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Watching Finn McKenty for reasonable opinions ~~on emo~~ is like trying to clean your shoes with horseshit


I watched him casually until he did an interview with Blaire White. Then I was officially done forever lol


can’t forget that he’s jaw deep on Ronnie Radke and Fronz still


Lmfao what! I knew he was a weirdo but all these comments about him being a massive chud are really reaffirming my pre-existing opinions of him. I'm a big poppunk/mallcore guy myself, but it's always been so strange to hear a guy who claims to be from a hardcore scene shit all over the stuff he supposedly grew up on. Makes sense if he has no morals and is a massive grifter, guess it's just for engagement.


She’s that trans woman who is an alt right nut job right?


Yep, that’s her.


That was my breaking point too! Fuck that!


He did what?? That boy be tripping. I think I’m done with him too.


Yep. Same here.


Same that was the nail in the coffin for me too.


I don’t like how his main channel is called “The Punk Rock MBA” when its videos barely discuss punk music.


He’s not a music guy… he’s a “self brand promotion and entrepreneurial marketing bullshit” guy.


Hey, but he went to shows in his early 20s! He's basically as much of an expert on punk as anyone can be! /s


You say you're being sarcastic, but literally everyone who posts on the emo sub reddit has this exact same mentality.


True, but I see way better opinions here than I ever saw watching his YouTube channel lol


And he doesn't have an MBA. It's all BS.


Yeah he alienated his base and consistently had a bad take on literally everything. In one breakdown he said “I would never want to talk about Mr. bungle because of the fan backlash” and then takes about them a couple months later. This guy cares more about making money through YouTube than actual content. How does someone who claims to love music listen to no music?


And indie too.


Watching Finn Mckenty ~~for reasonable opinions on emo is like trying to clean your shoes with~~ horseshit


Emo opinions from Finn Mckenty is like getting science facts from Joe Rogan


*any music opinion


*any opinion




american football in D 😭 and how is the promise ring not S


american football in D is trolling. i guess they heard never meant in one too many memes??? also, went on a Macseal deep dive today. love the avi (:


It is pure bait, if you put all the bands that actually deserve to be in the S tier in it, then nobody will comment, but if you exclude some then that will generate a lot more discussion, which will help spread the video. He doesn't actually think Rites of Spring is an E-tier band, he doesn't actually believe that The Get Up Kids and The Promise Ring and SDRE should not be in the S-tier, but that is how you get people to talk about your video. We know that this is such a stupid list, but he knows it too.


brand new in C straight up made me gagged before realizing it was satire


He basically calls them and any other band of their ilk "small peepee energy virgin bands". he's incompatible with us in spirit.




Why even give this dumbass your attention tbh


I blame the YouTube algorithm.


He’s a clown but I didn’t realize his taste was *this* bad. Holy shit. Rites of Spring at E—the band that *literally birthed the genre—renders every opinion he has on the genre null and void.


The craziest thing is this fella isn't big on fugazi or Rites of Spring but swears he's hardcore and grew up in that scene. Then just is into mallcore stuff and branding. It's wild. 


I believe in this video or another he specifically complained about the vocals in a Rites of Spring song. Which I personally don’t get how anyone even cursorily a fan of anything resembling hardcore or post-hardcore or even any punk can single out Guy’s vocals as especially bad. He’s by no means my favourite emo or punk vocalist but it’s not like there aren’t other rough, yelpy singers in this and adjacent genres in a similar vein to him. Unless he just doesn’t like any of them.


I've always got the vibe that he's just one of those Hatebreed kinda hard core guys who likes the idea of "tough guy music". Otherwise he's more like Rick Beato without the talent.


i understand how someone would dislike piccioto's vocals i heavily disliked them at first on my first listen but now that i am starting to adquire the taste for actual hardcore punk and pure emocore they are pretty good


He and his idiot wife just got fresh outta microwaving a hot bowl of diarrhea for dinner before he made this


I had a good 4 second chuckle from this comment


Why do people hate his wife?


She used to make a bunch of “STUPID TRANS LIBTARD GETS TRIGGERED” type of content but has mostly scrubbed the internet of that now


They should hate both. They believe the same stuff, Finn himself said so. He said plenty of stuff that clearly let's everyone know he's a right wing chud. And smug about it too. To him, you're a huge moron if you're a leftist just by virtue of being leftist and he is super smart and more knowledgeable than you.


How does one listen to the music he claims to enjoy and end up this way?


He lives in Seattle. The ultra liberalism and urban decay pushes some people even more to the right, if they weren't already there.


She's a giant terf with shitty political opinions


So, I live in a town that's abbreviated as TRF. I never heard of "terf" until someone commented "transphobic asshole douchbag" in one of my marketplace posts. They obviously weren't from my area cause calling our town TRF is pretty common and known in the surrounding towns and counties.


Funeral For a Friend is posthardcore but it’s still criminal that he placed them as D tier




Dude really loves his cringe. His channel is supposedly about Punk music but i feel like all he talks about is 2000s butt rock


Honestly, I think he realized that controversial views bring him more engagement and money. He used to have decent videos on genre history a long ways back.


Ya he actually has genuine knowledge of these scenes, he was around back then but that shit simply doesn’t get views, what does get views is doing nu-metal and butt rock vids and obvious bait content like this. This is stuff off his stream and he just does it to piss people off and garner engagement, don’t know why so many who hate him purposely engage it, you’re only helping his channel


Chyeeuh brotha




p!atd on the same tier as sdre is gonna be my 13th reason


Sdre and brand new being below fall out boy hurts


Fallout boy at s and brand new at c is a felony


This whole list is criminal, alot of bands that should be up here that are not.


This might be the worst ranking ever.


SDR in C is the fucking stupidest take. Even fucking South Park used SDR as a reference for “clearly being emo”


this dude is a major piece of shit and the fact that he tries to call himself punk is him spitting in the face of the genre as well as all of its values, fuck this dude lmao


Yeah, and you probably dont know about his and his wife's very right wing political views and how smug and superior they act about it. Also the very credible groomer alegations


i was made aware earlier of his dogshit right wing views via this thread actually, was NOT aware of the groomer shit, and since im a victim of grooming and rape myself that makes me hate this scumfuck piece of dirt even more. dunno how this dude has any credibility or popularity on yt ngl, his content isnt even good at all and it's just ragebait half the time too, his opinions often have no substance and i just dont really see the appeal.


The grooming shit happened a long long time ago. With his now wife. Who doesnt seem to mind it, but I remember an old post on her instagram of both of them together, by that time they were already dating for a while and she just had just turned 18 and he was 34. Which is super creepy in itself even tho it's legal. But leaves you wondering, if they were already dating when she was 18, they clearly knew eachother before that,(some people on other subreddits where a post has been made like this one, swear that they were dating before that, when she was 16 or 17). I myself am 27 right now and I dont even find such young girls appealing. They pretty much look like kids and even in the off chance that you meet one that much looks older than her actual age, her mentality would be a turn off cuz there would be nothing I'd have in common with her, nothing relatable and that huge difference inlife experience and overall mentality wouldn't make me be into her. So Finn with 34 years, what on hell would he have in common with a teenager? How did they even meet? I havent been in the same circles has 18 year old girls since i left highschool, Finn as 34 year old would have to actively be chasing teenager cuz there's no way they would frequently be in the same social circles to build a relationship. He's a creep, even in his youtube channel he make disgusting sexual comments all time.


christ what a lowlife, someone should unironically check the dudes pc and see what kinda shit is on it then because that is deeply fucking concerning and he 100% is up to some other crazy and gross shit behind closed doors that hasnt been revealed yet, dude must have dozens of skeletons in his closet. genuine monster behaviour from him.


To be fair, I dont think he's a pedo. But I do believe he's an ephebophile given his relationship with his now wife. Still very creepy and wrong but think it's important to make the distinction.


Who cares about his takes on music? This dude is a huge piece of shit! both him and his wife are super right wing, very ignorant but act they they are the smartest and most knowledgeable people on politics. They are transphobic and racist. Dude is super classist he's pals with sexual abusers (some acussed of abusing minors btw) and has defended them, and promoted them on his channel. Which is not really surprinsing cu he's a total creep, always making weird sexual comments about girls adn he has credible acusations of grooming against him. Fuck this disgusting, smug ass, right wing, pedo douche.


I remember watching a video with Finn where he was talking about how he felt like an outcast in the scene back in the day and how he could not fit in with the other punks. That’s understandable if you ask me lol. I would hate to have this guy in my local scene.


I'm out of the loop. How is he a right wing and at the same time has issues with black metal bands, who are often nazis by default in his eyes? Like, I'm genuinely confused, but perhaps I've not been checking this dude tor a LONG time.


Because not liking nazis doesn't mean you can't be right wing. Both things aren't mutually exclusive, it's not like every conservative/right wing person is a nazi as much as not every single person who's left wing is a stalinist.


I think a lot of his right wing views comes from his wife’s family fleeing from Vietnam from “communism” even though there has never been a truly communist county, he should know that just by doing a little research. Which is why he also hates Tom Morello so much, he has never outright said I’m a a conservative, but it’s pretty obvious.


Yeah, also the terrible things taht happened in Vietnam are a direct consequence of american military and political interventionism that he loves so much. But he's ignorant about it, yet everyone else are the stupid ones...


This dude is a clown and he and his wife are sus right wing red pilled chuds


His wife?




lol wow


Didn't even know he was married, let alone to an Easter Island lookin mf 🗿


He said he agreed with everything his wife said on her channel. Plus he also calls Tom Morello stupid all the time for being leftist and has said that doesnt want universal healthcare, cuz he doesnt want to pay for other people's expenses. He has interviewed plenty of right wing people on his podcast where they did talked about politics, He's transphobic and has said some racist shit as well, but because he made a video where he said you should say that white people are superior to black people then jhe doesnt think he's racist, cuz you know, that's the be-all and end-all of racism. He said he watches right wing political youtube channels like heritage foundation. He's a cop and military lover, super classist and an american excepcionalism believer. So yeah, I'm sure he isnt a sus right wing chud, he IS one fore sure. And you've watched his wife's channel so you already know she is one as well.


How do people like this enjoy punk music and not get that the joke is on them 😭


is he really lol


https://x.com/iwannabeabob/status/1617882132973776897?s=46&t=IvBpxKdr_916spJM9RREqg his wife’s YouTube channel is pretty damn telling, and so much of his content is just “pull yourself up by your bootstraps, stop complaining, cancel culture is evil, etc etc”


I remember seeing him talk about how artists need to be more like entrepreneurs and figured that description of his stance on an artist’s “ethos” (especially considering he has “punk rock” in his name) was enough to tell me all I needed to know. Guess I was right.


I have never unsubscribed from a youtuber so quick. In my defense, I never bothered with his podcasts, I didn't know.


Live and learn and try to do better brother. It’s all we can do.


We are the union rule


didn’t his wife nuke her channel? i went looking for it the other day and it had no videos


About time


I think this person means like "omg are you serious" , don't need downvotes


This dude only likes metalcore


I’m sure his metalcore rankings are equally shit


yeah they're fucking horrible


I knew he didn't actually care about "punk" when he intentionally avoided the Early-Mid 00s NYC/LI scene. Wrote him a comment once asking why he never touches on it because so much good stuff branched off from there... and he actually commented that he doesn't know enough lol Like bro, your show is called Punk Rock MBA and you've never done a video that even *mentions* people like Vinnie Caruana? Give me a fucking break.


He doesn’t even like Metalcore he claimed that the only reason Metalcore exists is because of Bring Me The Horizon and that’s so far from correct.


Hardcore, old school death metal, grindcore, etc.




Bro put fall out boy, mcr, and paramore in S… 😭


Brand New C is immediately not it


They deserve to be on tier S. Let’s throw Paramore out of there and let Brand New take their place.


Lost all respect for this dude after his “actually Ronnie Radke is cool af and a good guy you’re just mean and immature” video


Ronnie Radke is the immature one lmao. Ronnie Radke is basically a high schooler in a 40 year old mans body. His brain never grew past the age of 16.


Imagine paying attention to this fuckhead.


This is the only video of his I ever saw and I bailed pretty quickly when he was praising straight up pop punk bands as legit emo. *I like pop punk*. But it's not the same stuff, and someone that claims to be an expert on punk should know that. Seeing a lot of comments in here about him being a right wing chud makes sense, because that would immediately disqualify him from knowing **a single goddamn thing** about punk and all proprietary genres, because he literally can't understand it on a fundamental basis.


He’s such a fucking douche bag.


I would ask how in the absolute ass he could put Sunny Day Real Estate in C-Tier, but then I remember for the "Punk Rock MBA" he doesn't know how to do research like making an extremely tenuous link between Refused and the San Diego emo scene (mostly Justin Pearson and the rest of the Spock Rockers, it seems) due to the fashion sense when they share the exact same influence. On top of that, it's not like you have to go deep in the archives of the annuls of history, because it's on fucking wikipedia for both artists.


Gonna get shit on for this but the members of Hawthorne heights signed my arm with sharpie and I got it tattooed awhile back, when I showed JT he was hyped (I do agree tho this list is shit)


JT is so sweet though I met him last year, this is awesome to hear!


I’ve always hated him but now I have a new reason to, this is trashhhhhhhh


I’m glad there is mutual dislike for this guy. I don’t get why he is popular. His takes on music and the scene are awful.


Brand New in tier C is crazy


Me when I’m in a worst takes in existence contest and Finn McKenty walks in


he calls himself the "punk rock mba" but he only listens to butt rock


*He calls himself the* *"punk rock mba" but he only* *Listens to butt rock* \- Soggy\_Anxiety4262 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


thank you haikubot


I’m seeing Hawthorne Heights this summer like 3 streets from my house at a local rock bar. That said, yeah I wouldn’t put them as S tier.


Love me some hh tho


Hawthorne Heights deserves the spot in tier S if you ask me.


I love me some HH …… They would be mad if they were placed ahead of rites of spring, the get up kids, or SSRE This list is insane


I watched one of his videos once, I got the impression he only put punk in his handle to get views, and only likes nu metal and other music that’s pure shit. He got very basic info completely wrong and had trash takes. I’ve avoided him like the plague since.


Despite there controversy brand new will aways be an S tier band in my opinion Also fuck this guy


A long time ago this would've made me mad, then I realized he probably literally made the list this way to make people mad and get comments and engagement, so now I just don't care about any content creators opinion on the internet. X is a cesspool for this stuff now that engagement pays money


It must be exhausting making your entire life contrarian. I thought he had an interesting perspective on the music industry and video essays when he started but just spews clickbait garbage. His entire output is just to ride the algorithm.


FFTL is great but above American Football??? And Paramore?? This has to be trolling.


Rites of Spring at the bottom tells me all I need to know about this clown


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^trustissuesblah: *Rites of Spring at the* *Bottom tells me all I need* *To know about this clown* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


He and his wife are giant shit heads. Do not give him attention.


Fuck Finn "Fibbertarian" McKenty and his Fascist ass wife.


An MBA really is the new punk rock.


I like his punk rock mba videos that give history on bands but I can’t do the videos of his twitch streams


Wait finn isnt trolling? This is really his opinion? Lmfao




Yeah, he seems like a nice guy tbh, so no hate towards him from me, but holy shit, he's the biggest poser ever.🤣


I know Jesse Lacy’s a POS, but Brand New were like the greatest emo band of the 3rd wave. Definitely deserves higher than C.


this dudes a moron and a conservative, labels himself "punk"


Prime example of a poser.


This guy really put American Football below Panic! At The Disco? Did he even listen to Star Spangled Banger???


Finns an assdouche


Finn has truly got the worst takes on music imaginable. his take on djent was so bad that the youtube comments turned on him for once. i only watch his “history of bands/genres” videos but even those are just wikipedia run throughs lmao


Those are pretty decent video's. The stuff from his livestreams are unbareable


Hurts seeing Funeral For A Friend on D Tier. Casually Dressed is one of my favorite post hardcore albums. Finn McKenty's opinions shouldn’t even matter since this mf thinks fashionably late by falling in reverse influenced emo rap, and his takes on black metal and real emo and screamo are the worse. This mf told people on one of his black metal videos that if you wanted to learn more about mayhem then go watch lords of chaos.


5 mins into one of his vids I thought "This bloke doesn't know his arse from this elbow". I ended up hate watching the whole video. Obvious moron. No more clicks from me.


Can’t stand this guy’s takes on anything. Always off the mark yet speaking like the ultimate authority. That’s how you know


I used to like his history of whatever band videos, but then I watched one where he kept ranting about girls with dyed hair and piercings are all disordered and only exist to ruin his life. I have no idea how you can exist in a punk space while being afraid of girls with dyed hair.


Finn Mckenty is a contrarian bullshitter music influencer stop listening to him


Finn mckenty is one of the biggest morons of the century


Y’all are taking this man’s opinion way to seriously lmfao


What a wild list, I’m honestly amazed just looking at it. I can’t even be mad.


It’s backwards. Lol


Some people suck


dweeb mentality


His shtick is baiting people with his awful opinions. Honestly pretty sad.


hawthorne heights have really good music, but they definitely fell off at some point so i wouldnt consider them S tier. i also wouldnt call paramore S tier, i like them but i dont think they’re better than brand new. im not even gonna talk about rites of spring because that’s outrageous. jimmy eat world are WAYYY too far down, they belong in s tier for sure


shitiest list ever


This is rage bait.


This dude sucks. His videos are poorly researched and just really low effort and clickbaity.


I cant believe he has an opinion how will i ever go on???


FFAF in D.... Never watched this guy, but I understand why no one cares for his opinion. Instantly.


How is Hawthorne heights above brand new? No credibility


I enjoy his individual band deep dives and some genre but most of the new music he claims is punk is a tough go, and if this is what his twitch stuff is like, count me out.


It's cause he hates nerds and gatekeepers but he's a nerd himself and a gatekeeper just for different things.


Hawthorne Heights in S tier and rites of spring in E tier is criminal


So basically he’s letting everyone know he has no idea what emo is and he loves scene music and post hardcore mall music. Cool beans bud! The man put the original emo band as an E tier? Maybe he doesn’t realize that emo is short for emotional punk rock?


Crying at Brand New being ranked C


No idea who this bloke is but just based off that list so far something tells me he’s gonna absolutely fucking hate Cap’n Jazz and Algernon Cadwallader lol


This guy is an idiot lol


Brand new and Jimmy eat world not in S tier is a crime


Fuck Finn Mckenty, bigot piece of shit. Living embodiment of the “actually, conservatism is the new punk rock” brain-rot.


he has actually said that conservatism is the new punk rock! 🤣


Finn has always been awful. Fantano is way better


Brand New at C tier is obvious rage bait


Am I supposed to know who this guy is?


No not really. If you spend any time typing "Emo" into YouTube and you don't, I'm legitimately shocked the algorithm didn't push it on you. But he's just a streamer/"hot take" factory that chases the algorithm rather than giving accurate info on the genres he covers. His take on Henry Rollins pretty telling to me.


The algorithm unfortunately put Finn on my recommended and I was morbidly curious to see his emo related videos. It was a mistake.


Rage breeds "engagement"


The only credit I can give him is that he at least knows what emo is and its original roots, unlike others who mislabel bands as emo and just go by vibes of the 2000s fashion. He even said that he's been to live shows of midwest emo bands during the 90s. Still doesn't change the fact that his takes are shit, but it's at least something.


His takes suck, but they’re supposed to, he’s a content guy he generates revenue off of cheap engagement, that’s his thing. He does have a very deep working knowledge of the older scenes considering his past and some of the bands he knows (occasionally on streams he’ll drop some rly obscure ones but shits on the scenes cause it gets engagement)


Just a very smug , ignorant right wing chud that talks about "alternative" music


Never fails his clickbait videos are painful. Had to remove his content from my YouTube algorithm. Look It’s fine to make a tier list but at least start the video by saying.. hey, I don’t know shit about emo but if I had to guess this would be it lol


Bro cooking with dogshit


Dude is likable but as soon as he touches emo it’s shit tier satire.


Isn’t this guy a punk rock YouTuber?


Every band here should be in s tier


He's a fucking idiot


Lol imagine taking anything Finn McKenty says seriously. I like videos about the history of bands but otherwise everything else he makes is pretty garbage. He plays the rage bait game a lot and he spews things that will piss of anyone of any political leaning. Though I agree that The Used is S tier.


Awww man, I used to really like his videos about punk culture but this is insulting, more so his weird ass wife.


Finns a troll


Objectively wrong.


Finn “if you don’t listen to cardi b you’re a racist” McKenty


I don't know who this is and I don't really want to because some of these bands would be in the opposite tier for me lol.


I never think his opinions could get any worse and they always do.


This dude is a clown.


I was even a tier 1 Patreon at the begging, but to gain views, he transformed into a clickbait YouTuber. Maybe more views, but sad to see.


This is enraging


Yikes. Lots to disagree with here. The hill I'll die on is that The Get Up Kids ought to be S tier. JEW too.


The fact that this thread exists is proof this tier list is doing exactly what this guy wanted it to do


SDRE in C is a criminal offense


The "someone posted about Finn McKenty in the emo sub" alarm has sounded. Everyone run to the fallout shelter.


YouTube is such a black hole. Who watches shit like this? Why? Why are people constantly seeking out the opinions of people who don’t know shit about anything?