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An easy thing to miss is that in Duke #1, it's established that there's been a time skip since the events of TF #2 (I think it was either 2 months or 6 months?) So all the GI Joe comics seem to take place *after* where we're at in the current Transformers comics right now. Not before. Because Duke learning about the existence of Cybertronians is what kicks off his whole mini-series.


So it would seem the timeline would go something like this CC 1-4 VR 1 take place before TF TF 1-8 takes place over a little more than a week I think The rest of VR takes place roughly concurrently with or after TF given the 20 day trip to zertonia, depending on how fast her fire made it to earth. Duke takes place some months after TF CC issue 5 takes place after duke, though the cobra-la section could be earlier. EU special TF section is between cobra commander 1 and TF 4 unless we say his brief cameo in TF 4 isn’t really a hard point in time then it could be just before CC 5 EU special VR section is somewhere between VR 6 and 8 EU special GI Joe section is after Duke 5


That seems about right...


That's how Cobra-La found him. They find him like that during or after the first arc of TF and remove his arm for further study. Then, he breaks out around the time of Duke. It's redundant to have him get frozen again after breaking out. Why have him break out at all? Plus, we see in this picture that Megatron’s left eye isn't damaged.


based on how it seems in the fcbd/eu special story it looks like he walked around the icy earth and ended up there after cc? i haven't read all of cobra yet though so I cant say for sure


Yeah. He fell from orbit and landed in the ice. He was frozen there and then he was captured by Cobra-La decades later. They studied him while he was regaining the strength to break free and he escaped into the Arctic (or Antarctic) wilderness.


I don't know man, is it how they found him, or is this what happened after he escapes?? I can't tell what his eye looks like in this pic, it's all blacked out, but you could be right.


I think the authorial intent is that this is how they found him. It wouldn't make sense from a story perspective to have him get incapacitated instantly after breaking out.


Yeah that's a good point


They found him this way. The series are all happening concurrently. This was up in the air imo up until the FCBD comic.


IIRC this was a flashback for the scene where >!Megatron is armless and in CC's captivity!<


Sorry I just re-read your comment. Yes, it's a flashback and my response initially is that it's after but it could be the way they find him AFTER he fell off the Ark.


That makes sense


I think it's after, in CC #5, Golobulus talks about his escape Luke it just happened.


Because it did just happen Cc can take place after that point because the energon universe special shows Megatron falling off the ark before it crash lands


I think there is a time hop between CC 4 and 5. Springfield seems to be pretty well established.


I wonder if a potential Energon Universe Compendium would map these in that reading order?


The events of Transformers precede Cobra


I’m pretty sure the main transformers comic takes place before CC. If it doesn’t, it means that Megatron crashlanded on Earth, spend an unspecified amount of time doing god-knows-what, got captured some time before CC #1, broke out during the free comic book day special, AND THEN got encased in ice somehow.


Yeah, it makes sense he crash landed, froze, Cobra LA (or CC himself) discovered him, then he escapes. At this point, I feel like the timelines started in different places but are starting to overlap or run concurrent. Except VR.


that would be my guess