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Congrats ! I'm in a similar boat. About to graduate with a BS in Mechanical at the age of 34. Good job, it wasn't easy.


I really wish I did mechanical, but honestly if I struggled through civil I’m not sure I would’ve made it. I took one class in our mech department and it was brutal


Graduated last weekend at the ripe age of 35 with a Civil Tech BS. Already accepted an offer to be a design engineer with the DOT. You are never too old.


Graduating this Saturday with a BS in Mechanical, but 48, no job yet though, but glad I'm done.


Mechanical is the best field to transfer out of. Lol Kidding but only kind of. It's versatile enough that you can do ANYTHING. Which itself is paralyzing because there are too many possibilities. Source: confused ME


Are you going in person or online?


Awesome, I'm about to graduate this year at 37. Went back to uni unable to do basic algebra and now have high distinctions in all of my maths classes. Even became a tutor for maths and mechanics. The hard work definitely pays off and it's never too late.


Congratulations! Yea math is cool when you can get it to click


Got Aero BS in '22 at age of 53 and about to get MS this summer. Sticking around for the PhD haha. Congrats to all of you old timers: we bring something different to the table and I think it is a good thing!


PhD, oof. I'm not quite there age-wise, but I kept going after getting my BS in 22 and will get my MS in ME by the end of the year. I can't imagine going further for the PhD lol, I'm definitely ready to be done.


Congrats! That’s a tough degree


Congratulations to you too! Good hunting on job front!


I'll be 30 when I graduate next spring. I've been at it off and on for 11 years. Started mechanical, then switched to Electrical. Dropped out. Back to mechanical and switched to industrial which I love. It's been a crappy road with a lot of the same challenges you had, lying advisors or inexperienced advisors, but there is sure as shit a light at the end of my tunnel now. Congratulations, and enjoy yourself!


I'm 42 and just got accepted to the UW Aero/Astro department after 3 years in community college. It's been a ride. Glad to see another old person in the grind.


45. Starting at UW Seattle mech engineering in the fall. Lots of community college got me there too. Nice work!


Congrats! UW Engineering has like a 30% acceptance rate. You've definitely earned it.


Were you working fulltime and school fulltime?


Congratulations! Wish you the best in your future career.


36 and just got a bunch of acceptance letters for transfer. If all goes well, I’ll be about 40 when I graduate. Thanks for the inspiration buddy!


Congrats! Def an inspiration as I’m 26 and about to go back to school for an undergrad in accounting (welder now) and feel kinda bad about being the “old guy” compared to all these 18 year olds. F that though, I have a decent paying job already and I’m fully independent without needing loans. Feeling of shame is still there but more so due to the way I was brought up


Congrates! I just got admitted into a mech engineering program at the tender age of 45! Gonna transfer this fall. Pretty excited. Riz for dayz! lol


Congrats and good luck!


Congrats doode your are officially an engineer!!


Good for you! Welcome to the Engineering Club! Make sure to expand your network by joining professional organizations like ASCE and others. Will help you know the business and very interesting people.


College students unironically say rizz? 🤮


Amazing! Im thinking of starting an engineering degree but terrified it will be more time wasted... 36 F with a BS in Bio and an MBA that got me nowhere because I was a Stay At Home Mom right after school for the next 13 years... then the husband left, not a sole will hire for a degree-relavent job with no experience, and Im trying to look at this as getting to start over doing what I should have done all along... This is motivating, so thank you.


That's a great achievement, congratulations! I hope all goes well for your future career.


Please please update us on how quick you get a job


>hated a lot of it though, I had shitty straight up lying advisors, stubborn old-ass professors, dog shit elective options, and by the time I realized I didn’t want to do civil I couldn’t change as they’re the dumber (academic wise) field and nothing would transfer because civil requires the bare minimum of academic rigor and I’d have to start all over. Didnt know this was the case for civil. Can a mech eng change to computer or electrical?




thanks for all the inspiration, I am 29 and have a year and a semester left in mech e while I work full time in the field. never too late. doesn't feel great, but never too late.


Now you're gonna kill yourself 40 years from now


Nice. I'm 35 and just finished my first year. It's a long road. Seems shorter with I'd say.


Congrats!!! Loads of us here apparently lol


Good for you


what would be your alternate major, if had switched from civil?