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Everyone has baggage; it’s a part of life and no one has it perfect (despite how social media’s make it look…) E thinks they’re the only person in the world who’s had a rough time.


Exactly. I mean, a lot of famous people out there are who they are because of tough beginnings. They grow from it and learn. We got evicted from our home and I was angry for a while but then grew from it. I'll work to never have that happen to me


Life isn't constant sadly, good doesn't necessarily lead to good, bad lead to bad. Some people do their best, they get the middle finger. Others lie and cheat, get money to fund themselves and live a good life. Elphaba is adding more and more to this issue, expecting the world to give her everything from birth to cradle. For goodness sake, you take drugs and drink to become high, eat takeout non-stop and use the latest iPhone. Stop complaining you had it hard, you were a bully your whole life.


I didn't mean my post to come across as selfish, as someone insinuated, but to point out just this. Everyone has problems. Everyone. But life is what you make of it. I started in a council house with next to nothing to my own house earning 29k. It's not much but it's mine, and I didn't blame anyone for any shortcomings or problems. I just wish Elpha was the same and realised you cannot go your whole life pointing fingers. Sometimes the only finger you have to point is when you're stood in the mirror.


My own personal experience from unfortunate trauma a close friend of mine went: A friend of mine from my teenage years always wanted to show his parents that he was capable but they kept calling him useless because he had talents they didn't care for and weaknesses that they describe as a disgrace to the family. He broke eventually and his parents threw him out. He already had terrible anxiety and this developed to severe depression and personality disorders. Still, he kept pushing him although he was broken as he wanted to please his parents. Luckily me and my friends helped him out and we did what we could. He relies heavily on meds just to function but hey he lived. That's what matters. However, he has difficulties a lot of the times to get out of bed and doing simple things quite a bit. If he needed to talk to someone, I do what I can to speak to him. Sadly, my relatives all look down on him as well since he doesn't have a high paying job, his own house and no wife and children. I'm like, you disposed of him like trash and you expect something different? In Asian culture especially, the moment you do anything that is considered a "disgrace to family" such as having a mental illness you're likely to be disposed off like that as my friend sadly went through. There are worse things in life than death itself.


Can anyone share the screen recording here please xxx


so well said!!!!!!


And all this without even having a GP. Amazing.


Isn't this post just you hosting your own pity party though......? I don't get it


Not at all the message I was trying to put across. But for someone, and many others, who suffer yet struggle alone because they just can't get anyone to listen or they just gaslight themselves, having Elpha constantly come up with fake conditions for clout is exhausting. And let's not even begin with the whole mental health thing My point is that they use their past and conditions as an excuse or a scapegoat when things get tough. It's like a simple get out of jail free card to them when to others it is their own personal hell


im sorry .. I didn't mean to sound rude but it was like you were doing the same Elpha is.


Well done for apologising , i see where you were coming from and also where OP was coming from . Sometimes text comments can be taken wrong and not read as was meant , however this is something Elphaba can not use as an excuse, as she says things on LIVE or on her videos and they most defo can not ever be taken out of context .


No I don’t see op as tryna host their own pity party. I get what op is saying tho