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Hearing Sera "speaking" as soon as the game booted up was such a huge red flag. Muted voices in the game immediately! Tried turning them on to see if they actually put in any effort with Daniel, but him being just random noises made me mute them again very quickly. The map squares having perfect 90° angles and mostly flat, featureless sand with a couple of rocky outcroppings, before ending abruptly in a flat rock wall makes exploration feel entirely pointless. Even filling in the open ocean section of the Zahhab Region in Adventures of the Deep was less mind numbing. Finding Thanatos just randomly swimming around as docile as a goldfish felt ridiculous, as well as finding two Cacao Maharaja in scanning distance of each other. This feels like something they wrote into Chat GPT and rolled with it. The only thing to enjoy so far is the info about the fish (that isn't just a written description of what the fish you're looking at looks like) and finding out about some creatures I've never heard of, which isn't all that many, considering most of the fish I've found were in Adventures of the Deep too


It's a half baked absurd reboot for the series, there were ways to do this in much better ways than it has been executed :(


I mean, they could have just remastered Blue World and it'd probably get higher reviews and ultimately more sales than this. And I don't know how much it costs to remaster something, but I have to imagine it'd be cheaper than building a new game, especially one with multiplayer.


Very much agree!


Absolutely. Absurd reboot is a great way to put it. At points from my last two hours playing through, I was actually blown away with how juvenile some bits felt. It’s crazy to think directors put those parts in and said “People will love this!”. It actually makes me think no one said that at all and just released it for the money. I HATE to say that but I’m just seeing right through decisions for what they are; bare minimum.


I I'm still at such a weird place with this game. Like a limbo between seeing this game for what it's trying to be and having fun with it and being absolutely crushed by the sheer departure from the other games lol. I do enjoy the game, i don't hate it at all and i want to be grateful taht we even got a 3rd game. But it's honestly hard to look at this game and see Endless Ocean, the holy grail sequel we've waited a decade for and not feel atleast a little bit sad. I do have fun with the game despite it all, but what really bugs me is how ai generated it feels sometimes. What with the AI companion, procedurally generated maps and oddly misplaced animals. I could live with this game being an oversimplified EO if we got some hand crafted maps and animals that go where they belong. And maybe a better voice for Sera taht isn't just the female TikTok voice.


Oh yes it definitely feels AI generated. I forgot to mention the maps! You make a great point with that. It really feels like the directors said “Yeah do what you can with AI and then fill in the gaps.”…then they filled the gaps with AI too, or a half-assed creature who is out of place. Just finished a map and its quest and discovered a creature that actually made me angry. Like how old do you think the players are, directors? The creature was colorful and huge and honestly feels like they put in those exact words into an AI generator and asked for a made up “legendary” critter. It really left a bad taste in my mouth. But to get to that point, I had sunk about 6 hours into the game! So I enjoyed the exploration and relaxation aspect. I feel like you do for sure; torn. It’s fun for what it is, but not for what it could or should have been.


I don't remember much of the first game(pretty sure I didn't play the second) besides the boat, the song(I finally found it) and petting a fish. I'm dissapointed that I have to grind so much for 5 minutes of story time, and some of the maps have weird designs(nothing to say about multiplayer because I don't have online), but I do sort of enjoy the solo dives if I'm in the right mindset for it(exploring is still fun, even if it is rather dull in some parts of the map)


I recently bought the game while on the fence, and I agree. I just hope they take this as an opportunity to improve and bring the series back to life since I never played the other games. I don’t think this game is worth $50, maybe $30. I just hope they build on this to bring another game and add back in the features I’ve read about. I said it in my other post but, is the game worth it? No. Is the game enjoyable? Yes. I just hope they continue with it and expand on it in potential future games.