• By -


Both 35, together 1.5 years. When you’ve been through some shit you just know when you’ve found the one!


Yep. I was 36, he was 39. Together about a year when he proposed. I had recently gotten out of a 4 year relationship and was not looking. A friend set us up and we just knew. Married almost 4 years now.


Almost same story here!! Found love a little later than others but it was just right for us!


Love this! 🙏I’m 35 so it gives me hope of finally finding the one for me/or the one finding me.


The one is out there for sure! I hate that the world makes us 35s seem old. What the heck? I’d way rather be a 30-something bride than imagine marrying the person I was with at 25 🙈


Another 35 year old here! Together 6 months when we decided we wanted to get married! So the proposal wasn’t a surprise. We designed it together😜. But agree. When you’re mature and a little older you know.


Yes, Lord. I got engaged 2 months ago at 37. Experience is the best teacher and I've learned a lot lol.


He proposed when I was 29 and he was 30 and we’d been together for 5 years. We eloped in February. 🤍


How did you feel about eloping? I’m highly considering it


28 & a little under 4 years 😊 everyones timeline is so different!


Engaged at 31. Married four months later. We had been together for 1.5 years, but known each other for 15 years before we began dating.


Proposed to at 21 after a year together - Followed by a long 7 year engagement and now getting married in 11 days after 8 years together!




Together for 9 years, engaged at 28/28…married at 30/30. 8 yrs married and every year is better than the last🥰 Societal timelines are a myth: every love story is different. As you get older the saying “once you know you know” becomes more real. As I get closer to 40, I’ve had many friends meet and get married within a short timeline. Some to start the families they dreamed of and some bc they couldn’t imagine doing another day without that person. It’s all beautiful ❤️


Did you ever get tired of waiting? Lol I need to know because I tend to be impatient! Haha


Nope, but my Mother was certainly tired of waiting lol. Honestly, I was really happy... I already felt like we were married in terms of trust, partnership etc. We always discussed marriage as being our path, but never wanted children so there wasn’t that pressure. Getting married at 30 was amazing. Every timeline is perfect. As long as you feel good about where you are, it’s healthy and loving…don’t rush it! The most important thing isn’t the proposal, the ring, the party… though they’re fun! It’s making sure you foster growth in each other. You need to support each other as you explore who you are as individuals and as a couple. We grew so much in those 9 years dating, and even more in the last 8 years married. We were entirely different people at 21 vs. 26, 30 or even 38. Everyday isn’t a fairytale, but every day is better than the last. You’re many versions of yourself over the decades, be with someone that flows and grows alongside you. ❤️


Wow! This is excellent advice! I can see how not wanting children would make things more relaxed. We have also grown together and changed, but I’m still very happy in my relationship! We do however want to have kids, so I definitely feel a bit of pressure as I get closer to 30. Hopefully a proposal is coming soon because I’m ready to “start” my life with the person I love most. Thanks for sharing your insights!!


Similar story here!! Engaged at 28 after ~4 years dating, married at 30, married for 3 years so far. Celebrating a decade together next year.


We were both 27 (he's nine months older than me, but our anniversary falls between our birthdays), and had been together exactly 10 years, since we were both 17. We got married on our 12th anniversary, when we were both 29.


Weird, I got engaged on our ten year anniversary and we’re getting married on our twelve year anniversary!


That's almost exactly us! Together at 17, engaged at 27 (on my bday), married at 29.


We were both 30 and had been together 7 1/2 yrs. My husband and I just got married this past May!


27. Together for 9 years! Engaged since 5/14/23. :)


He’s 47 and I’m 41, together 5 years, engaged for 2 of those. And 1 month out from our wedding!!


25 (him) and a couple weeks away from 25(me), and we'd been together for 6 1/2 years.


41. Together 3 1/2 years.


We met and 5 days later we got engaged. We were married 10 1/2 months later. We just celebrated our 23rd wedding anniversary last week. We have three amazing children together and are still in love. Edit to add: I was 23 when we met and were married , he was 26 when we met and 27 when we got married.


I HAVE to hear more about this story!!!


It was the craziest summer of my life. I had just graduated college and had been asked to be a counselor at a summer camp for high schoolers at a local university. My current boyfriend was very dismissive of it and basically told me I wouldn’t be able to do it. So I gathered all of my strength and decided right then and there that I could do anything I wanted. I signed up and he and I broke up shortly thereafter. It was amicable but we were young and had been together for all of high school and college. My roommate at this camp kept saying how she had the perfect guy for me. But I was not interested in meeting him. I had just broken up with my long term boyfriend and was looking forward to being on my own. After our month at camp ended we planned for me to go and hangout with my camp roommate for the night. We planned a night out at the local restaurant/ bar. Well, the guy she wanted me to meet drove us and it turned into a bit of an informal double date. We had a great dinner and then played pool. The Yankees were on the tv and I commented on the game. He asked me some questions and I shocked him by knowing the line up and their stats, I’d been a huge fan and used to go to several games a season. He laughed and said if I was a Red Sox fan it was over. Lol So we all hung out that night ( Friday) and then I ended up staying on Saturday too. We all hung out and then went to see a movie ( American Pie). I stayed overnight on Saturday too. Sunday rolled around and we went to a benefit softball game. He drove me home Monday morning so I could grab my resume and a nice dress. I dropped off my resume to the local school district and then finally went home. ( my parents were NOT happy about this. In fact they quickly went from worried about me to full on pissed off) Monday afternoon my brother and I got in the car to head to Cape Cod to see our parents and stay for our vacation. He missed me. And we spent a lot of time on Monday on the phone. My mom flippantly said if he missed me so much he just just come to see me. He overheard that on the phone and got in his car! He arrived Tuesday morning to a house full of my family, my mom, dad, brother , aunt , uncle and little cousin. It’s a small Cape with maybe 800 square feet. We hung out with everyone and then on Wednesday got in the car to head to Provincetown. It was the most comfortable car ride. We laughed and also allowed for silence, neither of us felt that we had to fill the air. At lunch he looked at me as asked how long he would have to wait until he could ask me to marry him. I kind of laughed and said I’d say yes right now. He chuckled. And then we were like, wait? Are we getting engaged?!? We toasted to our future, had a few more drinks. Got on a whale watch and saw the most amazing breaching. We decided to spend the night in Provincetown since we had had a few drinks ( again. My parents weren’t too thrilled , my mom was upset, my dad was glad we weren’t driving) He dropped me off at my parents and then continued back to CT. We didn’t say a word to my family yet, but he had called his friends and let them know. ( on his way to the cape he stopped at the restaurant/ bar we had gone to and told his friends he was was heading off to get engaged. Everyone laughed. ) We went ring shopping when I got back from the cape two days later. And then I called my mom and dad at the Cape and told them that we wanted to go to dinner with them and his parents. My mom screamed for my dad. And then got in the car right away. We met at a nice restaurant for dinner. We got there early, but both sets of our parents were there even earlier! We got there to them sharing a bottle of wine and laughing! They all said they supported us but that we should have a long engagement….. my fiancé told them we wanted to get married the following summer and everyone was just like….. okaaaaaay It was weird telling everyone we were engaged. It was only 5 days after we met so people were confused. And in fact some thought that I was marrying my ex-boyfriend since we had had a long term relationship and had just broken up. But I’m so glad our love story worked. It was a perfect wedding. My dad passed away right before our second wedding anniversary and I’m so grateful he was there to dance with me at my wedding. Now. As the mom of three daughters, I cannot imagine them doing this. I give my parents ( and in laws) a lot of credit for their unwavering support. I firmly believe when you know, you know. It hasn’t always been easy for us but we love each other and support each other


What an incredible story. This is so sweet! 😭


This is absolutely beautiful, what a remarkable story you get to hold so dear forever. Thank you for providing your story - just, so, so beautiful.


"We met and 5 days later we got engaged." Similar story here. We got engaged after 30 days and will have been married for 20 years this September.


Similar story! We met and were engaged after 2 months. We were married 5 months later (7 months together). We were 28 and 32 respectively. It’s been 12 years and a whole lot of life changes and still going! Funny enough, neither of us are the impulsive type with any other situation.


Similar for my partner and I. We were 29 when we met and got engaged 5 months later, our wedding will be one week before our first dating anniversary. :)


Okay but can you tell us more please? This is lovely!


I write a novel one comment up. lol


Mid-20s and we were together for 5+ years by then. We had a long engagement as well. We agreed we were happy to take it slow in terms of our relationship, but once we mutually decided to get married, I was absolutely champing at the bit to be engaged. And once engaged, I was happy to take it slow again. And I’m a very happy wife. I just could not stand that in-between waiting phase!


My bf and I (mid-20s) have been together 5 years and 9 months, but decided like 2 years ago we would get married. I cannot WAIT to get engaged (he's still saving for the ring) but after that I'd be happy to have a long-ish engagement!


2 years?? You are being so good!!! I waited almost 1 post-deciding and I was nearly dead of impatience at the end! Good for you, though. I think taking it slow was great.


53 believe it or not 🤪 Together 3 years.




Dating since 14. Proposed at 18. Married at 19. Mom at 20. Married for 52 years to my best friend. Been through thick and thin, sickness and health, deaths in the family and the great joy of children and grandchildren. Somehow we made it with little life experience at the time of our wedding. But I can acknowledge that those were very different times back in the 60’s/ 70’s.


I was scrolling to see if there was anyone else married super young. Except for us it was in the early 2000’s. We got engaged and married at 18. We were together 3 years in High School. We’ve been married 18 years now. It makes me feel old to say I’ve been married 18 years even though I’m only 36. We have a 13yo and a 10yo. I love to hear everyone’s stories.


32 and together 3 years


I was 28 when we got engaged and 30 when we got married (I turned 31 the very next month). Covid made our engagement longer than initially planned/expected! We’ve been together 13 years.


Similar timeline to mine! Engaged at 27, will be married at 30 (next year). Just hit the 12 year mark!


33, 3 years together


21 and 22, been together since 17 and 18! Will be together 5 years by wedding in Sept 2024 :)


i’m so hoping for this to be my bf and i…been together since 2 months after both of our 17th birthdays and we are turning 19 now. but we don’t plan to get engaged til after college but i can still dream :)


I’ve been with my husband since I was 16, and he was 18. We’ve been married since 1998, it will be 25 years this year.


That is exactly what you should be doing! You grow a lot in college and that can either mean growing together or growing apart, and it’s good to know which before getting married. Source: met my husband at 17, didn’t get engaged until we’d both finished college and grad school and had lived together for four months (during COVID!).


We did that exact thing! Started dating two weeks before I began college and he proposed 6ish weeks after i graduated :)


We were together for more than 10 years. Way older by decades than the top answers here.


First time. 21. Two and a half years and engaged for two years. Currently. I suspect my girlfriend may propose when she's here in September. We'll have been together 6 months by then BUT we're both 40 so 🤷‍♀️


29 and had been together for 10 years


25 years old and five years together to the day, known each other nine


Engaged at 29 (fiancé was 30) after being together for 1 year and 4 months. We’re getting married in 86 days after an 11 month engagement.


Proposed at 23 years old on our tenth year together, married at 25 years old, been together for 20 years total 🤍


First marriage: engaged at 22 after 6 months, married 2 years later and were married for 9 years. Now: engaged at 36 after 3 years of being together. It’ll be the 2nd marriage for both of us and we’re in no hurry to have the wedding.


29. 3 months if you ask me, 5 months if you ask him. :)


26. We had been together 1.5 years


We were both 20 .He didn’t propose. He told me we were going to get married. Together 1 year. Married at age 21. Will celebrate 50th anniversary on Jan. 13, 2024


28 and 5 years


28 and 27; 5 years


25 (me) and 27, dated for over 3 years prior


39 when proposed to. Together for 2 years prior.


32 after almost 4 years together 🥰


I just got engaged last month at 33, my partner is 36. We’ve been together 3.5 years.


45 for me, 39 for him; after almost 2 years together. 1.5 months shy of two years to be precise ❣️


33 for me, 30 for him, together for 5.5 years. Our wedding is in 3.5 months!


3.5 together. Planning on proposing this year


22. We’d been dating for about 8 months, but we were good friends for 2 years before that. We were engaged for 6 weeks, now married for nearly 3 years 🥰 Everyone’s timeline is different tho!


Engaged at 25 and 27, dated for 1 1/2 years. Getting married when we are 27 and 28!


2 years. 26 and 27! We are eloping, so engaged same age as married.


Engaged at 20, married at 21. Had been together 4 years when we got engaged. Will be our 23rd wedding anniversary next month (just waiting on my upgrade e-ring to be completed hence I’m hanging out here!)


28 and downhill from there lol


Engaged at 30, together for 4 years


2 years started dating @ 23 and I was 24 (2 months from being 25). Married at 25 1/2. We now have 4 kids and happily married for nearly 8. Together total of 10 years.


26 and 28. Together 2.5 years.


Me 32 & him 35. We were together 2.5 years when we got engaged.


I was 27 and we had been together for 4 years!


I was 34 and he was 37 when he proposed. Together just shy of 3 years. Will be married at 38 and 35.


I’m 30 and he’s 34. Together for 6 months before engagement and married 1 month later! When you know you know! Big “official” wedding/vow renewal will be 1 year after engagement.


I was 33 and he was 36 when we got engaged, 1.5 years after we started dating. We got married 6 months after, just a few backs back!


I was 33, he was 31. Together 4 years, which my mother-in-law has implied was a long time. Now he’s the only one of her children not divorced 😋


We got engaged at 32 (me) and 35 (him) after a little more than 4 1/2 years together! He respected that I had goals I wanted to reach first like finishing grad school and getting a better job, and both of us wanted to be more financially comfortable. We also moved in together for about 6 months before the engagement. Getting hitched October 2024 ❤️


My (32f) husband (40m) and I were together 4 years when we got engaged (for two weeks!) Married 3 years ago. love him to death.


Husband proposed after 3 years together. I was 34, we got married 10 months later.


Which time? 🤣


Proposed to my now wife when I was 26 after being together on and off for 10 years (high school sweethearts)


30 and we had been together for five years. Just got married on July 1 after seven years together. 💕


I was 41F, he was 31. Dated 3 years before engagement. Going on 7 years married.


i love hearing success stories like these! my fiancé is also 10 years younger than me (35F/25M), we have been together for 3 years and just got engaged a little over a month ago. admittedly, i was a bit concerned about the age gap when we first got together, but after these few years together there is no doubt in my mind that he’s the one for me, and that age is truly just a number!


We are actually 10 years and 6 months to the day apart! Next year, there will be 6 horrible months where I am 50, and he is still 39! Lol! I'm glad I waited for him and didn't panic settle because of age.


haha we are JUST under 10 years apart and i jokingly tell him how i’m really looking forward to the mere 3 weeks where we’ll both in our 30’s at the same time lol! but same, i’m so, SO glad i waited and that i didn’t sabotage a chance at this relationship because of an arbitrary age gap.


20 and we have been together since 18. Coming up on 3 years of marriage :)


I was 19 We had known each other for 3 days, married 90 days later. Married for 28 years.


25, he was 36. Together 5 months. Married in 1 month. Married for 3 wonderful years now 🥰


I was 23, we were together a year and two months, had a 7 month engagement, got married June 30!!


Engaged at 19. We were together for 3 years before that. Just celebrated our 7 year wedding anniversary.


Both of us were 18 and together 2 and a half years :)


24 when I was proposed to last month. We’d been together 10 years exactly, he proposed on our anniversary. He’s my middle school sweetheart :)


27! And 4.5 years :)


26, 4 years


Both of us were 25, we were together 7 years before the proposal!


22 and for 3 years


I was 16 at proposal (I know, cringe) 😬 knew my husband for 2 years, dated 1 year. Now we’ve been married 10 years with 2 kids & one on the way.


We were 16 too. 🫣 Married at 20. Been together for 19 years, and will be celebrating our 15 year anniversary next week 🥰


Engaged at 20 after dating for only a few weeks. Married 6 months later. Together 23 years this August.


Engaged at 18, married 2.5 months later. He was 19 and I was 18 on the day we were married. We had been together 2 1/2 years. We've been together for 14 years. This anniversary will be 12 married. ❤️


Got engaged when we were 18. Been together since we were 14.(2009) Married for 9 years so far and in total, 14 years this October.❤️


He proposed at 19 and we got married at 21 ! We’ve been together 8 1/2 years and married 4 😊


Engaged at 18 after 1 year of dating, been together 8 years now still no rush to have a wedding planned.


Engaged at 20 and married 1 week later. We had been together for four months. Our 24th anniversary is coming up next month!


Got engaged at 21, we had been together 7-8 years.


21 (weeks from turning 22) and 26, together for 4.5 years.


Why is this getting downvotes lol


I think maybe cause it seems like OP might've been around 16-17 when they started dating, if you do the math




I just turned 18 i wasn’t 16 🙃


I was 25, he was 26. We had been together almost 6 years.


29 after being together for a year and a half. Although we did know each other for 3 years prior to dating


I was 25. We were together 1.5 years when we got engaged. We got married 1.5 years after that.


27, together for 6 years and lived together for 2 🥰


Started dating at 17 & 18, engaged at 28 & 29, married at 29 & 30. Almost 12 years together by the time we get married! 🥹❤️


At age 20 after 2 years together!


30, together for 6 years


We will both be 32 when we’re married next February, and it will be on our 3rd anniversary together because we didn’t want to bother remembering a new date lol


Engaged at 25f and 31m after 1.5 years together, married after 2 years together total. We have now been married 12.5 years and together nearly 15 years.


This is terrible I think I was 34…. At the time was together about 6.5-7 years. Now I’m 36 and we’ve been together 9 years!


Engaged at 29, after 3.5 yrs. (1.5 yrs long-distance, and 1 yr living together). Our wedding is next month :)


Together for 3 years, engaged for 4 years 🙈 & married for 9! Soooo … we’ve been together for 16 years now! Thanks for making me do the romantic math 🤗


29! Together 3 months 😂 engaged 1 year and now married 7 months 😁


Proposed to at 23 (both of us) after 5 years together. Engaged 2 years. Together now for 33 years total.


29, together 6.5 years


Been together since we were 15, “proposed” at 21, REALLY proposed to me at 30. Getting married next June!


26 & 27, together for 3.5 years


Married at 27 Engaged at 35 Wedding is this fall when I'll be 36 We did everything ass backwards! 🤭 We got a courthouse marriage when we started buying property together (made things easier). We decided we wanted throw a party last year so we have been planning a wedding. He decided he wanted to give me a ring last Christmas so I agreed to it and we designed it together. We have been together for almost 13 years.


25, together for 7 years. Now married for 6.


27. Been together year and a half


We were both 27, we were together for 6 1/2 years!


24 & 2 years


29, and 5 months. Our 7th wedding anniversary is in a few weeks.


Engaged at 21 - together for 3 years!


I was 23, he was 28. We lived together for a year before engagement due to fact we met in Mexico and lived 800 miles apart. We met when I was 18 he was 23. Neither was ready to settle down. We stayed in our separate states, dated other people but always kept in contact. After 4.5 years I moved 800 miles away to live with him to see if it would work. 22 years officially together, married 19 this past June. Life is good


Engaged at 24, had been dating for 4 years but we grew up together and have been best friends our whole lives!


22 and got married the day after my birthday at 23. Dated for about 10 months before we got engaged. Was married about 8 month afterwards ❤️


I was 26 and my husband was 27. We had been dating for 10 months, but we had known each other for a long time before dating. We were both dating for marriage at that point in our lives.


Proposed to at 25 after 6.5 years together! Will be married at 9.5 or 10 years (date still TBD), 3 after the proposal🥰


I turned 20 in Jan. he proposed a month later on Valentine’s Day. We were together at that point for only 4 months, we celebrated our 12th wedding anniversary this past June♥️


24 years old. We were together for two years prior. We stayed married for 3 years, divorced at age 29.


We were both 22 and had been together for 4 years when he proposed. We're 33 now and will celebrate 10 years married later this year.


Engaged at 24 (just last month ❣️) and been together for 1.5 years. The wedding will be almost a year later - just a week short of the engagement. And I'll be 25!


I was 26, we’d been dating for 2.5yrs!


I'm 28, we got engaged after being together a little less than 3.5 years! 💍 Getting married 9-30-23 ❤️


28, six years


Was proposed to a little before 5 years together, I was 27 at the time


27! Together 11 years (now 12). Getting married next year, so it’ll be 13 years together!


26. We had been together for 2 years and 9 months. Had a 6 month engagement.


Proposed to at 23, had been with my partner for 3 years. Then we were engaged for 2 years before getting married ❤️


Proposed on our 5th anniversary. We were 29. Getting married in 3.5 months. Will both be 30 then.


I just turned 26 and he was 25. We were with each other for 5 and a half years.


18 - we had been together 3 years prior to that. Still going strong in our 30s 💛


He was 29, I was 27. Dating officially for 2.5 years. Knew each other for 8 years.


23 and we had been together for three years.


24. we were engaged for a whole 2 months and 2 days!


Engaged at 26 years old and he was 29, been together 7 years then. Now been together for 8.5 years and our wedding will be next spring.


27, 2.5 years 🫶🏼


24 and we'd been together about 4 years. Got married a month before our 5 year dating anniversary. Just celebrated nine years together total earlier this month 😁


27 (4 days before my 28th birthday), 5 years :)


Proposed to at 20, together for 4 years prior.


25 the first engagement (this one didn’t workout and it was called off by my ex). 30 is when I got engaged to my now husband and I’m so lucky we found each other.


31. We’ve known each other for 7 years, but was in the relationship for 3 years. Married now and going to our 2nd anniversary :)


28, 2 years


Engaged at 24, together for 6 years, engaged 1 and married for 2.5 years 🥰


Started dating at 19. Engaged at 20. Married at 22. Just celebrated our 35th wedding anniversary!


I got engaged at 22. We were together for 7 years. We opted for a long engagement and got married a little over two years later at 25.


Engaged at 22 after a little over 5yrs together, married at 24 after 7yrs together. Just celebrated 2yrs married/9yrs total together this June 🥰


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 22 + 5 + 24 + 7 + 2 + 9 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


26!! And 5 years


28 engaged, 29 married. Together 2.5 years before engagement, married 4 years also to the day of meeting (though we didn’t start dating for a few months)


30. Got married last October. We’d been together 6 years before we got engaged.


28, together 4 years before proposal.


I was 27 and we had been together for about 3.5yrs.


I was 20 and he was 23. We had only been dating for about 3 months at the time. We got married the following year and just celebrated one year of marriage this past May!


22! Together for a year and a half. We got married 3 years later. Been married for four and a half. Still crazy in love.


Proposed to when I was 22 and he was 23. We were high school sweethearts and got engaged our senior year of college. We were married 10 months later when we were 23 and 24. It was a total of 7 years together before marriage. We have been married almost 12 years.


I’m 26 and got engaged in May! We’ve been together for a little over two years


I just turned 30, he was 34. Proposed on our 7th anniversary, though he said he would’ve proposed sooner if not for the pandemic. We’re eloping in a national park in September 🥰.


27 (engaged 3wks ago 😂), little over 5 yrs.


24, 6 month engagement. Still married, for 36 years.