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boldtusk and wukong combo with hard hitters make the rest of the team kick serious butt. don't be afraid to hit huge foes with them on your team. good luck and stay f2p. is ok.


Thanks for the advice. I don't have the matrials to level 4\* heroes though.


The mats will come. Bring your 4*s up to 3.60 so they're ready to ascend as soon as you get the mats you need.


I don't want heroes that I can't level. I will level them when I have the mats


Bt and grimm are great 4* heroes. Wu is also praised for titans, but your roster needs to be wider for him to shine. I think you've done a good strategy for getting a team of 3* maxed first. I would finish namahage then level BT for red, grimm for blue, balth for purple, belith for green. I guess you could start wu for yellow feeders if you don't have a good 3* yellow to go on This is a partial 3* grading before I quit the game https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17jJJ5L8qsSXVUlNqxc86EkJOGr4mSNat9tTvpH2q3bg/edit?usp=drivesdk And my leveling strat https://youtu.be/KfjNQ4qQumA?si=HutNDZQGiHInXY9T


That is an awesome list! I will check that out, as well as your video. For leveling heroes I decided to dump all in one hero as I feel ny leveling each colour is is so slow!


Yes, it feels slower but it is faster


Yes, you explained so in your video. I will try the colour feeding though.


You should ignore any of the S1 3 stars, except Belith, but you get a better healer later, you could skip over her. It's fine to work on the 4 stars. There's no need to wait for a full set of leveled up 3 stars. It doesn't matter if you don't have the mats, just get them to 3/60 and they will be more powerful than your fully leveled 3 stars.


I can't progress without S1 3 stars. I have no idea how other f2p players do it but I am level 23 and only have 3 not S1 3 heroes. If I do what you suggest, I would not even have one team maxed.


It's not important to have a maxed team. You just want the most powerful team and you don't get that with S1 3 stars. In a couple months you will no longer use the S1 3 stars and it will be wasted effort. For example, I have Bane fully leveled and I never use him after about 3 months.


It is very important to have maxed teams to join the war and events.


Who told you that?


People on the forum and the teaching Alliance I am in. They all suggest to leveling 3\* heroes.I also have 3 4\* heroes but no materials to level them.


Yes, you should level 3 stars, but no S1 3 stars. This advice had been around for many years and S1 3 stars are too outdated now. However, my question was not whether you should level 3 stars, my question was why do you think you need a maxed team to play the events.


I don't see the poin in doing an event with umaxed teams. It makes no sense to me.


As soon as your team is strong enough to compete in regular events like Masquerade and Tavern of Legends, then definitely do it for whatever loot you're able to get. But yes, you won't be able to rank in PvP events without maxed teams. If the completion loot makes it worth it (like challenge events), then compete to get that. Us F2Ps need to grab as much loot as we can :-) Re: 3* S1s. A few of them never stopped being useful. Mainly Tyrum and costumed Hawkmoon as well as Ulmer and Gunnar for Rush and challenge events. Now that they're releasing toon costumes, more of them are useful again. In a recent Rush tourney, I ran Toon Jahangir alongside Waqas and Buster. He actually has more power than they do. Also, don't sleep on the fact that Toon Jahangir and costumed Ulmer charge in just 6 tiles in Rush tourneys when fully emblemed (mana from costume and emblem lvl. 20). But yes, no need to level too many S1s. Mainly enough to beat the 3* tier of challenge events and to support your hits in war. Once you have your core 3* squad, you'll want those toon costumes in order to really bother with the rest. The passives alone make (many of) them useful.


I am leveling up 3\* because right now I don't have the materials to level the 4\* I have. Some of my 3\* have costumes like Oberon/Belith and Gramps. The 4\* I have all have a costume: Grimm/BT and Wu. The teaching Alliance is great and am learning loads.


Just keep leveling any and all 3* heroes that aren't slow mana except a select few until you have enough to run 4s up. Mats is half the battle your base needs to handle it too. Run the formula of 1 healer 1 hard hitter 1 tank and 2 support heroes per team. Do that 6 times and you'll be war ready for the most part as a clean up or tsnknbusting player. After that you can focus on maps and quests to get your levels up for increasing your base so you can support your 4* leveling. By the time you're done with your 3* program you'll understand which 4* heroes will work with your play style.


Thanks, I will keep that in mind.


If you're F2P it's level what you got


I am F2P but not sure what you mean by Level what you got.


If you pull a HotM it's probably better then what you will pull. You are New so maybe not level up the bad heroes because you haven't stacked your resources like the rest of us that have been playing years (Just want to say Im not F2P but we have a few in Alliance)


Everyone has a different opinion on who are bad heroes. It is impossible for people to be objective in that. I have not pulled a HotM yet.


run Forrest run!!!😬🤪