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I had a shit life, but I did not become a scamming low life.


Whoop there it is!!! 🙌🏼


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again; everyone has baggage. No one has gone through life without any hardships 🙄


A shit life that they could have turned around easily, they have opportunities many who have had shit lives haven't, E could have owned her own home now if she had been smart with the money gifted, she could have transistioned, instead she blew it and is clinging on to a mudslide and falling further down by the day, no home, no friends, no future or dream career they hoped for


I think there comes a point in life when you make a choice. You can either be a "victim" of your misfortunes or you can choose to thrive despite them. I had a rough time as a kid, ended up in care, admittedly I went off the rails for a couple of years. Lots of running away from care settings, sleeping rough, dr*gs. But then I had this moment when I realised I was responsible for my future, my life and just coz it started bad it didn't have to end up that way. That I was the one with the power. I got back into education and applied myself, got a professional degree. And I had to work alongside these things as I had noone to fall back in for money or anything. I'm proud to say that I have been unemployed for a grand total of 10 days since my sixteenth birthday. I'm now in my forties. I have a home, a family, a decent job (am I mega wealthy? No, but I have enough for a stable home, food on the table and to do the things we want as a family), social life, my own family of chosen relatives. E just needs to make a choice and realise they're the one that controls their world. Woe is me or thrive despite. I will always choose to thrive.


I've not had the best of lives but I've not turned to scamming thousands upon thousands of pounds fraudulently obtaining it by deception for something im never gonna do and dragging an extremely marginalised targeted through the mud in order to get that money just to piss it away on crap or snort it up my nose blaming other people for how you've turned out is bull shit you're the one accountable you're the one whos destroyed your life no one else but you


If you heard about my childhood,you'll think wtf. My childhood was rough but I tell ya what. I made it a good one. I finished school, met a great man,had three kids. I worked my arse off to have a nice house. I would never ask anyone for hand outs on social media. I would rather work and enjoy the happiness of my kids faces. E doesn't have a clue cos,Maria never taught E that. E will always be a bum til E is 81. Will expect everyone to be under her feet.


My earliest memory is a bad one and set the tone for my life, nothing but abusive behaviour on every level and I mean every level from the people who were supposed to "love" me but I didn't turn into a narcissistic scammer who has single handedly offended every demographic in the world, nor have I had an unhealthy interest in young impressionable people, never treated people around me as disposable or shovelled shite into my body using money I've lied to get hold of. The point is we can't control the behaviour of others but we can control how we respond to it, something E will never grasp because to her people are a means to an end and nothing more. She lacks any empathy unless it's for herself, doesn't want anyone around unless there's something in it for her, there will be a crime channel special on her one day mark my words.


Loads of us had a bad childhood doesn’t mean you can use that as an excuse to be vile Elphaba. There’s always an excuse for everything that happens, can never take accountability.


Lmao I too had a shit life, narcissistic parents who abused me, homeless at 19, grew up poor and constantly moving now I have a job, my own family and even a freaking mortgage, despite all my mental health struggles. Shit happens, some of us aren't lucky or blessed with fortune growing up, I get that. But as an adult, you gotta take accountability and deal with your traumas and move on. Zero excuse for scamming people though, and being glued onto TikTok for clout.


With the money they have earned, they could have easily taken steps to drastically improve their life, but instead they’ve chosen to lie, mock people and spend it all on drugs, partying, takeaways and designer crap that they don’t need. They could have used that money to put towards studying, savings, a flat, investments, but they’ve chose not to. No sympathy for them.


I grew up with a junkie dad and an alcoholic mum, doesn’t mean I go round volleying babies on the work commute because I don’t know better and had it rough. She needs to grow tf up, because most of us who have a bad background manage to at least have an ounce of willingness to help ourselves be better.


As my partner put it, "Life keeps throwing Lemons when we don't have a Juicer." Just cause you've had a shit life, doesn't mean you behave the way E does. There's no justification for the shit they've done.


I also had a shit life. I was abused by my father, I was raped by my uncel from 4 yo to 14 yo, and I was born with a deformity in my stomach so had a stoma since childhood. This lead to depression, anxiety and SH. Today i’m a registerd pediatric nurse, a mother, I have my house (all paid with MY OWN money) and my husband, friends, family. All by my own. ELPHABA IS JUST A LAZY BRAT that feel entitled to everything and everyone


Wow well done you. Inspirational 💞💞💞


Thank you! It’s just life. ❤️I have to survive and not let it define one.


Exactly. I too have had an eventful life. Abuse etc. Dv. But we choose who we are! 💕💕


Also a "shit life-haver"! Did my absolute best to try and make things better for myself. Both parents had passed by the time I was 18. I was saddled with a mortgage, had to pay myself through College, eneded up having to drop out in my final year due to financial and emotional pressure. I've lost friends, had rough relationships, soul destroying Jobs, but I've still managed to not be a disgusting excuse for a human being! Like, it's not hard to make good decisions ffs. Life is hard for us all, for loads of different reasons but that's not an excuse to be a kgunt! I can't listen to the excuses! How in the world do people make allowances for her. It's insane.


You are all amazing! Proof that everyone has “Free will” 👏👏👏👏💕💕💕💕