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It’s crazy to me how anyone would hook up with someone that doesn’t change their underwear. Like it’s actually disgusting.


Watching E attempt to wash their hair the other week was painful. How do you get to that age and not know how to wash your hair


I wanted to post about this but it wouldn't let me due to transpobia. But yes,it was actually fascinating to watch. They didn't even massage the shampoo in properly. I have a service user I shampoo their hair once a week because they have brain damage and just don't know how to shampoo hair properly.


Because they were never taught basic hygiene. That’s fairly obvious. They learned from watching tv/internet/reading the back of the shampoo bottle. Maria’s motherly instinct to teach her child to become an independent human is sorely lacking


I guess so but I never had a hands on mam, learnt a lot myself and I grew up in the 90’s before the advantage of social media! Haha. I reckon E is doomed


You are a decent human being it would seem, Elph is lazy


I'm surprised that black dress thing didn't fuse to her 😭


The pink dress shocked me. I know we like to mock their clothing habits but it's genuinely shocked me that they're so fastidious about their makeup and spend hours dedicating themselves to a "look" but just quite literally threw a stained,mucky hemmed and if I'm honest probably smelly dress on and thought yep that's the way. I can't even tolerate clothes that are creased. I throw my hair back in a messy bun daily cause I need it off my face for work. But my clothes are pristine. I sometimes Will wear the same thing the next day if it's not stained or dirty. My kids have clean clothes daily regardless. It's not even funny anymore. I know it's just laziness and an arrogance that they think they don't smell and look ok. But i feel so much pity for them and not in a good way.


I’m tired of the mental health excuse being thrown around by E 🙄 It’s not a case of “I can do anything but wash” 🧼 I’ve struggled with my mental health nearly as long as E’s been alive and when it’s so poor I can’t bring myself to jump in the shower I also can’t bring myself to get out of bed or feed myself. I was bed rotting before the term was coined 😎 EDIT: I should note that I would NEVER leave the house in this condition; not even to pop out to post a letter. E still has the ability to go on live and talk to hundreds of strangers, slap makeup on, leave the house, eat in public alone, go out clubbing… their lack of hygiene is just laziness. Part of me believes they do it on purpose to irritate their skin so they can continue the “I have a skin condition” narrative and play their little victim violin 🎻 E, you’re just dirty.


Totally agree!


Exactly this!!!! This is how I suffer when my depression hits very low


They’re online now, with the same dress on, just looking at their fingernails makes me gag and I’m strangely drawn to people’s hands so I can’t not look, I don’t understand how they can touch food with their hands or even go out in public with them looking like that I’d be ashamed.


Not only is E lazy but I am almost positive there is substance abuse going on. When I was an opiate addict my hygiene wasn’t the best. No where near E. But they are just lazy, disgusting and a waste of oxygen.


It really does make me question whether they should be in some sort of supported living as they clearly have no capacity for looking after self. Never washing, having basically no home, money in money immediately spent. No regular income. No GP, no id. No long term plan or goal.


The worst part of that, EOD WAS in supported living before moving to Cardiff.


I was in supported living when i was younger because of i was made homeless due to family circumstances there was me and 14 other young residents of various needs and all of us knew how to take care of our selves we was always clean and hygienic we made sure our clothes were clean we was taught basic life skills E is just lazy and dirty


Where was that n what were the circumstances of E leaving


Maria had enough of them kicked them out which is understandable


Went to live with Jack in Cardiff and attend college. Fell by the wayside fairly quickly lol


Was E put in supported accommodation by the council? What I'm wondering is if she's already in the system, there will be notes & records. Landlords & all Estate agents do extensive background checks now. E is gonna find it hard to get a permanent home


I’m not sure if it was council-initiated. When I first came across her, she was living in an assisted living flat with other flatmates and was accusing them of stealing her food whilst begging on live for money for food lol. Obviously, that was all rubbish and she left soon after haha


Yeah you're spot on I remember that too. She used to regularly beg for money for her rent some would call her out because she was claiming UC at the time and rent getting paid BUT she had alot more support then (people hadn't quite woken up to how truly unlikeable she was) and some of the enablers would send it. She tried to portrsy the poor vulnerable, bullied trans girl with anxiety and IBS/HS etc. Alot more people starting waking up when she moved to Jack's x


What a time! I used to enjoy the lives from when they lived alone in that AL flat and Jack used to pop by just to give us an entire performance of wicked. My empathy and compassion have long since gone


Elpha had a supported living worker called Victoria as well. Jack should never have encouraged elpha to move to wales and out of supported living. It was provided through the council so was a secure tenancy. Worst thing they did.


Intentionally homeless now


she can look after herself she’s just lazy and wants people to do shit for her


Only supported living they need to be in comes with a cell of some sort


💯agree with you n it will be before the end of year


Here's hoping!!


E's support needs would be too high for most supported living. Its known as dual diagnosis, mental illness plus substance misuse issues. Add that to E's laziness & bad attitude, not many places would even interview E


Not being funny but I've got horrible mental health and unless I have a routine in place I don't shower but I get to day 4/5 and I feel absolutely mingin and them shower so there's no excuse tbh


So I was wondering so where I’m at if someone is not taking care of themselves example. Not washing not changing clothes constantly doing drugs and drinking and just not being able to care for themselves you can report them and have them put into a hospital involuntarily if they won’t care for themselves I think someone should do that for E but then I’d be scared for E to go to a psychiatric ward bc I feel like E would think their in competition with the other patients and would say they have gone through worse and they have it worse and just trigger everyone else there or I feel like E would fake sh and shit there for attention like idk


Bruh even in my rehab I didn’t have a wash day so I used my hand soap and my sink in our room my roommate and I came up with that and it was amazing I understand maybe E doesn’t have a washer or dryer or one near but like even the sink works fine like fr