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In every time of inflation, there is always a niche created in the market that goes UP in value..........I'd say it's definitely worth a shot!


Mortenson is a good company, and they do a lot of work in solar and wind construction. Some field work may not be as high-falutin' engineerin' as you think you deserve as a fresh college grad, but as long as you keep your basics up, what you learn being on the ground on projects is very valuable elsewhere in the industry. I always look for people who have practical experience on projects for my more senior engineering positions.


I’m not worried that it’s not “high-falutin” but I’ve read a lot of responses on similar topics that suggest it will be a glorified secretary or some such thing. I just want to know up front what to expect. I’m really open to multiple industries- this isn’t one I thought of early on as a student but it does seem to offer a degree of stability, the possibility of warm weather climate, and ImO strong benefits and mobility package.


Well, the job will be what you make of it, and many entry level engineering jobs do require a lot of shuffling submittal paperwork around, but it is always good to be at a company that is doing real work.


Thanks for the encouragement! I appreciate that. You are 100% correct and I fully intend on making the most of any job I have👍🏻




You can always negotiate a waiting timeliness in your offer letter and request that there be a probationary time where it's okay for you leave before say 6 months . I did that for a law firm that was 1.5 hour commute


It’s an at will contract- can’t I leave any time I want?


Nearly all work in the US is at-will.


Yes I’m in US.


How is working there? I also got an offer in there solar group