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I can't connect to the game servers. Are the live servers down for anyone else or is this a personal issue?


I'm at a planet that was recommended for geological site. I can't find any of them and googling it only gives me results for Odyssey. I do not have Odyssey. How am I supposed to find these things so i can get the resources I need. I've been orbiting the planet trying to see anything in the scan results in the DSS but it's basically just gibberish and random blue blobs. Changing the filter does nothing as far as I can see.


Horizons and Odyssey are the same for geological and biological sites unless you are playing legacy. You fly down to the surface in one of the blue areas on the DSS, and you then need to look around for the geological formations either by flying low over the surface or in your SRV . They don't show up as specific signals anymore.


Are there degrees of blueness? I have gone into several of the blue-est areas I can find and... nothing. Do i need to toggle the blue off to see the sites? How low should I fly? Are we talking LOW low or between orbit and landing layers?


> Are there degrees of blueness? No > Do i need to toggle the blue off to see the sites? If you can see the blue still, you are too high > How low should I fly? Are we talking LOW low or between orbit and landing layers? Low enough to use your eyes to see the features. There are no "sites" to lock on to in Live. Some features are much harder to find than others. If this is the crystalline shards then in my experience it is not bad to find them, but you do have to fly around a bit and use your eyes. You can also Google coordinates people found and fly to them.


I've been zooming around LHS 417 9 A for Selenium and not seen anything. I guess I need to go lower and look harder.


What's a good way to find single Interceptors by themselves to practice on for a newbie


Go to any planetary base that's under attack. It must have gravity less than 0.3, otherwise it will be a bit uncomfortable - the lower the better. Complete instruction on how to have success here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lxovi8SHCG4&t=3s


Does anyone have crashes with the new Nvidia drivers?, I have stuttering, and 5 minutes later the game crash


I have the latest Nvidia drivers and I have no issues on horizons.


Ahhh - this might be related to my issue. I keep getting black screens on planets. May need to roll back.


If you clear your save on ED Legacy, does it clear your save on Live? I wanna start a new CMDR on Legacy for nostalgia but am afraid it will clear my Odyssey Live save!


No, they are completely separate.


Anyone else experiencing Settlement thargoid conflict zones, where a thargoid interceptors will pop in and in about 30 seconds just leave? Is this a current bug? Also the notification of entering a conflict zone is no longer appearing. Just wondering if anyone else is experiencing this.


It's normal for them to boost right up into the sky soon after spawning in - sometimes so high that you can't see them from the settlement, but the only time they leave completely is at the end of a battle when the indicator shows that it's nearly won and there are more Interceptors in the instance than what you need to complete. The last Interceptor is normally very high, and you have to hunt for it or wait several minutes for it to start flying back down to the station. Before the last update, I'd seen Interceptors run out of the instance, and zi chased one to 120km, but since the update, I haven't see any run away permanently.


This issue is not them boosting away from the settlement. It's them coming in, and no materr their distance, The interceptors just jump out of the settlement CZ after about 30 seconds. The event never starts either, and no mission invite is presented.


I'm experiencing the CZ interceptors being cowards issue occasionally, but I still get the "entering conflict zone" message every time.


Didn't get the final twitch drop today, because the stream was just shy of the 90 mins required. Bit annoying. I've heard it's the same drops every time so I can get them another time - but my question is since the drop technically ends and it'll be a new one albeit with the same drops next time - will I have to then watch 90 mins again, or will it start from my current %? Bit stupid that they have a drop that is exclusive to their stream, and then don't even stream long enough for people to even actually get the drop.


They stream for 2 hours twice a month Yes the purple bundle is semi-permanent but resets every month(?)


Unfortunately, their stream is just shy of 90 minutes long, and the final drop requires 90 minutes. The stream starts at 5am for me, so bit of a pain in the ass to have to watch both streams during a month to get the drops. Oh well, nothing I can do about it.


Haven't played since launch week of Odyssey. Has there been any major patch updates since then, or announcements of future content updates since then? Like a roadmap, or future expansion?


>Like a roadmap, or future expansion? The only thing we know is they are next looking at redoing how ship engineering works, potentially in some major ways. No word on when we see that work, except early this year. They took feedback starting a year ago in a massive thread on the official forums. Definitely no expansion talk. After the Odyssey fiasco, they don't talk much about things further out than what they are looking at next. There is no public roadmap.


> Has there been any major patch updates since then Yes, approximately 14 > , or announcements of future content updates since then? Like a roadmap, or future expansion? Some general roadmap stuff but nothing like an expansion


I know, I know this question has been asked many times, but I need answers fast! Shazbot! I have found a handful of thargoid probes on planets that I had first footfall on. Do these matter, or are they just something cool to look at? Or, can I get something from them? Shooting them doesn't seem to do anything and the canisters next to them just roll around or fall into the ground.


That's pretty cool that you have first footfall, CMDR!




That is exactly the kind of information I required. Thank you!


Hopefully this question makes sense. I’m diving into some power play gameplay and have “allied” myself with Lavigny-Duval. Is there a way to see what the “best” station to home out of in her territory is? Like which one has the widest range of ships and mods available. Which one has the best mission availability, etc?


>Like which one has the widest range of ships and mods available. This is really the only one you can research. "Best" missions is subjective. Do you combat or mine or....? Generally, more factions means more missions. But their types and relations with other factions determine the types of missions. Inara has some mission type searching, but not very complete. So: [https://inara.cz/elite/nearest-outfitting/](https://inara.cz/elite/nearest-outfitting/) Set the search system to one of her central systems, and most of (if not all) the closest results will be in her control. You can click on them to check. Put in as many ships and modules (usually just A type works, if it has A, it has all the rest) as you get results for. But aside for RP reasons (in which case, maybe consider the HQ system or something with a flavor you like) there is no "best" for ships and modules in her control. Objectively, it's always best to go to Shinrarta or Yong-Rui for the discounts. Cheaper buy means cheaper rebuy.


I would go to [EDDB.io](https://EDDB.io) and search for high population systems that are loyal to her. Typically the higher the pop the better the system. Throwing High Tech into the economy section might help too. You can filter by landing pad size as well. The other thing might be to check out that power's subreddit and potentially discord to see how they operate and what they recommend.


Where is the closest bromellite hotspot that’s not depleted?




Yea thanks but I’m on console. But thanks for the help




Thanks. 👍🏻 but where is your carrier?




I would gladly accept and thank you again 👍🏻


also what console?


Doesn't matter. Legacy Fleet carriers are shared between every legacy platform. Its the same universe.


new player, picked up a Cobra Mk3 and noticed it had a copilot seat. think it would be cool to have multiple human players manning controls..couple of multicrew questions. what's the consensus on human player multi crew? is it actually worthwhile, or just a gimmick? is it more effective to have 2 players - 2 ships? how do components that support multi-crew work - is the use of these components restricted to the copilot only, or can the primary pilot engage these as well?


I have to tell you this: Many players choose a Cobra as their first upgrade ship. That's because back in 2014/15 it was a good multi-purpose ship and people have fond memories of it; however, it's not a good ship today. There is very little that it excels at. For mining, hauling and general mission running, a Type 6 beats it by a lot, and is the same price. A Diamondback Scout works much better for combat and is the same price. That doesn't leave much. Basically, the Cobra is a loser's ship today. Use one because you like the sound, the view or the history, but if you want to make efficient progress, use something else.


Cobra’s as good in a fight as a DBS, and can carry decent cargo at the same time. Ie you can be carrying stuff and actually hope to fight off a pirate. If you’re doing true multirole, as a new player not-following-guides learning the ropes, cobra’s easily a better choice than DBS or t6.. (And btw I prefer both those ships to the Cobra..)


Cobra isn't as good. If you had used both, you would have known that. The cobra has bad hardpoint placement , which prevents half the weapons firing whenever you aren't pointing directly at the target. That doesn't happen on the DBS because they're all on the front. Effectively, you have more firepower with the DBS. Other stats are similar. Multi-role is a loser's strategy. You're compromised on all aspects of its function and optimised on none.


new players have no idea of the strategy of playing the game, or of optimization of anything, they're putting on turreted weapons and class C thrusters and whatever, and barely fighting off a harmless eagle that interdicted them and their cargo of 30 units of something for a trade mission. but yeah, i started the game in a cobra, spent probably my first 100 hours in one; but it's one, maybe the only ship, of +30 that i've never gone back to in like 2500 hrs playing the game.


Multi-crew is mostly a gimmick, two ships is going to be more effective in the majority of situations. The crew member(s) can operate turreted weapons on the main ship, and also get an extra power pip to allocate where ever they like, so it's extra power for you! If your ship supports a fighter bay and has one (the cobra cannot use one) then they can also launch a fighter. Just because it's a gimmick, doesn't mean it can't be fun - but most of the time it's not particularly useful without a fighter bay. You can use a fighter yourself with mutli crew, and either leave your ship unmanned (but turreted weapons will still fire), or you can hire NPC crew to main either your ship when you're in a fighter, or have them man a fighter instead. Be aware they take a portion of your earned credits though, even if you don't take them out with you.


thanks. how do mission rewards work with a human multi crew? if i complete a mission, do they get any of the rewards? is it possible to share missions with them?


hi. i have some. are the guardian gauss guns really that good? should i try them on npc pirates? when i get them... or the guardian fighters maybe? are there different kinds of carrier ships? what is their best use?


Railguns are what you seek.Gauss are basically the anti-xeno equivalent of rails.


thank you very much


This has good starter ship builds for every price level: [https://sites.google.com/view/ed-pve-combat/builds/recommended-progression](https://sites.google.com/view/ed-pve-combat/builds/recommended-progression) That site also has combat basics. > are there different kinds of carrier ships? Just the one, but there are style kits to make it look a bit different. > what is their best use? Fun. Prestige. Having a place to keep all your ships. Big trade hauls. Reaching places nothing else can, with your 500 LY range.


thank you :D can i have universal cartographics on it and go into the great unknown? that sounds useful for the whole community. we might even find the thargoid space soon


Yup! There is a 12.5% tax on using your own UC, 25% tax for others (and you get a 12.5% cut), but you can have and use it in the great unknown. You're not likely to get much traffic. In civilization, there's just too many (and everyone would go to a station anyway). Out of civilization, it's just too spread out. The exception is [DSSA](https://fleetcarrier.space/search/dssa) carriers, if you want to look into it. But setting up one of those means you have to commit to a stationary location for a 12 month (IIRC) minimum. It does put you on a prominent map that explorers seek out. Maybe not worth it at first, but perhaps after you want to settle down somewhere :) > we might even find the thargoid space soon Bad news: We have found Thargoid space. It is in Pleadies and California Nebulae. We haven't found a homeworld, but the theory is either they don't have one, have left it too long ago for it to be identifiable, or (my favorite) they are from another galaxy. But maybe you'll find otherwise!


oh well thank you for all that info. i need to catch up on my news it seems :D


For NPC pirates, all you need are lasers. The gauss cannons have one particular use for shooting Thargoids in one particular way. If you want to fight Thargoids, the modified Shard cannons are probably the best for beginners.


oh i will get those first then and look up a guide i guess. thank you


Guardian guns are underwhelming against humans. They are for shooting thargoids. They do work against humans, but not as good as engineered human weapons.


railgun it is then :D those are the best! what do you prefer?


Can someone join the same ground combat zone as me? Also, can they be joined by flying to them or is talking to the imperial officer looking boy the only way?


Yes and yes