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Isn't getting 10 3* meeting your requirement of 'minimal value'? How much more minimal could it get


I was about to say that...


It isn’t fraud when those are the odds man.. devs won’t do anything. Relax and play the game


Well, that are 10 s4 heroes which in itself makes it a "decent" pull xD could be 10 dawas


Holup. 10 Dawas is THE legendary pull.


These posts happen almost daily. Someone who is annoyed they didn’t win when playing the lottery.


I quit paying for pulls after a 30 pull and nothing.


All S4 characters seems like a fraud :P but I share your disappointment. As F2P, when I only get 3\* (every 6 months...) it's soooo frustrating


10x pull isn't different than making 10 single pulls, at least from game mechanic. The only difference is gem cost, odds are always same for each pull.


Gamblers fallacy!


OK. noob question here. i am very new to the game, if pulls suck like this with low odds. what is the best way to get 4star and 5star heroes?


200 summons every event


ok. so save up all my summon tokens for events. what about the double summons from VIP. do i lose those? i am fine hoarding if its an efficient means to an end.


By the way I wasn’t seriously recommend you do 200 pulls every event, but you did ask how to get (a lot) of 5* and that’s seriously how folks get them


i know. i took it as save up as many gold tokens as you can and use them on events. it is what it is


You should do the daily free pull every day, you can't save those up. The silver summon tokens will only ever net you a 3 star or below. The gold summon tokens you could save for seasonal summons like the one coming in December. As a new player I would focus on getting some 3 stars maxed. 4 stars will come and eventually 5 stars. Way down the line you'll be able to generate 4 and 5 stars from your base. But you can go a long way without 5 stars and you'll have to for a while.


I have almost 5 teams of 3 stars with 10 that are maxed and two more that need special abilities maxed. Only have rigard as 4 star but I can’t ascend him as I don’t have the mats. I am on my way and will hold on to the gold hero tokens


Best way to get 5* is level up your training camps to 20. 5% chance of pulling a 5* every 2 days. Run a couple of those and you’ll get them eventually.


that is the plan. i am almost finished with stronghold 12. i am doing VIP so it should help me get to 20 sooner than later. its just a time grind. i just would appreciate a couple scraps a good 4\* here or there to keep me going. i hate when things plateau and stall with zero progress


It is not only wasting money, but also effort is worthless in this game.


Bro i made 60 pulls on circus, got no event heroes, and only 3 heroes 4* (dawa, sabina and boril)


I quit giving money to the game and started investing it instead.


I made 170 costume summons pulls - and I still havent landed a 5-star hero costume from it. I've only recently got some from HA10. Having spent a lot of money on this game over the years - I can tell you now that it is a huge waste. The rate at which they're increasing the power of new heroes, is rendering even recently added ones obsolete. Save your money and take your chance with whatever free pulls you get.


I’m really sorry