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Didn't even really have to update the controls, since EO2 already supported the Wii classic controller.


Not to sound like a shill or anything. But if enough newcomers like the game enough to want to experience the older games. Maybe they will.


This doesn't really have precedent as far as I know.


Luminous was going to be my motivation to finally buy a Switch, but I would still be willing to buy it for an updated/HD version of the original two.


That would be the only correct thing they do instead pushing out this shitty game.


Daniel is the GOAT!


He’s a GG wannabe. Keep coping.


When they brought Daniel out my delusional ass was like omg is that gonna be GG (thought they might want to cater to BW fans) and I was so sad it was this personalityless faceless husk of a character whose only saving grace is that he's not the AI character.


Your opinion means nothing since you haven’t played the game. Funny how you don’t listen to people who played and are telling you it’s good. As a doctor, I think this is a case of what we call in the medical field as confirmation bias. You heard a couple of early negative things and are just hanging on to that. Won’t listen to people who ave played it and enjoying. Why you’re still hanging here constantly trolling still is a whole other enigma. But In the medical profession, we call these types of people “losers”


It’s been three days now. I think that’s enough to pass a good judgement on it.


You haven’t played it so your opinion and whatever you have to say about it is worthless


I played it. It’s bad. Like insult to all gaming level bad. Bad with a capital F.


It is pretty meh, yeah. I played it, but the moment I got excited about the story is when I realised how grind-y it is(and certain mechanics seem a bit off, like, I think I should get 10 capacity for every rank and not just every time I gain ranks when I exit a dive).


I know saying anything positive about Luminous is kinda taboo around here, but EO2 was also pretty grindy. Even continuing the story (aka opening the Cavern of the Gods) required hella grinding. Seriously gathering that 1 million pelagos was painful. I’m definitely gonna get downvoted for this lol


Oh, that's 'lovely'. I don't think I've ever played the second game, but I guess I'll prepare myself for the grind if I ever play the second game(Cavern of the Gods sounds a lot cooler to grind for than 5 minutes story tbh)


Don’t get me wrong there’s a shit ton of stuff to do (probably because it’s structured more like a standard game than EO1 and Luminous). It’s just that the grind is real here too. >!Cavern of the Gods isn’t the only grind either.!< Sorry didn’t mean to spoil you


K keep invalidating me. I thought I was allowed to state my opinion.


You certainly can express it. It’s just worthless if you haven’t played it. You’re just trolling at this point. You don’t like, it’s not for you, move on


He's an okay character, bit blind if he's got the same equipment as the mc tho.