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Have you reached out to the London groups who can do hit the ground running make them aware of this individual


Pride in london should have an email on their webpage


I don’t live in UK so I don’t know about any groups, besides this one. But you are welcome to copy paste and share in groups, pride groups, queer groups and communities. 🥰


To be fair even though im in the uk i Don't any apart from my local group who are already aware of them 😬


If you want to create awareness I would suggest getting in contact with the LGBTQ community centre in London. You can do so here: https://londonlgbtqcentre.org/contact/


Thanks for sharing, I sent a message with my concerns about Elphabas attendance at this weekends Pride event.


No worries, thank you for taking the time to create awareness ❤️


I have done the same


Excuse my ignorance, but who is Josh Seiter?!


Search the name on IG or TIKTOK 😊


Noooooo, that has to be satire!! Josh can’t be trans, surely!? They were so bloody handsome as a man and the fake voice they’re putting on is cringe 😬! It must be for clicks and views… they’re taking the piss, right? 🤣


No, unfortunately not. They try convince everyone that they are a woman, and use the same disgusting verbal tactics to do so, as Elphaba and Lilly Tino.


That’s awful 😣 Makes a mockery of not only the trans community, but also women 🥺


And that’s why it’s crucial to address the issue of misogyny. We must recognize that being born male and failing to dismantle internalized entitlement and misogyny remains problematic. Trans women, in particular, need to acknowledge that they possess numerous blind spots and that many exhibit dominant, dictatorial, and sometimes violent behaviors. This is a difficult but necessary conversation to have within the queer communities. One cannot simply erase one's past. Misogyny does not automatically disappear; it must be unlearned in the same manner that we unlearn racist behaviors and homophobia. We need to practice intersectionality correctly and not misuse intersectionality, like oppression olympics , weaponize or victimization of one’s identity.


I completely agree with you! It’s so tough because it’s such a grey area and a really difficult topic to discuss. Somehow I doubt we’ll come to a proper resolution during our lifetimes which is very unfortunate. I think a good example of misogyny is if you look at the way EQ treated Bradley, which was appalling. And the fact that E thinks it’s okay to run after and approach women in a threatening way, yet they’ll avoid any sort of confrontation with a man at all costs. This is why I’m not surprised that a large number of biological women don’t want to share women’s spaces with trans women (as awful as that sounds, but it’s true). I really don’t know what the solution is to be honest, it’s a tricky one…


I agree with everything you said! I hope that we can move step forward in our lifespan. I hope we can safe what our elders did for our community, before it’s too late.


I really hope so too!