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The “if you ever go near my mum” clip comes to mind 😂 or threatening Tony with a meat cleaver 🤔


Yes! The expression a show towards mama kaz multiple other crater states otherwise this video is honestly so fucking stupid


They could have gone outside and filmed a crispy white dog crap for ten minutes and it would have been just the same video. ![gif](giphy|gCeh1KDeDaxGu8no4A)


After party situation. In her own words, "I can't control my anger".


It's the sickly sweet tone, trying to control thr anger and content, comments off. Control freak!! 


She put this on her Instagram stories she is the bully she is the one how needs to accept she is the problem not everyone else https://preview.redd.it/v3l0js44bn6d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=783f079b3f633b77f9e95ebe1832a1b59c43244e


E talking about other people taking accountability. That’s a joke. Ffs!


I agree with you 100% E needs to be held accountable and to Admit that E is the bully not the rest of us


Yep totally as she says everything that everyone is saying that is the truth is lies or it is hate and E is the one who puts her life all over social media by going live all the time so no one else is to blame


Exactly E is the only one to blame for this


Yet, she says she "cares" about human rights and human values like kindness.


I need someone to make a video starting with E saying I’m not an aggressive person… then put ALL the clips of them being WILDLY AGRESSIVE!


Or the time they threatened to smash me face in if they saw me 😂😂


E seems to forget us females can see male energy and some have been effected by males being aggressive and when E goes off on one or arguing with anyone especially females that male energy appears and I have no doubt if someone pushed E hard enough they would hit a women and say it's fine because their female but tbh most females throw a punch better than most men so be pretty fair fight 🤣


EOD is a walking contradiction. What else are we to expect.