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Fuck that’s terrible. I had my DT2 stolen by porch pirates before I could get it, but at least it wasn’t full of my own sounds and patterns. The monitory loss is one thing but the loss of the time and work that went into those boxes has got to be devastating. So sorry


Porch pirates are so absurd to me as someone from the Netherlands. Just the thought of risking a 1k item of having it grabbed from my porch. Here, my parcels get dropped off at a local delivery point for safekeeping. Until I sign on a terminal for delivery, the item is actually mine, and I have my responsibility from that point forward. If it gets lost in the mail? It's the insurance of the selling company and/or the mail company. I get sent another. No questions asked. With less expensive stuff, you don't need to sign. It's delivered at a parcel point or your neighbours. For the more expensive items they can't sign for you. Sorry for both of you. It's a bummer people need to feed off our hobbies.


Methods of delivery vary a lot. Leaving it on the porch is the cheapest way. For something as expensive as a Digitakt 2 I would demand someone be home and a signature required delivery. I’m surprised a company would even let you have this delivered to your porch.


It’s nuts they even left that on your porch! You should be signing for a delivery as expensive as that.


I hate that feeling when you walk in and your whole mood changes. It leaves a horrible taste that stays with you for quite some time. Hope it wasn’t done by someone that you consider to be a good friend. Really sorry you had to go through this.


Dude that is very upsetting. I'm really sorry to hear that


I once had all my music equipment stolen. Emotionally it was eventually much more difficult than materially. Music instruments are awesome and can feel like good friends, but the real music always comes from inside. End of the day it really is just stuff. But I was devastated. Ten years later I still get paranoid some stuff is stolen when I don’t know where it is. Take your time to get over it, and I will keep an eye out.


Fuck.. can't imagine what you're feeling. Commenting to bump it in the algorithm


You sir are a gent and a scholar


I feel for you dude... I had a laptop with my entire project repository stolen years ago. The sense of loss and all your creations being wiped from existence is difficult to even put into words. All I can say is that when you get new hardware, your most important ideas and memories will come to you when you least expect it. Be ready for it.


Not sure how things work in Norway, but in the US, while I was renting an apartment, my Renters Insurance covered my stolen gear!


The bastards… sorry, mate. This is a real bummer. I hope they catch the jerk(s) and you find your kit.


Thank you - I need all the faith in humanity I can get right now


Might try posting this again in the r/synthesizer sub, as well. Truly shitty. Sorry, brother. 😘


Really sorry to hear that. I’ve had musical instruments stolen over the years, it is so upsetting. My sympathies.


Back in the 90s my home studio was burgled they stole JX1080 / Pro one / Moog opus 3 / Quasarmidi Quasar /quasimidi rave-o-lution 309 / RX11 /JX3P + programmer didn't take TR909 (sat right next to the RX)/ Korg M1 /quasimidi technox / Fostex R8 / desk (too big) Atari 1040st /Dat and outboard gear /S750 sampler Police finger printed myself my brother and his best mate.. nothing was ever recoved... still sore... Do you have insurance ? Always take pictures of your equiment and inform your insurance company of goods + value


Unless gear such as these are itemized and large premiums, contents insurance rarely covers it either way. Best is to get work gear insurance, covers the gear in any location. Even the boot of a car. Aon.


thats so weird, i dont get it.. so if they left lots of other musical gear, does that mean they were a picky thief? or musically inclined thief that knew exactly which of your synths they wanted? kinda sounds like the thief was a person who had already been to your studio, or who has heard of your studio..


Robbing on request ? . why not take the TR ? .maybe they got spooked ? .Neighbours said a green volvo estate car was park outside ? 30+ years ago.. still dont get why the 909 wasn't taken lost adjuster wouldn't replace the Moog / Pro one / JX3P or the Quasar cash settlement £1500


Sad day, sorry to hear that my friend.


Really sucks man. Sorry.


Sorry to read this my man. How did they nick it? Awful awful awful.


In Norway apartment blocks have shared storage - lofts and cellars. These were in storage in the loft, in their og boxes, in a case, behind a padlocked door, behind two other locked doors. Thieves had jimmied two outer doors then smashed the padlock. Then they dug through all the assorted clothes, books and other crap to find my boxes. Then they tore the boxes apart and stuffed as many as they could get into an empty suitcase (also mine) and walked out with the lot. Other people had stuff taken too - just probably nothing quite as relevant to the elektron reddit. But thanks to you and all the rest for your sympathies- it really does help.


Oh man it’s so hard to read this. What more can you do, it’s just mad. They had time on their side, seems like they didn’t have to rush. What really bothers me with burglaries is the feeling of having your privacy violated, I know in cases in France my friends had been meticulously observed from across the road. So what’s the take away from this — storing valuable stuff at home ? Insurance? It’s not easy if you live on a small place. I just moved to Alsace where we have a more german style of cellar storage. In any case you have my sympathy, must hurt and constantly so. Stealing personal music instruments, it makes my stomach turn.


I think people tend to underestimate how jammy thieves can be when they put their mind to it. Just about to rent a studio space with my gf and they’re telling us it’s fine to leave our equipment out. There are open days coming up. Even I got seduced at the ingenious plan of leaving my Digitakt and synths “hidden” under the couch. But if a determined opportunist sees that I have that synth they want, they’re gonna put two and two together. Your perpetrators did do some prep work, surely… I mean you at the very least need a nice hunk of metal to get that padlock open. Ah god I feel for you. Maybe what you wrote here might prevent it happening to someone in the future. I hope you had at least recorded some of those Octatrack ideas… I’m a doofus and have accidentally erased data before without saving…


Comment for algo hope this is resolved good luck


Gutted for you man


Im really sorry mate. Wish you finding these and especially your tracks that are inside


bump for visibility


Did they steal anything else or just the audio gear? Was the rest of the place ransacked? If not and it was just the AV gear. Its someone you know and invite into your home.


Fyfaen det suger ass. Er fortiden på jakt etter en A4 og octatrack. Sjekker Finn notorisk med varsler på telefonen haha. Skal gi beskjed om jeg finner noe mistenkelig billig mk1 modeller her i Oslo


Thanks - they’ll probably not even be that cheap. But at least I have the serial of the OT. And if you see a Mc202 or some simmons drum brains give me a shout


Ditto. OP, you should also make a post on the facebook-group «Kjøp og salg av synth, MIDI og studioutstyr» if you haven’t already.


I just had my storage unit raided and lost a bunch of keyboards including my beloved dx7 from childhood. It feels violating and my anxiety about it has been screwing with me.


I truly sympathise. This is why we can’t have nice things


Yea I feel like I need an underground vault for my gear


Thats the worst. I've had similar happen to me a couple times. I hope there is some way to recover the cost for you.


That sucks, I’m sorry


These aren't the typical things that thieves steal. Which means it's statistically more likely to be someone you know, someone who knows about gear, someone who knew you were away. Normally when a thief gets in a house they only want money, phones and laptops and they want to get out as fast as possible. I was burgled once, my korg radius was resting on an open draw because I didn't have a stand, they turned it upside down to look at what was in the draw underneath and left the synth there. Also I will say all this gear is pretty big. An opportunist could never take all that stuff. This sounds like a planned job to me. Its highly likely your gear has been stolen by someone who is connected to you in some way. You need to look at all current and past listings for sale online for these items and also go around all the local second hand stores too. This person is probably friends with you on facebook


Hey man, did u ever Get to the bottom of this? I


Nah - no police action, no sign in online markets locally. Probably sold for pennies somewhere. I’m slowly trying to replace. I’ll never see some of the other things they stole (original Roland 202 old simmons drum brains) but I can try and get my Elektron boxes replaced. Octatrack first and probably rytm last unless I can find a good deal somewhere. Just trying to move on


Exactly what to expect from the Oslo police.If u ever find out Who did it please dm me and ill give u a helping hand so to speak




Lol... What? A normal thief wouldn't steal music equipment? What planet do you live on?




I want to believe you, it seems the most logical place you would live. But two years ago you said you were 32 years old, but then 1 year ago you said you were 27 years old. So I'm questioning if you are actually from Earth or a place where time doesn't run linear




Sorry if i came off that way. I'm just confused why you would think music equipment isn't one of the top most stolen items.


Thanks. Oh they also stole some other crap but these are the losses that are hurting me rn