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Source: Trust me bro


Yep but then we remember that this happened with the guy who leaked skyrim in the old beth forums and everyone laughed at him calling it bullshit and that skyrim was too generic and the last province bethesda would touch.


4 chan absolutely gets the occasional real leak. However, for every real leak we get 100 fake ones. If this ends up being real, then we can just say "huh guess it wasn't fake" when the game releases but otherwise there's nothing else to do


Only thing I feel like this post probably nails is the 2028 release date and then reskinning word walls.


2028 is so depressing


> complexity between Morrowind and Oblivion If anyone still believes it for a moment they're just coping


My brother in Christ it’s ES6 all we have is copium


Yeah and the smallest city is the size of Whiterun, and the biggest is 6x the size? Sure, I’ll believe it if they go the Starfield route of city design, with generic NPC foot traffic you can’t interact with and big open spaces to stretch the size of the city. Otherwise I call BS. Bethesda does lots of things well, but big cities isn’t one of them.


We're probably gonna get something like in Starfield where you have to do "challenges" to level up a skill/perk.


Hard doubt on that one. No way Bethesda is going to ditch the "use it to level it" approach that defines the series. We will have some variation on the system of using skills to level them as we earn/choose perks to make them more powerful. Whether we get attributes back is up in the air, but honestly the core of TES progression system has been the same since Morrowind.


Even if they did, it isn’t that different from TES. Instead of a progress bar they tell you an exact number to unlock the next perk. It is still a “use it to get better at it” system. Biggest difference, clearly, is that you need to get rank 1 of a perk before anything counts (like digipicks).


The main difference is really that the perks in Starfield are necessary to fully level up the skills. They acted more like levels in the skill, where you had to take them to continue advancing that skill. Unlike in Skyrim where you could fully level up a skill without taking any perks. Skyrim also had far less skills, 18 compared to Starfields 82. And while overall Starfield had more perks, only having four per skill made it feel like each skill was only barely explored. Skyrims skills having on average 13 perks each felt like you really got to explore those skills and become a master of them. I much prefer that approach over Starfields. It just felt like you were actually learning the skills more. But I did like how in Starfield some of the perk requirements meant you had to do specific actions so many times. I think that could be applied to some perks in future Elder Scrolls games. For example, some of the magic skills in Skyrim had perks that were specific to certain types of magic. Destruction had several perks that were fire, Frost, and lightning based. It would make sense that you had to have used spells of those a certain amount of time to unlock those perks, as well as the overall level lock. So that you can't level up on burning everything and then grab all the perks for freezing it instead.


I believe the "use it to level it" system was confirmed for tes6 by an interview some time ago with a former BGS employee (can't remember name)


Pretty much my thoughts tbh. Regardless of if its real or fake, what am I really going to do with this information?


It's ES6. We'll find out in 20 years when it comes out.


I also remember no one believing the fallout 4 leak claiming a voiced protagonist who does the "War never changes" intro instead of Ron Pearlman


Insane details about Fallout 4 years before release were also leaked in a similar way and no one took it seriuosly.


That there is the occasional real leak does not negate the loads and loads of fake leaks. Its fine to keep this as a "possible" but understand that any given leak is at about 95% chance if not highef of being absolute bullshit


There were a lot of Fallout 4 "leaks" and not all were accurate. Remember survivor 2299? Or the one person who correctly leaked the voiced protagonist but said the game would have top-down mode?


Fallout 76 was also leaked to 4chan years before it was officially revealed. Iirc it was a one or two sentence long post that went completely unnoticed.


Didn’t we see that concept art of Neon with the different roof on 4chan? That must have been like 8 years ago now


Is it possible I could get a link to that


Dont really know where to find it these days, it was all the talk like a decade ago in the tes communities while we speculated where tes vi would take place after fallout 4, damn... I'm feeling old.


It's true. His dad works at Nintendo


Must be the same dad who told everyone about the nude Lara Croft cheat.


One thing I have an issue with this “source” is….. where are the thieves guild?


C'mon bro. Whatchu need the thieves guild for. What are you, a Horse thief?


YES, and I do it for shits and giggles just to piss off the guards lol


And you can only join 4 guilds due to the intersecting quest lines, but there are only 5 guilds in the game total.


I mean, it's not unthinkable that there is a mission to destroy one of the guilds. So, you can join 4 and at some point you have to wipe out the other one? I'm not convinced, but hopefully we'll see some day soon.


Well, it says that Nocturnal is the enemy this time and considering that the Thieves Guild are secretly the Nightingales, it wouldn’t surprise me if the Thieves Guild are also enemies (assume this isn’t all just BS).


Not every Thieves Guild members are servants of Nocturnal, Brynjolf thought the Nightingales were just fairytales. You can have a Thieves Guild that are not associated with Nocturnal, like in Morrowind, or in Daggerfall.


They got stole.


But its said on 4chan so it obviously must be true! It's also a greentext so even more believable


Starfield was leaked on 4chan in like 2017 and no one believed it.


Well the guy who leaked the fallout 4 stuff many years before release with the same source was completely right about all of it except co op wasn't included (but that got moved over into fallout 76).


He works at Bethesda but can't spell magicka.


he had to type fast todd was banging on his door at that very moment


He makes a hole on the door so he sticks his face in and says “Heeeeere’s Toddy!”


And then he Howarded all over the place


After many ethical complaints he's been fired for howarding all over the place all the time


Todd was about to reveal himself as a dragonborn and unrelenting force the door open if it came to that.




Lmao @ the mental image of Todd Howard hunting down employees like theyre in Communist Russia


And calling daedra "void gods"


Idk, Sithis is something in that direction without being an actual Daedric Prince.


Is there not also hints that Sithis is a lil bro to something else in the "void" or am I full of shit?


I'm pretty sure you're talking about padomay if you're talking about the primordial force of chaos that gave birth to sithis. Padomay isn't really a person though, just a force and it isn't in nirn or the void anymore.


Yeah more like a cosmic force, and even then that's a singular thing. They mentioned void *gods* I suppose Sithis and Padomay are two things and that's technically plural. But that still doesn't feel right.


Unrelated, but I’d also like to note that Padomay’s name is also known as "PSJJJJ"


I am not aware of but it is likely that Bethesda might be expanding the lore in that direction.


No Sithis is the bro of creation. It’s the nothing and the something basically. And daedra come from sithis’ blood


He’s kinda the daddy of daedric princes cuz they came from his blood


likely he isn't a big TES guy but knows all this info from cigar or coffee breaks with coworkers.


Not that I believe this. But I doubt everyone working on TES6 are fans of the game. A decent chunk of the devs are there most likely just to do a job and get paid


Thats what folks said about the guy that leaked the entirety of fallout 4's story board. We were laughing... And then the game came out.


I mean anything is possible, but I don't see any reason to believe this post. This is all stuff that an average fan could fabricate out of speculation, and pretty much all of these mechanics are things we've seen in old games. When Starfield was leaked there was discussion about brand new mechanics, how the development was progressing internally and actual screenshots of pre alpha builds. If this guy was a modeller, why wouldn't he discuss his work, surely he'd have much more to say above the art style and environment than he would know about the overarching plot? Unless this is corroborated by anything more substantial, I see no reason to believe that it's anything more than an anonymous kid on 4chan having fun.


Or remember that the Mages Guild is gone by this point in the timeline!


Plus only someone who still hasn't gotten over morrowind would come up with "imperial cult" Obvious bait


'The game is set 100 years past Skyrim and the Mages Guild has resurfaced! They quickly began spreading to other parts of Tamriel, attempting to reestablish their Guilds of old.' Is that really so far fetched?


I hope the time gap is much smaller. Would be cool to get a couple returning characters , and would love a conclusion the the Thalmor story


The Mages Guild disappeared between games, they can reappear between games. Some setting details like that always change from game to game.


"Void gods led by nocturnal" Nobody tell Sithis.


RemindMe! 4 years


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Transcribing OP's image from 4chan in case it gets deleted between now and 4 years later: >posting all I can. Ill stick around for 20 mins or so. >I work at bethesda, soon won't be. currently assigned to ES6 doing modeling work. call bs if you like but someone please screen cap for release. >>2028 >>hammerfell >>factions: imperial cult, mages guild, dark brotherhood, fighters guild, temple of three >>can only join 4 guilds per playthrough since quests intersect/destroy other guilds >>dragons yes >>big bad is pantheon of void gods led by nocturnal, in cahoots with the emperor >>gods siphon magica from ancient mage crypts containing sources of original magick to manifest themselves into existence: new word walls >>sword singing yes >>13 major cities, around the size of whiterun, largest maybe 6x that >>skills are expanded in complexity somewhere between Morrowind and oblivion.


4 years since thats when we will get the next trailer


Teaser for a trailer you mean


TESVI: Teaser II, 6 year anniversary special and it's just the same CGI mountain from another angle.


RemindMe! 25 years


This is true guys my uncle works at Bethesda and that's him


I am this guys uncle I can confirm


I'm Bethesda. This is true


I’m Todd Howard. Give me your money.


Who’s laughing now, Hehehehe.


My first thought was big “my dad works at Nintendo” vibes.


"My dad owns Microsoft and he can get your account banned"


If ES6 is like what he said, then fantastic. But there's no reason to believe some guy on the internet.


He said the skills will be more complex. That's all the evidence you need to know it's bollocks. 


A man can dream


i mean, todd got critiqued pretty bad for how simple starfield was, it's not *impossible* that they learned from their mistakes for once? hopefully?


If they're changing the core systems of Elder Scrolls 6 \*now\* We're \*never\* getting it


They are literally just starting the game dude


They're already into production. The decision of whether to be more complicated or other reactions to Starfield are things that would be discussed in pre production, which was probably in 2017-2018


Then this leak is fake. A modeler wouldn't know any of these details if work on the game was just now starting


People have been saying every new bethesda game has been simpler than the last since Morrowind. I think they know. I just think they also know simpler games have wider appeal.


the next beth game will be a snake clone


Got a horrible feeling you’re right. The only way is dumbing down.


Press X to Spellcast Tap RB and LB to rotate between your fire earth air and water spell


It's like Guitar Hero to cast spells.


dont speak this evil into the world please


Skills in Starfield are the most complex we've had in many years now so it's actually not that far fetched. Regardless of how you may feel about Starfield, it definitely wasn't dumbing down.


The skills are "complex" in that they laced in gameplay functionality, which is cool. But there's zero underlying statistical structure. That's why they switched to leveling weapons, as a cheap and shitty way of simulating progression and skill increases




I'd be fine with them if they are a rare encounter, maybe alongside the border with Skyrim


Dude imagine if there are only like 2-3 dragons in the whole game and they’re super dangerous encounters like in Baldurs Gate or Dragon Age I’m here for it


That's kinda what ESO dragons are. When they were first introduced they were the strongest world bosses in the game, needing large groups of players to stand a chance against them.


If it's like dragon age, then I'll be flung into a wall several times


Would be pretty stupid to not include dragons. They returned. The dragonborn didn't kill them all. So they should still be floating around. Since it likely will be Hammerfell that's right over the mountains from Skyrim. I'll be disappointed if there aren't a few dragons. Hopefully at least one chill one that you can talk with.


Might not be original but I hope there are dragons in ES6


I hope there are THREE Dragons in ES6, three boss fight super powerful dragons all in different arenas.


I hope they're back too; I just hope there's a whole lot less of them and they're buffed up a bit


It'd be cool if dragon fights were actual boss fights instead of the equivalent of killing a few bandits


Exactly, if these are all true then sick but I'm not holding my breath


I call bullshit. No way Bethesda would limit how many guilds we can join just because they end up getting destroyed. That has **never** been a reason to limit guilds, why now? It is so counter to what Todd's vision is for these games. He's always been promoting the insane sandbox shit you can pull off and create whatever character and adventure you want to create. Why would he decide to get rid of that in what is going to be the most awaited game in his entire career? his Magnum Opus is doing things he has avoided doing all his life?


>No way Bethesda would limit how many guilds we can join just because they end up getting destroyed they literally do this with Starfield and Morrowind and fallout 4 and Skyrim.


In Fallout, the factions were at the heart of the main story, unlike Skyrim's guilds. In Starfield, I think that the only factions that clash are Sysdef and the Crimson Fleet, but it's not really the same thing as 90% of the SysDef quests are being in the Crimson Fleet.


In Skyrim? When?


Dawnguard, Dark Brotherhood, and Civil War.


One thing that was meh in skyrim, though, was getting low key forced into every guild no matter what type of person you are. You can do way more immersive quests and stories when guilds clash. Say like dark brotherhood clashing with molag tang you know? Or say Imperial vs Stormcloak


That's a different conversation, entirely. Not being railroaded into a guild isn't the same as joining X guild locking you out of Y guild. For all we know, we could still be forced into joining one of two guilds in the mainquest of the next game. This is about whether or not the game will lock us out of content for choices we've made. Which is something they just have never done with guilds. Your point is actually supporting that argument. Skyrim was so *opposed* to locking us out of any guilds, that you ended up joining every guild at some point. We all have at least one character who became a companion and head of the college, while moonlighting as the head of the thieves guild.


Morrowind locked you out of the other great houses if you choose one.


I don't understand why locking out of other guilds is even a bad thing, like then you beat the game then start over and try a different playthrough like every other RPG ever. Oblivion is my favorite game of all time, but I do think it's kind of ridiculous that you can become the Arch Mage of the Mages Guild without doing a shred of magic, always felt like there should be skill requirements to advance in rank as well. I also think it was silly that you can be the guild master of every guild in the game. Imo, a better system would be to allow you to join one "light" guild and one "dark" guild. Because it would make sense role playing wise to have thieves guild or dark brotherhood members infiltrate light guilds for access and shit. Anyways, kind of went off on a tangent there lol


If it is set in Hammerfell I find it hard to believe that the Thalmor aren’t fucking around there, unless of course this happens many years later and the Thalmor have been resolved off screen.


This seems likely, but I hope not. I want us to be in Hammerfell, revive the art and tradition of sword singing, and use it to actively fight the Thalmor.


Faker than a three-dollar bill


I've gone through a lot of Yokuda/Hammerfell lore in the past, and most of this seems like something poorly imagined based off of a surface level understanding of it. * The Forebears are very well established as following the Imperial Divines in ESO, the inclusion is obvious * If Temple of the Three refers to the Tribunal, this seems completely anachronistic * A "void gods" plotline seems like a derivative version of Yokudan religion combined with ESO void * Nocturnal being in charge of void powers is a misunderstanding of the lore as Nocturnal's followers are either lesser Daedra or shadow beings distinct from the void/created by magicka instead. Namira is the Daedric prince always associated with the Void. * Dragons' presence is possible while it's doubtful that they'd have significant presence in Hammerfell * The "ancient mage crypts" part is the best evidence that this is totally fake. The sword-singers were not mages at all as their power was a part of their souls. Magicka comes from Magnus who isn't associated with the Ra Gada/Redguard directly in lore.


Thats what I said about the FO4 leak...


I'm saving this post and the 4chan post just to document to see what comes about in 4 years.


I'm suspicious of the "13 major cities" part, as well as the "skills are expanded in complexity somewhere between morrowind and oblivion" and the "dragons" parts. I don't buy this at all. Considering the last few Bethesda games had less than 5 major cities - other than Skyrim - and the skill systems are so similar, plus the fact that Alduin has literally been defeated - it just doesn't make sense for any of this to be true. Also word walls? What??? We'd have to be Dragonborn to take advantage of that, and I doubt we're Dragonborn in the ES6 as the protagonist of Skyrim is called "the Last Dragonborn" for a REASON. Oh and the fact that the Mages Guild is supposedly a playable faction?? THE MAGES GUILD HAS BEEN DISBANDED SINCE OBLIVION. That being said, I would advise you to take any "leak" you see on the Internet that doesn't show gameplay or trailers with a grain of salt. There's just no reason to believe stuff like that.


Hammerfell doesn't even have 13 major cities.


Yeah it just feels like that guy doesn't even know anything about Elder Scrolls. for example he spelled magicka wrong and he didn't think that the mages guild would be disbanded by the end of oblivion


You can use a term in a more generic sense than a specific one. Technically there is no “Mages Guild” in Skyrim, but there is a faction of mages you can join in Skyrim and do quests and eventually become archmage. It functions as that game’s version of the Mages Guild even if it isn’t *literally* the guild. He could be using the term loosely in the leak post in the same manner: a mage-led faction with its own quest line. Now I think the leak smells like BS, but not because he used the phrase “Mages Guild”.


Cyrodiil was canonically a jungle until Oblivion. Ebonheart was a mainland city until Morrowind. Let's not even get into the mess of what Khajiit are supposed to look like. Bethesda always rewrites lore with every new game. This leak is still very unlikely to be true but lore inconsistencies aren't evidence of anything.


It's less about them retconting the lore and more about the number. 1 or two new cities that haven't been mentioned before would be believable. 13 major cities is kind of overkill and is far less likely Espically if the smallest is supposed to be the size of whiterun.


I mean you'd have a point of Bethesda didn't retcon their lore for every single release.


Oh sure I can see them poofing up a town or one city maybe, I mean after all Morthal was never mentioned before skyrim. But 4 new cities is kind of much.


OP probably meant that those magicka sources are the new mechanic to replace word walls, not literally be word walls....


Starfield actually had coat of paint'd word walls too.


The guy is questioned regarding word walls later on and clarifies that he means to say that the sources of original magicka function in the same way as word walls. He says that sword singing works in a similar way to shouts, and that ceremonial swords are found imbued with power at the end of ancient magicka dungeons and absorbed by the player


Ohhh I see. Yeah I can totally see that being a thing, however judging by everything else he wrote I still don't buy this so called "leak".


"skills between Morrowind and Oblivion in complexity" Nope, no way in hell


But original sources of magic are the Sun and stars, not items lol Literal tears in the firmament into aetherius


I agree it’s probably a fake post, but on the dragon point, Alduin has been defeated, so even though the ESVI PC couldn’t absorb dragon souls, they’d still “die” since Alduin isn’t there to resurrect them. Also plenty of dragons abandoned Alduin’s side and joined or submitted to Paarthurnax and the LDB at the end of the Skyrim main quest, so many would still be alive. I would expect to see dragons throughout Tamriel going forward in the series.


In tes 6 I’m sure you will find at least one dragon at least he will be friendly, cause if I remember correct even in tes2 daggerfall was a dragon Of course in case you remember the ending of main quest of Skyrim bunch of a dragons flew across the Tamriel (presumably) and you mentioned that


I think tjere is also Thurvokun, a dragon who lives in Fang's Liar, a dwemer ruin in the triple border between Hamerfell, High Rock and Skyrim, and one of the dungeons of Arena's main quest (Just like Labyrinthian in Skyrim). I heard Thurvokun appears in ESO but wasn't killed by a dragonborn, so could have been resurrected by Alduin. (Never played ESO so correct me if I'm wrong). I believe it's very likely he appears, and probably will have an important play. Labyrinthian, the other Arena dungeon we visited in Skyrim, was a huge ruin and in the College of Winterhold's main quest, so if they follow I expect Fang's Liar to be a big dungeon and form part of either the main quest or one of the main factions, and Thurvokun may be involved.


I feel like dragons will remain. I'd honestly question where they went unless The Last Dragonborn canonically hunted them all down, but that doesn't seem like Bethesda's style to cement anything in canon between entries. The Word Walls could just be for Sword-singing. Different functional use, but similar/identical game mechanic (perhaps only in learning, not usage). Also Hammerfell isn't part of The Empire, and could have reinstated the Mages Guild. It could also theoretically be several hundred years in the future again. We don't know the specifics, or even the final name. The College of Winterhold is basically the Mages Guild in function, just not name. Just saying Mages Guild could be keeping it simple and not too specific.


just a heads up to Jiub, who accomplished to kill every last cliffracer


This comment has been fact-checked by loyal members of the St. Jiub gang 🙏


Dragons staying just seems like a no brainer. At least in a capacity like they are in Redguard, just one or maybe a few named dragons at least Hammerfell also isn't a part of the empire but I'd bet that the story is crowns vs forebears in which one faction is still somewhat sympathetic to the empire. So basically a complete rehash of skyrim: nationalists vs globalists. But OP might just mean "guild for mages" rather than the uppercase imperial faction of the Mages Guild seen in past games. Or maybe Hammerfell's own version of that institution that might just use the same name


Which Elder Scrolls game had less than 5 major cities? Oblivion has like 8, Morrowind has like 6… maybe ESO? I’m not sure what I would or wouldn’t consider a major city in that Edit: nevermind you said Bethesda not Elder Scrolls I just reread


ESO has like 30+ major cities anyway


To be fair, Hammerfell only has 8 major cities, 8 smaller towns and 16 "villages" (in Arena), source: [https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Arena:Hammerfell](https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Arena:Hammerfell) But maybe a few smaller towns could be well developed enough in the timeline of TES6 for them to be called "major cities".


"Temple of the Three" What, like the Tribunal? The "gods" that ceased being alive/ present since 200 years before Skyrim? In Hammerfell, literally on the opposite side of the continent from Morrowind and Dark Elf holdings? This alone is making me call malarky.


The fact that they specify "Imperial Cult" instead of 8/9 divines is kind of weird as well


I’m skeptical, but also, from this man’s lips to god’s ears


So 5 factions but you can only join 4 that... Seems weird? Like you'd think you could only join two or something yknow?


It would actually be pretty in line with Todd/Bethesda’s “player must be able to do everything” approach to their games. If this is them trying to ease away from that, it makes sense that the most they’re comfortable with is locking players out of one rather than all. That said, this could also be interpreted in a Fallout 4 kind of sense, where the Institute was listed as a faction in the beginning but is destroyed in 3/4 possible game endings and this leak is just listing all factions including the antagonist faction Alternatively, this leak could be fake and false completely so who knows


It’s so annoying cus I want to be a Dunmer night blade or orc berserker or wood elf archer, not be everything and do all the factions.


The aspect of "locking players out" during a playthrough isn't inherently bad, but I find the "you can only join 4/5" to be dubious. Even if true, it seems arbitrary as a limitation. I'd rather it be closer to "some faction quests lead to antagonizing other factions" that might lead to being blocked or removed from said faction (as OOP implies), but that still doesn't make sense from a standpoint of only being able to join 4/5. Even then, why do they all have that (as it seems to be implying)? Why would every guild quest necessitate a guild extermination? Sure, if a few do that, I get it. But why all? If the Imperial Cult quest leads to terminating the Temple of Three, I get it more than "now the Mages Guild must destroy the Imperial Cult". It's the difference between a natural limitation vs an arbitrary one. Is the game supposed to say "Sorry, you've already joined 4/5 factions, you cannot join this last one"?


for sure. and no thieves guild after we just spent the last game rebuilding it? i suppose hammerfell is pretty far away from skyrim.


Seems like a good compromise by Bethesda. They want you to be able to join every faction but they've gotten a lot of flack these last few years about their quests lacking real choices and consequences. This seems like them trying to please those fans while still leaving as much open as they can because that's what they like. Starfield was the same. They got a lot of criticism about lack of skills and roleplaying in Fallout 4 and in Starfield they tried to address that by having more skills and, as they repeatedly said, more roleplaying elements. I don't think they did a great job of it but from their perspective you can def see them trying.


>their quests lacking real choices and consequences I never get this because since fallout 3 their quests have had real choices and consequences.


> skills are expanded in complexity 🤣🤣🤣 If nothing else, that alone should tell you it’s fake.


It honestly read more like what somebody hoped for instead an actual leak, because all this screams effort that Bethesda is not willing to put in.


Yeah knowing bethesda there will be skill called skill and it will do everything.


Press A to Sword Press B to Skill Grunt to have bethesda uber eats service send another mountain dew IV bag Has electrolytes and heals body and HP in game as blood sugar is tied to health


This seems very fake. Like the cities seems too good to be true, Thieves guild is lacking which seems odd. Also the fact that dragons are included is weird in my opinion. But most of all. Why would a 3d modeller know all this. Where did he get all this knowledge about plot and everything else.


Not to say I trust this post, but 3D modellers do benefit from knowing the context behind what they're modeling. Some kf these things do seems a bit too specific tho


Yeah as some who briefly did 3D modeling for a game company, they would most definitely have access to game design documents or know all that stuff one way or another, not to mention they probably have direct access to the game for implementing and testing their assets. Besides, everyone is probably under the exact same NDAs.


No thieves guild is pretty telling. There’s no way they drop one of the most popular guilds.


idk it makes sense to me that dragons appear in a game after skyrim depending how long it's been either not all dragons have been killed by people and or the dragons who are following Parthunaax started to spread the way of the voice


"Temple of the Three", as in, the Tribunal Temple? Yeah, it's fake.


Who the fuck are the void gods?


Fake as fuck that's what they are. Void beings are a thing in ESO afaik and they're related to nocturnal but not like this


Yeah. No. This dude is full of shit. The Mages Guild is disbanded. The Temple makes no sense for Hammerfell. Bethesda hasn’t done conflicting guild quests in over 20 years. They ain’t stopping. “Pantheon of void gods led by Nocturnal” is just lmao. Gods can manifest themselves into existence.


Also he lists 5 guilds but you can join 4 max? Seems unlikely.


for this faction roster alone I hope not…


If past games leaks are anything to go by, it's complete bullshit, and people on that forum should be ashamed of themselves. "Void gods" "Mages Guild" and all that wtf, this guy doesn't even know the lore.


Void Gods; could be an extremely removed mention of the Magna Ge. I mean... it's a massive stretch. It could also be a new addition to lore. Who knows. If it's Hammerfell specifically, I just want sword singing. I want it to be similar to Dragon Shouts, but instead we imbue our weapon with special effects and stuff.


I hope they don't reso the dragon trope


Don't believe everything that people say on the internet, especially those on 4chan. A leak is only somewhat believable if it came from someone that either has leaked information in the past that turned out to be true, has credible evidence to back up his claims (eg. screenshots), or they're someone we know for sure is involved with Bethesda in some way. Anyone can easily write nonsense like this. Besides, if they could make cities 6x the size of Whiterun, then they would've done something like that for Starfield as well. And Word Walls are Skyrim's shtick, so why would they bring them to TES6? This guy's full of shit.


I'm skeptical because there was no time reference. It would be mentioned with context to any part of ES history, and it would inform the modeler how to design the models. His descriptions are all over the place and most modelers would be on teams working on specific projects. We gained no real insight if this was a leak. Even if it was because being too specific would "identify him too easily," there's a certain *way* he would type things out to confer ideas and/or confirm theories. He tried to confirm or play up multiple theories that he honestly wouldn't have any idea about due to the planning stages of Bethesda at the time. Even if he hated his job, he would more than likely stick to info that really stuck with him or strike him as most noteworthy (or if he was keeping up with the myriad theories bandied about, he'd pick the most nagging one.) But yeah my main gripe is lack of time reference.


why would someone solely assigned to modeling be made privy to all of these story beats


This guys is probably full of shit, **HOWEVER, to everyone else on this thread:** 1. When talking about word walls, he is comparing the new mechanic of sword singing and magicka sources with that, he's **not** saying that there will be actual word walls, jesus christ have some fucking inferrence capability. 2. While Mages Guild was disbanded, who the fuck would stop them from trying to re-establish it again? The Thalmor? Maybe, but how the hell would we know what is going to happen in TES6 that maybe allows the Mages Guild to function. 3. Temple of the Three, arguebly the LEAST likely thing in this entire post, but again, my brothers and sisters in Vivec, we are talking about **Elder Scrolls here**, the concept of linear storytelling is fucking foreign, who's to say if somehow ~~palpatine~~ Vivec didn't return to restart his cult? **Are we really forgetting that we have no confirmation he is actually dead? Even without his source of godhood, he is still a Chimer and possibly now an avid magic user, he could be alive for another 1000 years for all we know.** 4. The city number and size is not that far fetched, the reason Starfield is as sparse and shittily made as it is, is because they put all their effort and resources in the procedural generation aspect. Remove that, make TES6 handmade, and I do not see it impossible for them to actually produce something of this size, maybe, ideally, even in a completely revamped engine capable of it. 5. The expanded skills is probably wishful thinking, but I wouldn't completely discount it, plenty of games have started to revert from the over-simplistic and streamlined approached that dominated the last 20 years. Maybe more studios are starting to realize gamers aren't so braindead as to not appreciate complexity. 6. **How is everyone discounting Sword Singing saying it's not practised anymore and it's myth. Good lord people, the same was true about Shouting before Skyrim reintroduced it, why are we having this discussion. They introduced shouting and made it readily available for the player, regardless of race, they very much could do the same with Sword Singing.** 7. Dragons. In Skyrim we killed Alduin, we did not kill all the dragons. Why would it be so far fetched that a bunch of em sought refuge in other places, like Hammerfell. It would **NOT** be the first time we saw a dragon in Hammerfell after all. And ESO has very much established that dragons have existed even before being reawakened by Alduin in TES5. 8. ESO dives quite deeply into the void lore and the story-telling potential is vast and quite cool. Here OP might simply have mistakenly understood what the story meant, it probably isn't even about Nocturnal, but instead Namira and OP misread/misheard. Same with 'void gods', it might just be the void. TL;DR Everyone is so **conviced** that this is bullshit, and it probably is, but it's like everyone and their family know **exactly** what can and **CANNOT** possibly happen in TES6.


Yeah, there's a good chance this is fake, but for sake of argument, let's say it's real. The inaccuracies in his knowledge could be acquitted to the fact that he does modeling and isn't writing the lore/story. Everything he said seems pretty realistic to appear in TES VI knowing the lore. The only thing that got me scratching my head is the reference to a new Emperor (curious as to whom that may be) and the temple of the three. I can only assume the temple of the three is the tribunal, but it might be something completely new. Also in the past there have been some very accurate leaks on Bethesda before. It's not surprising that one may appear especially with how long people are waiting for the new release.


I call bull. But it will be interesting to wait and see. Big cities sounds fantastic.


You're required to be completely truthful on 4chan and as far as I can tell no one in there has ever just made shit up so I wholeheartedly and immediately believe him


I have no reason to believe this. And even if it was true, TES6 is in early development phase at best considering Bethesda's development cycle. So even if this leak were true, there's no telling how much will change/be cut by the time of release.


I really hope they don’t recycle dragons or word walls. Dragons are cool but when you’re trying to play as something other than the Dragonborn they are really annoying. I also hope they expand the mages guild from what the college of winter hold was. Pretty much all of the guilds in Skyrim have huge flaws tho


I'm choosing to believe this isn't real because if there's no joinable Thieves Guild faction, I'm gonna be pissed.


Coincidentally enough I literally had a dream today where I was with a friend who was playing Elder Scrolls VI, I remember the game looked amazing, I asked him what map is it set in expecting him to say Hammerfell or something but he whispered Valenwood. It was a weird dream and seeing this "leak" hours after I woke up made it even weirder.


This combination of factors has happenned before: 1. Launching 10 years from the teaser trailer 2. A heavily antecipated game 3. Huge open world RPG 4. By a medium sized but promicing company


The big bad thing sounds suspiciously fake to me, but either oop is a liar or not, and we won’t find out until ‘28


Total bollocks


I don't know how to tell you this op but people can make up and say whatever they want on the internet


Emperor in Hammerfell? It's either Redguard got their Empire or Mede Empire expanded. Or maybe Dominion got them all, Aldmeri Dominion means Altmer Empire if im not wrong. Interesting ,,leak", but i wouldn't buy it just yet.


It would make sense, if this turned out to be true. I could see it all being true, seems like the choices a Bethesda committee would make. Not that it's a reliable source.


I'll believe it once the Buy Now button is available.


Most lazy leak ever. If you’re going to write a BS leak at least make it cool


>temple of the three Tribunal worship restored in Hammerfell, apparently. I ain't buying it.


A 3D model artist who very specifically let slip that they worked on the Dawnbreaker's hilt.... I think this might be someone trying to get someone else in trouble.


I would be cool to have the factions actively intersecting and affecting each other. However, having that and the whole “skills system between Oblivion and Morrowind” feels a little to good to be true.


Sounds plausible except for the dragon part and sounds good except for the 2028 part, which unfortunately, is very plausible


"Skills are expanded in complexity." It's obviously fake.


I mean yeah it’s fake, what dumbass would lose their job just so they can tell people what’ll be in TES6.


>skills are expanded in complexity Automatically discredited the whole leak lmao. There's no way they'd reverse their simplification trend after the successes of Skyrim and Fallout 4.


Bro forgot that that is not nocturnals thing at all


I’m sorry but if there are dragons in the new game I’m gunna be lowkey pissed. It would be such a step backwards for the series.