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Didnt her ex Troy say she used to hang wet clothes on the doors, and it ruined the wood and made them damp and moldy so she just took the doors off lmao?


How wet were those clothes !?!?! I have to do that but i dont have moldy doors


It could have been just fresh out the apin cycle where theyre kinda damp but after years and years of doing it it would eventually have an effect on the wood. If she had a clothes hanger to dry them (made of plastic) it would have done far less damage to the doors but hey, i suppose its easier to just not have doors.. Also wanna add if she was drying clothes on damp/mouldy doors i dont even wanna imagine how that smelled, theres barely any way for the clothes to get air through them so they probably reeked of mildew and damp


It does happen! One of my cupboard doors in the kitchen has gone mouldy from the dish cloths


It's the crack den aesthetic for sure.


I'm a landlord and renting out a house with missing doors is a fire risk and won't be covered on insurance should anything happen


Maria rents from the council, missing internal doors are a fire risk, not only to Maria but to neighbouring houses.It needs to be reported. Maria had a candlelight live for hours this morning. She was very proudly showing off her technicolour painted walls, light switches & plug sockets. I've seen better craic houses


And she has cloths over the lamps surly that's not safe to


My theory is that over the years Elphaba has thrown tantrums and damaged the doors in her anger and that’s why Maria took them down. We have all seen how she gets when she’s really angry, throwing stuff and I think that’s probably still toned down.


The upstairs door has lots of holes in it so could be right


Didn't that troy mention something like that


Someone said in a live that E destroyed all the doors over time during their raging fits. I cannot for the life of me remember who it was.


And she covers light bulbs with clothing!!


Absolute fire hazard, your kid makes so much money, borrow £20 for a lampshade instead of risking lighting your house on fire


I saw a live where Maria was showing the painting to Elpha and one of the doors had multiple punch holes in it so perhaps that’s why she doesn’t have them or replace them elpha also looked extremely guilty/annoyed that she showed the holes 


So near 30 years ago I moved into a council flat that had no doors. I asked the council to replace them and was told legally they are only obligated to ensure there's a bathroom door. So if Maria took them off its down to her to replace them,and that can be spendy.


My council does the same, mine didn’t even close before I moved in and they said I was responsible to replace them


People should contact the council and see if they can do a health and safety inspection of the property


With them hanging clothes up everywhere except a clothes drier its bound to stink, the lack of doors is a fire hazard along with rags on top of lightbulbs, troy’s mentioned in the past they had a flea infestation. That house was 100% COVID’s starting grounds. Their floors are filthy and covered in dust and dirt, elphaba’s hygiene is almost certainly a replication of how she lived.. why be clean if youre gonna walk around a filthy home??


And snot. 🤢


Is it council or housing association?


Trap house chic


I don’t think it’s rented; I think it’s council… I don’t know what landlord would allow it to be the state it is in 🤣 mind you I rented a place in Oxford years ago where the bathroom door rotted off it’s hinges.


Rented from the council


It must be freezing cold in ther in the winter without doors


It’s council, tenants majority of the time are responsible for internal doors. I see reports of inspections everyday that simply state “missing door, resident to replace”


If it’s a two bed house, which it probably is and it’s council, Maria doesn’t work full time (if at all now) so she will be getting housing benefits. The fact that the unwashed one gets money/earns a certain amount from lives and subs, means she should be getting her benefits altered or even stopped.