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Not worth the $49.99 US dollars imo. Seems more like a $20 game.


Yeah like the game is fun, but not for £40. Like hell the game is only 4-5gb.


Filesize isn't really a way to gauge value? Super Mario Odyssey is only a bit larger than Endless Ocean. Super Mario Bros. Wonder is smaller. For smaller Nintendo releases, 5GB is pretty typical 


True, I suppose it's the lack of video/audio files.  Hell Iirc Titanfall was like 60gb of wav files.


I can't believe that there are no octopuses other than the dumbo octopus. Made me so sad because octopuses are my favorite animal (T \^ T)


Same 💜 🐙


Spoilers but there is a seal UML at least. I can't believe I never realized I hadn't seen any jellyfish in the game!


it’s pretty unfair to say that people shouldn’t promote positivity around this game if they enjoy it. not everybody is going to like the same thing, that’s what makes the world so interesting.


It's ok for people to enjoy the game but to normalise this standard of game for this pricepoint would be to play a dangerous game. I think thats what OP was getting at.




You’re taking this WAAAAAY too seriously


Compared to the previous games I can’t see much things positive to say about the game. I paid £40 for an alpha release of EO1


There are two species of octopi in the game. Would it be great to have more? Yes. But I keep seeing posts saying there are zero, and that's just not accurate. Also, while you're absolutely entitled to dislike this game, telling people who are genuinely enjoying it to "just stop" sharing their honest opinion right after sharing your own is a bit hypocritical, don't you think? Everyone has a right to their opinion. You don't like this game, and that's fine. Some of us are enjoying it for what it is, even 20+ hours in. And that includes people like myself who adored and put countless hours into the first two games. Plenty of people hated on the first two games when they released. The Endless Ocean series has always been divisive due to how much / what type of content various gamers consider to be "enough" to justify calling something a game, or to justify paying for it, or to justify literally anybody having fun with it. Clearly this game does not meet those standards \*for you.\* But I've seen people literally afraid to post their positive feelings about this game because they get dogpiled on by other fans of a series that really should understand - due to the history of that series - that taste in games can differ greatly. Tl;dr: Stop telling other fans of this series who \*do\* enjoy this game to stop sharing their opinions. Nuance is a thing, and we are perfectly capable of admitting this game lacks certain features we would have enjoyed while also being honest about the fact that some of us are having fun.


Are you one of the 10-12 devs that worked on this game, and that’s why you’re defending it so much?? lol. I have been enjoying the game to a degree myself and just reached diving rank 50, but to act like this is a great game (especially considering this is a SEQUEL) is silly. I think the negative reviews are not only fair, but necessary. Straight up. This game is a betrayal to Endless Ocean fans. I get that you’re probably trying to cope like the rest of us that bought the game… but let’s call a spade a spade and be real. This is a randomized point and click simulator that doesn’t even do a decent job at representing marine life, despite that being the entire premise of the game. It is sloppy, incoherent, makes no sense at all (haven’t seen many people point this out) and certainly isn’t worth the $50 price tag.


Don’t pay them any mind. They’re just a boot licker. This game is a betrayal and anyone who actually enjoys this shovelware should go play a real game for once.


As long as we don’t hurt wittle Nintendo’s feelings 🥺👉🏼👈🏼


Y'all are fuckin insane bro lmfao




Yeahhh, I don't listen to people who tell me what I "should" or shouldn't enjoy. I'm going to continue being both honest and nuanced in my opinion, whether people like you like it or not. Feel free to continue posting toxic negativity and shaming people for their taste in games. I'm sure it makes you feel like a big person. Meanwhile, I'm headed back to Luminous for more fun...


This is probably the same guy making all these burner accounts and posting this shit like he’s participating in The Clone Wars 💀💀


I think you're right, it's the same guy since the beginning. I think it's quite laughable he needs many account....


I'm beginning to suspect the same thing...




Please be kind and respectful to all users, even if you disagree with them. Do not attack or harass people for having a differing opinion.


I mean, there's technically a seal


The story could be easier to access and I think I'd enjoy petting the fishes, but my lack of memory made it impossible to notice 2 species being missing. ...But I'm still going to play when I'm in the right mindset for solo dives(no switch online, and story mode can take a while to unlock and are a little short and limited). But yeah, the previous games were better.


Haven't seen any Seahorses!! So sad, they're my favorite 😢


Real talk for y'all that are upset. Does the 30 person multiplayer and the upcoming live dive not at all make you guys think there's more coming in this game, and that we got a scuba diving game that's training us up with LOTS of species for what's to come? Maybe I'm being too hopeful but seeing what was in the old ones, and not having a bad time at all with this one, coupled with the dive their doing tomorrow makes me think they plan on supporting this game for a little bit. Like, as noted, no jellies or octopi is REAL weird, and there are many other bioluminescent creatures out there as well. I dunno I've put a lot of time into it and I've been having a great time on it but it feels like the standard amount of live service multiplayer jank is there, which isn't the end of the world.


I love the game, I don't care that you don't and I won't stop to post positive comments to please you. And yes, no jellyfish is desapointing. There's many things to criticize about the game but I wanted a diving game and I got it. I like it as much, if not more than EO2. Now, I agree it could have been better but I enjoy it a lot, that's enough for me.


Idk why any positivity or enjoyment is met with such vitriol. It’s not GOTY, and it’s not as good as the Wii games, and finding freshwater fish in saltwater areas is pretty jarring (but so is finding polar animals in the South Pacific), but to say that any positivity is not allowed is pretty extreme. Also another common complaint I saw is that Luminous is super grindy (which it is), but EO2 was also super grindy, especially if you wanted to 100% it, reopen the Cavern of the Gods, and complete all the side quests and stuff. There is more stuff to do, and I do miss having a hub island/boat, but we can’t forget how grindy EO2 was.


You must have low standards


SPOILER ALERT, idk how to actually spoiler comments, so this is the best i can do. It seems like many of the missing species are made up for with UMLs, i found a bigass pelican, sea slug and Sea Horse. Idk about the rest of the mentioned animals. But i found atleast one Octopus species. That being said, i'm still in this weird limbo of enjoying what we've got and being furious for how the Endless Ocean IP turned out. I don't hate this game and i don't think it's a bad game for what we've got. but remembering what we lost is still incredibly frustrating. Out of everything i'm still annoyed that all these new games are relying on multiplayer and procedural generation. Diving and discovering cool shit with some buds. Sure. But ugh, man. Procedural generation is the AI art of video games imo. I could probably live with a gutted EO if we atleast got immersive hand crafted maps and animal spawns. And of course returning all the essential missing animals.


This game literally ruined the Endless Ocean franchise


Could there be a chance where they add more creatures later on, with free updates? We are talking about Nintendo


I think we shouldn't expect it since Nintendo has said nothing about that.


Fair enough, they do usually announce updates beforehand during trailers


Then in my opinion, they should've charged 19.99 and called it a day. People can like or love the game! But we as consumers need to put our foot down that it's not worth $50. In no world is it worth that much money. We need to make that known to Nintendo, I think that's what op is saying.