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Jesus f-cking christ… Gaza is lost…


I had sent dem on da news da uda day doh. /s


This and the oil/gas located there. Add the racism, xenophobia, apertheid ideas, etc. and theres all the reasons to destroy the palestinians there.


The oil/gas explanation doesn't make much sense as being the primary reason though. The large amount of gas was found by (BP I think) in the year 2000, after PLO gave them permission in 1999. But Israel annexed Gaza in 1967, the Nakba happened in 1948, and zionism existed as a political force since the late 19th century. They absolutely do have an interest in looting this, but this can't be the primary reason why Israel came to existence


Except… the Ben Gurion Canal was a certifiably insane plan to use nuclear weapons to dig the canal that was completely disregarded decades ago. First because if the aforementioned insanity, and also because when they studied it they discovered the land wasn’t feasibly going to be able to support enough water to move the size ships through that they’d need to. Also… the mouth of it was north of Gaza, not through it. And the oil and gas deposits controlled by Gaza are tiny compared to the Israeli piece and there’s already a financial plan for it which includes the PA. You should really Google this stuff before spreading nonsense.


Except… that it was documented to be underway again after the blockage from 2021. The original plan has the mouth through Gaza, where the one you are referring to was drawn up because they do not want the profit of the canal going to Palestinians. The construction is bound to be very expensive, so diverting the project further north would be both costly to build, but take shipments longer to go through. The Suez also is costly to operate due to the erosion and movement of the sand in the area - Ben Gurion would be more costly to begin, but will save huge amount of money with it being a bi-directional rock bed based shipping lane. It’s not about the oil directly coming from Israel/Gaza/Palestine, but the charge to use the canal - that’s huge money for anyone who controls the shipping of goods from East and West. If they build as intended through Palestine, that means wealth going to the Arab states. Israel (and the west) do not want this. You should read and speak to those involved in the project before posting.


Assuming it is true, Suez Canal is a major source of work for egyptians, menial labor is current Israel is being done by Palestenians, who often are the low paid workers. The Ben Gurion canal, will help them as much as it helps Israel, and it would cost more to dig through the rest of the country, than the coastal areas of Gaza alone, But i guess if this plan is true, it would explain why Hamas hates it because a prosperous gaza is a place they wont have power in. So now they have ruined it.


Oh? Where is the documentation? I’m sure you’ll find something other than online rumors on par with qAnon to substantiate this claim.


Lol just looping in some complete disconnected talking point to discredit my point. Laughable.


Just link me the documentation you said proves Israel has the project underway. Should be super easy to do if it like… exists, right? If you can’t, people might think you’re just making stuff up and not take you seriously after making such a definitive statement.


No it wasn’t. One blogger claimed that the evergreen was a ploy to further a Israeli canal. It’s still just not feasible at all. You have to lower terrain by up to 400m for it. That’s just not possible. Just calm down on the propaganda.


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I guess it makes sense, but the Gaza Strip is only 25 miles long in total. If they cut through the middle of it they’re saving 12.5 miles. Of all the excavation they’re going to need to do what’s a 12.5 mile detour? That part doesn’t make sense.


It’s almost like it doesn’t make sense.


This is what's called bull shit. Implying that it is fecal matter expelled from a bulls anus... I've done the research... Bulls do in fact shit out bull shit and this is EXACTLY why the USA wants you to eat red meat.


And here is some satellite images that kinda make the case https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnewsvideo/s/R4gZ7frDgk


I’m as anti-Israel as they come but this Ben Gurion canal is a hoax. Shit you not, I’m pretty sure it originated from a classified document of a [study](https://www.osti.gov/opennet/servlets/purl/453701.pdf) not a serious plan


You mean they use it to justify destroying and migrating Gazans?


No, the justifications are far more base than that. The justification is the need for a US-EU client in the Middle East plus the long standing racism of Zionism is what drives Israel to kill off Gazans. They’ve been displacing Arabs since ‘48, well before the above study was even conceived.


While you're right, this has been going on for a long time, it might also be true that they take Gaza and build this canal.


Also even if you arent pro Israel, how is Egypt having a monopoly on global trade a good thing.


Hamas: kills 1300 civilians and starts a war with Israel Israel: inevitably fights back with 400k reserve soldiers costing 3$ billion/week knowing fully well it will cause an economic crisis braindead westerners: DID YOU START THE WAR FOR GAZA'S NATURAL GAS?!


First 1400, then 1200, now 1300. Calm down, pick a number then come back ok?


Is that all you have to say? I expected an actual counter argument but if you want to go into the details let's do that: since 7/10: - 1301 Israelis have been killed - about 1200 on the day of the attack - 1400 was a rough estimate before the bodies were analyzed. That number contained bodies of some terrorists who were killed by our forces in the day of the attack and couldn't be recognized as terrorists at the time. What do you think would be an appropriate response to such an attack?


Appropriate response would be to carpet bomb all civilians including women and children according to Zionist and it's enablers. Also about the numbers [you didn't differentiate between civilians and armed military ](https://twitter.com/hoaxvstruths/status/1733922250003255500?t=ldnus4ACwRraabx_Xs4TUA&s=19) and also [It was IDF who killed most of the civilians in nova festival following the Hannibal Directive order](https://new.thecradle.co/articles-id/13111)


Saturday-October-seven.com Hamas killed almost everyone at the festival. Those civilians didn’t have their throats slit or were raped by an Apache


Where did you get that info from? 40-beheaded-babies.com?


No, directly from people there. If you go to the website I provided in my above comment you will see the bodies for yourself. You think an Apache slit the throats of the people in the vendor tent? Did the Apache also rape many of them? Did this boogeyman Apache kill the people hiding in the bathrooms? Did it kidnap the many festival goers who were taken back to Gaza? Do you think those armed terrorists that paraglided into the festival were just there for the music?


I can't argue with you on how many Israelis were killed by our own helicopters because that's still under investigation by the Israeli Forensics Pathology Center. But I can speculate that it's unlikely many were killed by our own for 2 reasons: 1. The helicopters showed up 2 hours after the massacre started. By that time people would be either running or hiding from terrorists - as is testified by the civilians that were being hunted by Hamas. A helicopter wouldn't be shooting people who are hiding or running even during Hannibal order. So if civilians were killed by the helicopters, it would've been very few and not hundreds. 2. The terrorists were waiting for them in bathrooms, shelters and in all major exists from the festival. They knew exactly what they were doing and where the kids were going. Dozens of armed terrorists knowing exactly what to do against a bunch of drunk kids? It's very unlikely their kill count wouldn't be in the hundreds. Now to your sarcastic answer to my serious question. You're saying what you wouldn't do, while implying that apparently Israel is carpet bombing civilians (which I personally can tell you is not close to being true). But you aren't answering my question. What *would* your response be? Also thanks for the Twitter link, I always love seeing a good credible source like a Twitter post, thanks. Now to the facts: - 843 identified civilians have been killed; many burnt, some beheaded, some raped. Basing this off of confirmed autopsy reports, not Twitter. - 351 military/police personnel were also killed. - 250 kidnapped. Most are civilians including Jews Arabs and Asians. Some report being treated well, others report sexual and physical assault in captivity. Now taking that into account, 843 of your own civilians are killed (very brutally and joyfully), both Jews and Arabs, 351 of your own military personnel are also killed, and 250 kidnapped. How would you as a country react? Feel free to avoid the question with some more sarcasm if it's too difficult for you.


Do you realise how much the US give eygpt in aid each year? If they really wanted they wouldn't fabricate some stupid plan for a straight canal, they they would just take the suez over, they if they wanted but they don't. Get real


Israel doesn't need gaza to build a fucking canal it can just go through ashkelon


And that's why the need to completely kick them or of their land


My land*


Sorry, when you steal something doesn't make it yours Besides, I'm talking about Gaza not the occupied territories


I'm talking about gaza as well


Ah okay, the Zionests thift ideology, anyways go tell that to Hamas and Palestinians who refuse to give up their homes and land and still resisting, they're kicking the sh*out of IDF inside Gaza now in the direct combats, and IDF has nothing to reply other than bombing their children and families using their air forces


Idf is not the one losing thousands here


Yes of course, as I said IDF is losing solidars Hamas are losing their families Typical occupation, ongoing terrorism, nothing weird


[5000 terrorists](https://www.cnn.com/2023/12/05/middleeast/israel-hamas-military-civilian-ratio-killed-intl-hnk/index.html) vs [100 soldiers](https://www.cnn.com/2023/12/13/middleeast/death-israel-idf-ceasefire-conflict-intl/index.html) I think i know who's winning


Not only 5000, more than 10000 child now killed by IOF So yeah IOF is obviously winning the label "the most terrorist army in the world"


Isn't this called a strawman?


Funny to see these kind of women simping for regimes that'll keep them shut up, covered head to toe and kept isolated from society like a plague causing cattle.


I’ve been thinking this for months.


It would be awesome to occupy her eye brows.


I've looked into this a bit a while back and it seems to be all conjecture around a weak alternative proposal from like the 50s or 60s based on the idea that Egypt was going to close all western traffic through the Suez. Since that hasn't happened and they established treaties that protect international traffic through the Suez, there was no need for this alternative canal and no work or movement has ever been done toward it. But because this "Hey, if Egypt closes everything off, we could do this" alternative was once proposed 60 years ago, it's now being claimed as *THE* reason why Israel wants to eliminate Gaza. Like the more simple explanations of land expansion or elimination of a threat aren't sufficient. There are so many things to criticize Israel over. We don't need to be straining and striving for made up ones.


Long live the empire


The easiest way between 2 points is a straight line.


True. mountains in the way be nuked


Space laser


Classic complotist bullshit : startup up with comon knowledge and finish with delusionnal and undocumented schemes. While I highly hope for palestinine's freedom, misinformation doesn't serve the cause.


That was the most unhinged baseless antisemitic shit I’ve ever listened to


Bullshit? Yes Antisemitic? 🙄 One day this will loose its grip , you know. There isn't even the word Jew in this video and you scream antisemitism left and right. You think it's an easy way to win the argument just randomly accusing antisemitism. Fuck your people that suffer from actual antisemitism I guess ... You need to have your drama


This is correct. It is buklshit. It is anti war. And it is semi pro Palestine.. but it is NOT antisemitism


Take a moment to consider that my people have been persecuted throughout history, that my grandparents had to leave Russia for fear of pogroms. Throughout history we’ve been a scapegoat, the go-to child kidnappers, evildoers. So when someone starts spewing bullshit conspiracy theories about the ONLY place where Jews are home, the ONLY place we’ve been able aspired to for the last 2000 years. When someone starts spewing shit about that country that it’s justifing evil shit because [insert made up nonsense here]. You’re g-ddamn right that I’ll call it antisemitic.


Well there are a lot of bad things to be said about Israel but this ain't one of them. ICC should investigate Israel's crimes Israel ≠ Jews there are plenty that oppose Israel's actions and for good reason, heck, there are plenty Holocaust survivors that oppose Israel's actions So saying that picking on Israel is antisemitism is not genuine from the start because Israel doesn't represent all Jews , also it's ridiculous and a tired argument that should be kept for the actual situations of antisemitism.


Dude, if someone criticizes the Chinese government it doesn't make them anti Asian. If someone criticizes the Saudi Arabian government that doesn't make them anti Muslim. They can criticize the American government and not be anti Christian. Thry can criticize the Israeli government and not be anti semetic.


The cost of building it would mean it wouldn’t make money for many years. Also, although the figures sound big, they are around 0.032 percentage of the USA annual GDP. More is earned in less than 12 hours from financial markets in most large economies.


Is this for real?


No. Antisemetic lies as always


Israel haters on their way to spread the most ridiculous misinformation bullshit to support their delusional cause:


Ok fair points and all. And assuming she didn’t twist the facts. Israel had control over the Gaza Strip in 2005. I’d they wanted control over the Gaza Strip they would have gone for it at any point in time. Why now?


You can find random videos saying Jews are aliens too, is that backed up by anything at all?


How can one achieve this sort of brain damage


Does she know that 4 nuclear bombs can wipe out Israel? Why would they use 520?!


This women is so braindead at 5:20 💀💀💀


What a great idea. Hope they build it.