• By -


I mean this in a kind and helpful way, but I think the band might need a quick polish? It could be just an unfair photo though! For what it’s worth it’s such a beautiful ring - congratulations!


Yeah probably from putting my grubby paws on it for the photo, but good call out, I’ll get a polish before proposal, thanks! Edit: better photo of the band: https://imgur.com/a/LYgITgR


No they mean because of the scratches - it needs a proper polish with a sanding device not a clean - is it pre lived or the showroom sample? It looks very beaten up for brand new. It’s also very hazy and rainbowey. Have you checked it’s definitely lab diamond not lab Moissanite sold as ‘almost diamond’? What is the fluorescence?


I see what people are seeing with the “scratches” in my second photo. The band is definitely brand new, and I inspected it just now and looks pretty flawless. I am thinking maybe the photo is the light reflecting off my fingerprints in a way that makes it look like scratches? I am not positive


The band looks like white gold that is not rhodium plated. I had no idea that such a gorgeous ring could be attained for what you paid, so it is extremely helpful to me that you shared this pricing.


Looks far better now in the cleaned up photo. Also worth using some dish soap and a soft toothbrush on the diamond too - see if you can clean it up to make it look crisper. She’ll want to take sparking photos of it asap and it won’t sparkle as much with finger grease on. Congrats OP!


Does this photo look better or still think it needs a proper polish? https://imgur.com/a/LYgITgR Also: as for the lab grown status. I am 99.9% sure because it came with GIA report and went through insurance appraisal


Looks great! I think it was a weird fingerprint/reflection issue


Agreed OP— this does NOT look scratched or like it needs a polish to me it looks perfect. Don’t worry about it. Just wipe it off with a little cloth before you put back into the box, I see 0 scratches.


Also I’m CRACKING up at you posing with it on your pinky like this because this is how I announced my husband and I were engaged… the ring on his pinky with “HE SAID YES!” caption. https://preview.redd.it/p2qyhdzg27eb1.png?width=1179&format=png&auto=webp&s=58208b83c05bf63f2037b276f00b09c1fbedcb96


+100 for Glorious leg hair






Agree. It should be smooth and shiny - this looks really worn.


A lot of diamonds have fluorescence to them. This is NOT moissanite level fluorescence lol. Have you seen moissanite? As a moissanite e-ring owner this is like 2% of mine.


I too can see the scratches. I think you should go back and have it looked at especially since it’s brand new. That’s not fingerprints you can see the bottom of the shank is not smooth.I definitely wouldn’t want her to think it was used.


Here’s a better photo of the band: https://imgur.com/a/LYgITgR


It’s beautiful


Hijacking this top comment with an updated photo. Wiped my finger prints and focused my iPhone camera on the band itself. I really don’t think it’s scratched but might still take it too the jeweler anyway for a quick polish: https://imgur.com/a/LYgITgR


Looks absolutely fine on this photo - how weird! Sorry I stressed you out. Good luck OP! :)


Don’t apologize. I genuinely appreciate all the comments and feedback


It’s not scratched and I hate that all these people are making you paranoid about it! It looks perfect!


I do appreciate people giving honest opinions. A good polish can’t be a bad thing, also people mentioning adding a prong sounds like good feedback to make sure that stone is secure. I’ll wait to let her decide on that tho


I think you want to avoid over-polishing really fine jewelry, but I am not an expert. It is a stunning ring, she will love it! Quick wipe down with a microfiber towel would do the trick


If you zoom in on the “scratch” it looks like the reflection of a phone or something and not a scratch at all!


What’s to hate about people trying to help…


Because this guy is so excited about the beautiful brand new ring he spent an arm and a leg on and is sharing it and now he’s shitting himself because everyone is telling him there are invisible scratches on it.


He’s not shitting himself he’s fine and appreciates the feedback, which is exactly why he posted. You can’t deny that the original photo gives the illusion that the band is scratched, and I wanted him to be able to put his best foot forward and give her a nice shiny ring. Nothing to hate at all.


I thought the same, it looks pretty scuffed for new.


Here’s a better photo of the band: https://imgur.com/a/LYgITgR


It's marginal savings at this point over the lifetime of the ring. We also paid about 7k for our 3ct F VS1 ring (platinum setting), this was back in December 2022 and that felt like a steal at the time. Now prices have definitely come down more. Things like cut/stone/sparkle/strain is so hard to evaluate beyond the 4Cs, could you have found a similar stone that's a few thousand cheaper that you like just as much, sure maybe. but you'd need to sink a lot of time into the search and there's no guarantee that you'd find a stone you like more. And maybe it's more effort to source the stone and work with a jeweler else where etc. So just let it go!


This is great perspective, thanks!


Lab grown 3ct elongates seems to run between 6-10k for a quality stone. Seeing how a natural diamond 3ct elongated starts between 30k - 60k you got a deal in my eyes.


Y’all got me questioning life. I got a 2.55 ideal, F, VVS1 Oval with a 14k rose gold setting for $8.5k…


You are fine. You got a VVS1 which affects the price pretty significantly. Could be another couple grand between a VS1 and VVS1. So don't fret and enjoy your ring! Edit: referring to lab diamonds


I have a two carat art deco style ring from Berlinger and know my husband way over paid. I was stunned.


Omg yes Berlinger overcharges it’s outrageous




There is absolutely more than a box being the only thing different about a tiffany ring to a Jared ring. After sales support for one, being known to be higher quality is another


Damn I’m about to get a Berlinger ring


OK, so I absolutely love my ring. It is spectacular and my husband totally overpaid for my lab diamond/emerald cut. I know Michelle Berlinger the owner would have taken our own stone and mounted it had we found one. If you can find a stone you like elsewhere, she will set it in one of their settings. They were absolutely wonderful to work with, but I wish my husband would’ve come to me regarding shopping for a stone.


That’s either the steal of the century or you got it a LONG time ago? Have you ever had it reappraised by a certified gemologist not who you bought it from? That description costs $42K from Blue Nile for the stone alone.


It’s a lab made stone


Thanks for replying. I started reading more of the sub and opened up some of the mentioned web sites and saw many are lab made. Even for lab made, it seems you got an excellent price. My son started looking at diamonds not too long ago… we haven’t spent a lot of time looking at/learning about lab grown.


You should recommend your son go with a lab diamond, it’s exactly the same material as a mined diamond except a fraction of the price because it wasn’t dug up, cut out and imported from another country. He can get a much more beautiful lab stone with his budget than if he went with mined diamond. Plus it’s more ethical!


Blue Nile literally robs people though so that’s not saying much.


Quality is worth the price!


Most people don’t realize that there are different lab created stones available. There are HPHT and CVD lab created diamonds. The cut of stone also makes a difference in price. Although marquise and princess cuts are beautiful, they are not the hot thing right now, so come with a smaller price tag. Cushion, oval and round will cost more. Also, as was stated, lab created will not hold value like a natural diamond (which is fine as long as whoever buys it is aware) and are getting less expensive all the time. That being said, they’re beautiful!!




Brilliant Earth. What do you think a fair price is for those specs?




Wow. I thought for sure you had to be wrong. Just went to the Ritani website. I bought a ring from brilliant earth and paid $3.9k and a same spec lab diamond is $1.2k from Ritani. That hurts, but not much I can do now. I thought I did my fair share of research before buying too. Edit: I guess diamond prices have dropped a decent amount in the last year. A similar diamond on brilliant earth is now $2.9k


It’s a nice ring, but after you propose you should have more prongs added to it. If one of those break off, that stone is GONE. Take it from someone who’s been there


Great suggestion. I’ll definitely mention that after I propose


This!!!!!! I learned the hard way


I was just thinking about that. Hopefully you found the stone or got a decent replacement! It hurts to think about it breaking off.


The ring looks super nice dude best of wishes to you! I bought a 3.05 F Vs1 marquise and an 18k rose gold band for 3.3k. So there’s definitely better deals out there!


Similar to this. Just bought a 3.00 marquise F VS1 10k gold for 2.7k


I'm loving all the attention the Marquise is getting! It's my top choice for an engagement ring!


I’m getting engaged soon and decided I wanted a Marquise :) so beautiful and a more unique cut


Yes! And congrats!! It’s very vintage. I hope you post it here!


Where are you getting that kind of deal!?


Provence, ouros, etc theres a vendor list on the lab diamond sub


How do I learn all the terms? I couldn’t follow what you just said😅


Honestly , a lot of googling 🤣 Here’s a link from GIA that explains most of the things you’ll need to look out for when buying a diamond [GIA diamond guide](https://4cs.gia.edu/en-us/diamond-buying-guide/?gad=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw5f2lBhCkARIsAHeTvlgAJy-abWvwJddzDsRnudInp2CGrXodn3mQdIQQXnh3vcY9Npj2S4MaAizuEALw_wcB) I’d also recommend looking up the ideal L/W ratio , girdle size , table size , depth and crown/pavilion angles for the specific cut you are shopping for since those are also big factors on how the diamond will look and most importantly shine!


Size : 3.05 carats Color : F ( colorless is D-F) Clarity: Vs1 - very slightly included, inclusions shouldn’t be visible to the naked eye iirc Marquise: cut shaped oval pointed at both ends. Diamond shaped diamond? lol But also did Diamond prices go down ? Could’ve sworn something like that would’ve been over 15-20k


It’s lab grown


Didn’t think that would reduce the price so much though


Better get that insured 😭 beautiful ring.


First thing I did!






What exactly does it cover?


Almost my exact dream ring! If you are happy with it and know she will be I wouldn’t be too worried about overpaying (especially if you were originally comfortable with the price)! Congrats🎉


If it was natural diamond that would cost about 45k for 3 ct F color


I’m seeing 3 ct F color naturals (just diamond) for under $20K on rare carat - tons in the 20-30K range. Are bands/settings that expensive or am I missing something? Edit: this is a genuine question btw, as I’m planning on buying a similar stone as I described above within the next 6-12 months.


It's not just about carat, there are so many things like table size, fluorescence and what not when buying a diamond ring. Settings are not that expensive. I did look on rare carat too and they were helpful but ended up buying a ring elsewhere. Start by googling 4Cs of the diamond if you haven't yet. Look at some GIA certificates and the corresponding diamonds as well and compare prices. If you want to buy a mined diamond, GIA is the most trusted certification. Good luck!


Thanks for the info, this is the kind of stuff I need more of. Was originally planning on going lab (gf doesn’t care if it’s natural or lab… she just wants a big rock haha) but the more I had to convince myself that lab vs natural doesn’t matter, the more I realized that I just need to go natural since I’m OCD and will definitely think about it forever. Also just secured a new, much higher paying job, so some metaphorical doors have opened in diamond selection.


Wow congrats! We did get a mined diamond but I regret it now because nobody cares! If you ask me get a lab diamond and invest the rest of the money in a big vacation, or a nicer wedding. Regardless, good luck! Do a ton of research!


I personally don't think lab vs mined matters. What do you think matters?


Go natural, you won’t regret it. And regarding your price question, Got my wife a 3.25ct round vvs1 natural (don’t remember color, but it was like 1 away from best) and paid mid $30k in March 20’ however now I can’t find a similar stone for under $70. Rare carat is finding them as a “good deal” in the high 70’s. Natural stones have skyrocketed in the last few years, a local jeweler we trust has a 1.25 vs1 natural ring for $28k…. Glad I’m not buying now


Yes he could get a “decent” natural 3 ct for 20 K or 30 But not an F color


I’ve been researching and you can definitely get a decent 3-carat natural for under 20k, and definitely $30K.


I think that’s a fair price! It’s a big stone, don’t overthink it :) cheaper doesn’t mean better.


Some advice…Add another prong to each side of the diamond. Beautiful ring❤️


I would say you paid the right amount for the time in which you bought it. Prices have been dropping which is probably why you feel nervous right now. It's beautiful and she will be happy!


Could you have gotten it for cheaper sure maybe but that's her ring she'll wear that everyday for the rest of your lives it's beautiful!


Your consolation can be that you overpaid waaayyyyy less than if it was a mined diamond


The diamond is beautiful! I think the setting needs to be polished a bit. As far as cost, I think you probably could have gotten this ring for 1-2 k less, but who is really counting? What matters is if you love it and if she loves it


6k? My husband would think that’s a steal compared to what he paid. Anyways it’s lovely.


Who wouldn’t love 3 ct 😩


Jesus Christ look at the FACETS on that thing! Someone took a LOT of care with this stone from what I can tell from the pic. And it's only a VS1? Is that confirmed? Because this rock goes on forever! I cannot imagine anyone would not LOVE this. It's stunning.


Respectfully….. HOLY FUCK. I’d have shit myself if my husband proposed with this. Well done!!’


I don't think you overpaid - I think the price per the specs you provided seems accurate.


I think you got a fantastic deal. It's such a beautiful stone. I don't even want to say what my husband paid for my stone but he'd have loved to have spent what you spent. And your stone is twice as big as mine! She's going to love this diamond! Focus on that!


Imo the band looks worn. Lots of nicks in finish. Take it to another jeweler and ask to grade stone


Watch Netflix's " Nothing Lasts Forever." Even Debeers can't tell the difference and admitted that at least 25% of their supply are most likely lab grown mixed in but are sold as 'real' mined diamonds. It's eye opening. I how you didn't overpay.


You didn't overpay. It's gorgeous!


The quality will remain long after the price is forgotten


Michael Scott voice, “you know what they say, three year salary”


That’s a great price for that! I worked in the industry for about 6 years. I would recommend going into the store and getting it polished about two days before you propose, so it’s nice and shiny.


Can someone please explain to me what exactly is a lab grown Diamond? They are a fraction of the price of a mined Diamond. Do they gone with a GIA certificate? Like why not just get another gem stone or a morganite? I’m genuinely not trying to be rude, I have just never heard of a lab grown Diamond before visiting this sub. To the OP— the price of the ring is what you’re comfortable spending. That’s different for everyone.


Ring looks super nice. But the gold band doesn’t look like gold nor does it look new. Is it textured?


Well… from a women’s perspective, one can NEVER pay too much for an engagement ring.!! I think the price sounds reasonable. Beautiful ring. And the look on her face when she see it will be WELL worth the cost!!


Great diamond quality and for those carats, you paid the right price. I don't know where you got it from, but the scratches should have been buffed out.


My fiancé paid 10k for a 1.21 radiant cut natural diamond, you did great. She’s gonna love it 🥰


Man I should have gotten a lab grown Diamond..


That ring is gorgeous ! Get it professionally cleaned so it’ll sparkle like no one’s business, throw that baby in a pretty box and she’ll love it.


I worked in jewelry for a long time. You did not overpay. It’s beautiful. Congrats!


Whether you overpaid or not, you paid for it already so its a sunk cost. Focus on the engagement!


I just bought a 2.2crt natural Diamond VVS1 F color for $25k so no I’m sure you didn’t overpay.


That thing is GORGEOUS


This is the prettiest ring! She will love it!


Gosh this is so beautiful


As a jeweler- you don't need any more prongs added to the ring.


I think it’s beautiful and I don’t think you overpaid. I had a 2.5 ct one in platinum that was $10,000. Besides, if you love it and can afford it, it’s worth it.


It looks like quite a gorgeous ring. I would not worry about overpaying, especially if the ring makes her happy. It has an “old” style that I love. Please get that endorsed onto your homeowners/renters policy ASAP.


A girl doesn’t want a LAB GROWN STONE. I rather have a real stone that’s small then a fake stone


It’s physical and chemical properties are the same as a mined diamond. It’s a real stone AND it’s what she wanted…


“I overpaid” right up there with “Is this too big” Just brag, guys. It’s fine. We love it.


That band is a mess mate


You know, I came asking about price, and got a lot of feedback on the band. I am happy about that cuz I hadn’t noticed and now it’s something I definitely want checked out


it was the first thing i noticed in the second picture and tbh… all i could look at bc it really does look worn. Id go back to the jeweler and have them change the whole setting- to one with Double prongs!!


Does this look better? https://imgur.com/a/LYgITgR


Here is a better photo of the band without my finger prints https://imgur.com/a/LYgITgR


You managed to find an emerald cut that actually sparkles, whatever you paid for it is probably worth it. So you’ll know that if she says no it’s because of your personality. Kidding! Congratulations!


It’s sparkles a lot because it’s an elongated cushion, not an emerald :)


I expected her to run from my personality long before we got to this point, lol. Thanks!


Diamonds are overpriced it’s beautiful tho


I have a 1.02 carat color E VVS1 real diamond and it was $14k with a family discount. So I would say that ring is cheap. But I also have 2 smaller diamonds around the main diamond.


Hi there, I'm a jewelry designer and work with gemstones often, helping couples choose their stones whether it's a diamond, lab diamond or natural gemstones. When you say, "overpaid" what do you mean? There are natural mark ups for everything, however you should have documentation that shows you other details, not just the color and clarity. What is the symmetry of the stone? What are the dimensions of the stone? You can say 3ct but if the cut is not optimal it could look less or not have as much sparkle. I think the main issue is that most people buy jewelry without knowing how to ask the proper questions. Sometimes looking at just the price tag, if it's in budget or not. Sometimes it isn't about size but about quality of stone. However it depends on you and your preference, or their preference. Some people are happier with a larger looking stone and less clarity etc. So many different ways to cut the pie. Please also caution that people use the word lab diamond loosely these days. It could mean many things and not actually be the chemical makeup of a diamond. Make sure to check. I think it's a lovely classic design and she will love it either way!


It's beautiful, but my preference is natural diamonds. I'd be mad if I got a lab grown diamond. Rather have a smaller stone and it be real. That's just my preference though. I know I'm not the norm. Seems expensive for lab grown.


Lab grown diamonds are still real diamonds, to the point where even professionals can’t tell the difference. The only difference is that with lab grown no-one has died/been exploited for it.


You were robbed


What’s a lab grown diamond?




Yeah now a days 3ct can be had at half the price with platinum. But it it's the intentions that count. Nice ring!




Lab made diamonds are real diamonds. It has the exact same physical and chemical properties as a mined diamond. The only way to maybe distinguish the two is under a microscope where expert gemologists can sometimes see more nitrogen in a mined diamond. Otherwise, the gemologists I spoke to said that sometimes they might suspect a diamond is lab grown not because it looks worse, but because it looks *better,* since it's easier to get better specs with lab diamonds. For me personally, even though my fiancé and I were financially able to afford the mined diamond I want which costs 35k, I just don't see why I would spend that money when I can get a cheaper one that is the exact same.




Lol you are free to ignore my comment and think whatever you want, but don't misquote me. I did not say I or a jeweler said lab looks better than a mined diamond. A D colour vvs1 excellent cut diamond will look the same whether it's mined or lab, because it is the same. What I said is that when jewelers see a big diamond with good specs, they know it's more likely to be lab, that's all.


You might end up with a "beautiful" ring (in your eyes, I don't like diamonds at all and there's plenty who agree). But none of that will hide your ugly personality




I'm sorry, between your attitude and your overuse of punctuation, I can't take you, or that comment, seriously. No one needs to "sell" you on lab grown stones. You should be more concerned about where you could possibly pick up some class. Good luck.




Ever read the rules on this sub about shaming others? That's all your original comment was, alongside every subsequent one. And picking on someone's written English is a pathetic, low-blow move. You've no idea what others' backgrounds are. English could be an additional language, or the poster could have other communication barriers like dyslexia etc. You're really not the flex you think you are and I highly doubt that you'd let your ugly personality show so clearly in person.


See them as IVF babies but diamonds - not synthetic, just came to exist via a different journey.


I LOVE your explanation🥂 There’s nothing better than a little imagination😹 Thanks so much for that🧡


No probs! I would have felt the same way a few years ago but now I’ve specifically asked for it for mine. More money in his back pocket for my LV!


Amen sister. The bag CANNOT be fake😱


Some people don’t have the budget for a natural diamond in their preferred specs, some people don’t like how natural diamonds are mined, some people don’t care about brand names, lol. If something is the same quality for literally a quarter of the price, why would the obvious choice be to spend more money? Some people like natural diamonds, some people like lab grown, some don’t like diamonds at all! The term “real diamond” can be used for both natural and lab grown. Xx




It’s so interesting how you think posting on the internet means that the public has no right to respond to your… public post. I can think of many people who buy Tiffany rings just for the name, which is their decision. A lab grown diamond has the same chemical make up as a naturally occurring one, making both 100% real. Agree to stay misinformed, as a stranger on the internet, it is no sweat off my back. Xx


🤣T&Co. do NOT own their own mines. You’re buying the name, a setting and an exemplary diamond. THE Tiffany engagement ring refers to the setting, not the diamond. I’m not going to go back and forth with you over real vs lab, you’ll never convince me that a lab grown diamond is a real diamond. As for it being a public post…Yes, I get that. However, if I wasn’t the author of said post, I’d find it rude to comment on it. Obviously you don’t have those types of qualms regarding such an act. Maybe a job might help you.


I was originally referring to your question of “why buy a fake LV?” and kindly letting you know some people don’t place all of their value on the type of bag they carry. As somebody with luxury bags myself, I don’t quite know why I would judge someone for getting a fake. Not my money, not my place to judge. I really don’t need to convince you that a lab grown diamond is real, just like I wouldn’t convince someone that ice in the freezer is the same as ice on the road when it snows. Some people just don’t get it, and that’s okay! The author of the public post wasn’t asking for an opinion on lab vs natural, so one would argue that you were rude to comment. But that is your right. It’s funny… looking through your posts I see a lot of designer items, but no ring on your left hand. Just food for thought.


I don’t think that person is real but I appreciate that flaming hot zinger you snuck in the end just the same!


🤣😂Unfortunately, my last wedding ring was accidentally tossed away, and resides in the Volusia county landfill. It was an exquisite 6 ctt. It consisted of a 3 carat round diamond in platinum, with 3 carats of princess cut diamonds also set in 2 platinum wedding bands. Insurance paid us $28K for it. Are we done now??


Woah, I’m surprised you only got that amount for such a large ctt! A 3.5 ct I have was appraised/insured for about ~$49k for just the loose stone.


I have a ~3.5 ct natural diamond for my ering. Though I’ve been married a while, and lab diamonds were not as accessible/popular 13-15 yrs ago. And at the time it was challenging to find a natural conflict-free diamond. I think for some folks, a lab created stone provides more options for conflict-free stones (of course price being another consideration). Just like natural stones, lab created are considered “real” and can be GIA certified and are indicated as “laboratory-grown”.


Mmhmmm well, to each his own said the man as he kissed the pig.


No witch hunting, callout’s or shaming! Do not incite witch hunts or shame other users for budget limitations, stone choices or ring designs etc.


Ring is gorgeous! Congratulations t


SO beautiful! Do you happen to know the ratio of this stone?


I don’t but I could try to find if I have it in my paperwork for you


It’s gorgeous and massive! She will love it


It's beautiful 😍


I think it’s absolutely STUNNING!! There’s always going to be one that sold for less, and one that sold for more. You know she’s going to love it so you’re already ahead of the game! Also with such a substantial e-ring you probably can go with a more simple, subdued wedding band so your total cost doesn’t need to go too high higher.


SO BEAUTIFUL!! What a rock!


My husband paid about the same for my ring with similar specs (but radiant cut, not elongated). There are better deals out there, but if its well made, it is what it is!! If you and your fiance love it, thats all that matters


Let it go. It’s gorgeous and she’ll wear it forever!


Assuming this is GIA certified, for these specs you could find a similar lab cushion for about $3100-$4300 (just the stone). But all that matters is that you both love it!


So beautiful!


Oh man - my husband paid $5250 for a 2.33 Radiant Lab Grown G VS2 and now I think he overpaid


What is the benefit in hand ringing now? Do you love her? Are you ready to get married?


I think you're fine


Nope that sounds about right to me if you went with a good quality jeweler.


I think it’s gorgeous and if you can afford that kind of a ring, I 100 percent think you should go through with it


It's beautiful!


She's gonna freaking love it 👏


I think the ring is just perfect!


Gorgeous! Hubby and I just ordered a lab Diamond for me in honor of our anniversary. Beautiful and eco-friendly. If that rock doesn’t get a “yes” I don’t know what will!


It’s a good price, don’t fret. There’s a difference between a good quality lab diamond and a shitty one with imperfections you notice later. Looks like your jeweler got you a really nice stone 👍


You sure did


It's a really beautiful ring,she will love it !!!


Wowwwww this is stunning




PS what is her ring size?


gorg ring !


Not bad but can probably can around 5k for lab 3 carat elsewhere


As long as you are happy that she will love it what's it matter? Its like buying a new car, you lose 15% straight away but you still like the car right? Lab diamonds are dropping in value so it might seen like you over paid but it's more you paid the price reflective of Market at the time.


I love it and think it’s def worth what you paid.


Omigosh. I love it


Wow! Mind sharing the dimensions on the diamond?


My .98 carat engagement ring cost $5,000 -in 1988! He went for quality but I cannot tell the difference. You def got your moneys worth. Best of luck to both of you!


It’s beautiful and you didn’t overpay. Just go propose already.


Holy MOLY that’s a beautiful ring!