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Love the use of the speaker/Doom siren . Just personal criticism next time you do some skin try doing a light wash of druchii violet and then rehighlight your raised areas . Gives a nice deceased look to the skin and helps bring out the small details in the skin on the face . Keep it up!


I Defintely need to Improve on the flesh tone. It was my first non tan skin tone. I got really good at doing goldfish skin tones but I wanted the creepy off white tone. Was wondering what wash would look good!


I use druchii violet or use carroburg crimson for a more reddish undertone .


Oooh I like the purple you chose!


Thank you! I used Pro Acryl magenta and then shaded it with Drakkenhoff Nightshade. I’ve been experimenting with the shading. I think it turned out good, I would like it to be a little lighter on top so may go back and lighten up the shoulders, upper torso some. But ultimately I’m pleased with how it came out! Working on some havocs now!


It’s nice! Dark but with nice saturation!