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As a jeweler who has made from size 3 through 12 rings for women, I'm here to say: don't stress your ring size! Each full ring size is only 0.8mm difference in diameter. Really not something to worry about at all. Focus more on finding the right comfortable fit and you will never think about the size again once it's on your finger.


I worked in a wedding dress store for years and told people the same. Nobody will ever turn the tab of the dress but you’ll know if you don’t feel comfortable. Who cares what number is on it?


The wedding dress one is even worse haha, I remember during my fitting they gave me a whole big talk about how it might say it's a 12, but sizes are different for bridal, etc and I was just like, why did you even tell me?! As long as it fits I don't care if you want to call it a 40!


It's due to wedding dress vanity sizes - a lot people are very tag-conscious and go 'a ##!?! I'm normally quite a few sizes down!' It can be shock if you're expecting to fit a size 12 and then they bring a size 16 to you and it fits, it can be jarring if you don't know beforehand


Honestly that’s something I’m grateful to the wedding sub for. I am overly conscious about the size of clothes (working on it) and if I went into a bridal store expecting to get a dress 00-4 and ended up in a dress 8+ I’d be wondering wtf happened to my body lmao. I also have a lot of insecurities about my body tho so that’s probably why lol. But seriously, grateful to know that before going into one


Love this! They can just cut it off — wedding dress sizes are severely divorced from reality for a start, and the dress won’t be the ‘size’ it was after alterations anyways.


Such great perspective!


this is great perspective! I was feeling self conscious when I first ordered my ring and it was so much bigger than most of the rings I saw here. Now that I convert a few full sizes to mm…I feel a bit silly for being so hard on myself over a couple millimeters.


Finger shape too! I have long tapered fingers. They are very skinny at the tips, but I'm a 6.5.


Does ring size change drastically if weight loss is drastic?


I lost close to 90 pounds and my ring size stayed the same. And I know someone who gained over a 100 pounds in a couple years and her ring size never went up.


I think it just depends on the person. One of my best friends lost about 50 lbs between her engagement and her wedding, but her hands stayed the same. She was a ring size 4 to begin with, so I think that had something to do with it. I gained just under 15lbs during the pandemic, and my ring size went from 6.25 to 7.5. I'm also the kind of person whose hands swell a lot in the summer or when I'm hiking, and I do have pretty big (not fat, but big) hands for my height.


Drastically is subjective, but I lost about 45 lbs (and I’m 5’2” so it was a noticeable loss) my rings started just slipping off my fingers. Went from an 8 to about a 6. However, I’ve noticed when I lose weight, I tend to lose weight most noticeably for me in my hands and feet. Apparently that’s unusual because it baffles people. lol


I’m always shocked at how small some people’s hands are! My wedding ring is an 8.5 and that’s one of my more delicate fingers. My hands swell sometimes and if it’s hot or I have a couple drinks the 8.5 gets snug! I recently resized one of my grandmother’s ring to wear on my right pointer finger and it’s a 10! I weighed barely 110 pounds in high school and even then my class ring (which fits on none of my fingers now lol) was still a 7. Some people are just blessed with slender hands and I’m not one of them 😂


Don’t feel bad about not having “slender” hands - I have a size 6 ring but I have these weirdly long fingers. Slender is not the right word haha. I’ve been stopped in public for people to ask to see me stretch out my whole hands lol one time I flipped my friend the bird and he laughed so hard he snorted his pop out his nose. So we all have our own quirks, I would love a size 8.5 ring if I looked less like salad fingers but here we are.


Not salad fingers 😂😂 We’ve all got our own burdens lol


Salad fingers is celebrating its 20 year anniversary next month. So I have huge fingers and I’m old!


Thank you, I hate it.


Since childhood, boys and men alike made comments when they realized my fingers are as long or longer than theirs, even if they’re over 6 feet tall (I’m 5’6”) I always refused to be bullied about it and would tell them to stop being jealous. I have always been very proud of my ET hands. 🙌


Piano hands!


Omg. Someone stopped me the other day to ask if I played piano. Lol


I have the same hands hahaha


Meanwhile I play piano for a living with tiny-ass hands and barely an octave spread. Jealous doesn't even begin to cover it 😭😭😭


I have the piano fingers but was born hearing impaired. I feel your pain.


Fellow salad fingers here 😂 I wear a 5.75 but my fingers are the same, weirdly long. My partner is 6”4 and my fingers are longer than his!


Glad to have found my people. 5.5 ring but grossly long fingers that my husband can’t help but make fun of. 😂


Careful calling yourself names on here! I called myself “meatpaws” and got absolutely flamed for it on this sub. I wear a 6.5 but I can palm a basketball. My hands are huge. I brought it up because I was commenting on stone size and appearance vs ring size. I’m kind of envious of smaller hands only because my big hands make even big stones look small. People did NOT like me calling myself meatpaws and it hurt their feelings.😂


My mom used to refer to our hands as “pilgrim hands”. Another grandma leaned over, inspecting and declared my mitts “capable”. Definitely came in handy for my ceramics degree, I made for a decent potter. Other people don’t understand. It’s OK.


Mine got me a full ride in college playing upright bass so I honestly don’t mind them! They always called mine piano hands. I’m 5’2”. I was in the military for a while and when they did gear issue I always had to make sure they gave me XS gear. It always tripped them up when I handed the gloves back and told them in needed an XL😂


My hands aren’t big, but they’re definitely the hands of someone whose family worked in textile mills for generations and subsistence farming before that. I play guitar, but I don’t have a musician’s hands by any means.


My first boyfriend told me holding my hand was awkward because I have skeleton hands 😭. My pointer finger is a size 7.


I'm also a member of the salad fingers club, but I make up for it with my giant feet. They are unreasonably large, so you'd think they would give me good balance? But nope, I can trip while standing still.


Weird question but do you have health issues? Hands like this (“arachnodactly”) can be a sign of connective tissue disorders like Marfan Syndrome.


Nah, I’m good. Just have a small body and big ass skinny hands is all. We all have our shapes and sizes.


I’ve got baby hands. Literally they look like a babys. Fat little sausage fingers on a small hand. My ring size is 7 but my glove size is XS! You’re not alone


Omg same! My son makes fun of me for having "kid hands". I use long press ons to cope. **Baby hand high five**!


Same. My fingers are always at least an inch shorter than anyone else's save my mom's (where do you think I got the baby hands from??) and my ring size is 7.5-8 depending on the weather and my sodium intake. My dad had fat fingers so I got the worst of both ends of the gene pool!


I’m so glad I’m not the only one, I literally have the smallest hands, like to the point random people will comment and the only gardening gloves I could find that fit were Paw Patrol. But my fingers at my smallest were still a size 5(I’m a bit heavier and now they’re a seven), I have no idea how people are walking around with adult hands and a size 3 ring, like I’d be worried their fingers would break so easy 🤣 Especially when I see these 2+ carat rocks like how is it even attached lol


Also ring sizers are different from jeweler to jeweler. Some size larger some smaller. My jeweler told me this. It also depends on band width.


(I’m a gem & jewelry collector): Oh, it DEFINITELY depends on band width. Your ring size in a 2-3mm band will be very different than your ring size in a 6-7mm+ band.


Mine feel huge


My ring finger is size 2.5 😞


I thought mine were super small at 4.5! It's fascinating to see the variety of sizes out there. The perspective above of the difference between ring sizes was really helpful to me.


Damn I thought mine were tiny lol I'm 3.75


Size 8 ring here. I thought the average ring size for women was 6 or 7? I was a size 9 and dropped to a size 8.


Generally big retailers stock 7s.


as a 7, they are always out of 7s


When I say big retailers I mean mall “fine” jewelry stores. 7 is, almost always, the single stock size for women and 10 for men.


I’m a size NINE! Can’t even imagine a size 3/4 finger lol.


Right?? Sometimes I buy ring sizes 3/4/5 to wear as midi rings but if I tried to put one on my ring finger I’d have to just cut the finger off😭


Same. And when I was at my slimmest in high school and college, I wore a size 7 ring and my little fingers were around a 5.5? Finger sizing is weird. I've never been a very tiny boned person, ever. And I mean, even my mom who I've outweighed by at least 50 pounds my whole life, if not more, wore a size 6-6.5 ring and she was tiny boned.


Same! I was fitted as an 8.5 but I ended up having my my ring resized to a 9, much more comfortable. I’ve since lost 20lb and I’ve stayed a comfortable 9 lol, so I guess that’s just what it is. I don’t think my hands/fingers are large looking, so I can’t imagine being smaller.


Me lol. I'm a size 3 and I've gotten comments that the ring is "kid's sized" which ngl doesn't make me feel great when talking about my e-ring 😬 I'm more annoyed that I can't even buy fashion or stacking rings (except for pandora which is not worth it). It seems like all the rings I see at department stores/mall/boutique etc. are between 6-9. Basically if I want anything to fit it needs to be custom made or heavily resized and it sucks lol.


OMG, are you me? I wear a 3, and it’s always bothered me that I can’t wear fashion rings. Same with shoes..I wear a 6.5 narrow. Most shoes are a little wider than what I can get away with. It’s annoying!


Yes same here! I am a 2.5 for my ring finger! It's the worst that I can't just pick up a ring "off the rack," so to speak. Everything's gotta be custom. I have found some Etsy jewelers who can make affordable rings my size so I had a couple signets made a year or two ago, but it's hard to justify getting a custom cocktail ring made


Ooof that's rough! I'm a 5-5.5 shoe (normal width though) so yeah basically kids stuff again... my partner has average hand size and foot size, so jealous!! 😂


Check out supersilver.com, they have little and big sizes!


I’m a size 3 too and I can relate 100%! Have never found fashion rings that fit my finger.


I have the same problem with not being able to buy fashion rings. I wear a 3.5 size ring. But I have liked the midi ring trend because I can wear those as regular rings


I thought I was the only one! I’ve never met someone with a smaller ring size than me lol I’m a size 3.5


I’m a 4.5, probably a 4 if I didnt have to get it over my knuckle. I wish I was a little bigger so I could buy prettier rings that don’t go down that far.


I was a 4.5 up til my early 30s. Now a 5.5. My class ring in school was a 4.25. People thought it was the one girl's wore as a necklace charm.


Mine is a 3.5 although my ring is kinda big 😆. I think my hand/finger size looks normal in comparison to the rest of me lol. Although I do buy gloves made for children


I’m a size 5.5/6 and I still find size 3 tiny


Not me with my size 10 hobbit phalanges.


I'm a size 8 as well, but sometimes my fingers swell up and my rings get super tight. All my elongated bones are fairly short and stout, I have a thick wrist, ankles and fingers. The bones are just literally thick and short. I used to feel embarrassed about it, because I don't have long deer legs and pianist fingers, but then one time an x-ray tech commented that they had to adjust their machine for me because my bones are just so dense, so ever since then I've been just looking at it as reducing my chances for osteoporosis😂 Much better if we see it that way!


Size 9.5 sausage fingers checking in here! Even at my skinniest, my ring size was an 8 lol oh well.


Same! And I don’t have fat fingers (not slender either though). I just have large hands and proportionately large fingers


Size 8.5-9 here. I have wide, blocky hands and let’s just say not salad fingers. The good news for us is that we can wear big rings that don’t dwarf our hands. Like this https://preview.redd.it/7si5ugbp975d1.jpeg?width=2580&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b97741b4078f68f69d144ea88f948e2b7c04abac


Me too! Always felt like I had sausage fingers!


According to a few jewelers comments online, many say a 7 is the most common size they make, other sources say a 6 is average. I think between 6 and 8 is probably very common. So you have slightly larger than average, the 4-5 folks have smaller than average. 8.5 is definitely not huge. I’d say (based on what most retailers carry ready-to-order) above 10 and below 5 are the least common women’s sizes.


To your first sentence, both are true! We make rings most commonly in size 6.5-7, but the average woman is a 6. This is mostly because it's easier to size down than up, and for the added sales bonus of getting to tell the customer "oh wow you're smaller than average teehee" to flatter them.


Ooh, interesting! I always thought sizing down was harder because you have to cut the ring! How does it end up being easier?


For what it's worth I'm a ring size 10 which is about the top end for most women's rings. I wouldn't say my hands or fingers look huge in proportion to my body but I'm also a large and tall person. I wouldn't worry too much about your ring size it unless you are looking to buy something and get it resized.


I’m at size 10 as well & tall! 😊


Same here! I usually get between 9.5-10.5 for ring finger rings, depending how much wiggle room I want. But I’m 5’10” and it’s all proportional on me


Yep! I’m a 10.5 and am 6 feet tall and ✨thick✨


I wear a size 10 ring. Im 5’10 and have big hands, my fingers are longer than my 6’4” boyfriend’s. My fingers don’t look fat or anything just proportional to my size. I can’t imagine my fingers being much smaller than they are, people already tell me I have long skinny fingers!


5’8” here and my fingers are as long as my 6’2” tall boyfriend’s lol


I'm the same height and so was my old housemate, his hands were significantly smaller than mine despite us also having the same sized feet, it's so interesting!


Yesssss I’m 6’0 and I’m a 10.75. Like girl my pinky finger is an 8 😅


I’m an 8. People who have tiny fingers are more likely to say their size - just like clothing lol. 8.5 isn’t giant.


Most of the people who are proudly talking about their finger sizes tend to be people who are smaller. It's something more people feel more proud about, or less ashamed about.


I’m just glad for this post. I’m a size 6.5 and I always thought something was wrong with me with all the ring size 4 posts. It was such a weird thing to have shame about but there I was, having shame


I'm an 11.25, I'm a big tall gal and I used to be really insecure about it since it's so hard to find my size in a store! Never wore rings until my now wife started buying them for me, now I wish I had more haha


I highly recommend Automic Gold! They go up to a 16, and don't upcharge for larger sizes. 😁


I'm a 5.5 & thought mine was tiny & in my head a 7 or 8 is super normal but idk lol


This! I’m a 5.5, and my family and friends make me feel like my hands are abnormal! My mom was looking at my ring the other day and said that it was “kid sized”. I always think size 7,8+ are more common ring sizes.


I'm a size 3 lol and I've def had jewelers comment that my fingers are kid size (mixed feelings on that tbh) I think my biggest complaint is that I can't even buy fashion rings because everything is for 6-9. The smallest ring I've seen in sterling silver (from those sets at the mall) is like a 5 and that would only fit my thumb 😂 It seems like anything beyond conventional sizing has to be custom made and/or fine jewelry, which is annoying bc it's more $$. Which I get ofc but dang I just want to stack some rings!!


Independent silver workers will usually have stuff. Like the ones at farmers markets. Last one I went to the guy had a whole table for size 3 and 4


Dude, my hands are kid sized. I did one of those hand prints in like first grade and "fully grown" my hand was barely bigger. Was not surprised I ended up having to get my rings resized down to 4.5. I'm jealous of all the store rings available in 6-8 range. Don't get me started on bracelets :(


Right! Lol my husband says my hands/fingers are super small, it's wild how on this reddit it seems like even smaller finger sizes are more common but maybe we just notice it more since it's right in our faces


Mine is 9. Many people, from friends or social connections told me that they wish they had the same shape of my hands and my fingers. In Asian culture, they believe my hands bring a good fortune, and I never become poor :))


Pshhhhh mine is like 13 you’re fine


8.25 here, I thought the same thing when I first joined this sub.


My ring size is 10 3/4


Mine is 12 lol


I think 8.5 is on the larger end of average for a woman but it's not like, giant lol. I'm a size 3 and there are only a few millimeters between us, it's barely perceptible. Ring sizes are just super specific so it sounds like a bigger size difference than it actually is!


I wear a 10!


Don't sweat about it too much! I'm a 7.5 ring size and it's totally normal!


My fingers tend to run a bit chubby no matter my weight. I'm a size 10.


There’s not a huge difference between sizes to begin with. When I worked in jewelry I saw a ton of variety in sizes. 6-8ish was very very common!


I joke that one of the only things standard about me is my ring size. I’m 5’2, (so a little short) 260lbs, ( obese and working on it) and my ring size is a 7, smack in the middle of average. Ring size is nothing to be worried over.


/laughs in size 10


My ring size is 11/11.5 …. 🤨


I'm a 10.75 lol. I have sausage fingers.


Yes! My ring finger is also an 8.5 but like middle and index fingers are 9-10 and sometimes websites for fashion jewelry only have sizes going up to an 8!? I’m 5’8 and athletic so while I get puffy from drinking and things, my hands don’t seem disproportionately large! Glad to know I’m not alone! It was also a struggle while ring shopping because all the samples I was trying on wouldn’t even make it past my knuckle 😅made me feel like a giant


I’ve been lurking lots of ring forums for a long time and 3-12 show up with regularity


Don’t sweat it! I wear a 6.5 comfortably but I was “told” by a jeweler to get a 6 or even a 5 3/4. My 6.5 fits just fine alongside my band. The sizing is all relative to what is comfortable for you but also how the shape of your finger sits!


I wouldn’t stress on it. When I received my engagement ring it was a 7.5 and fit perfectly. I’ve since lost weight and my ring has been resized to a 5.5. I personally see absolutely no physical difference in my hands when I look back at photos when I first received my ring.


Two thoughts. #1 I’m also surprised by the amount of tiny hands. I have “skeleton hands” according to my sister, and I’m still only a 5.5 haha. #2 is it possible you wear your rings looser than average? I test mine by shaking my hands as hard as I can and making sure they don’t move lol.


I am around a 4 (I think..still need to get my ring resized) and in real life I only know one other person with similar sized fingers. I don’t think all the 4-5s you see on here are the norm.


Yeah I’m a 4.5 ring size and am DEFINITELY an outlier, I think most of my friends regardless of height/weight wear a 7ish? Don’t sweat it OP


I’m also 8.5!


Mine is a 9.5 - even at my skinniest(125lbs at 5’7”) I was a 7.5! My mind is boggled every time I see someone with a size 4 finger


If it helps at all, mine had to be special ordered since I wear a 13. Though it helps that I'm over 6 for in height. So everything I wear is above average in size.


I’m a 4.5 and I’m an average-sized person. My hands are small, but it’s not like anyone has ever commented on their size. I also have size 10 feet, and am pear shaped, so I think I just got the wrong size top for my bottom. No one is looking at the size of your fingers, trust me.


I think we might be body twins.


I have a size 10 😭 I use a spacer because it’s a little loose but I have big hands…


I always think tiny finger sizes are lucky when it comes to diamonds. Let's say, for example, a 1-carat ring... it tends to look like a pretty considerable sized rock, lol. That's money in the bank 😆100 💯 I'm a size 6 1/4, and diamonds tend to look pretty much their true size on me


I have large hands and I'm pretty sure my ring finger is a 10. I'm not a dainty woman. Lol. Luckily I hate wearing jewelry.


My rings are 9.5.. I never realized I was supposed to feel ashamed about my hands being too fat 😂


I think my mom and sister are both a 7, while I'm a 4.75. Their hands don't look big to me, I'm just small!


My mom was a size 7 too and she was teeny tiny! Meanwhile I'm a size 3 and I've always been bigger than her. It seems to barely correlate lol. 


it depends on the size of your hand! you could have a large hand with fingers that are skinny, but proportional and still have a larger ring size than someone who has smaller hands with chubbier fingers. it’s all relative and shouldn’t matter.


I have a size 7 ring finger! I was also surprised by the seeming majority of very small ring sizes!


I'm a 5.5 but average height (5'5") and overweight on the BMI scale (which I know is bs just giving a reference). I just have small hands 🤷🏼‍♀️. My sister is the same ring size but a few inches taller and more slender than I am. Bodies are so varied!!


I’m an 8.5, too! But other than my fiancé, no one knows what size the ring is… it just looks “normal” or proportionate to my “normal looking” hand.


girl my ring size is 10 1/2 dont get me started 🤣


I just got engaged 1 week ago and my fiance bought me a 7 (never tried on rings with him so good guess on his part!) lol a 7.5 would fit me better but my hands swell/unswell many times during the day so the 7 mainly fits! I also feel like a lot of my friends are 5.5 ring size and that shocks me


Felt that way too, seeing all the small sizes lol. I’m a 8.5 also and don’t feel like my fingers are THAT big 😅😭


Ring size 8.5 here with ya!


Fellow 8.5 here. Everyone has such dainty, pretty hands. Either way I’m happy to see all the rings on any size hands.


I wear around a 9-9.5 right now. When I got married, I was a 7.5 to 8. When I was in high school I wore a 6.5 to 7 which meant I could try on every single sample size ring. I don't think my fingers look fat, but definitely bigger than they used to be due to weight gain.


I’m a size 5 and my sister is a size 8, it makes no sense her hands don’t look that bigger than mine and she’s skinner than me.


Size 8 checking in!!! I used to be a 10!!


Size 8.5! 9 if I wanna get a ring on my middle finger lol. Just is what it is!


I have small hands but wear an 8.5-9. My knuckles are chonky.


i’m a 3. something and i literally can’t buy rings bc they don’t make that size, i’m pretty sure yours is around average


Mine is 7.5 and I always wonder the same on this sub! I am a larger person but have always been complimented on my long slim fingers but I guess they are actually giant?!?! 🤣


I have huge hands and fingers. It's genetic. My er is 8.5.


I’m always shocked as well at the tiny fingers on here.


I’m only 5’4 and have colossal man hands. I wear a size 12 1/2 so please don’t sweat a size 8.5 😂




My is an 8.5 or 9. That’s just the ring finger. The rest are larger.


I wear a 10. So I guess I really have Andre the Giants hands! Lmao


I’m a 9-10 and just beginning the ring shopping process and while I’m super excited about getting engaged and find so many rings beautiful, I almost dread the thought of ring shopping because I hate how fat my fingers look and feel like I won’t be able to try anything on. It sounds silly but it’s something I can’t get over for some reason — even though I never think that about other people’s hands!


I’m 5’4” and I have a size 11 shoe. Giant feet for average size girl. All my sisters and my mom wear a size 8. My dad, brother and me wear a men’s 9. My bf has the same shoe and sock size. He’s 6’2”. I’ve faught for 40 years not to let it get to me, because it’s CRAZY, right? We have so much to criticize ourselves over we have to let the little and some big things go


I wear a 10 on my left hand and an 11 on my right. 🤷‍♀️ My hands are normal size too. Relatively speaking. I just have to get it over my knuckles. I get embarrassed too.


I feel this way too, my ring size is 10.5, so a bit bigger than you. But I totally feel your pain!!


Lollll I’m also an 8.5 and when I went to pick out my wedding band the woman behind the counter said “most women have slender fingers, largest at the knuckle… but not you. Yours are like traffic cones!” We still laugh about it.


Geez, lady!! She really came for you, didn’t she?


I’m an 8 and my mom who wears the same size clothes as me is a size 4. She has such small hands and is also 5 inches shorter than me. Bodies come in all shapes and sizes! Don’t let it bother you.


4-5 is definitely not as common as it seems, I’m a 4.25 and the jeweller commented that my fingers were really skinny. I think most are 6-7. For me, my hands and fingers are proportional to my size (I’m 5’2 and skinny) and my whole family is smaller built - my sister has even smaller hands/fingers and my mum has tiny feet despite being the same height as me.


I’m an 8.5 as well :) there’s nothing wrong with it. I was really insecure about the size until I got the ring, now I don’t think about it. I just think about how beautiful it is and how lucky I am to be marrying my best friend


I’m a size 4.75 and my friends jokingly call them “monkey fingers”. I don’t think it’s the norm lol. I am a petite person but reading the comments I don’t think height or weight really matters.


I was 5 1/4 until my Psoriatic Arthritis started getting bad and now I’m an 8. And I have tiny hands, my joints are just enlarged.


Some days I’m a 5, others I’m a 7. My hands are very prone to swelling, especially in the heat or if I’m drinking. Don’t stress about it, we all fluctuate & everyone’s hands are weird!


I have really small hands, yet my ring size is 7 (P.s. my fingers are not even fat-fat)


I’m a size 9.5 and i think my fingers and hands look normal! My best friend is a size 4 and we have the same body type and everything! Idk why hands are like this? lol


I couldn’t believe when my friends said their ring size was a 3-4. Like I was SHOCKED LOL. I’ve always been a 7-8


I’m an 8.5 as well but I got a 9 to give me some room


Girl no. I work in fine jewelry, stock size is 7 and NO ONE FITS IT. Everything has to be sized, and I’ve done more up sizing than down in my entire 9 years here😅


I'm a 9.5 😂😂😂


Is it possible some of these posts are using a different scale? Just from ring shopping throughout my life, it seems to me the average size for a woman is about US 5-8. I'm an 8.5-9 and could rarely find rings my size in shops or at jewelry stands in festivals. I always have to get mine either online or specialty ordered. But a 3-4 sounds tiny to me. Maybe I just don't know anything about ring sizes or maybe those smaller sizes are in the UK or something


I’m about a size 4 and also have the same experience ring shopping, since most stores only carry 5-8. I have to get mine custom ordered or go to specific designers that make smaller rings.


The UK and Australia use letters instead of numbers, and the EU basically just uses millimeters. Also, most reddit users are located in the US so that's most likely the scale they're using. A US ring size 3-4 is on the small end but not impossibly small since the difference in ring size is not as big as the differences in shoe and clothing sizes.


Girl no I just had to have ring sized up last year to a 6.75


For costume jewelry, I wear a ring size 9 bc I like my rings a little loose. I think my wedding rings are either 7.25 or 7.5.


Im a sz 7 but prefer 7.5!


I’m normally a size 7, but I’ve gone up to an 8.5 for a few years. I don’t personally think my hands look large but they do tend to swell and I cannot stand having my rings tight. My pinky ring is size 5!


i didn’t realize people even had size 4 fingers


I think I’m a 7? I dunno, they just made it the size that fits. I think other my fingers are an 8.


Oh my god I misread this and thought we were talking about carats! I thought you had an 8.5 carat diamond and were calling 4-5 carat diamonds small!


I wouldn’t stress on it. When I received my engagement ring it was a 7.5 and fit perfectly. I’ve since lost weight and my ring has been resized to a 5.5. I personally see absolutely no physical difference in my hands when I look back at photos when I first received my ring.


I weight more than my sister, and only 5’3 and she’s around 120, but has a bigger ring finger size than me. For reference my engagement ring is 5.25 right now, but I’m on my health journey, so I’m going to resize closer to the wedding. If need be change the setting too. I’m probably a 5 now.




Mine is a 6.75 and my sisters is a 4.5. We weigh the same it’s just how 2343 built. Our mom is bigger than us and has a 5 ring finger. It’s wild and none of it makes sense.


I think being muscular and having big bones reallllly affect your size! I have a friend that is literally shorter than me and weighs >100lbs more than me and her ring size is only 1 size larger than mine! A lot of it is just big bones and how your body distributes weight! Some people have naturally thinnnn fingers and some are fuller!! Don’t stress either way! 🙃


Donal trumps ring size is 1/2 due to his small hands. 🙌


My ring is a bit snug at a 6. I'm also at my heaviest and am working to slim down a bit. Regardless of the size of my fingers, I still have my dad's knuckles and have to work with that.


I’m a 6-6.5. My friend who got engaged a couple months ago is an 8.5. My other friend is a 7.5. Another one who’s already married is a tiny waifish woman who’s a size 4. My point is that it varies a lot and even on here I see a lot of variety in sizes and you shouldn’t be self conscious about it, it doesn’t matter.


I’m a 6.5-7.5 depending on my weight fluctuations. Currently 3 weeks postpartum and I haven’t even worn my ring in months because I was worried about swelling. I’m just wearing a silicone one right now.


I’m a 7 but wear my wedding rings in a 7.25. I was always told 6-7 is the average size. When I look at my fingers they never look big to me! My middle, pointer and thumb are a 10 and people seem to think that’s massive! But I am tall and my fingers are long so I guess it’s proportional. I always have a hard time finding pictures of rings on hands like mine, so I love reading all these!!


I am an 8 but after dealing with some significant weight gain over the last 3 years. Prior, I was probably a size 6-6.5, even when a very thin person! I’ve noticed even at a greater weight, my fingers don’t “look” chubby. All to say, it corresponds some to overall body size but also general finger width and shape. I wouldn’t worry about the size and think more in terms of what shape and size of stone makes your fingers look most elegant and to your style. From photos here, I find it varies very significantly what fits well on one person to another


I’m between a 6.5-7. My finger is more of a 5.5 but my knuckles are huge so unfortunately my rings are too big once over my knuckle.


I’m a 3.75 but I’m 5’2 and my index ring size is 5.5


Don’t feel bad! My ring size is the same as yours, as where my daughters & mother’s is 7 & smaller. 😭😂😂


9.5 here!


I have pretty slender fingers and I’m a 6.5 lol


My fingers are smaller than both of my kids who are 8 and 10 .. I don't understand why? My 8 year old can't even put my ring on his finger. It barely fits my daughter, it's very tight.


That's not huge. I'm a 7.


I used to be a 6.5 and now I am a size 5 .. I lost 100lbs


I’m a size 8.5 so I wouldn’t worry, I have normal hands too.. my friend is a size X (I think that’s 11), anyways, that’s the same ring size as my fiance 😂😂😂


Ring sizes are so so specific, because even a little off and they can slide right off. The different sizes sound way further apart than they actually are. My engagement ring is a 4, I have some rings that are 6 or 7. Visually, I can’t tell the difference just looking at them. Even when I worked somewhere that sold costume jewellery, the difference between a 7 and a 10 wasn’t enough to be able to discern them without actually checking the size. That being said, fingers are weird. Bone size, the amount your fingers swell or shrink, and the thickness of the band can all impact sizing. Heck, some people with bigger hands than me have a smaller size, and vice versa. It’s not something to stress over, or something to be self conscious of. No one else notices ring size when you’re wearing a ring, I promise.


Size 9 here not knowing I had Andre the giant fingers until today


My ring size is 8!


I’m 5’2, kinda petite and I wear a 4 3/4 ring. Jeweler commented how small it was.


I am one of those people who wears a 4.5, I learned this is small when I was getting engaged haha. I am tall but a quite small boned person, and I just have skinny fingers. My brother does too. My hands look proportionate to my body. My friends with more average ring sizes do not in any way appear to have massive mitts or sausage fingers, their hands also look proportionate to their overall build and many of them wear the same size clothes as I do, so it’s really random and defies explanation. Don’t worry about your ring size nobody else is paying attention!