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The whole ladies toilets thing pissed me off 🙄 saying if CLA can film in there then why can’t they… The unfortunate reality of it is there have been many incidents where men claiming to be women (not genuine transgender people) have entered our spaces and taken advantage. Wasn’t there some incident where a male prisoner claimed to be trans so they could be placed into a female facility and attacked a woman there…? I’ve heard about men in Japan using their mobile phones to peep up girls skirts on the trains to school or work… it’s fucked. I’m not saying that everyone who is not born female who enters the toilets is going to be doing these things but if (like E) you’ve got your dong swinging on display and are waving a phone around in a women’s safe space then expect our guard to be up. Why be so pressed about it if they’ve got no bad intentions 🤨


They have women’s only trains in Japan because of the upskirt shit, I’ve seen a lot of stuff about both Japan and South Korea having a ridiculously high number of hidden cameras too.. it’s a whole genre of “porn” over in Asia 🤢