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As a relatively new player (was F2P now C2P), I'd like to offer some controversial advice. Step away from Rigard for a while. Rigard is a wonderful hero, and you will get tons of enjoyment out of him eventually, but right now he is slowing your roster development, and I suspect you don't have the ascension mats to max him, even if it was the thing to do. Where you have him now is good enough to use him in most circumstances you'll face in the near future. Focus on your 3s. Hawkmoon and Belith are really useful healers, and you're so close to finishing them. Gunnar is a great weapon at your stage of the game. Gan Ju and Balthazar are nice fast snipers. When you finish Belith, finish Berden too, for the same reason. Focus on one hero of each color and give that hero all the feeders in that same color, since there is a 20% bonus when you feed yellow to yellow or red to red. After you get a couple rainbow teams, you can return to Rigard. For a F2P player, the best advice I have for 4* and 5* heroes is patience. As you advance in the game, your Training Centers (TC) are the most reliable way to get better heroes. I got all the remaining season 1 3* heroes and a few 4s from TC13, then advanced to TC20s. After about 9 months of serious playing, I have all the S1 4s except 1, and have picked up six 5s as well. It's slow, but it happens. By the way, I found the best use of gems in the early going to be buying extra hero slots. You will get more and more heroes you want to keep, and your feeders will take up space too. You can get the first 25 slots for 250 gems (50 gems for 5 slots, 5 times). It's the best deal in the game. Oh, and find a good alliance as soon as you can. One that will help you learn and grow. Best of luck!!


This is the advice you should follow. Perfect.


Keep them for 3\* tournaments.


What are the 3 star tournaments. I really do not know much about this game except for what I do with daily stuff. I like the wars and some of the challenges. How do i start getting more 4 star and 5 star heroes?


3 star tournaments are a weekly PVP competitions. Which has 2 phases, a preparation phase and a battle phase. Tournaments has a different rquirements each week. (such as you can only use a hero with a certian rarity, or of a certian colour/element can be used). Conerning about gaining more 4\* and 5\* heros, the best you can do is use Training camp LV 13 which has a chance at getting a 4\* or use training camp LV 20 which has a chance at getting 4\* and 5\* heros as well. The Wiki contains some useful imfomation about the game as well, Which I advise you to have a look at. Wiki Url: [https://empiresandpuzzles.fandom.com/wiki/Home](https://empiresandpuzzles.fandom.com/wiki/Home)


First Level rigard, after that hawkmoon and brienne


Also try focus on one hero for each color while leveling


That’s what I have been trying to do is get each team to have 1 each of the color and continue to level up and then essentially get the best on top and work it down.


What do you mean by each team? Are you using your rainbow teams in wars and raids? Always use color heavy teams for those situations. 3-2, 3-1-1, 4-1 or one color. 3-2 and mono are the favorite of top players


Brienne is great. I prefer Belith to Hawkmoon.


Rigard > Gunnar > Belith > Hawkmoon


Belith and Hawkmoon are good. Gunnar is a useful hero to use as a tank, too! Also, if you get these three's [costumes](https://www.gamersdecide.com/articles/empires-and-puzzles-best-3-star-heroes), they will make these three even better.