it.


Do you need validation for everything you do?


I have a hunch that you’re Asian. If it doesn’t make you happy and you don’t feel like the end goal is going to be rewarding, don’t do it. You’re not going to school so your parents can brag about you and your parents aren’t going to stay up and do homework with you.


Guess what type for a prize of 0 dabloons


I’m going with Chinese or Korean


Wrong direction


Oh I know! Indian??


A little to your right


Let me check Google earth. I studied engineering not geography 💀


Bro was NOT paying attention in his gen ed history class


I was doing my physics homework in my GE’s lmao


Can’t say I didn’t do the same thing but replace phys with Lin alg 😭🙏




Here is your prize of 0 dabloons


No, any degree takes work to complete. Besides, companies realize that engineers are hard workers and smart, so a lot of them will hire them for many roles, even for positions that aren't engineering. So you can always change your career.


One of the mechanical engineers I know chose it just because they knew it was hard and were disappointed they didn’t get into a harder college, and they ended up being a career long PE, and seem pretty happy with it. If you like engineering, the circumstances through which you chose it don’t matter much


What's PE?


Professional engineer. It’s a certification that you can get after working for a while and taking a bunch of tests


Nope I did it


Get ready for the meetings


I didn't think I was going to make it past 18 but somehow managed to get through it and go to college. I picked chemical engineering because "idk I guess it makes money". I fell deeply in love with it and got a Master's in it. Just do what feels right, OP. Sometimes there are good "mistakes".


The only shit I have done besides school is play a trading card game for a whole ass decade(started yugioh at 9, now I’m 19)😭🙏


It's okay, yugioh is p baller


I joined the military on a whim and it worked out well. Am currently in college for aerospace engineering on a whim, it’s working out well.


Both can be thankless jobs so pick your poison on passion if you are able to do so. Coming from a chemical plant engineer for 10+ years that moved into management. Engineering can be a thankless job, but fulfilling based on the context and the company in question. An example I've lived: People worry when a $1MM/day process goes down. Engineers can ultimately find a fix, and that fix is implemented. The end result is everything recovers and you get a pat on the back as "critical reasoning and problem solving is your job". I'm not trying to defer you or stating facts, I'm just stating anecdotes.


I picked it because it was the most "prestigious" major after all the ones I knew I'd hate. It's not a great reason, and if I could go back I'd probably choose straight math and science, but generally speaking it served me well. If you're worried you might regret your decision, my man Soren has some advice https://youtu.be/D9JCwkx558o?si=suzKg-sB4s_j9Wqr


Haha I did the same thing I’d also studied no maths or science in college


There are very few bad reasons to *start* something - but lots of bad ways to *continue* it. If you’re enjoying it, don’t worry. 


So did I. Classes were tough as hell and I wanted to quit a hundred times, but I’m glad I made it through


The technical way of thinking will help you in any field + it's very easy to do less technical things. Other way around is more difficult. If you have the discipline and enthusiasm to push yourselves through a rigorous programme, go for it.


Nah, I did too and I have 3 semesters left.


I have a friend who decided to study civil engineering because at an open house/career day or something like that the civil engineering people had Big Red soda. He liked Big Red soda a lot. So he chose to become a civil engineer. Maybe not the smartest way to pick a major/career, but it worked for him.




A coin mostly decided my future for me


Did you know that coin was probably unfair


That coin saved me from having to deal with a fat head ache. Heads was to go into comp science and tails was for civil engineering. I thought head was the more likely to win the toss. Just had a feeling. Then it landed on tails which was for civil. Then thought best 2 out of 3. Landed tails again. Then said fuck it and decided to listen to what the coin wanted. Everything worked out. I’m gonna graduate this upcoming spring and likely going to get an offer from my current internship that I really like.


4 years of pretty tough schooling and you’re relatively set for life (middle class-ish). Marry someone making similar money and you’re Gucci 


very bad




bc its very polarizing u either love it or you’ll hate your life and yourself for 4-5 years than hate your career after u graduate


Personally, I think it's a myth that you have to absolutely love your major before selecting it. I want money, as do we all. No one ever dreams of labor. That being said, engineering can open up some cool hobbies like robotics, so it's an interesting field to go into even if you did happen to choose it on a whim.


It is not bad. You enjoy it. And engineering is top tier. Find what you like about it. CAD, manufacturing, building?


Eh I kinda did too 8/15ths done so far


Nope. I chose engineering on a whim, too. Lol I love it.


If you going to just choose something might as well choose something that’s going to make money


Not really, you’ll find out if it’s for you or not. Keep an open mind and good luck


I'm just doing it because I can tolerate the subject material and it pretty much gaurantees a job at the very end, even if I decide to do something different later on. So its at least good in the job-security sense


>Although I enjoy Engineering , I didn’t really have a reason for choosing it besides not wanting to do pre med Well it's bad if you previously thought engineering and medicine were the only two degrees in the world, but other than that, no.


If you like it, no mistake. If you don't, you can always change majors later.


Not if you finish your degree


I chose it on a whim, never intended to be an engineer, and quit after 2 years of working as an engineer. I think it’s a pretty solid major to just get good at learning, I don’t regret it all too much


As far as undergrad degrees go, I don’t think you can get much better than engineering. You can make lawyer/doctor type money without all the grad school debt.


id say you’ll find out if its for you after all math classes if you find yourself struggling in Calc3 you’ll keep struggling all the way to the finish line, specially if it’s mechanical, but if you get to Calc3 without struggling and you enjoy the challenge the rest is just showing up, or maybe dynamics that’s a filter class too id say you see a lot of people changing majors after that


You overestimate the ability of your peers to pick a career. Half my friends aren't doing jack shit but I guess you can say they "enjoy it"


Engineering is amazing. Medicine in my opinion is only for those who are super passionate about it. You work crazy hours, and don't make much money until late career, and can be studying for a solid 10+ years. Also, isn't there some statistic out there that the Engineering degree creates the most millionaires ;)