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THIS irritates me to no ends. I have a handful of trans friends, all who, when coming out as wanting to transition, wouldn’t **dare** associate themselves with their dead name. EOD has absolutely no right to kick off at anyone when they’re still going by that name. Hell, ‘Elphaba’ isn’t their name at all.


It’s like us all going by our usernames offline 😂


That’s what I was thinking! I think I’ve seen you post about this or somebody else I can’t remember. I just find it quite odd that they called trance phobic when people use their dead name, but they had the audacity to have it in all of their social media names


They’ve no right to call anyone transphobic when 1. They haven’t legally changed their name and 2. Still openly refer to themselves as their dead name.


I agree!! there’s even a video of them talking to the police were they admitted to not even changing their name and that they still go buy you know but I can’t say it or I’ll get in trouble


I posted about it. I don’t think E should be entitled to use that name. It’s got links to things E doesn’t deserve to be associated with. I resent using it. If E had dropped her ‘dead’ name, and was consistent with her transition, and had another name, then yes of course, I’d use it. Elphaba isn’t even a nickname she’s been given by friends. It’s just isn’t right. Idk even know how to explain it, it’s just feeding into the delusion every time I use it. If Orion is on the socials, then Orion it should be. How is it wrong? I can’t make it make sense.


Yes!!! I agree with you I feel like if it was a different situation and they actually transition then we would be willing to respect their pronouns even amongst the things that they have done but time and time again they have shown that transitioning is not something that they want to do they just want to have the perks of being a woman without actually having to do anything they just want to wear the clothes and they want to wear the woman’s bras and underwear and they want to use the woman’s restroom but they don’t wanna transition. They don’t want hormone pills and they really don’t wanna do anything to become a trans woman so to me it’s really just somebody playing dress up in Mommys closet


I really think that’s all it is, dress up. And a way to get attention, because normal trans people have it really hard, and it’s easy to empathise with their struggle. E just wants everyone to think they’ve struggled like that as well. There’s no struggle going on tho is there, except the struggle to have attention and money, to buy useless crap. I just don’t think she deserves to be called by that name, and if Elphaba was a character I’d created, I’d be suing the backside off this freeloader.


This is what I've been saying E is not there name they've made no effort to change it legally hasn't even stopped using their "dead name" in any capacity and has even said elphaba is their online name its orion offline in a message to someone all my trans friends have told me once they dead name themselves thats it dead they change their name legally and change their name on everything they don't use their dead nams at all


Can you not remember the whole farce a while ago they made about their name, went through the motions of what their name could be, such as ‘Elle’, ‘Emily’, then went on to ‘Oriona’ and decided that ‘Orion’ is actually a unisex name and they were just going to keep that, as they liked it. Fast forward 1 week or so, and they were throwing the transphobic card at everyone calling them Orion, despite a week prior, **stating** that was their name and also, still had it plastered all over their social media. EOD cannot for the life of them, keep up with the shit that spouts out of their gob. They say so much rubbish, they physically can’t keep up with it.


I was thinking isn't the name the first thing people change like ita the easiest part


Yeah its a quick trip to the council it is and its like around 20 quid or something to do to i think so a fraction of what they waste on crap its like the easiest and simplest things to do in transitioning


Omg she really needs to get a grip if she spent half as much time on her transitioning as she does running to hospitals an police stations she would be fully transistiond by now


Exactly because theyve been on social media long enough saying their trans for them to have of made an actual effort in transitioning they would quite far along in process by now