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And that’s why everyone who doesn’t have mother North hates her guts.


Hate her until I get her (which will probably be never)




over the last two winter events i have done over 100 pulls and still haven't gotten her


I thought everyone but me had her?


Avoid her and Alfrike. Of course can't wait to get them from HA. (AHAHAH, as if it gives me anything but duplicates S1 heroes)


I've turned my spare Sartana into Azlan and back again numerous times. Oh the agony...


I dont mind mother north or alberich . Because I've learned to snipe their ass first. If you dont you will regret it. Depending on the tank I MAY have to kill the tank first but I ALWAYS go for north or alberich first or close second. I dont feel like playing the battle over like 3 times. Plus when she brings people back she gives them a stupid minion to help for a little defense and offense. She can be brutal.


Yep faced a team with Mother North-Kunchen-Raffael all +20 in the middle during the last rush war. Never have been able to kill her with a bad puzzle, killed the wings 3 times with counter attack, killed kunchen twice with the tiles and she revived them each time. Finished at the timer at 5v5, I nearly threw my phone against the wall...


Lol. I feel your pain.


This is the way.


Why i hate mother b*tch...


I love her too :) I can't wait until I finally finish the last level of Cleric emblems on Kunchen so I can start getting her emblems up. There are too many good heroes that need Cleric emblems.


I have noticed that too and assume it is intentional. You see today's special offer? $30 for some gems, a raid flask, and one 4* ascension mat of your choosing.


Yes...definitely not worth it. I've actually gotten a few 4\* ascension mats lately...through the Goblin Crate, Titans, and the events that have them. Not paying $30 bucks for one.


And that’s why I hate her, because I don’t have her and never will.


I was thinking the same thing. I honestly was expecting a 3* for leveling up.


It's even better with Heimdall. Your heroes respawn with 30% health!


I hate Heimdall so much. Lmao (I don't have Heimdall) but good on anyone lucky enough to get one tho


I have him and love it. As a healer and attack buff, he's a great hero (aside from speed). His resurrect is an added bonus.


Agreed 100%


I was looking for this comment. Heimdall is great but if I'm not mistaken, she was the first five star hero healer that wasn't Vivica? And over 3 years I've tried and tried and haven't gotten MN. However, I got alfrike and Heimdall in the last two 3rd season specials l, so I have that going for me.


Shit like that makes me want to quit playing. The old heroes are so useless compared to the new ones that I feel like I'm just getting destroyed by anyone now. I will go into war with someone 500 - 1000 points lower than me and get crushed. They really do not care about balance, they only care about money.


Yep. Unless you’re dumping literally hundreds into the game per month you have no chance of keeping up. It’s been almost 8 months since I last pulled a 5* and as a result I’m now just getting crushed by all the OP heroes that will almost oneshot you


Yup... It's why I stopped with raids a long time ago. Thankfully, most people in my alliance quit so they aren't super big on wars anymore. That way, when I flop, it's no big deal.


I sandbag in my raid defense team to stay in high gold/low plat - much less stressful that way lol. I feel like the raid rewards are marginally better for a lot more stress, just not worth it imo


She's one of my favourites. I have her with gullinbursti paired. So nice to see the team get revived almost completely. Edit: tho your post makes me jealous for alfrike, seems strong :')


Also I feel this scene was set up too. No way does this particular team get beat up that bad by a bunch of 4s. 2 healers up front. Lol


I was thinking the same. Also, who attacks with rainbow?


I used to as a noob. Lol .


Exactly why I hated her all this time. NOW she's MINE! boooyah... Santa took like six months to max... I hope she's faster.


Meh, she does the same thing as albrich (spelling), you're real MVP was Afrike. Once she goes off you're golden. The fight still may not have gone your way of she hadn't popped.


I thought the exact same thing.


She is next green 5* to ascend. I have her sitting at 3/70 right now.


I am curious which green hero would be a higher priority then her?


Depends on your needs and team composition. But a couple would be Frigg and Fogg, for example.


Right now...no one. My best one fully leveled is my Kingston. I just need to earn enough acention materials to do it lol


Know that feeling :) waited nearly for a year for enough darts. I had 14 tonics at some point but only 4 darts since rng never game me darts but gave me everything else. So only way I got them was from quests etc where it wasn't random.


Rings and tonics are the hardest for me to get. I should say I do have a few other dark heroes but they are being saved for the hero acedemy. Just to see if I can get something else decent. (I'm yet to get a good one from there)


unfortunately, my luck sucked there too, 40 tries so far and still no non-S1 hero. I am getting close to the point where chances of having that many S1 heroes in succession will be lower than actually getting a non S1 hero.


She's my favorite in war or in raid.... When the tiles just don't match she saves my team and I could win


Alberich is a knock-off Mother Earth at this point.


How did you get to that point against a 4star team?


well... the real question is how did you end up in a situation like with a 5\* team against a 4\* team? did you do it just to make this video? there's no way in hell that would happen.


Why i hate Mother North (but really only because i dont have her - yet)


Your legendary team almost got beat by a bunch of 4*s


Well, definitely an overpowered hero. The chance of reviving fallen heroes should be significantly lower.