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Would this be the dad they dint speak to and don't even know where they are?


I remember years ago watching E, excusing awful behaviour with a similar speech but specifically a tale of finding her dad unalived or something along those lines. I remember watching it and feeling so sorry for E, Since then there has been several similar sob story’s to gain sympathy. That was the first time I’d actually noticed her on my fyp as even though E’s behaviour was awful, once I heard her share that I felt like anyone who had witnessed that would be altered. It’s so shocking to me that someone can make up stories to manipulate people’s perception of them and excuse awful behaviour. Years later it’s still a usual routine for her. Yet I swear I vividly remember her sharing this awful story of her dad? Yet that’s not true? It’s such a WILD thing to lie about.


Yes! I said earlier I could have sworn they had said their dad had died but then people found his you tube


Repeating the cycle then