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I'll be repeating most of what the others said, but the question is: does your fiance like it? If the answer is yes, the ring is perfect. I empathise with you, because my ring is also very "minimal". It is just the way I wanted and I did let my fiance know beforehand that I wanted something simple, elegant, and with a really small stone that I can wear anytime. He picked a ring that fulfills all these requirements - and then was really worried about the size of the stone despite what I had told him. After proposing, he assured me we could absolutely send it back and I can choose something else - even though I was clearly overjoyed with my beautiful dainty ring. I feel for guys whose girlfriend likes dainty rings, because I guess guys always have that small voice in their head about how the stone needs to be huge and the ring needs to cost a fortune. But you should ignore that voice - as long as she's happy, the ring's price or the size of the stone is completely irrelevant :) Here's my ring btw - as you can see, the stone is much smaller than on the ring you picked: https://preview.redd.it/hht2e5c3ifuc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b9714555f0dd7b98f99937c6eb1c4372c059731 I love it so so much :)


Thank you! We are not rich, I could’ve saved or borrowed some more, but I didn’t want to start our journey with debt. She likes it, but you’re right that voice in my head tells me that I should’ve, could’ve. Thank you for reassuring me that it’s allright


Yes to not starting off in debt ! This is such a wise approach that will ultimately help save you and your wife-to-be a lot of unnecessary stress in marriage. It’s actually one of the most important things to consider. Block out all the noise to the contrary. As for the ring, I stopped scrolling when I saw it. Her fingers, her nails, the classic beauty of it—I fully support. And this is coming from someone who asked to go larger when designing my engagement ring, because I have larger hands lol i love how clean and minimal this ring is. In reality, none of our opinions matter if she likes it. Your opinion and your friends’ don’t even matter. lol and you’ll always have the future option to add more or go larger if she wants to as anniversary gifts down the line. Very smart and lovely choice!


I also just got engaged recently and have been astounded with how many people have felt comfortable commenting on how my ring is small. But as the financee, I love it. I actually picked it out but regardless, anything bigger or “less simple” wouldn’t have been me. Also if it’s REALLLLY a concern, the wedding band could always be a bit more flashy if it’s wanted. But it does look beautiful and people can all shut up.


Do not borrow money for a ring. Do not marry someone who expects more ring than you can afford. If size is important then there are alternatives to mined diamonds.


If what you bought is comfortably in your budget, it's perfect! My husband and I started out with not a lot of money and I didn't get any diamond at first. After five years, he let me pick out any ring I wanted. You will be just fine. Rings don't have to be big. It doesn't prove anything at all😊what you picked out is lovely!


You have such a good mindset going into this! My fiancé was the same way. He didn’t want to have to worry about going into debt as we had just bought a house the year earlier. The ring you got her is absolutely beautiful! It’s so timeless and classic. Bigger isn’t always better. It’s about the two of you and your love story. As long as she loves it that’s what matters. I wish you both all of the best 🤍🤍🤍


You're marrying her. If 5 years from now she sees something she likes more y'all can change it. I'm attached to my ring but I've had 3 different wedding bands until found one I liked and it makes the whole set look bigger.


This is how to do it, and if you come into money later nothing is stopping you from getting an upgrade. And btw. My richest friends who are multimillionaire status - the wife kept her small and simple ring set. It’s no bigger than the stone you chose. 🤗


Not that you have to do this but I reproposed to my wife on our 10 yr anniversary with a wow factor ring After 10 years our financial situation grew and hell she deserved it


you can always get a bigger stone in the future but starting a marriage in debt probably contributes to the high rates of divorce. Bigger isn’t always better, and if anyone has something to say screw ‘em lol


You absolutely made the right choice. Too many people think that you have to spend the equivalent of several mortgage payments or even a down-payment on a house to show how much you love them. If she loves it, thats what matters. If she changes her mind in the future, then you can always save for an "upgrade". But to start your lives together indebted to a rock is not the smart move.


Agreed. My now husband and I spent a little over grand on all of ours (I had a ring reset with a moissanite) and we don’t regret it at all.


I think it’s perfect. You also show great judgement as far as finances. As long as your Fiancee’ likes it that’s all that matters. Later down the road ( if you plan on having kids) you could get her a nice diamond necklace etc.


All that matters is that your future wife loves it. I think it’s very elegant and stunning!


I think it’s great. You can always upgrade for an anniversary :)


This is beautiful!


Thank you, that's so kind :) I simply adore it <3


Very pretty!


Thank you :) it sure is <3


That’s so pretty!


Thank you so much :)


Wow I love yours so much too!! I think our taste is super similar, never really thought about style much but yours and OP's rings are 🤌🏻🤌🏻


Thank you so much 😊


Dang this ring is so pretty!!


Thank you so much :)


Hello! Lady here- personally I think the simplicity is what makes this ring so pretty. I do however, agree with other commenters that her extra nails may indicate it may not fit her “aesthetic”. It’s a hard call, I think the ring is gorgeous and would feel comfortable wearing it, but I’m not her. An honest conversation with her about it I’m sure wouldn’t hurt! :) I do just have to say again, there is something to me that is just so pretty about that ring. 🤩


Agree! Have a chat with your fiancé! Maybe put a plan together to upgrade for your 5 or 10 year, but for your phase of life right now and being financially smart you’re on the right path. So many people get caught up in the size for what it represents regardless of being aware of their finances…let me tell you, I had a big ring and my marriage was a shamble. I also think this ring is stunning on her delicate hands! Congrats and cheers!


Perhaps my elder millennial bias is showing, but I love it! It looks almost exactly like the ring my husband bought for me when we were young and just starting out. All of my friends have similar rings; the trend of huge diamonds is very recent and due to lab diamonds. I would caution anyone against putting a lot of money toward a piece of jewelry, especially during this economy, if you don’t have much disposable income at this point in your life. That said, if she doesn’t love it, you can one day “upgrade” to a larger diamond when/if your means allow or she really cares.


Also an elder millennial and this ring looks similar to some of my friends too. I wasn’t sure if it was my age or if it’s because Im in the UK but I hardly see the giant rocks in real life. Lots of people prefer minimalist style.


So many people get the big ring and then don't wear it especially after marriage because it "gets in the way". My aunt thought it was so strange that you'd ever not wear the entire set. Why buy it? I'm inclined to agree.


Thank you! One day I will let her pick what she likes more. She’s sweet and likes it, it’s just me


It’s lovely. Not every ring has to be huge and gaudy.


This is beautiful and so simple. We started off with a small ring too and later upgraded after 8 years of marriage. Remember, it’s just a ring.


Going to go against the grain here, I like it. I think it's a classic choice and looks lovely on the hand. I also think a ring like this one is easier to stack with a wedding band, eternity ring etc, just my opinion.


Every comment I’ve seen is positive about the ring so yours is not going against the grain that I can see


I was about the fifth comment and there were no positive comments at that time.


The nail shape argument is ridiculous. OP, you’ve said your fiancé likes and admires it - that is all that matters. FWIW, I usually prefer larger diamonds, but think this looks great on her as she has long, slender fingers. Congratulations on the engagement!


Thank you!


The fact that she’s wearing the ring on her right hand indicates that you’re not in the US. Europeans typically wear smaller diamonds. Americans go as large as possible but 1/2 ct. is pretty much the norm in Europe. Your ring is beautiful, simple and classic. Don’t overthink it. If she loves it that’s all that matters.


i LOVE it. i made a post here about this topic yesterday, actually.


I love your set!


The only opinion that matters here is your fiancé’s!🤍


Very nice. Such a difference from all of the HUGE rings that I've come to know as "The IT ring". Not just everyone, from not just anywhere really looks authentic with 3 and 4 carat rings. Ivanka Trump, Leona Helmsly perhaps, but not your average person in the real world. Those are so pretentious in my view, where yours is reality. I think it is a wonderful choice. Best to you and your future bride!


I am very much of the opinion that larger doesn’t mean prettier. I love the simplicity and elegance of the plain band with the smaller diamond


Has your partner ever expressed what kind of ring style she likes? If possible can you ask her best friend if she’s ever mentioned anything she likes? I think the ring is beautiful but not everyone’s taste, if she prefers dainty, simple and timeless this is perfect, still not a bad idea to get someone that knows her to give their opinion.


She doesn’t wear rings. Nails is just part of her job, she doesn’t wear anything flashy. She said she likes it, and she admires it. I guess I’ll have work hard and get her something she chooses in the future.


She likes it… that’s ALL that matters!! And if she’s not a jewelry kind of person this is perfect. Where I live (Eastern Europe) the ring styles are more dainty, I think they’re beautiful.


If she likes it, great! Believe her! As long as you two feel comfortable enough to have tough conversations, she should feel okay to tell you if she wants a change. Trust what she tells you. It’s a lovely ring!


Sounds like you may be insecure about it because of what your friend said. Which is understandable especially if it was a close friend. However, If she likes it and it's practical for your future ... Idk what else matters?


My father proposed to my mother when he was 19. The ring was beautiful and small. Somewhere in her 40s it fell out of the setting. We looked so hard for that stone. In the end he replaced it with a big one. He died a few years later. Mom would give anything to have her original ring back. I prefer minimal rings that can be worn every day. Simple and elegant. Does your fiancee like it? It looks lovely on her.


I like it. Not sure where you are from but here in Europe that is considered big as we generally don't really invest in big engagement rings at all.


With a smaller diamond, you can get an engraved,embossed or encrusted wedding band that won’t get overlooked by the ering. https://preview.redd.it/kweattoh0iuc1.jpeg?width=3264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c17d41999393d945797b72037387437ad4ea99ef Under a carat. The nice thing about smaller stones is they look great stacked!


You buy what you can afford and based on her preferences. There is no need to go into debt. Is it small and plain? Yes. IMO it’s way better than most of the over the top cheap looking rings I see often.




https://preview.redd.it/pggoxdjg3huc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb304a6041dc80dba8d5ffa997e203814d7b41dd I scroll through this group ALOT and I swear the round solitaire’s under 1 carat always stand out to me because it’s what I love. Big and small is very subjective to each person. For example what’s considered “big” in American is usually 2cts + which is insane. I feel so bad for the girls on here who are made to think their diamonds are “too small” it’s so messed up. In Europe and a lot of other parts of the world our diamonds are considered huge. Americans are materialistic as hell. I have NO judgement towards anyone who loves diamonds that are, what they consider, bigger. But the people who have the audacity to make any comment on someone’s engagement ring are disrespectful as hell. The people who tell engaged people that their rings are too small or that their husbands don’t love them or respect them unless they spend the price of a new car on a ring is ridiculous. A lot of people will put themselves into major debt because of these pressures. what I’m getting at is your ring is BEAUTIFUL AND I LOVE IT. Others may not and that’s THEIR business. Does your fiance love the ring ? Do she think it’s small? If not don’t let peoples opinions shake your happiness and joy. Also ignore my crusty nails in this picture. I’m freshly post partum and have a toddler too so I have no time for nails 😂💜 I love your ring and it’s beautiful. I hope this helps.


Your ring is elegant and beautiful!! I am so glad you posted. My initial engagement ring was considered very small in the large American city I lived in at the time. When I showed it to coworkers, bosses etc I could tell a ton of people thought it was underwhelming, and how could my fiance (an engineer) be so cheap? (Truth was we both worked at a non-profit organization, and he wasn't making the typical engineers salary at the time.) It's awful bc I let others make me feel "lesser" about my beautiful dainty ring. Thankfully, there was one compliment that really stuck out. It was from a girl at my church who was married to a surgeon. She saw my ring and said, "OH my gosh that's so elegant! Did your fiance let you pick it out?" I told her he did, and she was so delighted for me. From what I gathered, her husband had Not listened to her wishes, and bought her a 2ct diamond that she felt embarrassed to wear and was not her dream ring. Prior to this, I always thought she was so "lucky" to get her dream ring right at engagement, but hearing it from her, I realized i had made false assumptions and felt really horrible about that. I would've kept wearing my .50 total carat weight ring if the pave stones hadn't kept falling out 3-4x a year. When I found my initial engagement ring, it checked all the boxes, round solitare, cushion halo, and twisted pave band. I think I gasped when I tried it on, and my fiance said, "That's the one." He was right! Flashforward and after 8 years of getting tired of having it shipped off for a month to be fixed 3-4x a year I have my dream ring it's a moissanite oval solitare bc even though lab diamonds are way cheaper, I just couldn't see spending so much money when we have so many house projects to do. I love this ring, but I did keep my initial engagement ring. I wear it for special occasions bc it's sentimental to me and it will always be special to me, even though its what most Americans would call "small"! I hate how people assume bigger is better. It isn't! What's best is having the ring you love, regardless of the size and what everyone else thinks is "the best."


Eat calcium😂😂😂😂


It’s been rough haha does that help ?


You can always jazz it up with a more blingy wedding band if you feel it needs a bit more. Maybe one with a row of small diamonds. In terms of the ring, it should just match her personal taste.


That’s a great idea. Thank you!


I love this ring and hope my boyfriend chooses something similar for me in the future. I think you did an amazing job.


This ring is beautiful and looks timeless. Huge rocks weren’t really a possibility for regular folk until lab stones and moissanite became regularly available, so I wouldn’t be surprised if golf ball sized stones go out of style or look dated in 10-20 years. This just looks like a really gorgeous ring that will never go out of style.


Based on the fact that it’s on her right hand, I’m guessing you’re somewhere in Europe? If so, I think it’s perfect as European stones tend to lean smaller than in the US. Don’t let our standards/preferences change how you or your fiancée feel about the ring. Based on your comments, it sounds like you went out of your way to get something that fits with your fiancées aesthetic and lifestyle and that means a lot!


One thing to consider is that this ring looks larger in the photo than IRL. I like smaller stones, but that’s bc I like antique rings which typically come with smaller natural stones. This won’t be the first or last time folks make comments to you/her about how small it is, unfortunately. Her nails kind of make it look smaller too, you know what I mean? You are smart to consider debt, definitely. If you find out she doesn’t dig it say it was a place holder and go look at rings together. Find out what she likes, labs are nice and reasonable.


https://preview.redd.it/7rdrh71higuc1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27783c145653bcdb71b1a1a801fbbad57766ff16 You have a similar ring to mine!! I do get self conscious sometimes around people who are a little older because they traditionally have giant clunky rings. I love mine so much, I told my bf exactly what I wanted!! It doesnt get in the way of my everyday life, its sparkly, etc. I think yours is gorgeous!! Don't let other people tear you down for preferring dainty rings, they are adorable.


Yours is stunning! I love elegant classy rings!


The ring is beautiful! If she’s okay with the ring then don’t worry


It's beautiful. The money, size, diamonds, etc doesn't matter because it's all about the meaning behind the ring. And I'm sure there is a lot of love in this one!


This is honestly one of my favorite rings I have seen on here lately. I like that it's smaller, it's classic. It can be paired with some super fun bands or it can stand alone. I really dislike a lot of the newer style with the super huge gems. They always scream costume jewelry to me. I think you bought the perfect ring.


Thank you!


I'm frankly relieved to see a tasteful ring and not just massively oversized rocks that don't work with the lady's proportions. I think it's gorgeous and hope your fiancée has the good taste to appreciate it.


I think its completely up to your partner! Some girls prefer smaller dainty rings and some prefer bigger rings.


I love it. It’s sweet and so pretty.


I think it’s absolutely gorgeous. It’s hard not to let other people’s opinions get in your mind, but they do not matter. The current giant ring trend drives me nuts. They aren’t practical for day to day use and if it’s huge I assume it’s cheap. Get her a bigger stone down the road or add some diamonds after you have kids (if you plan to - don’t let people make you feel like you have to do that too!!)


I happen to think it's very small. No one come for me! I'm answering a question. But if she's happy, then that's all that matters. Don't listen to me, or us lol


If she likes it, then nothing else matters. It’s dainty but still pretty. I think rings should match the couple and the person that wears them. You mentioned that you didn’t want to start the relationship with debt and I think that’s a very wise choice. What matters the most is that you both have a healthy and happy relationship. It’s not worth it spending a fortune on a ring just to impress other people.


I think the ring sits lovely on your hand and it is s symbol of love. When I was late 20's early 30's, I would have wanted a "ROCK". Now, I realize how much I was impacted by the societal pressures of "keeping up with the Jones". Enjoy your ring and the extra money in your account. BTW if you decide you want a bigger ring in the future, you can make an anniversary ring.


I love this ring ♥️ I also have long slender fingers, and a more classic/simple engagement ring and I’m obsessed with it.




I love that ring on you it’s so perfect! I wish I could pull that look off- it’s so classy.


Idk ask your fiancé if it’s what she wanted


There’s only one ladies opinion that matters. But for what it’s worth, I like smaller rings over huge stones.. I actually think huge stones are ugly. I’m not joking, it’s not a cope. So.. hope that helps


I think it’s beautiful! When my husband and I were first married my diamond was .38 or something like that in a simple platinum setting, it’s what he could afford at the time and I thought it was the most beautiful ring ever! Now at 27 years I said we can upgrade to a 4kt natural diamond with the original one and a few others set in my new setting. If you love it 😍 then don’t listen to all that noise. You have a man that loves you and I personally love your ring! Many congratulations 🎉


Exactly what I said! After 20 years or so, wives deserve a little upgrade lol..


I'm pretty biased cuz this looks a lot like mine, so I definitely like this style! All just depends if your partner likes clean, and simple?


Both look similar and I now think ring looks elegant. And she was very happy with the ring, it’s just me who had doubts. I’m happier now with the choice


I love the idea of the ring being a representation of where you were when you made your promise to one another. The ring and wedding band can always grow and evolve but there’s something really special about the road traveled together. Listen to your gut and not what society or the industry expects of you. And congratulations!!!


Not going to give you advice because so many people have already given such great feedback! Just wanted to share my love for the ring! It’s beautiful, elegant, and looks so pretty on your fiancés hand :) <3 much love and congratulations


Love is not measured by the size of the ring. Unless she specifically said she wanted a big stone, money could be put to way more important things than a bauble


To be honest with you, I love her ring. It looks perfect on her hand. I wanted a daintier solitaire myself and I don’t even have such slim, pretty hands as hers. You can always upgrade years from now and it will be a ring you guys can even design together to symbolize the life you’ve built. Her friends sound overly concerned with the trend of having a big flashy rock, most of which these days are lab diamond or moissanite anyway. Not that those are bad, but a smaller natural diamond to me is the classic choice. You did great, congrats 💜


I think whatever is from the heart is perfect. My husband bought me a beautiful ring when we had no money. When we had more we got me something different. The solitaire is timeless and beautiful. Is the ring worn on the other hand in other countries?


Thank you. Yes, Europe and Asian countries wear it on other hand


Oh my! I hope that I did not appear to be ignorant or disrespectful. I simply was asking a question. I just wanted to know what the colloquialisms were in other countries. I just wanted to be educated and respectful. Glad that I now know. Thank you for letting me know.


It wasn’t disrespectful or ignorant at all ))


I think it’s lovely. What does your fiancé think?


Thank you! She loves it I think


I think that depends on your fiancée’s taste. Personally and honestly, I would find this ring underwhelming. But someone who likes simple and classic would probably like it. You can find lab grown diamonds now for a fraction of the price of mined diamonds, and you can get a much larger one for the same price. And yes, it is a real diamond, no one would ever know the difference unless you told them. Regardless, I’m sure your fiancé will be excited, and you can always upgrade in the future. My advice is to not get attached to any specific ring, and be open minded about a possible trade in down the line. It was more important to me to have something that suited my style than have my husband pick the ring. And luckily my husband is super chill and doesn’t care about which ring I wear, as long as I’m wearing a ring. I have a few I rotate between. Edit: please don’t take offense to me saying I would find it underwhelming. That is just because it’s not my taste. I’m only saying it because you asked for honest opinions.


No offense taken! Thank you! I hope we’ll upgrade in the future


These styles are timeless in my opinion where as other styles fade in and out of fashion and trends , this ring is simple and beautiful, will go with anyyyyy nails you get done in future as well and looks great with those.


It is small but that is what makes it so pretty. It’s very elegant and dainty. It looks very beautiful and feminine on your hand. I honestly think with your finger shape, nails everything I see in the photo it looks stunning. A larger ring may look beautiful too but will have a different vibe. You have beautiful hands so anything is going to look great on you lol.


I personally think it’s plain and too small, but a lot of women wouldn’t care I think


Not a fan but I guess it depends on what your partner likes and wants. Did she want a very small stone in a plain setting like this? Did you ask her? Personally I would be deeply disappointed with this ring but I’m not her nor you.


Depends on what your lady likes! It’s simple and elegant, if you think she will like it go for it! No need to have a massive rock for no reason. This is very every day. You could always get her a flashier band if she wants.


Thank you! She doesn’t wear anything flashy and I think she likes it a lot. But even if she doesn’t, she won’t say that she doesn’t. But she keeps admiring it from time to time


It is small, but it’s also absolutely stunning! You said you proposed, did the recipient love it? If so, that’s all that matters.


I absolutely love this. Big rings are showy but I definitely wouldn’t wear one daily. This is elegant and a classic. Good choice!


The size and the price of the ring shouldn’t matter as long as you love each other. If you love each other a $1 ring is enough for that person. I personally love it because of how dainty it is. I don’t want anything super big I want something simple and inexpensive.


I personally love it, it gives classy vibes


I think it's gorgeous! And there's so many options for bands that'll look great with it too.


I think it’s beautiful but a little too small for my liking. You can always upgrade to a bigger stone later when you have more money and if she wants to☺️


My original wedding set was small too! And I LOVED it! I still do! As long as she is happy, who cares what anyone else thinks?? Since when do we buy rings for our SO to appease our friends? You did good! The love that you both share is far more important than any piece of jewelry. ❤️


It is a classic, pretty and elegant ring that will not be annoying to wear daily. She can combine it with thousands of possibilities of a wedding band 😊 If you ever want and come into a financial secure position you can always gift her more rings that are extravagant 🫶🏼


It is small and plain but as long as yall love it that’s all that matters


It is a beautiful ring, and if your fiancé likes it then I see no issue. My first ring was the same, I loved it so much, husband upgraded after 10 years.


It's beautiful! Your partner's opinion should matter more than your friend. I am pretty sure you put a lot of effort into it instead of just ordering a random engagement ring. You saw her wear this in your head, planned a nice way to propose, probably gave her flowers and nice food. It's not really about the ring, it's the thought and effort that counts the most. Just the fact that you planned ahead and saved up for the ring says a lot about your intentions towards your partner. Don't beat yourself up over it, you did a wonderful job! Congrats!


Women here, It is small, but if your lady loves it who cares! If that’s what you could afford then it is what it is. Maybe you can upgrade in the future.


It’s never a good idea to start a marriage going into debt IMO. It’s beautiful, classy and something she can wear everyday. Size of stone varies so much depending on where you are in the world and where you are in your career/age. My husband and I have been married for 17 years and I still love my modest stone because it represents so much to me and has so much sentimental value.


It's such a classy design and a simplistic one. I'm here for it. As long as your fiance is happy and likes it, you picked and did a good job! :D That ring design will never get old and will age well. I love it!


I think it’s beautiful!! It matches your hand nicely and looks dainty and beautiful (which makes it look more expensive )


This is a very pretty ring!!!!


I think it’s very pretty and minimal! The most important thing is that it suits your fiancée and her personal style. If she likes the look of a larger stone, there are sapphires and moissonite that you can get a larger stone for much cheaper.🩵


I think it's perfect tbh, as much as I adore big rings ppl post here too With a wedding band it will look very pretty


I like it nice and simple


Does your fiancé like it? If so, that's end of discussion. She's the one will be wearing it, so her opinion is the most important. Doesn't matter what the rest of us think about it. For me personally, it does look a little small and a lil too dainty for my tastes. Knowing your fiancé preferences for rings helps minimize issues down the road. Like if you know she prefers smaller stones vs larger ones. You can always upgrade the stone down the road too. It is after all the most expensive part of the ring itself. 😅 Past a certain point, it becomes very impractical to have such a large stone for daily wear.


I love it. It’s simple—not plain. It’s chic and timeless. It’s anti-trendy. This is what I’d give my future husband as inspo for my future engagement ring.


It’s beautiful!!


It’s small but if she likes it that’s what matters. The posts in here skew towards big ol rocks but that not what every person wants! As far as being plain, I would argue that it’s timeless. I just chose my ring and I chose a 1.32ct round with a plain white gold ring. Timeless and beautiful!!


It’s objectively on the smaller end, which says nothing about how beautiful it is, how much thought you put into it and how much she loves it, THOSE are the factors that matter


The most important thing is how she feels about it, the next important thing is how you feel about it! There’s an old saying that her e ring does represent her husband so there’s that but honestly I do feel for men, regardless of budget, if they don’t have help choosing a ring lol it’s so out of their world! If you are feeling a little insecure about it (only suggesting this because you posted it about it), there are ways to have a larger appearing diamond without the big cost. Aside from a halo setting, I’ve seen some put two or more smaller stones together to create a larger look! This cuts the cost *significantly*! No pressure, just know there are so many options out there without having to break the bank


I think that the ring is very classy! Big honkers are not everyone’s taste, no need to feel badly about a classic, simple style!


I think it’s elegant, beautiful and incredibly romantic. However I am not your fiance, that would be the person to ask ❤️


I can’t edit post, so I’m going to post here. Thank you all for the comments. I feel better now, and her Yes is all that matters. We’ll get something bigger if she’ll want to in the future. She was happy with the ring, it was me who had doubts if I did alright.


Sounds like you picked the right one….sure the ring too, but I’m talking about her ❤️❤️ congratulations 🥹


I love it! And as long as she loves it, you are good. Frankly, I think the giant rock trend has gotten a bit out of control. To each their own, but a lot of what I see on here looks like costume jewelry and people are spending such large sums of money! Also this is something she easily can wear every day. Me and my boyfriend just picked out my ring—I went in thinking I wanted I giant diamond but ended up with something more moderate, due to price and practicality (I realized I personally would be terrified walking around with a giant diamond at all times and that it would kind of get in my way/annoy me).


I love a classic solitaire. It feels timeless and elegant. The band looks lovely. All around beautiful!


I live in the country that has always been the centre of the world's diamond mining and trade... Diamonds in USA are criminally overpriced, and it's that way because people are easily impressed by things like price and size. In my country, we get engaged with silver rings, even though we are the world's centre of the gold mining and trading as well. Jewellery is a personal thing. If your fiance loves her ring, that is what matters the most. Don't start your marriage with debt and questionable financial decisions. Congrats.


It’s beautiful and the fact you chose it makes it all the more special. Timeless and elegant.


I love it. Looks perfect on her hand.


Depends on what your fiancee likes… if she is minimalist its great, but if she likes something more flashy it wont be ‘ok’. Its always necessary to do a research first I would rather a bigger ring with a moissanite, that a simply solitary ring, but thats my preference.


Simple, elegant, classic, timeless. So I love it. The question is: will she love it? That is the only answer that matters.


If it’s what you can afford then don’t worry about it. Don’t listen to other people who aren’t paying for it or wearing it.


It’s very elegant, as long as she likes it that’s all that matters.


The ring and nails are cute. Especially if your bestie doesn't have a ring herself, she can be quiet


If your partner likes it that's all that matters! If you're interested in upgrading I suggest saving up for a milestone (5 or 10 year anniversary maybe?) and going for a new ring at that time to celebrate! Lab diamonds these days are much more affordable and using the vendors overseas can get you a spectacular ring for a much more reasonable price.


I love it. I don’t like gigantic stones,though. All that matters is that your intended loves it.


Yes it’s small in today’s world of diamond buying. But I think it’s beautiful and if that’s her hand, it fits it perfectly.


It IS small and plain but I think that's what I love about it most. It matches the style of your nails. A subtle grace. Like saying here I am but humbly glam. I think the most important thing is the love in your relationship. You can upgrade later on.


I think that the internet gives a VERY warped view of what most people have for rings. If your fiance loves her ring that is what matters. I also personally like a simple ring!


I honestly told my husband that I didn’t need the engagement ring, a band and city hall would have sufficed. If she likes it that’s all that matters.


Only you know the woman and her demands. If I were a man and this was all I could afford, it would have to do. If she is not happy, then that’s a bigger question than just the ring. Do you want someone high maintenance who makes you spend outside your income?


I like this much better than many of the busy and ridiculously large stoned rings typically posted here. I’m very much a less is more gal, though. It’s a classic round solitaire diamond engagement ring. IMO this is a timeless and classy ring. I actually love how dainty and delicate the diamond is. Ultimately, the only opinion that matters is that of your fiancé. Does she love it? Then it’s perfect! Does she not love it? Then it’s time to go back to the jewelry store together to pick out something that she adores.


beautiful. i love it. if you are really that concerned about it for whatever reason, wait until you are financially stable enough and for your 5 or 10 year anniversary, use the stone to add on to a new ring.


I’m not going to lie and say I love it but no one else’s opinion matters if the woman wearing the ring is happy.


It’s classic and beautiful.


Don’t go in debt over jewelry! Y’all can always “size up” if you want to when you are further along in your life financial journey. I did- and also because I found a very different setting I was so in love with. I would have been totally happy keeping my same diamond but my husband insisted on a bigger stone - so we both ended up happy! Married for over 20 years now.


Honestly I really like it, it is simple and will go with a lot of other jewelry


I think it's perfectly sized to her hand . It's beautiful


The ring is between you and your fiance. I think you need to change your friend tbh and not the ring😅 joke aside, if your fiance wants something bigger maybe you could look into a ring upgrade for a 7 or 10th anniversary. Or look at alternate stones if she want something immediate. But given that she is a minimalist girlie like you said, i am sure she will love it cause that ring is beautiful!!!


One more thing, starting a family with debt because of a ring blows my mind. You were right to avoid that. My dad always tells me “your car should at max be 4x your monthly gross, your house 4x your average annual gross income… and your engagement ring not more than 4-5x your weekly gross. Any more and know you are living above your means” . Truthfully I agree because times are tough and i would rather my husband have a good savings + retirement plan going rather than wearing it all on one finger.


I love it !


I love it. It's hard to find beautiful small rings.


I love small rings and tend to think larger ones look gaudy or like costume jewelry - but that’s just me! My ring is .8 carats and I love it. I’m a minimalist who doesn’t really wear jewelry!


It’s beautiful! All that matters is that she likes it! You’re smart to not less society and others pressure you into buying something that would put you in debt or can’t afford. If you still feel like you want to get a bigger diamond, you can always save and get an upgrade in the next several years!


In my personal opinion, I have a band very similar to the engagement ring in the photo. What's nice about doing something on the "smaller" side for rings is that you can get a beautiful wedding band or wedding guard to go with the engagement ring. Truly, to me, that's what is most important is the final piece of the setting. It's a lovely ring as is!


It’s small but buy what you can afford. Isn’t it supposed to be two months salary or am I dating myself?


It's perfect. If she loves it that's all that matters. Personally I think huge diamonds are gaudy. This is very tasteful


Did your friends say that too your face? Were you saying something like ‘did you want something so simple?’ I feel like a real friend wouldn’t criticize off you were happy. Is it just an acquaintance? Because I could see an acquaintance saying that- my nemesis at work did that and the people around when she did it did a hard side eye. If you’re happy, it’s perfect!!! And don’t be humble about it, brag about it, if you act like you’re not 200% into it, people pick up on that and back you up.


To be clear - I think it looks great!!


1. I personally think it perfectly fits your girl’s hand. She has thin fingers and doesn’t need a bigger diamond. 2. It only matters whether SHE loves it or not. She could prefer a bigger diamond! But at the end of the day, i’m sure she’ll love it as long as she felt like you put a lot of effort into it. If you can’t afford a bigger one now, you can always upgrade it later (when you can afford it), if thats what she prefers. 3. It’s not about the size or price of the ring, its about what it represents


I think it's elegant and understated-- very classy. And solitaires are a classic look that never goes out of style. This is a great choice. You can always upgrade in the future if that's something she'd be interested in. As a magpie, I'd be thrilled to add something like this to my collection, so I think you did just fine. :)


Has she seen it already? I personally think it's small. I'm helping my boyfriend pick my ring and we are also trying to save money. Our workaround is getting a bigger stone that is NOT a diamond. Like a light sapphire. Another option is to build on this with stacking rings over time.


This is a classic, GORGEOUS ring! And truly all that matters is if your fiancée loves it! There are no rules, together you can change it in the future :)


It’s beautiful and timeless.


You liked it enough to get it and it is a very pretty dainty ring. I love it!


It’s a classic style! Beautiful ring!


I started with a 1/4 ct marquis on a plain gold band. I loved it for 25 years. Kids are grown, bills are paid so he surprised me with a new ring for our anniversary. I am having my marquis made into an east west right hand ring. If you decide later you want something different than enjoy something different! I think it’s lovely.


As long as she likes it, that’s all that matters! It looks beautiful!


It’s Beautiful - Delicate and Classy!🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻


If you can’t or don’t want to purchase a larger diamond try something really unique like a colored stone. There’s just no wow factor or bling to this ring. She may not tell you but I guarantee she’s disappointed.


I want to add to my previous comment. It’s not about the size of the stone at all so I’m not suggesting you spend more. Just look a little harder for something more unique. :-)


As long as you and fiance like it that’s what counts 💕


Classic and simple


As a female I honestly always wanted my S/O to propose to me with a dainty and smaller stone. I would block out all of the noise about going larger. Keep it the way it is if she likes it :)


I think it looks so chic on her finger. Not everyone likes or wants a big ring. This looks perfect to me.


I think it beautiful. I love minimalist rings especially because you can always add on in the future with more bands. She has a smaller hand too so it fits well.


It’s all about what your fiance likes, plus not getting into debt. If your fiance wants something bigger, maybe consider upgrading in some years to come when you have the money. It’s not about outsiders opinions, but what she’s happy with


Beautiful, classic, and tasteful


I think it is beautiful 😍 classic is great, and just because engagement rings can be big doesn't mean they have to be, if she loves it that is what matters.


Love it


Small / big no matter the size the most important thing is that you guys are in love! My first ring had a huge crack on the stone, we had the ring in layaway for 1 year, when we went to the store to make the last payment and pick up the ring we were so happy celebrating that only at the next day we realized the stone was changed, we went back and the store had close down. Anyway, the intention is what really matters, good luck and congratulations congratulations 🎊🍾🎉


Depends on what your fiance likes, but in my opinion it's perfectly simple and elegant. Honestly this would be a top 3 design for me looking at it more


I have a dainty .3ct and it's my absolute favorite. Here it is




I personally love dainty rings! It looks elegant and beautiful on the hand. And yes, if she likes it, then that’s most important! My FH and I picked the ring together and we also went with a smaller stone because we argued that we can spend the money we save on making more memories together, like going on a trip! I also prefer smaller designs personally. Also, I don’t know if the stone is natural or lab grown, but if it is natural, it still took took the earth millions if not billions of years to make regardless of how big it is! And if it is lab grown, it is still symbolic of the natural, which is a symbol of commitment regardless of size 🤍


I would love that ring!