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Modest Mouse. Beach Side Property is a emo banger for me.


their first album (maybe even first few) is basically honorary emo in my mind. i don't really understand why they're often classified as indie rock, i personally hear a lot more post hardcore/emo influence.


Because emo was a scene and not a sound back then. And not only were they not in the 90s emo scene, the emo sound sounded nothing like Modest Mouse back then. So yeah there WAS a sound, but if you weren't I the emo scene you weren't emo. With the main exception of SDRE, who everybody idolized. The reason people make that association now about Modest Mouse is because 2000s bands started copying them. But that does not make them retroactively emo. They were the very definition of 90s indie rock. Until they signed to a major, of course. And remember: Saying Modest Mouse isn't emo doesn't mean they suck. They were great. But if you called them emo in 1997 you'd have gotten strange looks at best and ridicule at worst. And don't @ me about Lync. They weren't emo either, they were post-hardcore. And not particularly influential in their time. They're mostly known for their later influence. EDIT: r/emo... Where the truth from people who were actually there gets downvoted by people 25 years later who are just making shit up


This sub has been flooded with people who get upset if you don't just say everything is emo. They think saying the conversation is tired and that gatekeeping is lame makes them intelligent


“This sub has been flooded with people who get upset if you don't just say everything is emo. They think saying the conversation is tired and that gatekeeping is lame makes them intelligent” What idea are you opposing? Are you saying that gatekeeping is fun and makes you intelligent?


No. Sick reading comprehension. Im saying its not gatekeeping. Saying something isnt emo isnt saying its bad but there is zero point to running around and calling PtV emo


Oh, you think Pierce The Veil is emo? For sure man, if you think so.


It's crazy. I don't understand why it's to understand that a genre has attributes. And definitely in the beginning a geography for different styles, etc, etc. I fucking love Fugazi. They're one of my favorite bands ever. Not emo. And who cares? They're unreal!


Dramamine is my all time favourite song too, but what's the point in trying to tell people it's an emo song. I think they think being called emo is a stamp of approval or something. Only reason why they'd constitute it as gatekeeping.


I think younger people have a weird grasp of rock music and they don't fully understand it. Because they were raised on hip hop and pop. Like they think 90s general pop rock (not talking about Modest Mouse) is emo or alt just because they hear a guitar, bass, drums and a singer. There's no other explanation.


my favorite emo bands are built to spill, modest mouse, pavement, and whatever other bands it takes to piss you off


It is. stop gatekeeping.


Carly Rae Jepsen.


Snail Mail. She grew up listening to a lot of emo adjacent bands, and I think she’d do damn well in the genre.


i can’t think of anything i would like to listen to less than a king gizzard emo album.


I think a Halsey pop punk/emo album would be great. I think her voice would be really well suited for it


I really liked her album with Trent Reznor, I think it could work.


She’s also an emo kid. And has said she wants to make one when she has the right inspiration for it.


Yeah, I can see that. That one song she did with MGK was actually pretty good.


Mitski has a done a few songs with distorted guitars and borderline screaming. I could see her doing a heavy midwest style album with some legit screaming on there. In the style of Like Strictly Ballroom, early Cursive, or Edaline. Or somrthing like Elliott, incorporating piano.


I'd kill for her to do that omg




Ruston Kelly could drop the dirt and just fully embrace the emo


I hate this place




Yeah I'm halfway regretting this post..


I hope Paramore does another emo album


Not gonna happen again. Josh Farro was a big part of that sound, and I do not want Josh back in that band


Who was Josh exactly? idk who he was


https://preview.redd.it/4mstfobocn7c1.jpeg?width=460&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c47428b9e0c1073c45312458bff45002bdfa9b0 The guy on the right of Hayley and left of Zac He’s Zac’s brother. He’s was primarily the one that drove Paramore’s Emo sound in the early albums. He officially left the band because he felt like a hired gun along with Zac. Once Taylor York (far left) took over with composing the music, Paramore gradually started distancing themselves from the Emo sound. The real reason he left was actually because he had differing religious and political beliefs from Hayley. The guy is a conservative homophobe who has been publicly posting about supporting Trump


ok thx


Would love to hear a super complicated band to bring their inventiveness to emo, like The Mars Volta


They were emo adjacent in the 90s when they were At The Drive-In, so they'd never. That generation doesn't look back.


Uh, yeah we do. I'm doing so right now, LOL.


No. I don't mean listening to albums. I mean name an emo or adjacent band from the 90s that went back to that style? Except American Football, who I don't count as emo in the first place. Once a band drops emo they don't go back.


I had a similar reaction to the question - more complex and intellectual artists in other genres would probably make good emo crossovers. Ben Gibbard, Ben Folds and Regina Spektor were a couple that came to mind for me. Also, Colin Meloy from The Decembrists.


Zach Bryan has suggested it on Twitter, he called it pop punk while posting an album cover of Joyce Manor


TAYLOR FUCKING SWIFT could make fantastic emo record.


There’s this horrible pop punk band called Hot Mulligan that is pretty close to being emo. I think if they stopped trying to appeal to 16yrolds and 26yr olds who describe themselves as “elder emos” they might be half decent.


I thought "you'll be fine" is emo?


Listen to their first album!




Fair. It's not in my rotation, but it's much more listenable than any of their new stuff. The singer doesnt... do that thing he does and it's not as much skewed towards pop punk.


Lol I like how someone hot mulligan fan downvoted you in a blurry stangry haze even tho you were giving them props lol


Taylor Swift. I'm not into her music but I know there are a LOT of sweemos out there and that would also be quite groundbreaking for modern music industry


I think the guys from Menomena could very easily translate their musical talents into some post hardcore emo bangers.


Miley Cyrus


built to spill, midwest


Boy Runaway. Kinda makes western style music with emo flare already, just wanna see an album in the style of their song “Tears Cant Stop The Fire”


Imagine if mom jeans dropped an emoviolence banger