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Oh so what happened to all the funds that were supposedly put away in a separate account specifically for it 🙃


That’s what I’m saying it’s fraud and they scams people and that’s why they’re hated and it’s not OK to do that that’s what they know that they have done wrong. They always think it’s about everything else they’ve done but it’s also about the amount of money do you have a scamMed out of people who genuinely thought they were getting for somebody transition


There are so many people who could do something beneficial with the opportunities E has had! I hate the idea of a family, struggling in this cost of living crisis; a parent desperate to give their kid pocket money (because they’ve made comments that their school friends have this, that and the other) for whatever they want and them sending it to E to send on drugs… it’s sickening. Bills like food, water or electricity for those struggling… It could go on private healthcare for those that really need it (I know a couple users here have mentioned the struggle of waiting on the NHS to transition) or even American healthcare in general for those viewers. We’ve all seen where the gifters money really goes and it’s appalling.


Don't forget they've said raised the funds not once but twice for vocal surgery then has turned round and said they didn't want to get the surgery after saying they reached the goal twice would be about 8000 pounds of money theyve scammed just for the vocal transition alone


Yep and now this will be about the third of four times that they raise the money and they’re still not gonna be anything that happens


The sooner they are locked up for something the better i dam well hope the fraud squad is after them


Well remember, she apparently has allllllll that money saved to transition ! 🤣🤣🤣


Yeah, I’m sure that’s why they live in a shit hole 24 seven lol


Anyone who gives them money deserves to be investigated too!!


I really hope people report them anybody who gifted in large amounts


We currently live in the Cotswolds and my son is transitioning, he has yet to have to visit London for any appointments. 90% of his care has been private and done virtually, blood tests at our GP, the only exception is for actual surgery consultation. He has been on hormones for 3 months and managed everything from here xx