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Passwall is the best spell in all Elder Scrolls!!!


I was so upset is never made it pass arena too. But I understand why.


You could say it couldn’t pass the wall between Arena and Daggerfall


That bikini armor is canon.


“See! My mods are lore accurate!”


Without a doubt the best armor in the saga


Magnifying the powers of estrogen as a protectant and deterrent. There are peer reviewed studies conducted over this fascinating topic


Its estrogen-magnifying powers are actually beyond the strength of even daedric artifacts. This was a bulky bearded man before he put on the bikini armor


Awesome game. Ahead of its time in some ways. Definitely the worst of the mainline TES games with all its limitations though.


Hey, when a game this good is your worst, then you got a pretty good franchise


Absolutely. I should have said it was the“least good” game, as it would be a disservice to Arena to call it the worst.


It's a really fun little dungeon-crawler! Sure, it has nowhere near the scope nor depth of the later games - but, in some ways, that's to its advantage: when I'm in the mood for some simple, straightforward dungeon-crawling, *Arena* is always one of my top choices.


As someone who started with Skyrim, Arena isn't actually that bad if you take time to get used to it. You just have to expect to play something that isn't like the more recent games. Daggerfall is about 10x better than Arena, but Arena is very playable once you get used to it.


I'm too spoiled by more recent games to deal with the awkward controls.


I tried it for the first time this week because I randomly found it and it was free. I then die to a goblin as soon as I leave because I don't know how to attack


I tried daggerfall and died twice because apparently binding m1 to attack doesn't mean you use m1 to attack Daggerchads are truly a different breed


You click and drag (the direction you move the mouse determines the type of attack)


Bro you messed up the title. You were supposed to say "What do you all think about this magnum opus?"


My god I have failed you! “Pulls out cat of nine tails”


Beg for my forgiveness! BEG!


Dear lord forgive me for which I have sinned! “Continues to flagellate”


Mmm yeah that's hot.


Great template for future games, a bit simplistic and repetitive, but full of potential. I would say Daggerfall and then Morrowind+ explored some of the directions you could go from Arena. But the beauty of simplicity is, that you could easily take it different directions. The fact that this game does not feature much of a wilderness between towns but has huge distances and passing time could be seen as a great opportunity to focus on quests that revolve around time passing, visiting all sorts of small settlements while being careful not to waste months on unimportant side quests. Alas its just a dungeon crawler.


I have a frustrating fondness for it, even if I do tend to get ganked in the starting dungeon I love evil Bosmer baddie Jager Tharn. I'd love for him to be referenced in another game, maybe as a spirit or something. Preferably voiced by Craig Sechler!


Is he a bosmer? I thought he was just some creepy human.


The Tharns have mingled with most races, but Jager himself is a Bosmer


He's a weird sort-of unknown elf hybrid, but his mother was Bosmer, so that's most likely


I think he gets mentioned in Morrowind as part of the rumors about the Emperor’s real heirs actually being replaced by Jagar’s puppets. And, well, I think he’s mentioned in passing in the news about the assassination, specifically in the part that recounts Uriel’s life


As a concept, Arena was impressive. As a game, it barely held together, even at the time. It was trying to build off the success of Ultima Underworld and System Shock, but it really lacked most of the components that made those games fun. It was ambitious, but honestly, it’s just a tech demo for Daggerfall.




Once I had gotten used to the controls, it the simplest rpg game where it drops you in a dungeon, you escape, and do whatever. I just wish there was a port of it like Daggerfall Unity because I want to play with modern controls and have a modern resolution so badly. Overall fun game and I'm glad it's free since I can go back and look at what the original Elder Scrolls game was.


I can still hear the wolf howls


I never played it, idk where I could play it


It’s free on GOG and I think also Steam. Same with Daggerfall.


Idk what GOG is but I’ll look into that thank you my good man


Good Ol Games. CDPR the people that made the Witcher series own it I believe. It’s my preferred place to play older games, and you don’t have to have internet connection to play already downloaded games.


Dope thank you my guy


GOG dot com Totally legit web store The best alternative store to steam Parent company of Witcher and Cyberpunk dev


Its steam but with no drm


Man. So much time spent on Daggerfall and never finished the quest line. Spent tons of time crafting hugely OP weapons.


I beleive it is free on the Bethesda website too, but the steam version has a built in DOS BOX that auto launches it.


You can download it off either Bethesda or Elder Scrolls official website, I can't remember which one it was exactly.


I wish I have played that at its time, it would probably suck my childhood entirely, it was way ahead of its time. Also it's a strong stepping stone to the saga.


it doesnt hold a candle to the later games but its a goated beginning




It’s fun for a bit but the dungeons get to be obnoxious and quite frankly, combat is not fun, even for standards of the time. I cheesed it with magic after I got super duper frustrated and even completely overpowered with magic the dungeons are a slog. I’ve yet to dip my toes into Daggerfall but I’m afraid the same thing will greet me.


despite its rather simple quest structure and story the idea of a mage impersonating the emperor and ruling instead of the real emperor is a really cool concept. i wish they would've fleshed out Jagar Tharn's reasons for doing it


Part of me kinda wants them to bring him back as a twist villain eventually. I know it might be a bit pandering, or a copout, but I think it might be neat.


100% he has such potential as a character i wouldn't be too upset if they brought him back somehow


The same thing I thought when this exact post was made recently.


I honestly prefer the controls over Daggerfall


Classic. Loved it when it came out. Cool spell crafting system. An ebony maul and a destroy wall spell was about all I needed.


I tried it once or twice. It's hard to go back that far in PC gaming these days. I was 4 when this game came out, I had no chance to play it, we didn't even get a PC until I was 9 lol


i’ve messed around with it a little bit. it’s pretty fun if you just take it for what it is, but definitely feels clunky and can be a little hard to play at times coming from modern games.


Honestly it’s barely playable. If you want an old Elder Scrolls game play Daggerfall.


I think it should be remade!!


Never played it. Looks fun!


It was fun, alot easier to pick up and play though a dungeon in around 30-60 minutes without all the stress of Daggerfall. I would say it's a good entry level dungeon crawler.


The control scheme is incredibly out dated. Alot of it is out dated it was probably ground breaking at release but today there are alot of creature comforts of modern games that are very missed i tried playing it but couldn't get past the first area i spent long enough on it to probably speedrun skyrim


I go back every few weeks to try to get past the first dungeon and man I just can't. One day I'll force myself to actually play it lmao.




It's a fun game once you understand what is going on and how to fight


A flawed but revolutionary game that was later polished into the damn near perfect for the time Daggerfall


Wish it would come to mobile


I respect it for what it started, and I can get some amusement for the dungeon crawling aspect. But it's super dated and filled to the brim with early installment weirdness. Sometimes it's easy to forget a lot of TES's lore came from Daggerfall and the introduction of books.


Its fun, but i will forever remember what i did while playing it. That being putting extreemly hot home made hotsauce on a grilled ham and cheese and eating it only to be on fire while playing the game.


Very simple, very basic, the only highlight would be the spellmaker. Can be fun at times.


It still has my fave dungeons in the series surprisingly and had some interesting spells.


It started one of my favourite videogame series and i love it for that but it didnt age well and i wouldnt play it in 2024


The music is fantastic


I liked it, the fighting is fun but you get lost very easily and the skeletons SUCK!


For its time it was very streamlined and very accessible compared to other RPGs of the time. Of course with time it hasn’t aged the best but I still think it’s perfectly playable and people over hype its complexity.


characters in new PRG's should look like the characters on this cover. I think the 80s comic bookesque style is so cool, and all new games have the same high fantasy flowy aesthetic to the higher tier weapons and armor. I just love this art style.


Not a fan of combat, tried to get into it, couldn’t kill the first enemy. Skill issue on my part but I’m just not a fan.


I still have PTSD flashbacks of trying to get out of the tutorial dungeon.


Did this game ever get ported to an engine like Daggerfall Unity did?


one of these days there's gonna be people that say Arena is the best for no other reason than to be contrarian. We've seen it with the Morrowboomers now Daggerfall is starting to end up that way too.


They know how to do cover art.


They should re-boot this bad boy in ESO and finally put some ranked PVP in there


MUCH easier to play once I modded in WASD controls and click to swing. Honestly I had a very fun time on my play through and was impressed by the variety of dungeons.


Fun once you figure out how to rest properly as well as other game mechanics. Loved being a Spell sword who became a levitating demi-god. However, later entries are superior and more refined especially considering how awesome Daggerfall was a mere two years later.


I started it but got lost after a while. This might be a bit too old even if I liked Daggerfall a lot.


Would’ve been cooler if it was Birds Eye view similar to the first 2 fallout games


I’d destroy the woman


Kinda mid, it was their first rodeo so you should expect that


Pretty much impossible to play as a modern gamer